2024 Cryptovoxels alternatives



Launched in 2013 and acquired by Microsoft in 2017, AltspaceVR is a platform that hosts free virtual spaces, featuring integration with Microsoft Mesh and more. It’s noted for its general favorability among first-time VR users due to its simplicity and ease of navigation.

AltspaceVR Top Features

  • Free virtual spaces hosting, no VR headset required.
  • Advanced avatar customization.
  • Home feature for learning menus and tools privately.
  • Offers a variety of events such as live comedy shows, workshops, social events, etc.
  • Mesh integration allows hosting of digital twins or person’s holograms.
  • Event creation expands with user experience, templates available for new users.
Integration Function
Microsoft Mesh Allows digital twins or person’s holograms to host VR avatars
Microsoft Ecosystem Integrates with Microsoft products like Minecraft, Xbox Live, or Office 365
Shared VR experiences Facilitates communal interaction in events and social situations

AltspaceVR Limitations

  • No in-app payments and no email-facilitated communication.
  • Closure announced for March 10, 2023.
  • Experienced funding issues which affected its operational capacity.

AltspaceVR Pricing

AltspaceVR offers its services for free, with no in-app payment features.

AltspaceVR Use Cases

Use case 1: Social Networking

AltspaceVR serves as a stellar tool for social networking, bridging geographical gaps by hosting shared VR experiences, public calendar events, content channels based on interest, and other immersive events.

Use case 2: Business Collaboration

The platform’s compatibility with Microsoft Mesh proves fruitful for business purposes, facilitating professional collaborations and virtual reality events.

Use case 3: Education

With its capability to host a myriad of events, such as workshops and religious studies, AltspaceVR also finds its place in educational contexts.


Since Facebook’s rebrand to Meta, Metaverse has been creating a significant buzz. An idea first conceived in 1938, and later solidified by Neal Stephenson’s ‘Snow Crash’ in 1992, Metaverse is an immersive 3D internet concept that is expected to utilize AR and VR experiences along with blockchain and NFTs.

Metaverse Top Features

  • AR and VR experiences: The Metaverse will comprise numerous 3D worlds, providing a truly immersive environment.
  • Blockchain and NFTs: Expected to exploit the growing interest in blockchain, Metaverse may also use these technologies to harmonize commerce and foster interoperability.
  • Industry-specific applications: It targets consumers and industries, creating a symbiotic relationship that may revolutionize how the global tech unity interacts.
Technological Aspects Historical Relevance
AR and VR adoption Inspired by Sensorama (1962) and VPL research’s first commercial VR headset (1984)
Blockchain and NFTs usage Features elements of Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash (1992)
Evolving with the World Wide Web Built on the concept of global connection envisioned by Berners-Lee (1989)

Metaverse Downsides

  • The concept is still abstract for many, leading to confusion and lack of clarity.
  • There could be potential challenges regarding interoperability between various Metaverse environments.
  • It’s expected to rely heavily on high-tech equipment such as VR headsets, which might not be accessible to everyone.

Metaverse Use Cases

Use case 1: Virtual Concerts

Epic Games’s Fortnite, which hosted Travis Scott’s virtual concert in 2018, showcases potential for future music and entertainment events in the Metaverse.

Use case 2: Virtual Commerce

With brands like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Walmart already exploring retail marketing in Metaverse, there’s an enormous potential for commerce.

Use case 3: Collaborative Workspaces

Microsoft’s Mesh, a platform for virtual collaboration, shows the potential use of Metaverse in the workspace for seamless team dynamics.


A brainchild of Microsoft, Mesh is an extraordinary mixed-reality platform designed to foster collaboration and learning. The platform, built robustly on Azure, ensures a highly secure and scalable solution for creating shared holographic experiences.

Mesh Top Features

  • Empowers users with collaborative, shared holographic experiences on various devices, even when geographically dispersed.
  • Provides users the ability to present as their photorealistic selves or avatars, opening new doors for immersive learning and social connections.
  • Offers third-party developers a shared platform to build applications in AR, VR, and MR, thus accelerating its potential and reach.
  • Has potential to catapult Microsoft Teams meetings into the realm of immersive experiences.
  • Can be accessed through a myriad of devices like HoloLens 2, VR headsets, smartphones, tablets, and PCs, thus ensuring high accessibility.
Cirque du Soleil Co-founder’s company, Lune Rouge Creation of Hanai World, a mixed reality platform combining live and digital entertainment.
OceanX Aims to establish a “holographic laboratory”.

Mesh Limitations

  • Current most complete Mesh experience confined to Microsoft’s HoloLens 2, limiting user choice in hardware.
  • Features like photorealistic representations of users and more interactive capabilities are still under development, affecting the overall user experience of the present version.
  • Holoportation feature to attend social events like concerts, family celebrations or DJ events remotely is still in development.

Mesh Use Cases

Use case 1: Collaborative Meetings

Mesh has been designed as a tool to make remote collaboration effervescent. Project teams working across different locations can employ Mesh to build a shared holographic workspace, thereby improving communication and productivity.

Use case 2: Virtual Design Sessions

Engineers and designers can use Mesh for working on 3D blueprints and other projects remotely. The immersive setup catered by Mesh can revolutionize virtual design sessions.

Use case 3: Social Connect

Easing isolation in our digital world, Mesh serves as a platform for social meetups, providing an experience akin to physical interaction. From casual catch-ups to virtual concerts, Mesh is set to reshape social connections.

Second Life

Second Life

Brought into existence by Linden Lab CEO, Philip Rosedale, Second Life commenced as a vision for a boundless green landscape disseminated across numerous servers. Initially focused on haptic technology research, the company pivoted towards crafting a 3D virtual world known as “LindenWorld.” Eventually, it metamorphosed into the immersive “Second Life”.

Second Life Top Features

  • Users can exclusively produce content and interact in real-time.
  • It promotes a full economy, boasting its unique currency, the Linden dollar.
  • Besides creation, users can purchase and peddle goods, services.
  • Identity verification features enhance user trust.
  • Prominent companies like Gucci, Ferrari maintain a presence on Second Life.
  • Doesn’t store any personally identifiable information; ensures user privacy.
  • Focuses on user-generated content; largely popular among children, teenagers.
Feature Benefit
User diversity Wide user-base, including academics, artists, veterans, trans community, etc.
Real-world recreation Second Life emulates real-world experiences, enhancing user engagement.

Second Life Limitations

  • Cryptocurrency, still unsuitable for metaverse transactions.
  • Lacks targeted advertising models.

Second Life Use Cases

Use case 1: Virtual Presence

Companies seeking to establish a virtual footprint can use Second Life. Brands like Gucci, Ferrari have successfully marked their presence in this sphere.

Use case 2: Social Interaction

With real-time interaction, it’s a suitable platform for individuals desiring social engagement in a virtual environment.

Use case 3: Economic Activity

Second Life promotes a virtual economy where users can create, buy, sell goods or services through its proprietary Linden dollars.


Behold Meta, a butterfly emerged from the cocoon of Facebook, Inc. A revered titan among tech conglomerates, Meta nests in the technologically vibrant heart of Menlo Park, California. Esteemed for its grandeur, Meta is the crown jewel in the cluster of tech giants inclusive of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft, venerated for its ceaseless innovation in social media, advertising, consumer electronics, and significantly, virtual reality.

Meta Top Features

  • Harbours major products under its wing, including Facebook, Instagram, Oculus, Messenger, and WhatsApp.
  • Presents an array of additional offerings such as Threads, Horizon Worlds, Ray-Ban Stories, Mapillary, and Workplace.
  • Envisions the construction of an intriguing “metaverse”, an integrated environment linking all the company’s products and services.
  • Annually hosts the Connect conference, a gathering of AR/VR developers, content creators, and marketers to explore the contours of the metaverse.
  • Invests substantial capital in forward-thinking ventures, like the recent $150-million investment in immersive learning.
Major Subsidiaries Roles
Novi Financial Managing Meta’s finances
Reality Labs Researching, Developing, Producing VR Technologies

Meta Limitations

  • Despite the rebrand to ‘Meta’, concerns persist about privacy and data usage.
  • Meta’s metaverse vision is ambitious but still profoundly theoretical, with many challenges and potential regulation hurdles to overcome.
  • Historical controversies tied to Facebook, including the IPO scandals, Cambridge Analytica scandal, and data violations, continue to linger in the public consciousness.

Meta Use Cases

Social Connectivity

The offerings from Meta such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp transform the digital landscape, empowering billions globally by fostering an interconnected network. It is a solace for the lone hearts yearning to express or connect with the human diaspora in the digital ether.


Business enterprises can leverage Meta‘s social media platforms along with insights tools for market research, target audience identification, and advertising. A competent comrade for businesses to sail smoothly in the choppy waters of the digital marketplace.


Meta’s recent investment in immersive learning and the development of VR technologies potentiate a paradigm shift in education. It could weave magic in the sector by enabling immersive, interactive, and global learning realities.



A powerful, renowned cross-platform game engine by Unity Technologies, Unity3D is a versatile development tool utilized cross-industry. Initially introduced at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in June 2005, its capabilities extend far beyond gaming, serving industries from automotive to the U.S. Armed Forces.

Unity3D Top Features

  • Cross-Platform Support: Unity3D supports diverse desktop, mobile, console, and virtual reality platforms.
  • Beginner & Indie Developer Friendly: Known for its usability, Unity3D is a favorite for iOS and Android mobile game development and indie game development.
  • Open to All: Unity3D offers plans and pricing for students, personal use, and enterprises, ensuring accessibility for all levels and types of developers.
  • High Performance: Developed in C++, Unity3D is optimized for high performance, a key factor for game development.
  • Extensive Release Functionality: Unity offers a solid API for custom scripting tools and a diverse marketplace for scripts, models, scenery, materials, and more.
Feature Description
2D and 3D Creation Empowers creation in both 2D, using the Box2D engine, and 3D, diversifying output opportunities.
Integrations Works seamlessly with Visual Studio, JavaScript, Mono Develop IDE, and has a robust C# scripting API.
Commercial Terms Its pricing model is tailored to different revenue thresholds, making it affordable for various developers.

Unity3D Limitations

  • Political changes and inconsistent pricing policy have occasionally led to community backlash.
  • Faces fierce competition from platforms like Unreal and Godot.
  • Unity3D’s business model is currently in flux, which may affect its predictability for developers.

Unity3D Pricing

Unity3D pricing varies, with options for students, personal users, and enterprises. It also contains a ‘Per Install’ fee from 2024 & different license versions going up to $1500. Most affordable for game development up to a revenue threshold of $200,000.

Unity3D Use Cases

Use Case 1: Mobile Game Development

With its user-friendly interface and robust toolset, Unity3D is a top choice for mobile game developers. Its support for iOS and Android platforms ensures broad audience reach.

Use Case 2: Indie Game Development

For indie developers, Unity3D offers an affordable and accessible platform, allowing them to craft unique gaming experiences without significant financial investment.

Use Case 3: Non-Gaming Industries

From film to the U.S. Armed Forces, Unity3D’s versatility has seen it adopted across industries, leveraging its 3D capabilities to visualize complex concepts and models.



In the realm of VR creation tools, VRChat, a creation by Graham Gaylor and Jesse Joudrey, has patented a special place of its own.

Fuelled by Unity engine, VRChat came into existence on January 16, 2014.

Crossing boundaries, it has found compatibility not just with virtual reality headsets like Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, SteamVR but also showcases a desktop mode supporting mouse, keyboard, gamepad.

It’s more than a usual VR tool, it’s a virtual cosmos brimming with user-created 3D avatars and worlds.

VRChat Top Features

  1. Sprightly avatars: Customize your representation with avatars ranging from aliens to sentient shoes with glowing bits. Anything goes!
  2. Udon: A visual programming language introduced in 2020 for your geeky needs.
  3. Overlap of realities: Sync virtual and real with features like lip sync, eye tracking, blinking, head and hand motion mimicking. This isn’t your average playstation!
  4. Cross-platform play: VRChat isn’t picky. It plays well with Android, touchscreen devices, and a native application made for Meta Quest.
Feature Benefit
3D avatars and worlds – user-created Lose yourself in the land of imagination. The only limitation is yourself!
Trust levels for safety Allowing users a classified tier system for safety and security. Play freely, interact safely!

VRChat Limitations

  • Controversial access: Previously allowed minor users access to adult-themed content, tread cautiously!
  • Immunity to review bombing not guaranteed: The high popularity has led to review bombing following an anti-cheat announcement. Critics are hard to please!
  • Economy at stake: Home to various music-oriented communities and hosts dance music events regularly might strain the system resources.

VRChat Pricing

There’s some good news and some even better. It’s not exactly open-source, but it won’t cost you a dime either. However, for those hungering for more, you could look into VRChat Plus, their premium membership service introduced in November 2020.

VRChat Use Cases

Use case 1

Are you a YouTuber or Twitch streamer? Well, your influence and creativity can bloom in the VRChat universe. With its high popularity, this is a chance to engage with your audience like never before.

Use case 2

For the educators out there, imagine turning your classes into an unforgettable visual journey. Forget PowerPoint, embrace VRChat!

Use case 3

Organizing dance or music events? With VRChat, host unforgettably immersive events. You are no longer restricted by the physical world!


Delivering a unique blend of creativity and interactivity, ChilloutVR is a social sandbox game designed for both VR and desktop. The platform puts an emphasis on strong community engagement, allowing users to design their own avatars, explore a vast array of publically accessible worlds, create their own game modes, and socialize with friends and strangers alike.

ChilloutVR Top Features

  • Avatar creation: Allows users to create custom avatars for exploring and interacting with others.
  • Community Features: Supports adding friends, forming parties, joining groups, and attending events.
  • Content Creation: Utilizes the Unity Editor for creating avatars, scripting game modes, and world-building.
  • Security measures: Protects against illegal modifications, ripping, and abusive practices.
  • Moderation & management: Offers tools for player management to moderators, developers, and group leaders.
Additional features Short Description
Melon Loader A mod support tool that enables in-game modding.
Quarterly ABI updates Detailed updates on platform’s progress and future plans.
PC mod installer Allows for easy installation of mods into ChilloutVR.

ChilloutVR Disadvantages

  • Lacking features like video players and advanced avatar settings.
  • Limitation on syncing experiences with other players within the game.
  • Banned users are permitted to appeal, but moderation decisions are final.

ChilloutVR Pricing

ChilloutVR is a free platform that grants users access to all its tools and features without any associated costs. However, users should respect the firm’s Terms of Service and Privacy policy.

ChilloutVR Use Cases

Use case 1: Social Interaction

Users seeking a social VR experience can use ChilloutVR to interact with friends in a digital space, attend virtual events, and form gaming parties.

Use case 2: Game Development

For users with a penchant for game creation, they can leverage the Unity Editor’s capabilities to script entire game modes and create interactive objects.

Use case 3: Modding Enthusiasts

ChilloutVR also caters to users interested in modding, through its Melon Loader, providing an avenue for in-game modifications and secure interactions between modders.

Rec Room

Rec Room

Developed by Rec Room Inc, Rec Room is a fully integrated, unity-engine-powered virtual reality (VR) game creation system with optional VR playability. Offering a mix of singleplayer and multiplayer interaction, it showcases full 3D motion and teleportation capacities to combat VR sickness.

Rec Room Top Features

  • VR Headset’s Motion Capture System: Assures immersive full 3D motion experience.
  • “Maker Pen” in action: Enable the creation of rooms with unique atmospheres.
  • Circuits: A visual programming language for users to code and build unique game experiences.
Additional Features Details
Platforms PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Meta Quest, Android, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows, iOS
Rec.net Integrated social media platform for photo sharing
Rec Room Originals Comprehensive suite of multiplayer games

Rec Room Disadvantages

  • Trolling and Harassment: A major issue as reported by Ars Technica in Jan 2017, and user reviews pointing out systemic moderation issues.
  • Explicit Material: Instances of exposure to explicit content have been reported depending on servers and rooms accessed.

Rec Room Pricing

Though Rec Room is available for free, it offers an optional premium monthly subscription, Rec Room Plus, granting benefits like selling user-generated content for tokens which can be exchanged for money.

Rec Room Use Cases

Use Case 1: VR Enthusiasts

Rec Room fosters a co-creative environment, making it perfect for those looking to delve into game development or simply enjoy a unique gaming experience.

Use Case 2: Social Networking

The built-in social media platform, Rec.Net, allows users to share photos and interact, serving as a digital hub for the community.

Use Case 3: Creative Outlets

With the incorporation of Circuits, users seeking a creative outlet can code their own unique gaming experiences.



Enter the universe of Roblox, a revolutionary platform where creativity and gaming converge. Founded in 2006 by savvy visionaries David Baszucki and Erik Cassel, the platform has managed to oscillate its unique gravitational pull, attracting over 100 million monthly active users as of 2021.

Roblox Top Features

  • Proprietary engine, Roblox Studio, a haven for creative minds eager to create stunning virtual realities.
  • Robust user-generated content library, boasting over 50 million games.
  • Luau, a derivative of Lua that allows enthusiasts to code their games.
  • Collaborative development – a platform that not only encourages play but also emphasizes shared creativity and learning.
  • Efficient integration capabilities with external software like Blender for modeling and animating.
  • Potent social interaction features, fostering an engaging community of developers and players.
Top Titles Active Players
Power Simulator 100,000
Munching Masters 100,000
Magician Simulator 100,000

Roblox Downsides

  • Reports of moderation issues and availability of adult content might raise eyebrows.
  • Despite a focus on user safety, accusations of child-exploitative practices have surfaced.
  • The use of microtransactions might make some users twitch.

Roblox Use Cases

Youth Engagement

Roblox triumphs as a captivating world where younger users can dive into unstructured play, collaborate and learn coding principles. A solid influence on YouTube fuels organic user acquisition.

Adult Players

Roblox carves a niche for adults too. Small businesses and freelancing developers find merit in its platform, further diversifying its user base.


With a repository of teaching resources, Roblox stands as a cornerstone for those interested in mastering the art of game development. Online classes, published books, and YouTube tutorials are ready to quench your thirst for knowledge.



Launched by Solirax, a VR specialist company, Neos is a hybrid-funding, community-driven virtual reality platform that also offers in-game VR content creation tools. Primarily operating on the Ethereum blockchain, Neos was released on May 4, 2018.

Neos Top Features

  • Customizable avatars: Neos provides all users with the ability to import, build, and modify unique avatars inside the platform.
  • Hardware agnostic: Neos is designed to work seamlessly with a multitude of VR devices
  • Active Development: Neos is under continual development with frequent updates improving the platform’s overall functionality.
  • Powered by a custom FrooxEngine and Unity for asset synchronisation and asynchronous task processing.
  • Community and Marketplace: Neos fosters a sharing community with a marketplace for virtual items.
Feature Description
Cryptocurrency system Integrated with Ethereum blockchain
Full-Body Tracking Supports motion replication development
Multiplayer Supports multiple player interactivity

Neos Limitations

  • Community and team expansion can be challenging.
  • Face formidable competition within the VR and blockchain market.
  • Marketing efforts lag behind compared to its competitors.
  • Lacks substantial backing from cryptocurrency Venture Capital.

Neos Pricing

Neos operates on a free model for users. However, monthly and perpetual commercial licences are available for business users.

Neos Use Cases

Use case 1: Creators and Developers

With its versatile VR content creation tools, Neos provides creators the platform to create, import, build, and modify virtual worlds and experiences in-game.

Use case 2: Educators

Educators can leverage Neos to run VR experiments at low costs, providing students with immersive learning experiences.

Use case 3: Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs find Neos handy with its marketplace for virtual items and services, facilitating trade and commerce within the virtual universe.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.