MediaPipe is a cross-platform pipeline framework created by Google, designed for custom machine learning solutions in live and streaming media. It supports computer vision inference over various types of sensory data and is utilized for prototyping AI perception pipelines and deploying reusable components on different hardware platforms. MediaPipe integrates into the Viso Suite for enterprise computer vision and offers end-to-end acceleration using GPUs, CPUs, and TPUs.

2024 top alternatives to MediaPipe

In exploring alternatives to MediaPipe, one can consider Ultraleap, Leap Motion, and Kinect.



A powerful merger between Leap Motion and Ultrahaptics, Ultraleap was born in 2019. This formidable player specializes in hand tracking and advanced haptic technology, pioneering the sensation of touching virtual objects in mid-air. With their accomplished team across Silicon Valley and Bristol, UK, they are on a mission to revolutionize our interaction with digital content in 3D space.

Ultraleap Top Features

  • Superior Hand Tracking: Propelled by the Leap Motion Controller 2, Ultraleap’s hand tracking is a class apart.
  • Hand’Sync Technology: Ultraleap’s proprietary hand and finger tracking innovation, accurately recognizing movements and gestures.
  • Improved Hardware: Higher resolution camera, wider field-of-view, reduced power consumption and smaller size.
  • Software Compatibility: Unity, Unreal, & OpenXR integration guarantees seamless operation across platforms.
Noteworthy Experts Core Competency
Alain Bismuth, Tom Carter, Brian Williams+ Interface Design, Acoustics, Machine Learning, Computer Vision
Rowena Innocent, Charlotte Laband, Anne-Sofie Lagander+ Leadership in diverse technological advances and strategic decision-making.

Ultraleap Downsides

  • While the Orion software is seen as a progressive step, it isn’t without its set of imperfections.
  • Initial sales underachieved expectations, in spite of a strong market presence and plethora of functionalities.

Ultraleap Pricing

The Leap Motion Controller 2, the gem in Ultraleap’s array of groundbreaking tools, is available for pre-order at a price of $139 (USD).

Ultraleap Use Cases

Use case 1: Training Tools

The precise hand tracking technology in Ultraleap lends an exceptional advantage in designing realistic training tools, fulfilling both efficacy and safety parameters.

Use case 2: VR Experiences

The collaboration of Ultraleap with Pico and Varjo Aero has created memorable VR experiences, making it an irresistible choice for VR enthusiasts.

Use case 3: Game Development

With improved tracking and gesture recognition features, Ultraleap is favorably positioned for game developers, unlocking new potentials for immersive gaming.

Leap Motion

Leap Motion

Founded in 2010 by Michael Buckwald and David Holz, Leap Motion originally known as OcuSpec Inc, has dedicated itself to revolutionizing the realm of virtual interaction through their groundbreaking hardware sensor device for hand and finger motions. Launched in July 2013, it initially shipped 12,000 units to developers, attracting partnerships from big names like ASUS, Hewlett Packard, Best Buy and

Leap Motion Top Features

  • Accuracy: A standout feature of Leap Motion’s technology is its highly accurate tracking, achieved through the use of two monochromatic IR cameras and three infrared LEDs, capable of pinpoint accuracy up to 0.7 millimeters.
  • Orion Software: Specifically designed for virtual reality, this cutting-edge software platform allows for precise hand tracking within the VR environment.
  • Varied Use: The Leap Motion Controller is versatile in its applications, used in fields ranging from medical software to automotive concept cars, 3D MIDI control to 3D audio mixing.
Product Applications
Leap Motion Controller Advanced hand tracking for VR enthusiasts, digital content navigation, training in virtual and computer applications
Orion Beta VR VR use, compatible with existing Leap Motion peripheral

Leap Motion Downsides

  • High expectations and realities did not match up, leading to mixed reception for the Leap Motion Controller based on performance.
  • Technology can be quite specialized, limiting its widespread application and accessibility.

Leap Motion Use Cases

Use case 1 – VR Enthusiasts

With its highly-accurate tracking system and Orion software built specifically for VR use, Leap Motion provides an enriched experience for VR enthusiasts, allowing for highly interactive and immersive experiences.

Use case 2 – Medical Field

In the medical field, the Leap Motion Controller’s precise tracking has assisted in developing groundbreaking medical software, revolutionizing the integration of tech within healthcare.

Use case 3 – Musicians

Musicians seeking to push the boundaries of sound manipulation and control have access to a new arena of possibilities with Leap Motion’s 3D MIDI control.

Kinect: Disciplining the Digital Playground


Meet Kinect, Microsoft’s triumph in pushing the boundaries of interactive gaming. From its infancy as rumors whispered in 2008, Kinect has soared to become an audacious reality that sold over a million units within its first two weeks of launch.

Salient Features of Kinect

  1. Optimized Gesture-based Controls: Leveraging a unique blend of two cameras and infrared light sources, Kinect stands unrivaled in recognizing and tracking gestures.
  2. Proprietary Kinect Sensor: The sensor harbors an array of features such as Effects, Scenes, Cameras, Animation, Lights, and much more, effectively illuminating a complete digital view of our world.
  3. Three.js Compatibility: Kinect hosts parallelism with Three.js, empowering you to create GPU-accelerated 3D animations without the need for any browser plugins.
  4. Windows SDK 2.0 Support: Harness the power of Microsoft’s Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 to develop desktop applications for Windows 10.
Feature Benefit
RGB Camera The state-of-art RGB camera packs a resolution of 640×480, offering an astounding 24 bit color range.
Three.js Contributions With over 1700 contributors and robust WebGL 2.0 support, Kinect guarantees optimal rendering capabilities.
Historical Success Kinect boasts a track record of exceeding sales estimates, emphasizing Microsoft’s innovative risk-taking.

Kinect Limitations

  1. Currently, Kinect’s compatibility leans heavily towards Microsoft’s ecosystem. Expansion to other platforms may widen its reach.
  2. As a hardware-heavy device, Kinect’s setup and installation might seem daunting for the technologically less savvy.

Is Kinect Free?

Being an innovative hardware technology, Kinect comes with a price tag. However, the benefits and features it offers are unparalleled.

Kinect in Everyday Practices

Interactive Gaming

Kinect revolutionizes gaming by removing the need for physical controllers, instead empowering players to use their body movements to engage with games.

Digital Experiences

Embracing Kinect expands your toolbox for creating GPU-accelerated 3D animations without reliance on proprietary browser plugins.

Desktop Application Development

Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 gives a unique advantage for developers, revolutionizing the way desktop applications are made for Windows 10.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.