IntelliJ IDEA by JetBrains is a comprehensive IDE primarily for Java and Kotlin, also supporting other JVM languages like Scala and Groovy. It includes support for Python, Ruby, PHP, SQL, Go, JavaScript, and TypeScript through plugins.

2024 top alternatives to IntelliJ IDEA

For those exploring alternatives to IntelliJ IDEA, choices encompass Android Studio, Eclipse, Xamarin, Xcode, React Native, Kotlin, Flutter, Unity, BlueStacks.

Android Studio

Android Studio

At the heart of Android app development lies Android Studio, the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE), built upon the sturdy skeleton of the IntelliJ IDEA code editor and enhanced with an array of developer tools that optimize the app-making process.

Top Features of Android Studio

  • Flexible Gradle-Based Build System: Facilitates streamlined workflow, transforming your code into an APK the Android devices recognize.
  • Live Edit Feature: Modify composites in emulators and physical Android devices in real-time.
  • Code Templates and GitHub Integration: Accelerates the process of feature building and importing sample code.
  • Extensive Testing Tools and Frameworks: Enables early detection and rectification of performance, usability, and version compatibility issues.
  • Integrated Google Cloud Platform: Offers built-in cloud support, broadening your development landscape.
Multi-APK Creation: Create several APKs for your app with different features using the same project and modules.
Support for Popular Languages: Android Studio is nimble, vocally fluent in C++, Java, Kotlin, and more, enabling you to code in your comfort language.
Resource and Code Reuse: Facilitates the repurposing of resources and codes across various source sets.

Downsides of Android Studio

  • While it offers a formidable range of features, it can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Requires 8 GB RAM, 8 GB disk space, and 1280 x 800 screen resolution for optimized performance.

Android Studio Pricing

Embrace Android Studio for the remarkable price of zero! Google’s official IDE offers all its robust features for free.

Android Studio Use Cases

Use case 1 – Native Android App Development

Using Android Studio, developers can craft native Android applications that offer a seamless user experience and work smoothly across all Android devices.

Use case 2 – Multi-platform Development

The robust code editor supports coding in multiple languages, making Android Studio a versatile choice for multi-platform app development.

Use case 3 – Cloud-integrated App Development

With integrated Google Cloud messaging and platform support, Android Studio is a great choice for developing cloud-integrated apps.



Eclipse, established by IBM in the late ’90s, is a multi-functional Integrated Development Environment (IDE), known for its wide utility in computer programming. With an initial codebase derived from IBM VisualAge and a transition to the open-source model in 2001 under a consortium’s stewardship, it gradually turned into a much-respected platform by the programming community.

Eclipse Top|Best Features

  • Supports a broad range of programming languages such as Java, C, C++, Python, Ruby, and Scala, among others.
  • Flexible with an array of plugins for different languages.
  • The Eclipse SDK, inclusive of Java development tools, aids developers working with various languages.
  • Offers dynamic updates, simplicity, and customizable user interfaces.
  • Released under the open-source Eclipse Public License, allowing for collaborative development and innovation.
Feature Description
OSGi Service Platform Specifications Chosen for Eclipse 3.0 in June 2004, it ensured a powerful runtime architecture.
Equinox for Plugins Since its adoption in 2004, Equinox has been integral in augmenting Eclipse’s plugin capabilities.
Compatibility Works with diverse runtime systems and development tools like Jakarta EE, Eclipse Modeling Framework, and Eclipse Jetty.

Eclipse Limitations|Disadvantages|Downsides

  • The Eclipse Public License is incompatible with the GNU General Public License, limiting integration with certain GNU-licensed projects.
  • Initially released as VisualAge, the switch to a compressed DB using SICD led to the inaccessibility of individual classes outside the tool.

Eclipse Pricing

The software is made available for free under the open-source Eclipse Public License. As such, there is no pricing structure in place.

Eclipse Use Cases

Use case 1

Given its myriad language support and customization features, Eclipse is particularly beneficial for individual programmers who need a flexible, comprehensive IDE.

Use case 2

Eclipse is also valuable for large development teams working on complex, multi-language projects thanks to its ease of use, customizable interfaces, and extensibility.

Use case 3

With its robust plugin functionalities, Eclipse also lends itself well to commercial product development, facilitating agile application development across varied programming languages.



Awaken your applications with Xamarin, the open-source platform igniting change in app development. It’s all about symbiosis; uniting iOS, Android, and Windows under the prowess of .Net.

Xamarin Top Features

  • Code Sharing: Xamarin champions over 90% code reusability across platforms, a cosmic leap in efficiency!
  • Platform Independence: Write Xamarin applications on PC or Mac. Don’t be caged in!
  • Cross-Platform Support: Complete bindings for underlying SDKs, Objective-C, Java, C, and C++ interop. Welcome to versatility!
  • Xamarin.Forms: An open-source UI framework prompting developers to build high-impact apps from a single shared codebase – efficiency redefined!
Feature Benefit
User Experience Perfection Lauded for outstanding UX by 15,000 organizations and 1.4 million developers.
Wearable Device Support Allows developers to keep up with wearable tech trends including Android Wear and Apple Watch.
Code Reusability Offers flexibility and low maintenance cost – a secret weapon for sustainable development!

Xamarin Downsides

  • The size of Xamarin-built apps is typically larger than its native counterparts. Compact, this is not.
  • Compatibility issues haunt it with some third-party Libraries and Tools. Beware before you bind.

Xamarin Use Cases

Use case 1 – App Migration

Xamarin is ideal for app migration due to its ability to develop applications in significantly less time. Perfect for those on a deadline!

Use case 2 – Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

With the Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms approach, cross-platform mobile app development is a breeze. Expect seamless integration.

Use case 3 – Development For Wearables

If you’re targeting wearable devices, Xamarin shines by supporting Android Wear and Apple Watch. Turn heads with the tech on your wrist.


An integral tool developed by Apple, Xcode is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) specifically used for creating software for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and iPadOS.

Xcode Top Features

  • Extensive Language Support: Catering to a wide range of programming languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java, AppleScript, Python, Ruby, ResEdit (REZ), and Swift.
  • Playgrounds Feature: Enables Swift language experimentation and education through step-by-step guided tours.
  • Versatile Development Tools: Incorporates command-line tools for UNIX-style development and has provisions to build fat binary files for different architectures.
  • Auto Layout System: Supports responsive app development with a built-in interface design mechanism.
Feature Description
Integrated Git Support Offers robust version control for developer teams.
Apple Dark Mode Automatically accommodates iOS aesthetic features like Dark Mode for seamless user experience.
Cloud Testing Allows interactive app testing for more reliable feedback.

Xcode Limitations

  • Exclusive to Mac: Requires a Mac computer for iOS app development.
  • Developer Program Subscription: To gain full access, you’ll need a subscription to the Apple Developer Program at $99 per year.
  • Feature Removals: Notably includes Shared Workgroup Build and WebObjects tools and frameworks for Java web apps.

Xcode Pricing

While Xcode is available free of charge via the Mac App Store and Apple Developer website, a full-featured experience requires an Apple Developer Program subscription at $99 per year.

Xcode Use Cases

Use case 1

For teams collaborating on complex iOS and macOS projects, Xcode’s integrated Git support simplifies version control.

Use case 2

For Swift learners or adopters, Xcode Playgrounds is a fantastic tool for exploring, testing and learning this robust programming language.

Use case 3

For developers seeking to quickly adapt an iPad app for Mac, Xcode makes it a breeze with the Mac Catalyst function.

React Native

React Native

Bringing the best of JavaScript and native development together, React Native is an acclaimed framework for creating cross-platform apps. Engineered by Meta Platforms, Inc., it empowers developers to build native apps for Android, iOS, macOS, and more, all from a single codebase.

React Native Top Features

  • Native development: Creates native apps, utilizing the platform’s APIs, and renders with native code.
  • One codebase: Develops platform-specific versions of components from one codebase using React.
  • Component variety: Provides a core set of platform-agnostic native components like View, Text, Image.
  • Community support: Backed by an active community with an influence on modern tech domains.
Fast Iteration Frees developers from waiting for native builds to finish, accelerating productivity.
Framework Compatibility React Native seamlessly blends with existing Android, iOS projects or can foster completely new apps.
/Modern JavaScript Support Supports ES6+ JavaScript features, and often opts for TypeScript over JavaScript due to its increased type safety.

React Native Limitations

  • Maturity: As a young project, there may still be areas requiring refinement or additional features.
  • Debugging: Localization of issues can be complex, primarily at the juncture of React and the native platform.

React Native Pricing

In line with its mission to democratize app development, React Native is completely open-source, offering unlimited access to its feature-rich framework at zero cost.

React Native Use Cases

Use case 1

Major corporations like Facebook, Microsoft, Shopify, and Oculus leverage React Native to develop high-performing apps. Its native development and code sharing properties make it ideal for firms seeking to launch on multiple platforms.

Use case 2

React Native’s fast iteration and pre-built components support swift prototyping, making it fitting for startups and small teams keen on bringing products to market quickly.

Use case 3

With its modern JavaScript support and native components, React Native is a go-to choice for developing intricate applications demanding smooth performance and sophisticated UIs.



Experience the flexibility of Kotlin, an open-source, statically-typed programming language managed by the Kotlin Foundation, created by JetBrains and Google. Officially supported by Google for Android development, Kotlin intermingles seamlessly with Java and lends itself well to multiple platforms.

Top Features of Kotlin

  • Harmonious blend of Object-oriented and Functional programming.
  • Employs multiple variants targeting JVM (Kotlin/JVM), JavaScript (Kotlin/JS), and Native code (Kotlin/Native).
  • Kotlin’s potential can be progressively unlocked in projects combining both Java and Kotlin code.
  • Effective for server-side applications, android applications, multiplatform mobile development, and data science.
  • Complemented with qualities of modern language – safe, simple, and declarative.
  • Compatible with Java and can be operated on varied platforms.
Features Explanation
Interoperability Kotlin meshes well with Java, codes in both can coexist.
Data classes Kotlin automatically handles data classes and casts.
Null Safety Discounts the vulnerability of null pointer exceptions that Java suffers from.
Functional Constructs Can pass functions as parameters, enhancing the code’s readability and compactness.

Kotlin Downsides

  • Being younger than Java, its community is comparatively smaller, and resources are less abundant.
  • The absence of static declaration may be difficult for programmers used to static languages.
  • While Kotlin does process the functionality from class inheritance, extending class functionality without it may be complex for new developers.

Kotlin Pricing

Kotlin, making coding accessible to everyone, is open-source with no specific pricing model. Enjoy freedom in coding at zero cost.

Kotlin Use Cases

Use case 1: Android Development

Kotlin, given its official backing by Google for Android development, proves instrumental in creating efficient, robust Android applications.

Use case 2: Server-side Applications

Thanks to its interoperability with Java, Kotlin facilitates robust server-side applications. It also offers more concise codes with built-in null safety, making server-side applications more reliable.

Use case 3: Data Science

Kotlin’s compatibility with Java-based data science tools, like Jupyter and Zeppelin, makes it a top pick for data science projects. Additionally, it reduces redundancies in comparison to Java, facilitating smoother coding experiences for beginners.



Step into a world of innovation with Flutter, a free and open-source UI software development kit developed by Google. Released in May 2017, Flutter has been shaking up the tech world with its versatility, supporting platforms that range from Android and iOS to Google Fuchsia, Web platform, Linux, macOS, and Windows. With an aim to redefine the tech environment, it provides consistent rendering at lighting speed of 120 frames per second.

Flutter Top Features

  • Multi-platform Compatibility: Flutter’s ability to blend seamlessly with Android, iOS, Google Fuchsia, Web platform, Linux, macOS, and Windows is top-notch, changing the game for UI development kits.
  • Powered by Dart: Flutter applications are written using Dart language and uses ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation to give you an edge.
  • Performance Improvement: Flutter 1.17.0 rolled out in May 2020, gave a whopping ~50% increase in performance on iOS devices.
  • Web-based Application Support: With the release of Flutter 2 in March 2021, it started official support for web-based applications, early-access desktop application support, and improved Add-to-App APIs.
  • Expanded Platform Support: Flutter 3 launched in May 2022, further expanded supported platforms to six, empowering developers with options.
Widgets Flutter’s widgets, the basic components in their programs, can be stateless or stateful, catering to varied development needs.
IDEs Support Flutter supports IDEs including IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, Visual Studio Code and Emacs.
Thriving Ecosystem Offers potential for cross-platform, layout and foundational libraries development, and boasts a thriving ecosystem of third-party packages.

Flutter Limitations

  • Yearly Updates: Despite steady updates with improvement, users may have to wait for a year to see significant changes.
  • Dart Dependency: Apps are written in Dart language, which may require a learning curve for new users.

Flutter Pricing

Good news for developers on a budget, Flutter is a free and open-source UI software development kit!

Flutter Use Cases

Use Case 1

Looking to launch your app on multiple platforms? Flutter’s support for various platforms including Android, iOS, Google Fuchsia, Web platform, Linux, macOS, and Windows makes it an ideal choice.

Use Case 2

Improve performance on iOS devices with Flutter’s significant speed boost with its 1.17.0 version.

Use Case 3

Boost your app’s performance with Flutter’s widget, a stateful or stateless basic components tailored for versatile development needs.



A powerhouse in game development, Unity has revolutionized the realm of 3D and 2D games since 2005, enabling developers to create applications varying from Augmented Reality to 3D simulations. With a suite of tools and remarkable rendering technology, it’s a one-stop-shop for game developers eyeing up cross-platform launches.

Unity Top Features

  • Cross-platform development for Android, iOS and multiple operating systems
  • Integrated rich asset store loaded with diverse pre-designed textures and features
  • Support for multiple coding languages: BOO script, Javascript, and C#
  • Active developer community offering assistance and valuable feedback for system improvement
Feature Description
Adaptability Unity’s compatibility with various operating systems allows developers to create a diverse range of applications.
Asset Store A one-stop-shop for all pre-designed elements, aiding developers in games’ brainstorming and design phase.
Coding Languages Unity 3D supports BOO script, Javascript, and C# – providing flexible options for developers.

Unity Downsides

  • Unannounced pricing changes may affect developers’ financial stability
  • Developers may face potential abuse through repeated downloads by a single user
  • Emergence of reproach towards Unity over the announcement of new retroactive fees

Unity Pricing

Unity’s pricing structure underwent a redesign, causing a stir among developers. The new model charges developers a fee each time a game using Unity software is installed. However, the website affirms developers will only be charged once their game crosses $200,000 in revenue and 200,000 installations.

Unity Use Cases

Use case 1: Mobile Game Development

With its cross-platform capability, Unity is ideal for developers targeting mobile platforms. The preloaded asset store allows easy design and speedy development.

Use case 2: Indie Game Developers

A Unity advantage for indie developers is its strong community support offering problem-solving and feedback. Its robust asset store further accelerates game development.

Use case 3: AR/VR Game Development

Unity shows strong support for AR/VR game creation. Its adaptability and user-friendly tools make it a choice platform for immersive gameplay experiences.



Behold BlueStacks, a sophisticated progeny of BlueStacks Systems Inc, pioneering the intersection of mobile gaming and PC infatuation. Conceived amid the silicon whispers of Campbell, California, in 2009, it graces our screens with the skill of turning Android apps into Windows or macOS companions.

BlueStacks Top Features

  1. Harbinger of Android Execution on Microsoft Windows or macOS, bridging elemental worlds with eloquence.
  2. Multiple Input Control Tactics supported – a ballet of mouse, keyboard and external touch-pad in synchrony.
  3. Android App Multiplicity: BlueStacks 2.0 allows simultaneous fruition of various applications.
  4. Experience efficient app synchronization between your phone and PC, a digital waltz in binary.
Special Features Beneficial Outcomes
App Syncing Maintain the rhythm between contested device applications.
File Movement Seamlessly transition files between the realms of Windows and BlueStacks.

BlueStacks Limitations

  1. Older machines may falter under the weight of BlueStacks‘s demands, lamenting a laggy performance.
  2. Recent criticism has soared over forced installation of BlueStacks X alongside BlueStacks 5.
  3. Emulator limitations and performance issues surface as the bane of an otherwise sublime product.

BlueStacks Pricing

Behold, it’s free. Banking on the eloquence of freeware, BlueStacks waves the open-source flag, emancipating your exploration from price bindings.

BlueStacks Use Cases

Mobile Game Enthusiast

Partake in mobile games minus the mobile. Experience unprecedented gaming performance, 6X faster than top-end smartphones, courtesy of MSI App Player compatibility.

App Developers

A playground for Android app developers, swiftly replicate your genius from mobile device to PC, assisted by the gentle push of an Android Emulator.

Graphic Designers

Revel in the high fidelity of visuals, enabled up to 240 FPS, ideal for meticulous graphic designers. Savor the crispness in each pixel with embedded preference for graphic intensity.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.