ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library by Facebook, known for dynamic UI/UX design in web and mobile apps. It features JSX, Virtual DOM, one-way data binding, and more. Created in 2011, ReactJS is used by major companies like Netflix and Instagram.

Best ReactJS alternatives in 2024

For those exploring options beyond ReactJS, alternatives include WebGL, WebGL 2, WebVR, WebXR, OpenXR, React Three Fiber, p5.js, Pixi.js, Babylon.js, A-Frame, X3DOM,, and VTK.js.


Conceived in the innovative minds at Facebook, React is an open-source, component-based JavaScript library, diligently crafted for the creation of interactive applications and unparalleled UI/UX designs for web and mobile platforms.

React: A Pantheon of Features

  • Offers JSX – an intuitive JavaScript Syntax Extension that facilitates writing HTML within the same file as JavaScript code.
  • The ingenious use of a Virtual DOM boosts performance by reducing actual DOM manipulations.
  • Endorses one-way data binding coupled with an application-wide state, fostering better control over the entire application.
  • Servers-side rendering bestowed by React contributes to SEO-friendly applications and agile load times.
  • Facilitates reusable UI components, refining the development and debugging processes.
Component Varieties React splits its components into two types: Stateless functional and stateful class.
Origins Brought forth by Jordan Walke at Facebook, React has been revolutionizing user interfaces since 2011.
Current Version The latest update, React 18, was launched in March 2022, focusing on performance enhancements and rendering engine upgrades.

React Limitations

While React comes with numerous features, it may not be ideal for beginners as it requires prior knowledge of JavaScript and its frameworks due to its complex nature. Moreover, difficulties may be faced with integrating React into a traditional MVC framework.

React: A Generous Offering

Perhaps one of React’s spectacular merits is that it is open-source, meaning that it is free to use and widely accessible to developers around the globe.

React Use Cases

Use Case 1: Large Scale Applications

For enterprises constructing large-scale applications, React’s efficient updates and rendering through the Virtual DOM ensure high performance.

Use Case 2: Rapid Prototyping

React contributes to a swift prototyping process with its reusable components, making it a suitable choice for startups and businesses focused on creating MVPs quickly.

Use Case 3: SEO Friendly Applications

Companies striving towards better SEO performance can make the most out of React’s server-side rendering feature to improve search engine visibility.


Engineered as a dynamic computer programming language, JavaScript reigns as an imperative tool for creating interactive web pages and network-centric applications.

JavaScript Top Features

  • Dynamic: Allows client-side script to interact with the user for an enriching experience.
  • Interactivity: Imparts web pages with a vibrant boost, thanks to its multipurpose functionality.
  • Thriving Market Share: Serves a staggering 97% of websites.
  • Diverse Usage: Used by tech-giants such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
  • Off-browser Utility: Extends beyond browser uses with Node.js.
First Emerged: 1995 in Netscape 2.0
Initial Name: LiveScript
Underlying Standard: ECMAScript

JavaScript Disadvantages

  • Lacks essential features like reading/writing files and networking applications to uphold security.
  • Does not support multi-threading or multiprocessing, out of potential security risks.

JavaScript Use Cases

Use Case 1 – Web Page Development

Its dynamic nature makes JavaScript indispensable for web developers aiming for an engaging & interactive website.

Use Case 2 – Tech Giants

Companies like Facebook and Google rely on its robust framework to deliver stellar applications.

Use Case 3 – Mobile Applications

Offers a strong technical platform for developing high-performance mobile apps.

Java Virtual Machine

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a program execution tool, originally intended for Java but now extended to other languages. It’s designed to embrace the “write once, run anywhere” ethos, meaning compatible programs can run on virtually any device or operating system.

Java Virtual Machine Top Features

  • Portable execution environment: Designed for running Java-based apps across devices and operating systems.
  • Performance and stability: JVM boosts performance, stability ensuring consistent runtimes for apps.
  • Memory management: Optimal usage of memory, thanks to efficient “Garbage Collection” feature, improving overall performance.
  • Language support: Apart from Java, JVM supports several other programming languages, retaining access to Java libraries.
  • Containerization: JVM plays a crucial role in containerized development using technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.
Feature Description
Memory Optimization Provides efficient memory management by eliminating unused memory in Java programs.
Virtual Threads Expected to introduce virtual threads in the future that will promote improved coding idioms and performance.
Microservices Architecture Highly suited because of the standard configuration, monitoring, and management capabilities it offers.

Java Virtual Machine Limitations

  • Depending on the implementation, JVM might consume more resources like memory and processing power than native applications.
  • JVM launcher error can occur when the required components are missing during launch.
  • An instance of JVM can terminate if no non-daemon threads are running or if the application calls the system.exit() method.

Java Virtual Machine Use Cases

Use case 1: Cross-Platform Deployment

Companies that aim to develop and deploy cross-platform applications can leverage JVM’s “write once, run anywhere” principle.

Use case 2: Containerized Development

Developers working with containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes can use JVM to run apps efficiently in these environments.

Use case 3: Microservices Architecture

Organizations implementing microservices architecture can take advantage of JVM’s standard configuration and management abilities for streamlined execution.



A pivotal player in the tech realm with a reputation for innovating container technology, Docker has been redefining application deployment since its inception in 2013.

Docker’s Best Features

  • Open-source platform with a focus on container technology, enabling consistent and reliable software deployment across various environments.
  • Lightweight, standalone, executable Docker container images reduce server and licensing costs.
  • Docker Engine allows for multiple applications to run simultaneously without demanding a unique OS for each, further cutting costs.
  • Combining Docker’s container technology with virtual machines augments flexibility in application management.
  • Docker makes managing infrastructure as simple as managing applications, leading to faster software delivery.
Feature Description
Standardization Docker’s key contribution to industry standardization is endorsed by significant data center vendors as well as cloud providers.
Resource Management Highly efficient in resource management and allocation, Docker outperforms hypervisor-based virtual machines.
Portability Containers allow hassle-free workload transition between physical/virtual machines, data centers, and cloud providers.

Docker Limitations

  • While Docker emerged as the go-to GUI for container tech, new runtime engines like containerd and CRI-O are replacing Docker’s runtime engine.
  • Despite Docker’s attempt to strike the balance between security and resource allocation, container technology evolution leans towards a focus on security.
  • With the rise of Kubernetes as the standard management platform for containers, Docker faces stiff competition.

Docker Pricing

Being an open-source platform, Docker facilitates cost-effective software deployment and management.

Docker Use Cases

Use case 1: Software Deployment

Docker’s container technology ensures the consistent and reliable deployment of software across varying computing environments.

Use case 2: Resource Management

By isolating application dependencies from the infrastructure, Docker offers effective resource management and allocation.

Use case 3: Virtualization

Docker containers, when clubbed with virtual machines, provide clever application management flexibility.



Containers, the artistic rebels of software applications, offer an entrancing alternative to ReactJS. Playing in a sandbox of their own making, containers create isolated environments for applications and all their colorful dependencies, rendering hardware and operating system variations irrelevant. Even amidst the uproar of the tech world, they remain untouched and unscathed. Their secret weapon? Docker.

Containers Top Features

  • Advanced software portability and swift deployment. Containers are rapid-reactors, always ready for action.
  • Isolation like you’ve never seen – farewell, systemic influences. Hello, freedom.
  • Think you’re secure? Check out Docker’s security strategies. No peeking into our junk box.
  • Several management tools like Ceph, REX-Ray, Flannel, Jenkins are making life easier.
  • Images have read-only templates and different images can share layers. Efficient, eh?
  • The promise of a brighter tomorrow with hybrid cloud solutions and emerging serverless technology hints at wider horizons for containers.
Prevailing Trend Significance
Docker’s separation from Docker Enterprise in 2019 Marked an increased emphasis on container security  
Kubernetes-based management platforms by RedHat, Rancher Broadened container tool functionality  
Availability of IBM Cloud Paks, Google Anthos, AWS Outposts, Azure Arc Established Kubernetes as the standard platform for managing containers  

Containers Limitations

  • The increased adoption of container-based applications ups the ante on security. Challenge accepted.
  • While Docker brings the party to containers, its ecosystem fails to facilitate automatic gathering and publishing of source code. There’s still a crack in the system, but hey, all underdogs have a weakness.

Containers Pricing

Riding merrily on the high waves of open source, Containers come to you with all their quirks and idiosyncrasies free of charge. Open arms, no bills attached. Just how we like it.

Containers Use Cases

Use case 1: Enterprise Container Projects

With Kubernetes hitting its stride, the giants have started to pay attention. Major cloud vendors are now offering Kubernetes services. The transition towards enterprise hybrid cloud is on the horizon, and containers are steering the course.

Use case 2: Large Scale Software Infrastructure

Since 2013, Docker has been the mascot for large scale software infrastructure. Sure, there have been significant changes in the container landscape but asking if containers matter is like questioning the color of sky.

Use case 3: Workload Management

Everyone’s talking about workload these days. Kubernetes has ensured that containers are integrated into the conversation. Thanks to Kubernetes, managing the software equivalent of a rock concert is now a whole lot smoother.



Riding the waves of the digital sphere, let’s introduce Phaser. This 2D game framework, engineered to create captivating HTML5 games, was conceived by Richard Davey and initially introduced to the global stage in April 2013. Compatible with any browser that supports the canvas element, Phaser boasts an inclusive universality.

Phaser Top Features

  • Adept in both JavaScript and TypeScript, Phaser provides a versatile deutero-linguistic toolbox for developers.
  • Capable of quick rendering with its clever utilization of Canvas and WebGL renderers, Phaser automatically switches, adapting to browser support, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Its multiple physics systems (Arcade Physics, Ninja Physics, P2.JS) elevate game play and design, incorporating a realistic touch into the digital domain.
  • Phaser simplifies game development with over 1800+ examples paired with a robust active community support, enshrining it as a valuable jumping-on point for those diving into game creation.
Feature Benefit
Compatible with diverse deployment tools Augmenting its versatility, Phaser games can be deployed to iOS, Android, and native desktop apps via tools like Apache Cordova and PhoneGap.
Flexible Usage Phaser supports es6+webpack, CDN, TypeScript, with adaptability for an Android game or Facebook Instant game — an embodiment of digital diversity.
Sound Playback Enabling the power of auditory storytelling, Phaser supports web and HTML5 audio for sound playback, further enriching the gaming experience.

Phaser Downsides

While the glowing virtues are abundant, Phaser may present some limitations based on your unique requirements.

  • It’s inherently focused on 2D game development, perhaps constraining your 3D imagination.
  • The requirement of a browser that supports the canvas element might limit accessibility for some users.

Phaser Pricing

A joyous note for your budget, Phaser is subjected to the universal allure of ‘free’. It’s a fully open-source project, fostering development dialogue across the planet.

Phaser Use Cases

Use case 1: Educational Software Development

Phaser’s extensive library of examples combined with active community support, makes it an ideal tool for educators to create interactive educational software, enriching the learning curve of students across the globe.

Use case 2: Independent Game Developers

Indie game developers across the planet can leverage Phaser’s multi-physics system and flexible deployment options to bring their game vision to life, without compromising their unique narrative.

Use case 3: Entertainment Industry

Echoing the digital pulse of the world, organizations in the entertainment industry can utilise Phaser to create engaging HTML5 games, bound by no platform restraint, for global audiences to enjoy.


If you’re eyeing an alternative to ReactJS, look no further. Say hello to p5.js. Born out of the creative forces of Lauren McCarthy in 2013 and officially backed by the Processing Foundation, p5.js has been the belle of the ball for non-programmers aspiring to learn computer programming in a visual context. Pair that with its swanky appearance as a graphics library, and you’ve got a real tech knockout.

p5.js Top Features

  • Boasts a user-friendly graphical interface; even your grandmother could have a whirl at it.
  • Extends a helping hand to non-programmers with added simplifications in visual design.
  • No static variables and method usage allowed. It’s like a diet for your code.
  • It’s a polyglot! Java, GLSL, and JavaScript are all welcomed with open arms.
  • Offers a newborn baby’s blanket worth of intimacy in the form of a cozy IDE sketchbook for all your programmatic doodling.
Feature Benefit
Uses HTML canvas element For easy visual content and game rendering. Sure to tickle the fancy of your internet browsers.
Extension .pde Its significant existence extends beyond just being a hip file extension.

p5.js Limitations

  • Requires your full commitment as it doesn’t allow usage of standard data types. It could be a bumpy ride for those used to floating on the standard sea.
  • It might be a little clingy since it prevents static variables and method usage.
  • The Processing.js project discontinued in 2018, but fret not! p5.js, the native JavaScript alternative, stepped in to ensure the show goes on.

p5.js Pricing

Hold onto your wallets! This beauty comes to you free of charge, under the generous auspices of the GPL and LGPL licenses. Now that’s what we call a steal.

p5.js Use Cases

Use Case 1: Teaching Programming to Newbies

p5.js could very well be the “green eggs and ham” of programming for greenhorns. Its simplifications in the visual design could make teaching coding to non-programmers as easy as pie. And who doesn’t love pie?

Use Case 2: Creating Simulations and Interactive Art

With the aid of the p5Py Python library, creating simulations and interactive art is like child’s play. Ready to paint your own “Mona Lisa” in code?

Use Case 3: Prototyping to Actual Product

From Processing IDE use to actual product via Wiring and Arduino projects, it’s like playing with LEGO, but for grown-ups. And the cherry on the cake? It uses C++ Libraries.


A child of the 90s and named after a beloved British comic troupe, Python is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented scripting language. Crafted with the finesse of a novel, it uses English keywords, making it a hit amongst legions of beginners and seasoned coders alike.

Python’s Best Features

  • Readability: With its emphasis on simplicity, Python’s readability gets your code from confusing to “Oh, I get it now!”.
  • Versatility: Python supports all your favorite programming styles – imperative, object-oriented, you name it!
  • Easy Integrations: Python plays nice with other languages like C and C++. No tantrums. No drama.
  • Jumbo-size Library: Python’s standard library is the equivalent of the Internet’s all-you-can-eat coding buffet – vast and varied. Dig in!
Feature Detail
Python Compatibility Runs on almost every platform out there. Yeah, Python doesn’t pick sides!
Memory Management Dynamically allocates memory. Why bother about specifying variable data type?
Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) Discovers new features, providing a history of major changes.

Python Limitations

  • Python 3’s Backward Compatibility: Python 3 might have arrived with improvements, but it didn’t bring along its old buddy, backward compatibility.
  • Raw Performance: Python may not be the fastest racer out there – it prefers thinking over quick sprints.

Python Pricing

Spare that wallet! Python is open-source and absolutely free. Yes, you heard it right!

Python Use Cases

Web Development

Want a gorgeous, functional website? Python’s got your back with its flexible syntax and standard library.

Data Analysis

The perfect ally in your quest to decode data! Python’s dynamic typing and large library make data analysis a breeze.

AI and Machine Learning

Want your machines to think? Arm them with Python. With its AI-friendly syntax, Python is the preferred tool for building smart machines.


WebAssembly (WASM), a significant player established in 2017 and made a W3C standard in 2019, runs in all major browsers, enhancing website performance and capabilities thoroughly. It notably boosts more intensive use cases like VR, AR, image/video editing, and computer vision.

WASM Top Features

  • High speed and efficiency
  • Security enhancements
  • Portable, and features easy-to-use WebAssembly text-to-binary tools
  • Can be applied to serverless environments
  • Returns more secure and efficient results than sole use of JavaScript
  • Aids easy and quick sharing of libraries
Core Structure Memory, Table, Instance, Module
Key Concepts Module, Memory, Table, Instance
Use Cases AR, VR, image/video editing, computer vision

WASM Limitations

  • Limited set of instructions, though it improves memory management, it may not cover all possible use cases
  • Might require some initial time investment to understand its binary instruction format

WASM Pricing

Important to note, WASM is an open-source standard, free to adopt and implement.Evidence of its open-source nature is seen in the vast number of languages that can be compiled to WebAssembly, such as C, C++, Rust, and Go.

WASM Use Cases

Use case 1 (AR/VR)

With its strong emphasis on performance, memory safety, and management, WASM is a powerhouse for AR and VR applications.The efficiency it deploys in these immersive technologies makes it a top choice for developers.

Use case 2 (Image/video editing)

WASM offers near-native speed and the capacity to handle intensive tasks. Image and video editing require these heavy-lifting capabilities, making WASM an ideal pick.

Use case 3 (Computer Vision)

Memory safety and strong performance make WASM a reliable choice for Computer Vision applications.Its drive for high efficiency and the ability to obscure code lends a helping hand in these demanding scenarios.

Ethereum Virtual Machine

Delving into the realm of web graphics technologies, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) emerges as an intriguing alternative to ReactJS. As an instrumental element of Ethereum, it serves as the runtime environment for smart contracts, offering a blockchain protocol for continuous, immutable operations.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Top Features

  • Execution Environment: It provides a space where all Ethereum accounts and smart contracts reside.
  • Distributed State Machine: Utilizing predefined rules, EVM executes functions from block to block, mirroring a mathematical function.
  • Secure: The EVM runs untrusted code without risking data, providing a secure environment for executing complex smart contracts.
  • Turing-Complete: Supports programs coded in various languages, granting developers extensive flexibility.
Feature Benefit
Immutable Protocol Guarantees constant, uninterrupted operation of the state machine.
Management of Native ETH Inherent control over the native ETH token and the state of the blockchain.
Transient Memory Maintains temporary memory during execution that doesn’t persist between transactions, enabling efficiency.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Limitations

  • The high cost of storing data.
  • Significant gas expenditure.
  • Technical expertise needed for writing smart contracts.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Use Cases

Use case 1

For developers looking to create Decentralized Apps (DApps), the EVM offers a robust platform. It provides consistency in transaction execution, as per smart contract code, enabling an authentic and efficient development experience.

Use case 2

The EVM caters to the needs of data security enthusiasts. By running untrusted code without risking data, it nurtures an environment of trust and security in the digital realm.

Use case 3

For those eager to write stateful contracts, the EVM is an ideal solution. It brings deterministic processing to the fore, robust against failure and shaping a new era of blockchain interactions.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.