Unity excels for advanced, versatile development with support for 3D, 2D, AR/VR, and cross-platform releases, making it ideal for seasoned developers. However, its new per-install pricing model could hamper indie developers. GameMaker shines in user-friendly, scalability, and robust 2D capabilities making it attractive for novices and indie developers. Undertake a selectiveness based on your specific needs.

Comparing Unity and GameMaker

Key Differences Between Unity and GameMaker

  • Unity, with longer history since 2005, excels in advanced 3D and 2D game development, supporting AR/VR, cross-platform release. GameMaker, in the arena since 1999, focuses on 2D game design, appreciated for user-friendliness and scalability.
  • Unity’s impending per-install pricing model sparks concern among developers. GameMaker offers tiered options, aimed at different user needs from individual hobbyists to studios.
  • Unity provides a multitude of coding languages including C#, Javascript, while GameMaker leverages Language Server for Syntax Highlighting and Intellisense support, facilitating additional language usage in the Code Editor.
  • Unity fosters an active developer community encouraging problem-solving and collaboration. GameMaker concentrates on developer support and community development.
Comparison Unity GameMaker
Initial Release 2005 1999 as Animo, refocused as GameMaker Studio in later versions
Platform Capability 3D and 2D. Augmented Reality and 3D simulations 2D focused
Coding Languages BOO script, Javascript, and C# Proprietary GameMaker Language and more (through Language Server)
Community Active developer community Praised by developers for its scalability and ease of use
Asset Store Rich asset store integrated with diverse pre-designed textures and features Provides mod.io extension for user-generated content
Pricing Model Redesigned with per-install fees, new model effective from January 1, 2024 Free, Creator, Indie, and Enterprise tiers available
Capability Updates Improves user-friendliness, compatibility, and immersive visual experiences Includes major updates like new code editor, AI support and advanced modding capabilities
Focus Sector Encourages creation of games with AR/VR features Focused on ease of game design, preferred by novices and full-time developers

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity is a potent game development engine, particularly adept at 3D and 2D game creation, which rose to prominence after its debut in 2005. This universally adaptable engine boasts cross-platform game launch capabilities for Android, iOS, and an array of operating systems. It offers an expansive suite of tools, technologies, and features to aid high-quality game creation, including augmented reality applications and 3D simulations. Unity caters specifically to game developers, regardless of their scale and often proves exceptionally beneficial to those interested in AR/VR game features.

Colorful view of a developer working with Unity software in a futuristic studio

Pros of Unity

  • Offers high-grade game development tools and technologies
  • Provides cross-platform game launch capabilities
  • Retails rich, diverse asset catalogs in its store
  • Supports multiple coding languages
  • Champions high-quality AR/VR game creation

Cons of Unity

  • Presents a controversial fee-based pricing structure
  • Changes therein have led to developers questioning trust
  • Sudden shifts in pricing pose financial sustainability risks
  • Fears of potential abuse of per-install fees
  • Concerns over hampering digital preservation efforts

What Is GameMaker and Who’s It For?

Founded in 1999, GameMaker is a user-friendly 2D game engine aiming to remove complexity from game design. Noteworthy for its scalability and comprehensive toolset, GameMaker has the attention of both budding and veteran developers. This engine allows developers across tiers to create diverse games – from desktop-based to major console releases. GameMaker marks its industry space with high-profile games like Undertale, Forager, and Hyper Light Drifter in its portfolio.

Colorful image of a game designer constructing a new scenario on GameMaker

Pros of GameMaker

  • Excels at making game design simpler for beginners
  • Features extensive, scalable tools
  • Offers diverse tiers for developers
  • Has a roster of successful indie games
  • Continuously adapts based on customer feedback

Cons of GameMaker

  • Mostly confined to 2D game designs
  • May not be as advanced as competitors for pro developers
  • Future updates are still essential for maintaining relevancy
  • AI integration is still in the works

Unity vs GameMaker: Pricing

The pricing models of Unity and GameMaker differ significantly, with Unity adapting a per-install fee while GameMaker offers tiered pricing structures.


Unity uses a pricing method that charges developers a fee each time a game using Unity software is installed. This approach, set to launch on January 1, 2024, has faced backlash from developers for potentially hampering small, independent developers. However, Unity clarified that the fees only apply post the launch date and no fees will be charged until a game reaches $200,000 in revenue and surpasses 200,000 installations. Unity has eliminated the Unity Plus subscription tier, and instead presents a free version and a Pro version with advanced features.


GameMaker, on the other hand, favors a tiered pricing system. These tiers include a Free tier, a Creator tier for designers developing on desktop stores, an Indie tier providing multiple export options alongside game release, and an Enterprise tier for studio releases on major consoles. This varied pricing approach serves to support both novice and seasoned developers alike.

Code Examples for Unity & GameMaker


This snippet illustrates a simple character controller in Unity’s popular C# scripting language. Key requirements are Unity 2020.3.0f1 or later and the standard CharacterController component attached to the player’s GameObject.

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class BasicMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 3.0F;
    public float rotateSpeed = 3.0F;

    void Update()
        CharacterController controller = GetComponent<charactercontroller>();
        // Regular horizontal movement
        Vector3 forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
        float curSpeed = speed * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
        controller.SimpleMove(forward * curSpeed);
        // Rotate the player
        transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * rotateSpeed, 0);


The presented code example demonstrates a rudimentary enemy AI in GameMaker Language (GML). GameMaker Studio 2 or later is required to execute this script successfully.

    var player_direction = point_direction(x, y, obj_player.x, obj_player.y);
    var distance_to_player = point_distance(x, y, obj_player.x, obj_player.y);

    if(distance_to_player < vision_range)
        spd = max_spd;
        direction = player_direction;
        spd = 0;

    hsp = lengthdir_x(spd, direction);
    vsp = lengthdir_y(spd, direction);

x += hsp;
y += vsp;

Unity or GameMaker: Which One Reigns Supreme?

In the battle between Unity or GameMaker, a verdict calls for a precise and perspective analysis.

Seasoned Developers

Unity grants opportunity for powerful cross-platform gaming experiences, embracing both AR/VR. With robust rendition tech, a vibrant asset store, and a spectrum of coding languages, it is a compelling proposition for established creators, willing to grapple with the pricing structure.

a seasoned game developer, engrossed in crafting complex game structures employing Unity

Newbies and Indie Developers

Conducive to a simplified gaming paradigm, GameMaker is an optimal choice for newbies and indie developers. Its admired simplicity, scalability and a well-thought-out tier system introduce a rewarding launchpad for emerging talents.

a novice game developer proficiently using GameMaker for creating enticing 2D games

Commercial Studio Developers

Unity, with its comprehensive suite of tools and high-quality game creation capabilities, offers commercial studio developers a promising platform, despite the potential backlash over the new per-install fees.

a team of commercial game developers engaged in designing a professional AR/VR game using Unity

When weighed on the scales of power, Unity arguably surpasses GameMaker. However, the latter unquestionably wears the crown of simplicity. Unity can be potentially strenuous on the budget but rewards with immersive gaming experiences. GameMaker, on the other hand, appeases with its minimalistic approach, and is perfect for those dipping their toes in the game-making realm.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.