FMOD is a powerhouse sound effects engine and authoring tool by Firelight Technologies, compatible with various platforms since its debut in 1995. Used in game middleware and digital audio workstations, FMOD Studio offers a creative space akin to a digital audio workstation. If you’re looking for alternatives to FMOD, you might consider Wwise, Metasounds, Unreal Audio, or Unity Audio.

2024 FMOD alternatives


An accomplished player in the field of real-time performing technology solutions, Wwise provides potent interactive experiences for users across the globe. Focused on bridging the gap between designing, programming, and multi-platform development, Wwise has been widely adopted by the gaming community.

Wwise Top Features

  • Dynamic Mixing: Wwise offers sound priority management based on agile platform conditions and optimised processing limitations.
  • Spatial Audio: Pioneering in sound propagation, Wwise is recognized for its virtual acoustics, spatially informed audio rendering, and consistent research and upgrade.
  • Interactive Music: Facilitation of creation of adaptive musical scores, and triggering rule-based musical cues transitions.
  • Runtime Processing and Synthesis: Comes with an array of built-in sound synthesizers, adaptable to various platforms and specific needs of sound designers.
Feature Benefits
Community Support Wwise provides free integrated, premium plug-ins and promotes community interactions via dedicated channels.
Professional Support Offers project training, technical support plans, ensuring ease in issue resolution.
Evaluation & License Management Provides free evaluation for startups, and convenient license management.

Wwise Limitations

  • While enormously powerful, the myriad of features available may make Wwise slightly overwhelming for novices.
  • The advanced features may require a considerable time investment to master completely.

Wwise Use Cases

Use case 1: Game Development

Wwise serves as an exceptional tool for commercial video game developers, offering a robust audio authoring solution and a cross-platform sound engine. The software has been adopted by popular games such as Resident Evil, Spider-Man, Assassin’s Creed, and Halo.

Use case 2: Live Performances

Wwise is not only an asset in the realm of digital space but also for real-time applications like live performances and shows. For example, Gil Vicente extensively used Wwise in his show, Dom Duardos.

Use case 3: Sound Design

With an array of built-in sound synthesizers, Wwise caters to the needs of versatile sound designers. The ease of import of audio files, the application of audio plug-in effects, and on-the-fly audio authoring are significant highlights.


Introducing Metasounds, an innovative audio system unleashed by Unreal Engine 5. It’s a high-performance solution for audio designers offering an astounding measure of control over Digital Signal Processing (DSP) with accuracy to every beat and bar.

Metasounds Top Features

  1. Personalization: Metasounds offers unmatched user customization and third-party extensibility.
  2. Efficiency: The system encourages graph re-use, improving productivity.
  3. Procedural Sound Creation: Each Metasound is an independent audio engine, generating, merging, and tweaking sound procedurally at runtime and integrating with game data interactively.
  4. MetaSound Editor: This novel feature enables non-programmers to manifest procedural sounds through a node-based interface.
  5. Sample-Accurate Control: Exquisite timing resolutions for impressive audio precision.
  6. Extensibility: Plugins can extend MetaSounds using its C++ Node API, paving the way for novel nodes in the MetaSound Editor.
Benefit Explanation
Integration Incorporates with gameplay systems directly through the Audio Component parameter interface in Blueprint or gameplay C++ code.
Independency Functions independently of middleware audio tools like WWise and FMOD, potentially simplifying audio management.
Financial Efficiency Can alleviate licensing costs associated with other systems like WWise or FMOD.

Metasounds Downsides

No information provided on the disadvantages of Metasounds.

Metasounds Use Cases

Use Case 1: Games Heavily Reliant on Audio Interaction

Games that leverage audio interaction to a large degree, such as rhythm or horror games, can benefit from Metasounds. It delivers powerful control and procedural audio generation for a highly dynamic experience.

Use Case 2: Avoiding Licensing Costs

Game developers intending to bypass licensing costs associated with systems like WWise or FMOD will discover an invaluable ally in Metasounds. It functions independently, relieving such expenses.

Use Case 3: Non-Programmer Sound Designers

For non-programmer sound designers, the Metasound Editor presents an accessible avenue to create procedural sounds. Its node-based interface is intuitive, opening the doors of design to all.

Unreal Audio

Unreal Audio

Regarded as an integral part of Unreal Engine 4 and beyond, Unreal Audio is a powerful and versatile audio system that accommodates multiple file types and offers multifaceted sound processing capabilities.

Unreal Audio Top Features

  • Supports 16-bit and 24-bit PCM-formatted .wav files, alongside Ogg-Vorbis, AIFF, and FLAC files.
  • Fosters composite sounds creation using ‘Sound Cues’ and hosts an arsenal of Sound Asset types.
  • Introduces ‘Sound Cue Editor’ for effective sound merging and modifications.
  • Presents adjustable parameters for Reverb Effects including echo density and air absorption.
  • With Unreal Engine 5’s advent, MetaSounds offers full control over DSP graph generation for sound sources.
  • Quartz extends the sample accurate timing of audio events to Blueprints.
Feature Description
Sound Attenuation Assets Reusable, define attenuation properties.
Sound Class Applies a collection of properties to Sound Assets.
Dialogue Voice & Wave Defines voice actor traits and correlates dialogue audio with subtitle text.

Unreal Audio Limitations

Despite its formidable features, Unreal Audio does have certain constraints to note:

  • Imported sounds are converted to 16-bit format PCM, potentially impacting fidelity for certain file types.
  • Features like Quartz and MetaSounds are relatively new and may require time to master.

Unreal Audio Pricing

As a component of Unreal Engine, Unreal Audio comes bundled with the engine at no extra cost, effectively making it an open-source tool for your audio design needs.

Unreal Audio Use Cases

Use case 1: Gaming

Unreal Audio is tailor-made for creating immersive gaming experiences, allowing sound designers to customize sound assets and effects to match gameplay.

Use case 2: Virtual Reality

Its extensive sound manipulation tools make Unreal Audio a formidable choice for virtual reality developers seeking to create engrossingly realistic soundscapes.

Use case 3: Media Creations

From short films to animations, Unreal Audio brings precision and versatility to digital media projects, thanks to its sophisticated sound generation and processing features.

Unity Audio

Unity Audio

Embark on a seamless audio journey with Unity Audio, a versatile system that enhances the auditory experience of your Augmented Reality project.

Unity Audio Top Features

  • Format compatibility: Easily imports standard formats (AIFF, WAV, MP3, Ogg) for diverse audio needs.
  • Sound Simulation in 3D space:Hosts an array of echo/filtering effects for immersive, realistic audio environments.
  • Comprehensive audio manager:Manages audio across games and creates pools of SoundEmitter objects for detailed sound control.
  • Support for tracker module formats: (.xm, .mod, .it, and .s3m) for melodious background scores.
Featured Component Benefits
Audio Mixer For precise mixing, application of effects, and mastering sounds
Microphone Class API Gives access to a computer’s microphones for live recording and gameplay audio
Reverb Zones Offers customizable sound reverberation for a variety of environments

Unity Audio Limitations

  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to complex functionalities and vast resources.
  • High-end features and full control often require higher level subscriptions.

Unity Audio Pricing

Unity Audio offers a varied range of pricing options. The Unity Server Base License starts at $599.99, with expanded channels and groups offered at $719.99. The Unity Pro Subscription offers enhanced audio control, and extensive use licenses are offered under Unity Max. For advanced solutions, Soundy offers an all-in-one package with a modern dashboard and is integrated with Doozy UI.

Unity Audio Use Cases

Use case 1: Game Development

With its bevy of sound effects and 3D positioning, Unity Audio enhances the gaming experience, providing a rich soundscape for developers.

Use case 2: Virtual Tours

Unity Audio can simulate real-life echo effects and sound variations, making it the perfect tool for creating immersive virtual tours.

Use case 3: Live Streaming

With access to computer microphones, Unity Audio can record and store live audio, making it ideal for live streaming and interactive applications.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.