Top Glitch alternatives for 2024


Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you Webflow, an innovative eCommerce platform that champions the notion of website creation without code. Tailored to various product types, from physical to services, Webflow puts the creative reins in your hands.

Webflow Premiere Features

  • Distinguished for its bespoke end-to-end customer experiences and superior design control, as praised by its founder Jameel Mohammed
  • Empowers multifaceted customization of product fields, cart, and checkout experiences
  • Assimilates effortlessly with established payment processors such as Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay
  • Boosts operational efficiency with automated extensions for shipping processes, accounting, and notifications
  • Facilitates swift order refunds and rapid checkouts
  • Proffers comprehensive Webflow University tutorials for mastering the art of online store creation
Additional Features Beneficial Information
Integrated Google Analytics Amplified data-driven insights
Blog Feature Boosts customer conversion and SEO performance
Customizable Templates Expedite the process of website creation

Webflow Limitations

  • Payment necessitates third-party processors like Stripe incurring transactional fees
  • Lack of offline sale functionality without POS integration

Webflow Pricing

An investment in Webflow reaps robust benefits beginning at a monthly fee of $29 when billed annually, providing value far beyond the monetary commitment.

Webflow Use Cases

Web Design Firms

Webflow’s expansive design capabilities and user-friendly interface make it an ideal choice for web designer agencies seeking to craft bespoke customer experiences.

Content Creators

For content creators, the tangible ease of digital product creation and integrated blogging system of Webflow offer a seamlessly unified platform for efficient creation and dissemination.

Small Businesses

Small businesses stand to gain from Webflow’s amalgam of powerful features such bespoke design, seamless integration with payment gateways, and automated shipping processes, thereby simplifying the path to online commerce success.


Enter the world of Framer, the distinguished web design platform that caters to the vast spectrum of web creators, from non-coders to tech gurus. This AI-assisted platform, unmatched in its facilitation of responsive website design, is revolutionizing the landscape of web development!

Framer’s Top Features

  • Efficient Design Workflow: Simplified design creation process starting with an AI-generated base design, customized with animations and interactions on a freeform canvas.
  • Intuitive Interface: Drag-and-drop elements, a godsend for all non-coders out there!
  • Collaboration Advantage: A collaborative space for teams to spark digital magic together!
  • Custom Code Integration: Enhanced capabilities for the code savvy, seamlessly blend advanced functionalities with your design.
  • Elevated Security: Assured security for business plan users: Safe data, safe minds.
  • Dynamic Connectivity: Well-integrated with design tools like Sketch, Figma, while maintaining file and prototype connections.
  • CMS Features: CMS support enabling faster and more efficient website management.
Feature Details
SEO Optimization Helps your site rank better, driving more visibility and traffic.
Active User Community Share or borrow from a range of pre-made design components to swiften your design process.
Real-time Collaboration Streamlines design handoff by fostering superior designer-developer communication.

Framer Limitations

  • Learning Curve: New users might need some time to get accustomed to the platform.
  • Limited Free Plan: Some features locked behind paywalls may cause some users to squint.
  • No Native E-commerce: A potential roadblock for businesses planning to set up an online store on their website.

Framer Pricing

As far as the pricing is concerned, Framer offers a buffet of options. The Mini Plan stands at $5/month, the Basic Plan is for $15/month and the Pro Plan delights for $25/month. There is also a range of team pricing and custom Business plans. And yes, there is a complimentary free plan with limited features to get you started!

Framer Use Cases

Use case 1: Startups

For startups eyeing an immersive online presence, Framer is a versatile and cost-effective solution to create a responsive, user-friendly website, while minimizing coding requirements. The affordable pricing structure can accommodate start-up budgets.

Use case 2: Freelancers

Freelancers can leverage Framer’s easy drag-and-drop interface and extensive design component marketplace to deliver impressive websites for their clients. Plus, the collaborative space is handy for those joint-project rides!

Use case 3: Large-scale Corporation

Framer also scales beautifully for large corporations. With enhanced security, real-time collaboration, and custom functionality through code integration, Framer lets you swim in a seamless, collaborative design process across your organization. Plus, the custom Business plan is tailored for the exact needs of larger industries.



Bursting the tech bubbles, here’s, your knight in shining armor in the realm of web applications. Defying every coding dogma, it gives you the power to create, host, and manage web applications without writing a single line of code. Tighten your seatbelts! We’re about to dive deep into the world of this drag-and-drop wizard.

Best Features of Bubble

  1. Code-free : Specifically designed for non-technical users, it lends wings to your creativity by nullifying the taverns of coding skills.
  2. Mix and Match : Blend your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript expertise with Bubble’s agile platform and customize your web applications to suit your unique needs.
  3. Sales Management : Streamline your online sales, e-commerce, and order management with Bubble. It’s optimized for a wide range of sales scenarios.
  4. Integration Powerhouse : No matter your projects’ complexity, Bubble eases your workflow through its seamless integration with platforms like Airtable, Stripe, and more.
Feature Description
Webflow Compatibility Bubble complements Webflow to optimize the benefits from both platforms, thus expanding your creative horizon.
Documentation and Support A comprehensive documentation, an active forum, and a dedicated customer support make your journey smoother with Bubble.
Multiple Pricing Plans Avail the power of Bubble as per your needs with its range of flexible subscription options.

Bubble Downsides

  • Less SEO-friendly compared to its counterpart, Webflow.
  • Design freedom somewhat limited when compared to platforms like Weebly.

Bubble Pricing

Commitment phobic? Fret not, Bubble offers 4 pricing plans delivering optimized value. Choose one that matches your needs and budget.

Bubble Use Cases

Use case 1: Digital Nomads

With basic computer skills & a pinch of creativity, you can drop anchor in the digital world crafting your web applications using Bubble, without prior technical knowledge or experience.

Use case 2: E-Commerce

From establishing online stores to managing sales, Bubble equips you with essential wings. Its robust integration with various platforms makes it a go-to choice for e-commerce.

Use case 3: Sales Management

Become the wizard of your sales kingdom. From order management to sales tracking, Bubble lets you juggle multiple tasks, giving you a seamless experience.



Meet Elementor, a trailblazer in website design known for its user-centric interfaces. Elementor’s prowess lies in personalizing and enhancing user experience through functional cookies, while strictly necessary cookies ensure smooth website functionality.

Elementor’s Best Features

  1. Enhances user experience using functional cookies.
  2. Delivers targeted ads through cookies.
  3. Seamlessly integrates with third-party services.
  4. Tracks visits and traffic for performance improvement.
Feature Description
Functional Cookies These cookies are utilized to provide a personalized user experience.
Targeting Cookies Used to deliver ads that are aligned with user’s preferences.
Performance Cookies Record visit and traffic sources for website performance estimation.

Elementor Limitations

  1. Lacks detailed control over cookie management.
  2. Cookies cannot be switched off, which may be intrusive for some users.
  3. Dependency on third-party services for some features might raise security issues.

Elementor Pricing

Elementor’s pricing information is currently not provided. Please visit their official website for the most up-to-date and accurate details.

Elementor Use Cases

Use Case 1: User Experience Enhancement

Elementor employs functional cookies to enrich a user’s site interaction, creating a tailor-made browsing experience for each visitor.

Use Case 2: Targeted Advertising

Marketers can rejoice with Elementor’s targeting cookies, which deliver precise ads based on a user’s particular preferences and online behavior.

Use Case 3: Performance Monitoring

Websites can utilize Elementor’s performance cookies to quantify visits and traffic, providing valuable insights and enabling data-driven decisions for optimization.



As a significant player in the world of web development, WordPress powers over 40% of websites worldwide resulting in a staggering 64% CMS market share. More than just a platform for bloggers, it’s also a robust tool for ecommerce with the WooCommerce extension.

WordPress Top Features

  • WooCommerce, a potent, customizable, and free plugin for ecommerce, powers 30% of online stores worldwide.
  • Offers SEO tools through the free Yoast SEO plugin.
  • Allows unlimited pages, users, and reduced third-party billing.
  • Hosting options ranging from domain registration to SSL.
  • Inventory management and real-time shipping prices through WooCommerce extension.
Feature Description
Automated Updates For ease of operations, WordPress offers automated updates and a staging site for product testing.
Custom Domain WordPress provides an ad-free browsing experience for visitors by offering a tailor-made domain name.
Auto-restoration and Uptime Monitoring WordPress ensures a user-friendly experience by offering auto-restoration and uptime monitoring features.
High-performance DNS with SSL This assures secure browsing experiences while maintaining website performance.

WordPress Limitations

  • It’s not primarily an eCommerce CMS and hence, might require a steep learning curve to operate WooCommerce efficiently.
  • Occasional compatibility issues might surface with different plugins.

WordPress Pricing

An initial setup with WordPress, including essentials like Domain registration and SSL, can cost from $15-$50 monthly. However, additional costs like custom design, development, plugins, marketing, and hosting can lead to fees climbing up to over $10,000 in initial setup and over $4,500 per month in operational costs. Transaction fees from WooCommerce and Paypal typically stand at 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. WordPress also offers an extensive plan for large enterprises starting at $25,000 annually through WordPress VIP.

WordPress Use Cases

Use Case 1: Blogging Platform

WordPress’s original and most popular use case – blogging. With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and vast choice of themes, WordPress provides bloggers with the means to effectively share their stories, ideas, and knowledge with the world.

Use Case 2: Ecommerce

Adding another string to its bow, WordPress allows users to build a complete ecommerce store. Thanks to the WooCommerce plugin, setting up an online shop becomes a seamless process. In WordPress, users can integrate search engine optimization, product page customization, and simple tax calculations to bolster their ecommerce website.

Use Case 3: Business Websites

Due to its flexibility and scalability, WordPress suits a variety of industries and business scales. From small enterprises to large corporations, WordPress provides a platform to showcase services, products, and brand values effectively and creatively, helping businesses reach their target audiences.



In the realm of eCommerce, Wix stands as a beacon of intuitive design and robust capabilities, suited to a spectrum of ventures, from sprouting startups to titanic global sales entities.

Wix Top Features

  • Superior eCommerce platform offering selling through multi-channels
  • A load-bearing infrastructure capable of handling up to 750 transactions per second

Wix Retail/Mobile POS

    seamlessly syncing in-person and online sales

  • Velo for fast web app deployment, enhancing your eCommerce features
Feature Benefit
500+ Designer-made templates Customizable store reflecting your unique brand
80+ Payment solutions Love for every customer, irrespective of payment preference
Localization capabilities Breaking geographical boundaries with cross-border selling

Wix Downsides

  • Learning curve for using Velo for enhanced functions
  • Exclusive features under pricier plans, potentially heavy on the pocket

Wix Pricing

A salient feature of Wix is its cost-effectiveness, offering various pricing plans, leaving the choice in your capable hands.

Wix Use Cases

Use case 1 – Multichannel Selling

Wix thrives for businesses aiming to penetrate multiple sales channels. Be it Amazon, eBay or Facebook, Wix has got you covered.

Use case 2 – Rapid eCommerce Deployment

For those seeking to plunge into the online marketplace swiftly, Wix’s Velo ensures rapid eCommerce deployment, punctually answering the call of opportunity.

Use case 3 – Brick-and-Mortar Going Online

Brick-and-mortar entities venturing online will find in Wix a trustworthy partner, structuring dazzling online stores without compromising on physical-store charm.


Aiming to introduce Squarespace, a high-performing website builder platform known for its focus on visually appealing website templates. Whether you’re looking to establish an online presence, run an e-commerce shop, or conduct email marketing campaigns, Squarespace has got you covered. It grants 24/7 support for any roadblocks you might encounter on your digital journey.

Squarespace Top Features

  • Free website trial, offering a ‘try before you buy’ experience.
  • Wide range of expertly curated website templates backed by Squarespace Blueprint for easy customization.
  • Integrated shopping cart, supporting multiple payment gateways.
  • Squarespace Commerce for running an online store with no transaction limit.
  • Analytic tools for tracking visitor behavior and sales.
  • Customizable customer email notifications to keep your audience engaged.
  • Facilitates scheduling appointments and selling classes, taking you beyond traditional e-commerce dynamics.
Offline Selling and Inventory Management Integrated with Square for seamless management.
Email Marketing Equipped with Mailchimp integration for effective campaigns.
Customer Support Available 24/7 via email, Twitter and live chat.

Squarespace Limitations

  • Limited Squarespace Extensions in the app store.
  • Third-party shipping carriers needed to connect shipping, creating a potential area of complication.

Squarespace Pricing

Squarespace operates on a subscription model with different pricing plans to suit diverse needs. The specific cost can vary depending upon which plan best fits your digital endeavor.

Squarespace Use Cases

Use case 1: Small Businesses

Squarespace offers an affordable, user-friendly platform for creating a dynamic online presence. Integrations with payment gateways and straightforward inventory management make it ideal for small businesses venturing into e-commerce.

Use case 2: Content Creators

With its attractive templates and blogging platform, Squarespace is a great choice for content creators seeking to engage their audience and promote their work.

Use case 3: Service-based Businesses

Squarespace accommodates scheduling of appointments and selling of classes, making it a useful tool for businesses providing services.

Editor X

Editor X

A brainchild of Wix, Editor X is an advanced creation platform for designers, web professionals, and entrepreneurs striving for a powerful online presence. Commencing its journey in 2020, with a stunning 4.6/5 rating on Trustpilot, it doesn’t fail to impress.

Editor X Top Features

  • Customisable website with drag-and-drop and responsive design
  • Seamless collaboration feature for teams with user permissions
  • Powerful coding, troubleshooting, and debugging options
  • Well-rounded Ecommerce solutions with integrated payment processing
  • Capability to collect valuable UGC with its ingenious feature
  • Restaurant’s advanced functionality in the latest update
Exclusive Features Functionality
Custom Breakpoints and CSS Grid Tool Facilitates complex layouts
Layouter and Docking Aids in managing responsive boxes and precise layouts
SEO and Marketing Capabilities Provides connectivity with numerous marketing tools

Editor X Disadvantages

(No disadvantages mentioned in the given company summary)

Editor X Use Cases

Use Case 1: For Web Professionals

With robust coding, troubleshooting, and debugging options, Editor X empowers web professionals to build highly-functional websites with ease.

Use Case 2: For Entrepreneurs

From building an online store to automatic postings and email campaign making, Editor X serves as the perfect platform for entrepreneurs eyeing rapid business growth.

Use Case 3: For Restaurant Owners

The latest update of Editor X caters to restaurant owners by offering advanced functionalities like online reservation tools, selling memberships, packages, and more.



Esteemed for its array of elegantly pre-made and affordable templates, Shopify assists in bringing the word of eCommerce to life by offering the tools necessary to tailor your unique digital storefront. However, it is important to note that each aesthetic suite requires individualized design for optimal brand expression.

Shopify Top Features

  • Array of affordable pre-made eCommerce website templates.
  • Supports custom designing for unique, brand-tailored aesthetics.
  • Custom SEO capabilities, crucial in driving nearly 43% of eCommerce traffic from search engines.
  • Unique page designs for product pages, blog pages, category pages, etc.
  • Key user retention and engagement features like search functionality, promotion and discount tools, carousel slides, mega menus, newsletter sign-ups, related items, wishlist creation, and product reviews.
Native or Headless Builds Builds can be either native or headless, providing flexibility in content management and display.
The Accelerator Programme by Eastside Co Offers quick-launch solutions enabling merchants to launch stores in under four weeks.
Design Expertise Companies like Metizsoft Solutions, Eastside Co, Blend commerce, and OuterBox offer Shopify website design and development services.

Shopify Limitations

  • Templates may lack unique or brand-specific aesthetics.
  • Shopify does not provide custom website design services itself, requiring external help or third-party sources.
  • Custom-designed themes often used by established stores are usually more costly.

Shopify Pricing

Cost components for a Shopify store include a monthly Shopify subscription ($29.99-$299.99), theme/template costs, custom design costs, and additional functionality development expenses. Full store design costs can range considerably, from $5,000 to $20,000, while extensive projects may surpass the $100,000 mark.

Shopify Use Cases

Use case 1

Shopify’s variety of pre-made templates make it a suitable solution for small-scale businesses seeking an affordable entrance into eCommerce.

Use case 2

For large enterprises, Shopify’s custom design features encourage unique, brand-oriented aesthetics, boosting brand identity.

Use case 3

Businesses aiming for rapid expansion may opt for the Accelerator Programme by Eastside Co which enables quick store launches.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.