Gear VR was a virtual reality headset developed by Samsung Electronics and Oculus VR, compatible with select Samsung Galaxy devices. It reached 5 million units sold before being discontinued on Sep 30, 2020. Samsung no longer supports Gear VR as of the same date, with XR services terminated and user accounts disabled.

Alternatives to Gear VR in 2024

For those exploring options beyond Gear VR, alternatives include Oculus, Oculus Go, Quest 2, Quest, Oculus 2, PSVR, PSVR 2, PlayStation VR, SteamVR, Vive, Meta, OptiFine, and DK1.


Oculus, established by Palmer Luckey, is a renowned figure in the VR realm, famed for its groundbreaking Oculus Rift VR headset line. Keen to reignite the VR industry, Oculus delivered not only a high-quality, immersive experience but also affordability.

Oculus Top|Best Features

  • Superior Visual Quality: The Oculus Rift offers a 90 degrees horizontal and 110 degrees vertical stereoscopic 3D view, effectively doubling the Field of View (FOV) compared to its competitors. Its resolution is 1280×800 total, rendering 640×800 per eye.
  • Reduced Screen Door Effect: Through technical advancements, Oculus has significantly mitigated the screen door effect – a common issue in VR, making individual pixels less noticeable.
  • Advanced Head Orientation Tracking: The Oculus Rift incorporates three-axis gyros, accelerometers, and magnetometers, resulting in absolute head orientation tracking with zero drift.
Feature Description
Oculus Rift S Came into effect in March 2019, replacing the Oculus Rift CV1 and offering added advantages.
Oculus Quest Series A standalone VR series that keeps the software library compatible, ready to follow the technological advancement of the Oculus Rift.

Oculus Limitations|Disadvantages|Downsides

  • Discontinuation of the Rift line: With the last Rift model, the Oculus Rift S, being replaced by Oculus Quest, the Rift line was brought to an end in April 2021.
  • Dependence on External Hardware: To experience the full potential of Oculus devices, high-performing external hardware is needed.

Oculus Pricing

The pricing for Oculus devices varies depending on the model and release date. However, the aim has always been to maintain affordable pricing.

Oculus Use Cases

Use case 1

For gamers: Oculus features high-resolution immersive experiences, thus transporting players into their gaming worlds, making it an excellently captivating tool.

Use case 2

For VR developers: With Oculus becoming mainstream, VR content developers have an advanced platform to demonstrate their projects and simulations.

Use case 3

For educational purposes: Oculus’ immersive VR can be leveraged to provide interactive learning experiences, greatly enhancing comprehension and engagement in educational settings.

Oculus Go

Immerse yourself in the captivating standalone magic of Oculus Go, an ingenious creation from Meta Reality Labs, Qualcomm, and Xiaomi. Despite its launch in May 2018 and final production in June 2020, Oculus Go remains an enchanting testament to the portability and authenticity of VR experiences.

Oculus Go Top Features

  • A standalone VR headset nothing short of an impressive combination of Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 chipset and Android 7.0.
  • A non-positional 3DOF tracking feature, offering an intimate portal to seated or static-standing VR activities.
  • Built-in speakers and a 3.5mm headphone jack to melodically complement the visual celebration.
Pixel Perfect Display Comfortable Design
An exquisite 5.5-inch fast-switching LCD display, finely crafted with a 1280 × 1440 pixel resolution per eye and a versatile 60 to 72 Hz refresh rate. Infused with the comfort of a faceplate adorned with foam and a snug knit mesh, secured with spacex head straps and Velcro.
Storage Options Connectivity
Available with either 32 GB or 64 GB of NAND flash storage, complemented with 3GB of LPDDR4 memory. Equipped with Micro-USB & IEEE 802.11ac Wi-Fi, enhancing the possibilities of connection and interaction.

Oculus Go Limitations

  • Discontinued production can limit the availability and support for the headset.
  • Non-positional 3DOF tracking may restrict movement and immersion compared to 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) systems.
  • Average battery, lasting 2.5 hours for video and a little over two hours for gaming, can be consumed swiftly under intense VR sessions.

Oculus Go Pricing

Bearing affordability in its soul, Oculus Go was priced at US$149 for the 32GB version and $199 for the 64GB variant as of January 2020.

Oculus Go Use Cases

Use case 1 – Personal Entertainment

With Oculus Go, enhance your leisure time with immersive movies, 3D video games, or tours of virtual spaces, all in the comfort of your home.

Use case 2 – Educational Learning

Students and educators can leverage Oculus Go’s VR capabilities to infuse traditional teaching with interactive, 3D experiences that inspire knowledge beyond the page.

Use case 3 – Business Collaboration

Enterprises can harness the Oculus Go for collaborative virtual meetings, job training, and exploring product designs in a 3D environment, fostering efficiency and innovation.


Introducing Meta, the titan of tech—formerly known as Facebook, Inc.—that today commands the digital terrain. As one of the Big Five of American IT, founded by Mark Zuckerberg and a brilliant ensemble at Harvard University, Meta’s vision lies in the power of the metaverse—an integrated virtual environment that promises to revolutionize the realms of social, entertainment, gaming, fitness, work, education, and commerce.

Meta’s Salient Features

  • Extensive Product Portfolio: Renowned offerings such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, and Messenger have changed the face of human connectivity, engaging billions worldwide.
  • Augmented Reality: Harnessing the power of AR, the company plans a seismic shift from the world of 2D screens, transporting users to an immersive realm of virtual experiences.
  • Metaverse Focus: Meta’s renewed emphasis on building the metaverse pledges a seamless integration of products and services, transforming ordinary realities into extraordinary digital landscapes.
Additional Offerings Significant Subsidiaries
Threads, Horizon Worlds, Ray-Ban Stories, Mapillary, Workplace Novi Financial, Reality Labs

Meta’s Limitations

  • Data Controversies: Having faced flak due to the Cambridge Analytica scandal and data violations, the concern for user privacy remains a hurdle.
  • Emerging Competition: As other tech giants venture into the frontier of the metaverse, navigating the competitive landscape could prove challenging.

Meta’s Use Cases

Use Case 1: Social Media Connectivity

Meta has transformed human connectivity beyond imagination. Its products like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp have infused fresh dimensions to social engagement and global interaction.

Use Case 2: Business Intelligence

With an array of cutting-edge tools and insights, Meta offers diverse businesses the leverage to optimize performance and drive exponential growth.

Use Case 3: Immersive Entertainment

Bridging reality and virtuality, offerings such as Oculus and Horizon Worlds offer users a unique experience, pioneering the future of entertainment.



Meet OptiFine, a groundbreaking Minecraft mod developed by an independent dev “sp614x” since 2012. This mod is designed to turbocharge your game experience with numerous performance-boosting features and aesthetic enhancements.

OptiFine Top Features

  • Performance Boost: Offers an FPS boost, reduced lag, and optimized GPU and CPU usage.
  • Revamped Aesthetics: Implements HD textures, customizability, enhanced grass and snow blocks, clear water visibility, configurable animations, and even random mobs.
  • Advanced Capabilities: Supports custom shaders, advanced OpenGL, configurable smooth lighting, variable render distance, and fast texture pack switching.
Feature Description
Shader Support Allows shaders to add visual effects to Minecraft.
Dynamic Lights Implements lighting effects from multiple sources such as handheld items and drop-able light emitters.
Resource Packs Custom texture packs, like Adventure Craft or Martha Stewart, can be used to modify the game’s appearance.

OptiFine Limitations

  • OptiFine is heavily dependent on the specifications of the user’s device. Some features may not work as effectively on older hardware models.
  • Updating the mod to harmonize with new Minecraft versions may sometimes lag, leading to compatibility issues.

OptiFine Pricing

OptiFine is a free mod, freely accessible to all Minecraft enthusiasts. It is continuously updated to work seamlessly with new versions of Minecraft, ensuring that your gaming aesthetic and speed never fall behind.

OptiFine Use Cases

Use case 1: Gaming Enthusiasts

For those who are heavy gamers and want to crank up their Minecraft experience to the max, OptiFine serves as an ideal choice. Its offering of boosted FPS, visual enhancements, shader support, and reduced lags can significantly elevate gameplay.

Use case 2: Developers and Modders

Modders and developers can also find value in OptiFine. It serves as a base for many other mods and is compatible with Minecraft Forge, opening endless possibilities for modding and customization.

DK1 – Oculus Rift’s Game Changer

The DK1 is a pioneering VR headset from the creative minds at Oculus VR. This initial prototype by Palmer Luckey in 2011, served as the initial spark to rekindle the VR industry.

DK1 Top Features

  • Revolutionary Geometric Pre-distortion and Wide Stereoscopic Field of View
  • Vital tracking latency under 15ms, much faster than original Oculus headset
  • Extensive VR library compatible with successor Oculus Quest
  • Immersive experience with head and hand movements tracking
Feature Description
Launch Date 28th of March, 2013
Final Version Oculus Rift S, discontinued April 2021

DK1 Limitations

  • Insufficient GPU power for VR, necessitating Oculus’s request for more GPUs
  • Imposed the necessity of a cabled connection to the computer for Rift S

DK1 Pricing

No specific pricing mentioned, but the introduction of DK1 ushered an accessible price point for the VR industry.

DK1 Use Cases

Use case 1: VR Content Creators

The immersive nature of DK1 makes it an ideal tool for both indie and established VR content creators.

Use case 2: Gaming Enthusiasts

A large portion of gaming enthusiasts is yet to try basic VR forms, therefore the intuitive walk-around experience of DK1 can be a game-changer.

Use case 3: Software Developers

Courtesy of special hardware hooks from AMD and Nvidia, and game engines featuring VR features in SDKS, DK1 serves as a potent assistant for VR software developers.

Quest 2

Meet the Quest 2, a leading VR headset developed by Reality Labs, a division of Meta Platforms. With its release in October 2020, it has revolutionized VR hardware with its updated specs.

Quest 2 Top Features

  • An Android-based system software, running on Android 12.1
  • Powered by a Qualcomm SnapDragon XR2 processor
  • A 6GB LPDDR4X memory with internal storage options—128 GB, 256 GB
  • RBG LCD display providing a resolution of 1832 x 1920 per eye and a refresh rate that ranges between 72 to 120 Hz
  • Equipped with a 3.5mm headphone jack for sound and two built-in speakers
  • A 6DOF inside-out tracking through four integrated cameras and two controllers
  • Connectivity options are ample with USB-C, Bluetooth 5, and Wi-Fi 6.

Quest 2 Advantages

Advantages Description
Design Lighter weight, higher refresh rate and per-eye resolution, and upgraded controllers promising longer battery life
Operation Can function standalone with internal OS or can be paired with Oculus Rift-compatible VR software on a desktop computer
Diversified Store An associated Quest Store offering a plethora of VR games and experiences

Quest 2 Limitations

  • Despite updates, battery life remains short, with just 2-3 hours between charges
  • The original 64GB storage offering does not offer room for expansion

Quest 2 Pricing

Quest 2 can be purchased at $299 for the 64GB variant and $399 for the 256GB variant.

Quest 2 Use Cases

Use case 1: Gamers

With loads of VR games available on the Quest Store, the Quest 2 is a gamer’s paradise.

Use case 2: Tech Enthusiasts

For tech-savvy users seeking to explore the latest VR technology, Quest 2, with its high refresh rate and per-eye resolution, takes the user experience to a new level.

Use case 3: Professionals

Professionals seeking immersive environments for productivity and collaboration can leverage the Quest 2’s cutting-edge specs for a seamless experience.


Thrusting Virtual Reality into the mainstream, Quest, developed by Oculus, a branch of Facebook’s Meta, stands as a beacon of versatility and accessibility in the VR landscape. Its standalone design highlights the intention of removing dependency on additional hardware and proffers a self-sustained VR experience.

Quest’s Top Features

  • Standalone design, free from ties to phones or PCs.
  • Remarkable screen resolution of 1600 x 1440 pixels per eye.
  • Supports highly popular games like Beat Saber, The Climb, Robo Recall.
  • Offers 64GB and 128GB storage options utilising Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 mobile chipset.
  • Uses Snapdragon 865-derived Snapdragon XR2 processor in later models for enhanced performance.
  • Promises two to three hours of battery life.
  • Supports hand tracking for certain games for an immersive experience.
Feature Benefit
PC Tethering Grants access to graphically advanced VR experiences
High-fidelity Color Passthrough Offers innovative spatial understanding through machine learning
Flexible booking dates Provides comfortable experience customisation

Quest Limitations

  • The battery life, sitting between two to three hours, might be limiting for some users.
  • The utilisation of the Snapdragon 835 mobile chipset from 2017 in initial models might seem dated for some, despite its reliability.
  • Though wireless and standalone, high-fidelity graphics are dependent on PC tethering.

Quest Pricing

The Quest headset was initially priced at $399 with enhanced models like the upcoming “Meta Quest 3” jack up the price to $499.99 for the 128GB variant. Additional storage variants may incur additional costs.

Quest Use Cases

Use Case 1: Gaming

Thanks to its compatibility with 500+ VR games, Quest proves an incredible tool for avid gamers seeking enriched, immersive experiences.

Use Case 2: Spatial Design and Architecture

With advanced features like high-fidelity color Passthrough and hand tracking support, architects and spatial designers can use Quest for a visually immersive exploration of their designs.

Use Case 3: Interactive Learning

Interactive virtual field trips, articulate anatomy lessons, and more can be made possible in education with the exactitude and immersive prowess of the Quest headset.

Oculus Quest 2

The successor to the original Oculus Quest, Oculus Quest 2 by Meta offers an immersive, standalone VR headset experience with powerful processors, sharper screen and a lighter design.

Top Features of Oculus Quest 2

  • Processor: Snapdragon XR2, Snapdragon 865-derived, a notable upgrade over the original’s Snapdragon 835 chip.
  • Display: Significantly improved, high-resolution 1,920-by-1,832-pixel display per eye from original 1,600 by 1,440 pixels. Also supports 120Hz refresh rate.
  • Battery Life: Lasts between 2 to 3 hours, extendable with $129 add-on battery pack.
  • Connectivity: Standalone, compatible with PC through an optional $79 Link Cable.
  • Platform: Offering a variety of VR games and experiences, including access to Steam games via the tethering option.
  • Compatibility: Android-based operating system, offers standalone functionality for unrestricted mobility.
Additional Features Storage Options
Hand-tracking, Oculus Link & Air Link, Fitness tracking, Couch & keyboard tracking Initial 64GB, now 128GB standard, 256GB available
Embedded 3.5mm headphone jack, USB-C port, power button, indicator LED on headset, Guardian system No expansion capability

Oculus Quest 2 Downsides

  1. Mandatory Facebook Account: User needs to have Facebook account. This has been a controversial requirement, leading to privacy concerns.
  2. Price: While the Oculus 2 is cheaper than other VR devices, its costs can still be prohibitive for some users. With no expansion capabilities, users might need to purchase a costlier model with higher storage space.

Oculus 2 Pricing

128GB variant Oculus Quest 2 starts at $499.99 USD, while models with more storage are available for an additional cost.

Oculus Quest 2 Use Cases

Social Gameplay

By linking VR technology with the Facebook platform, Oculus Quest 2 facilitates interactive social gameplay, thereby creating more engaging experiences.

Integration with Steam Games

Through the option of tethering, Oculus Quest 2 bridges the gap between the VR and PC gaming realms with access to Steam games.

On-the-move Usage

Thanks to its lightweight design (1.1 pound) and standalone functionality, Oculus Quest 2 is an excellent option for mobile VR experience.



Step into the realm of virtual reality with PSVR (PlayStation VR), a sophisticated headset brought to you by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Initially known as Project Morpheus, PSVR emerged from its cocoon in October 2016, augmenting the PlayStation product family.

PSVR Top Features

  • Primary function: Gaming with PlayStation 4 console, also backward compatible with PlayStation 5.
  • 5.7-inch OLED panel: With 1080p display resolution and 960 x 1080 pixels resolution per eye.
  • Three gameplay modes: Native 90 Hz, native 120 Hz, and interpolated 120 Hz.
  • Variety of controller options: Regular PS4 controller, PlayStation Move controllers, PlayStation VR Aim controller.
  • Enhanced tracking and VR functionality via PlayStation Camera peripheral.
Feature Description
Cinematic Mode Enhances non-VR games viewing on a simulated projection screen in 3D space
Compatible Content Compatible with 360-degree photos and videos, 3D movies on Blu-Ray 3D, Share Play and Live from PlayStation
Ultimate PS VR Games Games like MechWarrior 2, Monster Escape, and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes provide the ultimate PS VR experience

PSVR Limitations

  • Relies on PlayStation Camera peripheral for head tracking and VR functionality.
  • Limited to a 100-degree Field of View (FOV).
  • Weighs a substantial 600 grams, potentially leading to user discomfort.

PSVR Pricing

The PSVR is priced at $399 in the US, €399 in Europe, £349 in the UK, ¥44,980 in Japan, A$549 in Australia, and SGD$599 in Singapore.

PSVR Use Cases

Use Case 1: Gaming

Primarily crafted for gaming, the PSVR brings exhilarating experiences on PlayStation 4 and 5 consoles to life. Coupled with PlayStation Move controllers or the VR Aim controller, it makes for incredibly immersive gameplay.

Use Case 2: Non-VR Games

For non-VR games, the PSVR introduces a cinematic mode, projecting gameplay onto a virtual screen in 3D space, aiding in captivating visual experiences.

Use Case 3: Multimedia Viewing

The PSVR caters to more than gamers, doubling as a viewing device. Users can enjoy 360-degree photos and videos and even 3D movies on Blu-ray 3D.



Unleashing a new era of virtual reality, the PSVR 2 storms onto the scene with a ground-breaking upgrade over its predecessor. A robust, next-gen VR gear designed exclusively for PlayStation 5.

PSVR 2 Top Features

  • Outstanding Resolution: With displays upgraded from 960 x 1,080-pixel in PSVR to a stunningly vivid 2,000 x 2,040-pixel in PSVR 2.
  • Unparalleled Comfort: Ergonomically designed to be bulky yet lightweight, with movable lens module and a sturdy headband.
  • Next-Level Immersion: Eye-tracking inside the headset enriches your experience with higher precision and quicker responses.
Field of view Approx. 110 Degrees
Refresh rate Up to 120Hz
Included in the box PSVR 2 Sense Controllers, USB Type-C input, headset feedback, adaptive triggers, eye tracking

PSVR 2 Disadvantages

  • Higher Investment: The kit is priced slightly higher than the console itself, demanding a substantial investment from dedicated enthusiasts.
  • Game Availability: The library of VR titles available is comparatively small and is not backward compatible with previous PSVR titles.
  • Quick Battery Drain: Prepare to keep your chargers handy as the unit can chew through battery life swiftly.

PSVR 2 Pricing

PSVR 2, a premium VR kit, sets you back by $549.99/£529.99, an investment designed for devoted fans aiming to culminate their VR experiences to a next-generation level.

PSVR 2 Use Cases

Use case 1

For those tech enthusiasts who value enhancements in visual quality and comfort, and are driven by the desire to enjoy a holistic VR experience, the PSVR 2 serves as more than just a console extension but an avenue to truly immerse themselves into the vivid realm of virtual reality.

Use case 2

For die-hard PlayStation fans who crave an exclusive VR experience despite the price tag, the PSVR 2 is a treasured accessory. Their trusted PlayStation 5 can now transcend into a VR gear, adding a whole new dimension to their gaming universe.

Use case 3

For those who value precise interactivity and smooth responsiveness in VR, the new Sense Controllers with haptic feedback and in-headset eye-tracking could make the PSVR 2 an unrivaled option for them.

PlayStation VR

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking world of PlayStation VR, a mind-bending creation from the vaults of Sony Interactive Entertainment. Unveiled in October 2016, this marvel of virtual reality is not only leveraging PlayStation 4’s expertise, but also scales beautifully with PlayStation 5’s prowess. As of December 31, 2019 – it boasts 5 million global patrons.

PlayStation VR Top Features

  • 5.7 inch OLED panel: renders 1080p resolution for a stunning view of virtual playgrounds.
  • Social screen video output: thanks to its unique processor box, allows simultaneous TV and VR picture, making for shared or competitive gameplay.
  • 9 positional LEDs: facilitates 360-degree head movement tracking for an all-around experience.
  • High compatibility: works harmoniously with DualShock 4 controller, PlayStation Move controllers, and the VR Aim controller.
  • Convenient for owners: of existing Move and Camera technology, enabling them to step right into VR without needing new hardware.
Vibrant Ecosystem Technical Edge
  The impressive selection of games, consistently updated to stay fresh
Room-scale tracking in a 6’x10′ play space for a fully immersive experience. Additional processing power with PS4 Pro, resulting in better texturing and draw distances for games supporting “Pro Mode”
High-quality screen engineering that minimizes screen door effect Device tracked by a PlayStation Camera, promising a seamless VR experience

PlayStation VR Downsides

  • Limited tracking performance compared to its competitor HTC Vive.
  • Room lighting conditions can significantly impact performance – dim and non-direct light conditions are required for optimal VR play.
  • The PlayStation VR headset sometimes sold separately during its launch, adding to the cost.

PlayStation VR Pricing

Offering a comparable VR headset experience at a considerably lower price, PlayStation VR stands as an alluring option, notably cheaper than high-end counterparts such as HTC Vive or Oculus Rift.

PlayStation VR Use Cases

For Gamers

For the ones drawn towards controllers and consoles, the PlayStation VR presents an overwhelming reality, blurring the line between the physical and the virtual with its wide assortment of games and solid tech under the hood.

For Tech Enthusiasts

Tech mavens will savor PlayStation VR’s heady mix of high-end hardware and software coupled with user delighting elements. The compatibility features, multi-controller support provide a tech-rich playground to delve into.

SteamVR: An Holistic VR Journey Evolving from the 1830s


Prepare to strap in and immerse into the world of limitless realities with SteamVR, a powerful runtime inside the highly popular Steam client that’s designed to fuel your virtual reality experiences.

Top Features of SteamVR

  • Superior room setup for defining play areas – make the best use of your virtual gaming space.
  • Efficient device management for seamless firmware updates, device integration and audio settings personalization.
  • Experience the unique SteamVR Home as your lauchpad into the world of VR. Connect with friends, launch apps, and explore different environments.
  • Engage in the thrill of earning SteamVR Collectibles, in-game 3D items based on your ownership playtime.
  • Create stunning 3D environments on your PC with our easy-to-use software.
VR Experience Support
Full Room 360-degree VR SteamVR is designed to support a comprehensive 360-degree full room VR experience.
Overlay Applications SteamVR promotes creativity by allowing users to create overlay applications for extra functionality.
Hardware Compatibility SteamVR is non-discriminating! It works seamlessly with its own HMDs (like the Vive) and other popular brands like Oculus Rift.

Known SteamVR Limitations

  • Users in mid-2022 have reported a compatibility issue between SteamVR and Meta Quest 3 while using Air Link.
  • The system requirements of SteamVR can be demanding, requiring reasonably high-end specs including Windows 10, an Intel Core i5-4590/AMD FX 8350 equivalent or better, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or better.

SteamVR Use Cases

VR Developers

With its extensive toolset and compatibility, SteamVR is indispensable for developing immersive VR experiences. VR developers can easily create and manage 3D environments, integrate devices, and even develop overlay applications for enhanced functionality.

VR Gamers

For the VR gaming community, SteamVR delivers high-quality, immersive experiences. The hardware compatibility makes it an excellent choice for VR enthusiasts seeking versatile software. The 360-degree full room VR experience promises an immersive, reality-defying gaming adventure.

Corporate Settings

Working standalone in corporate environments, SteamVR provides a valuable toolset for businesses exploring the benefits of VR technology. It can be used for a myriad of applications, including meetings, training programs, and presentations, offering a unique interactive experience.


Enter the immersive world of Vive, a high-end VR headset developed by Valve and HTC. Driven by external computers or game consoles, Vive promises a premium virtual reality experience.

Vive Top Features

  • Motion tracking, high-resolution screens, and high-quality graphics for realistic VR experience
  • Freedom of movement within 15 x 15-foot room through a laser tracking system
  • Specially designed controllers for enhanced gaming experience
  • Native access to HTC Vive’s extensive content library
  • High-resolution 5K screens with wide field of view at 120 degrees
  • Capability of pairing with Valve Index Controllers for maximum potential and comfort
  • Access to a large VR game library, including popular titles like Half-Life: Alyx and Beat Saber
Additional Features Details
Vive Pro 2 Highest resolution screen, offering an upgrade pick
On-ear headphones Included, but can be replaced with USB-C headphones

Vive Downsides

  • Requires VR-ready PC for optimal experience, leading to potential additional cost around $1,000
  • Conventional wand-style controllers may feel awkward, necessitating Valve Index Controllers for better experience
  • Needs a high-end computer for maximum potential

Vive Pricing

At launch, the estimated price of Vive is around $799.

Vive Use Cases

Use Case 1: Gaming Enthusiasts

With its room-scale tracking and specially designed controllers, Vive offer an enhanced gaming experience. Major titles like Half-Life: Alyx and Beat Saber are on offer.

Use Case 2: High-Tech Professionals

Those seeking advanced VR specs, such as high-resolution 5K screens and a wide field of view, will find Vive Pro 2 and Valve Index Controllers the combination to opt for.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.