FreeCAD is a versatile open-source 3D CAD modeler and BIM software designed primarily for mechanical engineering product design but extending to various engineering fields. It offers FEM support, parametric modeling, and compatibility across Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Exploring FreeCAD alternatives 2024

For those exploring alternatives to FreeCAD, choices encompass LibreCAD, OpenSCAD, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD Architecture, Fusion 360, Onshape, Blender, Shapr3D, SketchUp, SketchUp Pro, and Tinkercad.



Delve into the realm of LibreCAD, a prominent open-source CAD application, unfurling its prowess across diverse platforms such as Windows, Apple, and Linux.

LibreCAD Top Features

  • Multiple File Compatibility: LibreCAD brings forth a dynamic sphere of possibilities with its ability to read DWG, DXF files along with writing DXF, SVG, and PDF.
  • Rich Drawing Capabilities: Complex 2D designs find their canvas here, featuring line, polyline, spline and more.
  • Highly Customizable: Mold the application to your will with its customizable toolbars, menus, and user interface.
  • Robust Community Support: A dedicated cadre of users, contributors, and developers await your queries, fostering a vivid ecosystem of learning and sharing.
Additional Features Description
Open-source CAD Software Compatible with Mac, Linux, and Windows. Interface concepts analogous to AutoCAD.
Language Availability Bridges linguistic barriers with its availability in over 30 languages.
License GNU General Public License GPLv2 ensuring freedom to modify the source code.

LibreCAD Limitations

  • LibreCAD, despite its extensive feature set, lacks 3D design capabilities.
  • While it caters efficiently to 2D designs, complexities may arise while handling multiple DWG files.

LibreCAD Pricing

The beauty of LibreCAD’s philosophy lies in its very essence—offered as a free open-source software, it enables freedom in truest form. Submit not to financial constraints, but to your creative longing.

LibreCAD Use Cases

Use case 1: Quick Prototype Designs

With its nimble operation, LibreCAD efficiently manifests your ideas into prototypes.

Use case 2: Architectural Projects

From drafting floor plans to designing landscapes, LibreCAD serves as an excellent platform for architects.

Use case 3: CAM CNC Machinery Design

Create intricate designs for computer-aided manufacturing with LibreCAD’s specialized 2D drafting tools.



Lighting the way in sustainability-focused design, OpenSCAD stands as a free, powerful CAD software tool. Bursting into the scene since 2010, it’s pioneered the creation of solid 3D CAD objects across multiple platforms.

OpenSCAD Top Features

  • Unique Description Language: OpenSCAD uses its own emphatic language, requiring every detail to be coded for high precision models.
  • Constructive Solid Geometry: An innovative feature where complex 3D shapes are constructed by combining simpler ones.
  • Exportable Formats: It supports diverse exportable formats like STL, OFF, AMF, and 3MF, making the software flexible for a range of applications.
  • Human-readable Scripts: The SCAD files are a breeze to read, truly making OpenSCAD the “Programmer’s Solid 3D CAD Modeller.”
  • Compatible with GIT: With compatibility to GIT, OpenSCAD ensures excellent reproducibility and control, critical for technical and scientific applications.
Feature Benefit
2D to 3D Extrusions Users can easily transform their 2D projects into 3D models, giving life to their designs.
Integration with External Libraries OpenSCAD’s compatibility with OpenCSG, OpenGL, and CGAL, advances its capabilities in handling complex modelling tasks.
Textual Nature of SCAD Files User-friendly text-based scripts enhance collaboration, tracking changes, and creating different versions.

OpenSCAD Limitations

  • This free software is not built for 3D interactive modifications.
  • The learning curve might be steep for non-programmers.
  • Designs can only be constructed using the software’s unique description language, which requires a solid understanding of coding.

OpenSCAD Pricing

OpenSCAD consistently upholds commitment to open-source principles and stands out as a free software, inviting any and all inspired designers to dive into the world of creation.

OpenSCAD Use Cases

Use Case 1: Open-Source Hardware Design

OpenSCAD is a trailblazer in the open-source hardware design realm, offering a highly-recommended entry-level CAD tool for innovators in this industry.

Use Case 2: 3D Printed Parts Design

Geared towards precision, OpenSCAD is an invaluable asset when designing 3D printed parts. Offering full control in the modeling process, this software ensures each and every component fits in its rightful place.

Use Case 3: Science and Engineering Applications

Supporting reproducibility and control, OpenSCAD proves to thrive in producing accurate 3D models and parametric designs appropriate for science and engineering fields.

SketchUp Pro

Developed by Trimble Inc, SketchUp Pro is an innovative 3D CAD application offering an array of versatile features for diverse industries. From architectural design to video game development, it sets a high bar in the world of 3D modeling and design.

Top Features of SketchUp Pro

  • Drawing Layout: Robust, intuitive tools for creating intricate 3D models.
  • Rendering Styles: Use multiple rendering styles to visualize data effectively.
  • Extension Support: Support from SketchUp 4 onward through Ruby-based extensions, promoting enhanced customization.
  • Imports/Exports: Import/export tools for 2D/3D formats leader in file compatibility.
  • 3D Warehouse: Access to an open library for downloading and sharing 3D models.
  • Push/Pull Technology: Patented technology for a unique 3D modeling experience.
Subscriptions Studio, Pro, Go, Free each with its unique features.
Extension Warehouse Ruby-based extensions support for enhanced functionality.
LayOut Support Support for various file types for import/export.

Downsides of SketchUp Pro

  • Limited functionality in the free web-based version.
  • Transition to a subscription model could be a disadvantage for some users.
  • Excluding desktop modeler in the ‘Go’ version restricts on-the-go usage.

SketchUp Pro Pricing

The pricing structure of SketchUp Pro involves various paid subscription models including Studio, Pro, Shop, in addition to a free web-based version, providing flexibility to users.

SketchUp Pro Use Cases

Use case 1 – Architecture

SketchUp Pro stands as a reliable tool for architectural design where it enriches the process of creating, visualizing, and modifying 3D models.

Use case 2 – Industrial Design

In industrial design, SketchUp Pro provides a platform for creating detailed product designs and exploring multiple design variations.

Use case 3 – Gaming Industry

Professionals in the gaming industry can leverage SketchUp Pro to develop intricate 3D environments and props, enhancing the gaming experience.



Designed to democratize 3D modeling, Tinkercad, a free product of Autodesk, was launched in 2011 by ex-Google engineer Kai Backman and Mikko Mononen. This web-based, WebGL-enabled platform swiftly gained popularity for its simplicity and accessibility, offering an intuitive entry-level introduction to constructive solid geometry. Its driving mission – making 3D modeling available to the general public. Celebrated for its simplistic user interface, Tinkercad boasts a host of features rivaled by few, making it a competent FreeCAD contender.

Tinkercad Top Features

  • Built-in JavaScript editor, allowing custom shape creation
  • Supports STL, OBJ (3D) and SVG (2D) formats for shape import and export
  • Exports 3D models to Minecraft Java edition
  • Designs structures using Lego bricks
  • Browser-based Electronic circuit simulator supporting various microcontrollers and boards
  • Features multi-board simulation and complex analog circuits for advanced users
  • Drag and drop functionality accommodates modeling freedom.
Additional Features Functions
Simplified Constructive Solid Geometry Primarily for beginners
Designs rotatable from all angles For complex 3D model creations
Creating Negative space For complex designs

Tinkercad Downsides

  • Limited to WebGL-enabled browsers
  • Requires stable internet connection

Tinkercad Pricing

Guess what, it’s Free! Unlike some other Autodesk products, Tinkercad is a free, open source software.

Tinkercad Use Cases

Use Case 1: Education

Tinkercad is an engaging tool for students and teachers for introducing 3D modeling in classrooms. It’s safe, intuitive, and web-based, making it ideal for a school setting.

Use Case 2: 3D Printing

Tinkercad exports models in STL, the standard for 3D printing. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned maker, Tinkercad and a 3D printer are all you need to bring your ideas to life.

Use Case 3: Hobbyists

For gaming enthusiasts and those into model making, Tinkercad’s export to Minecraft and Lego model design features are sure to liven up your hobby.


Created by Autodesk, AutoCAD revolutionized the computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting landscape as the first CAD system to operate on PCs. Launched in 1982, AutoCAD facilitates the production of precise 2D and 3D designs and drawings across various industries.

AutoCAD Top Features

  • Rich application support ranging from architectural, electrical, to civil 3D design
  • Enables conceptualization and realization of design ideas with technical accuracy
  • Efficient design calculations and simulations
  • Support for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) aids customization, automation, and addition of new features
  • Supports various file formats, including those required by most 3D printers
Feature Description
Drawing/Version History Allows for tracking and understanding of design progression by storing different drawing versions
Integration Seamlessly integrates with other applications such as 3D Max providing a complete design solution
Wide Industry Application Suitable for numerous industries including aviation, automotive and more

AutoCAD Limitations

  • As of 1 August 2016, the perpetual licenses have been replaced with subscription pricing, which may not be preferred by all users

AutoCAD Pricing

AutoCAD transitioned from selling perpetual licenses to subscription pricing on 1 August 2016, adding flexibility to usage.

AutoCAD Use Cases

Use Case 1: Architectural Design

Architects widely use AutoCAD for creating precise 2D and 3D architectural plans. The software was instrumental in designing the Shanghai Tower, enabling the capture of its unique twist structure.

Use Case 2: Engineering

Across varied fields of engineering, AutoCAD vetted as a reliable tool for design calculations, simulations, and drafts.

Use Case 3: Entertainment Industry

AutoCAD finds extensive application in the entertainment industry. The software aids in creating high-quality content using its remarkable 3D animation capabilities.


A variant of the globally acclaimed AutoCAD software, AutoCAD LT is a widely acknowledged 2D drafting tool utilized by industry professionals for generating images, blueprints, and schematics.

Top Features of AutoCAD LT

  • Standard Drafting Tools: Provides industry standard tools for 2D drafting and detailing.
  • File Compatibility: Supports file formats such as DWG, DXF, PDF, DGN, SAT, STEP, IGES, and STL.
  • Basic Collaboration: Offers basic sharing and collaboration options for single users and small teams.
Feature Description
Interface Customization User-friendly interface that can be adapted to individual needs, albeit without automated customization capabilities.
Cloud Integration Fosters version control and easy accessibility through Autodesk’s cloud-based platform, with limitations.
Specialized Tool Development While this version lacks the ability to automate workflows with AutoLISP or other languages, it still offers essential drafting capabilities.

Downsides of AutoCAD LT

  • Limited 3D Capabilities: Unlike its parent software, AutoCAD LT lacks abilities for 3D modeling.
  • Restricted Automation and Customization: Custom automation, specialized tool development and customization of interface with AutoLISP are not available.
  • Constrained Collaboration: Offers limited collaboration features compared to its full-featured counterpart.

AutoCAD LT Pricing

Offering budget-friendliness, AutoCAD LT comes with a monthly subscription cost of $60. Moreover, there are further cost-effective options like the Autodesk Flex Program offering 24-hour access for $3.

AutoCAD LT Use Cases

Use Case 1: Drafting & Designing for Architecture

AutoCAD LT’s advanced 2D drafting tools offer a great solution for architects, helping them to create detailed and precise architectural plans and blueprints.

Use Case 2: Engineering

Ranging from civil to mechanical, engineers can take advantage of AutoCAD LT’s drafting capabilities to simplify their designs and processes.

Use Case 3: Education

With a free annual subscription available for students and educators, AutoCAD LT can be widely used in academic scenarios for teaching foundational design elements and principles.

AutoCAD Architecture

Noble reader, let us turn our gaze to AutoCAD Architecture, a quintessential harbor for architectural design cognoscenti. A potent cornucopia of drafting, industry-specific design, and on-premise architectural wonderment.

AutoCAD Architecture Top Features

  • Architectural Renovations: Envision a new reality with enhanced capabilities for redesigning existing structures.
  • Wall, Door, Window Design Documentation: A thorough docu-drama of every curve, angle, and elevation your design perceives.
  • Save-to-Web & Mobile: Your designs are as boundless as your imagination, unchained from the confines of a singular device.
  • 3D Modeling: Bear witness to your blueprint’s rise, from flat sketches to charismatic 3D edifices.
  • Compatible with BIM: Manage and track changes seamlessly, echoing an orchestra of architectural harmony.
Additional Features Description
Customization options: Forging unique elements and add-ons to personalize your architectural narrative.
Collaboration Tools: Invite kindred spirits to weave an architectural symphony in unison.
Over 8,500 Intelligent Components: Access a copious library of design elements, propelling your creativity into the stratosphere.

AutoCAD Architecture Limitations

  • A steep, formidable ascent to mastery, particularly for new entrants into its realm.
  • A pricing model that leans toward the weighty side of the scale, potentially intimidating new adoptees.
  • A tantalizing feast that could prove a bit taxing for resources when met with large or complex building models.
  • As is with tech, technical issues may arise, temporarily dimming the brilliance of your experience.

AutoCAD Architecture Pricing

For those seeking to wield the tool that is AutoCAD Architecture, a $220 monthly subscription greets you. If your commitment to the art transcends months, acquire it for $1,775 yearly or a trifecta of years for $4,795.

AutoCAD Architecture Use Cases

Use case 1: For Architects

AutoCAD Architecture, with its rich repertoire of tools and features, is the platform for architects to chisel their architectural dreams, going from early idea stages to construction documents, with ease. The availability of a vast expanse of architectural components bolsters the process significantly.

Use Case 2: For Construction Professionals

The tool steadily tiptoes into the domain of those linked to the construction industry. It heralds compatibility with Building Information Modelling(BIM), enhancing their abilities manifold. The dedicated collaboration tools make concerted efforts smoother.

Use Case 3: For Engineers

For multifaceted engineers, this platform serves as a sturdy base, supplementing their technical prowess with high-octane 3D modeling capabilities. The promise of diverse customization options empowers engineers to intricately sculpt their projects.

Fusion 360

A product of Autodesk, Fusion 360 is a cloud-based platform that integrates all aspects of product development. It’s a robust solution for design, engineering, electronics, and manufacturing, extensively employed in fields ranging from architecture to aesthetic design.

Fusion 360 Top Features

  • Integrated CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design capabilities.
  • Efficient direct modelling with a user-friendly interface.
  • Simulation capacities for advanced 2D & 3D designing and PCB layouts.
  • Dedicated features like topology shape optimization and realistic rendering.
  • Strong online learning resources and a community for support.
Feature Impact
Ease of collaboration Cloud-integration allows for a streamlined workflow, making team collaboration overly efficient.
Regular Updates Keeps the platform contemporary and competitive, delivering regular feature enhancements.
Multiplatform Compatibility Affords flexibility, compatible with Windows, macOS, Android and iOS, and accessible through web browsers.

Fusion 360 Limitations

  • Potential malware risks due to the necessity of online connectivity.
  • Lack of custom keyboard controls that could streamline the modelling process.
  • No standalone web-based version available, hindering accessibility.

Fusion 360 Pricing

An affordable model, Fusion 360 offers a limited, free version for home users, and a full feature version for $545/year or $70/month. Its competitive pricing enhances its popularity especially among SMEs.

Fusion 360 Use Cases

Use case 1 – Architecture and Engineering

Fusion 360 helps in creating complex structural designs with ease. Its integrated modelling and simulation tools allow architects and engineers to test and optimize their designs effectively.

Use case 2 – Manufacturing

This software aids in creating precise manufacturing specifications, facilitating higher accuracy during production, essential for mechanical and electronic sectors.

Use case 3 – Education

Fusion 360 offers a rich pool of learning resources making it a go-to tool for students learning design, architecture, and engineering


An innovative cloud-native product development platform, Onshape boasts full-featured CAD, PDM and enterprise analytics unified in a single system. Developed by former SolidWorks engineers, Onshape accelerates product development while optimizing speed-to-market and technology readily deployable across devices, thanks to its cloud foundation.

Onshape Top Features

  • Integrated Product Development: CAD and PDM along with enterprise analytics in one system.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Allows simultaneous editing and commenting.
  • Zero IT Footprint: No downloads, installations or license codes. Works on any modern web browser.
  • Instant Provisioning: Instant access without requisite for dedicated servers or upgrading.
  • Risk Mitigation and IP Protection: Cut down unauthorized duplication, data breaches.
  • Real-time Data Management: All team members work on latest data, reducing costly errors.
  • Rest APIs: For extended functionalities.
Integration Has Onshape-Arena connection.
Supports Students, educators, and open-source public workspace.
File Formats Supports common CAD file formats.

Onshape Downsides

While Onshape’s comprehensive suite of tools and features set it apart, it lacks advanced surfacing capabilities and automated drawing detail tools found in other CAD software.

Onshape Use Cases

Use case 1

With its robust data management and collaborative design tools, Onshape is an ideal solution for mechanical machinery manufacturers, reducing errors and optimizing productivity.

Use case 2

Onshape is ideal for remote teams who require seamless collaboration on design projects. The cloud-native platform enhances team collaboration, regardless of geographical location.

Use case 3

The platform caters for the needs of educational institutions and students, providing a no-cost, high-powered CAD solution designed to enhance learning outcomes and equip future designers with industry-standard skills.



An open-source 3D computer graphics toolset, Blender has been enabling creative freedom in the digital art sphere since 1994. Renowned for its robustness and versatility, it is utilized across industries from animated films to virtual reality, and even 3D-printed models.

Blender Top Features

  • 3D Modelling: Building 3D models from the ground up with an arsenal of tools.
  • UV Mapping and Texturing: Allowing for detailed customization of models.
  • Digital Drawing: Fully integrated 2D art capabilities.
  • Rigging and Skinning: Bring your models to life with reduction of deformation artifacts.
  • Fluid and Smoke Simulation: Realistic environmental effects have never been easier to achieve.
  • Animation and Motion Graphics: Complete animation suite, for everything from simple animations to complex cinematic sequences.
Feature Description
Particle Simulation For creating complex physical effects such as sparks, fire, and dust clouds.
Soft Body Simulation For simulating flexible objects like rubber, jello, or cloth.
Sculpting Intuitive tool for shaping 3D models like clay.

Blender Limitations

  • Deprecated Game Engine: The Blender Game Engine was phased out in version 2.8.
  • Render Change: The internal renderer was replaced by the Eevee renderer in version 2.80, meaning some users may need to learn new workflows.

Blender Pricing

As a testament to the community-first ethos of its developers, Blender is free and open-source, available to all who seek creative expression through 3D graphics.

Blender Use Cases

Use case 1 – Animated Films

Blender is a powerful tool for animators, sporting all the required features such as rigging, skinning, and animation tools. It’s powerful enough to create high-quality animated films.

Use case 2 – Visual Effects

With features like fluid and smoke simulation and particle systems, Blender is capable of creating stunning visual effects for movies and games alike.

Use case 3 – Virtual Reality

Blender’s 3D graphics capabilities extend into the virtual reality space, providing immersive experiences for a variety of applications from entertainment to training simulations.



An ingenious creation in the realm of 3D CAD Modeling, Shapr3D redefines digital design with its adaptive user-interface and wide range of features. Endorsed by professional designers, hyper-efficient in operation, it’s fascinating how this seemingly technical tool can be used by hobbyists and “makers” alike.

Shapr3D Key Features

  • Adaptive UI for highly accurate models
  • Seamless sketch-to-model process achievable in hours
  • Sync feature for anytime design continuity
  • Support for Siemens geometric Parasolid modeling kernel and D-Cubed sketch engine
  • Wide range of support for both export and import formats.
2D DCM software Integrated for easy and accurate sketching
Wide exporting options Enabling design versatility with numerous formats
Visual views and logo export Resizing capability for flexible usage

Shapr3D Limitations

  • Pricey for non-professional use or hobbyists, despite the cheaper option compared to FreeCAD.
  • UI experience best optimized for Apple Pro Products only, limiting wider access.

Shapr3D Pricing

While Shapr3D does offer a free version, the comprehensive service comes at an annual price of $239. This pricing structure rests between the free version and the full subscription, which costs half of this annual price.

Shapr3D Use Cases

Use case 1: Professional Designers and Engineers

Shapr3D provides a comprehensive solution for professional 3D designers, mechanical engineers, and industrial designers. With 80% of its customers from these domains, the proficiency in detail-oriented model creation and ease of use is substantial.

Use case 2: Hobbyists and “Makers”

For individuals interested in the creative world of 3D modeling, especially with access to 3D printers, Shapr3D applications can simplify the complex journey into visually compelling creations. While understanding the learning curve and cost, it offers an intuitive platform for personal and small-scale projects.

Use case 3: Distributed Teams

Equipped with sync features, Shapr3D empowers teams to work on design projects irrespective of their geographical locations. The ability to switch between projects without losing work, combined with a wide array of export options, makes collaborations smooth and efficient.



Developed by Trimble Inc., SketchUp is a versatile 3D modeling computer-aided design (CAD) program, used extensively across several fields including architecture, interior design, industrial and product design, and engineering industries. With different versions catering to distinct user needs, SketchUp is also a significant player in theater, film, and video game development.

SketchUps Top Features

  • Smart Drawing Tools: Simplify the design process with intuitive drawing features.
  • Extensive 3D Warehouse: Access a large collection of 3D models to add depth to your designs.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Work in tandem with your teammates, irrespective of geographical barriers.
  • Impressive Rendering Options: Transform your designs with a myriad of render styles and third-party addition support.
Feature Description
Compatibility with V-Ray Achieve photorealistic renders seamlessly.
Trimble Extension Warehouse Upscale your modeling practice with a diverse range of third-party extensions.
Global File Format Support Supports a plethora of 3D modeling formats: .3DS, .DAE, .DEM, .DDF, .DXF, .DWG, .IFC (.IFCZIP), .KMZ, .STL, PDF (on Mac).

SketchUp Limitations

  • Web-based version: The services offered in the SketchUp Free are considerably limited, with no support for extensions.
  • Subscription-based pricing model: As of November 2020, SketchUp has moved to a subscription pricing model. This could be seen as a disadvantage by types of users who prefer one-time payment options.

SketchUp Pricing

SketchUp offers a free web-based version, along with three paid subscriptions: SketchUp Shop, SketchUp Pro, and SketchUp Studio. Each of these versions cater to different needs and budgets, providing increased functionality with each higher tier.

SketchUp Use Cases

Use Case 1: Architecture

With features like Smart Drawing Tools and Global File Format Support, SketchUp aids architects in creating spectacular builds with a keen attention to detail.

Use Case 2: Industrial Design

SketchUp emerges as a frontrunner for industrial designers looking to realize product concepts due to its extensive 3D Warehouse and real-time collaboration features.

Use Case 3: Game Development

Game developers find SketchUp invaluable for its impressive rendering options and compatibility with V-Ray, important for building immersive and visually striking gaming environments.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.