Djurgarden is a green oasis and key tourist attraction in Stockholm, Sweden’s National City park, offering historical buildings, museums, and recreational areas for over 10 million annual visitors.

2024 top alternatives to Djurgarden

For eco-conscious tech enthusiasts looking for alternatives to Djurgarden, options include Modo, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Maya, Mudbox, ZBrush, and Blender.


Slide into the 3D world with Modo, a powerful software developed by Luxology and now part of Foundry’s toolbox. Born in the ingeniously geeky minds that brought us LightWave 3D, Modo has been turning heads in the mobile gaming and footwear design industry (yes, you read that right!).

Modo Top Features

  • Primitive Slice, Bridge MeshOp: The perfect chef’s special for 3D ingredients.
  • Workflow customization: Transform into a modeling maestro with Ruler/Grid MeshOp, native 3dm Rhino 7, and more.
  • Render With Style: The software comes with Intel Denoiser to serve you smarter renders and shades.
  • Planar Decals, Seam Decals: Decorate your 3D models like a Christmas tree in Tinseltown.
  • Quick render previews, editable rigs: Speed through your creations like a coding Road Runner.
Geometry constraints Kick back and let Modo do the smart stuff for you.
Advanced Boolean operations with MeshFusion Elevate your meshes (and your mood) to a whole new level.
Compatible with V-ray, Octane, and other popular software like Maya and Adobe Photoshop Play nice with all your favorite tech toyz.

Modo Disadvantages

  • If you’re a newbie to 3D modeling, we gotta say, Modo might give you a steep learning curve. But hey, no pain, no gain, right?
  • Looking for some more complex character animation? Well, Modo could do better on that part.

Modo Pricing

Modo offers a subscription and upgrade-based pricing model. It’s like the all-you-can-model buffet you always wanted! Also, take it for a test run with their 30-day free trial.

Modo Use Cases

Use case 1: Game Development

A shout-out to all the gaming geeks in da house! Modo has been successfully serving the mobile gaming industry with its efficient animation exports and quick render previews. Level up!

Use case 2: Footwear Design

If you thought Modo was all play and no work, think again. New Balance uses Modo for footwear design. So, time to step up your game!

Use case 3: Advancing Professionally

Want to add some oomph to your portfolio as a modeler, concept artist, or industrial visualizer? Modo’s got you covered with its intuitive modeling tools and selection.

Cinema 4D

A frontrunner in the 3D modeling industry, Cinema 4D is synonymous with detailed motion graphics. Exceptionally intuitive, this software lets you generate objects directly within the viewport, manage them in a hierarchical list, and assign properties via tags.

Top Features of Cinema 4D

  • Polygonal modeling: Create elaborate designs with precision and minimalism.
  • Parametric objects: Shape your creations effortlessly with numerical accuracy.
  • Volume modeling: Turn simple shapes into complex structures with ease.
  • Redshift 3D: GPU renderer facilitating quick iteration and a user-friendly interface.
  • Unified simulation system: Generate dynamic effects such as cloth, soft bodies, and rope.
Feature Description
Symmetry functions Aids in balancing and coordinating designs for aesthetic appeal.
ZRemesher technology Refine dense, chaotic meshes into simplified geometry, enabling easier manipulation and design fluidity.
Scene nodes Enhance efficiency by encapsulating sets of objects and operations, representing multi-action steps as singular objects.

Cinema 4D Downsides

  • Because of its extensive toolset and features, the learning curve can be steep for beginners.
  • Resource-intensive, requiring powerful hardware for optimal operation.

Cinema 4D Pricing

Invest in your creativity with Cinema 4D for $94/month or $719/year. Stand-alone licenses are available at $3,495. Educational access can be purchased for $9.99/6 months, facilitating affordable learning.

Cinema 4D Use Cases

Use Case 1: Motion Graphics Artists

With its power to animate any object, material, or parameter, Cinema 4D stands as an invaluable resource for motion graphics artists seeking to build photorealistic animations and characters.

Use Case 2: Game Developers

For game development, Cinema 4D’s extensive toolkit simplifies the creation of detailed in-game assets and intricate environments. Tools like poly pen and ZRemesher assist in producing lifelike graphics for immersive gameplay.

Use Case 3: Design Educators and Students

Its robust educational resources and active community make Cinema 4D highly adept at fostering learning and creativity in digital design classrooms.

3ds Max

Meet 3ds Max, a powerful tool brought to you by Autodesk Media & Entertainment, loved by game developers, animation experts, and entertainment industry professionals globally. Not only can it breathe life into 3D character designs, environments, and virtual realities, but it also shines in creating mesmerizing visuals for architecture and engineering presentations.

3ds Max Top Features

  • Modeling capabilities and flexible plugin architecture: 3ds Max teems with robust modeling features with an architecture allowing for functional plugin enhancements.
  • MAXScript: This invaluable scripting language lets users automate repetitive tasks, optimizing the base interface.
  • Scene Explorer: It provides a hierarchical view of scene data for an organized and smooth project flow.
  • Import and linking of .dwg files: A seamless workflow is possible with 3ds Max supporting .dwg files, a widely recognized format in architectural and engineering fields.
  • Integrated Cloth Solver: High-quality cloth simulations get taken to the next level with 3ds Max’s integrated cloth solver.
Max Creation Graph (MCG) A built-in toolset unique to 3ds Max, helping users to create procedural content and manipulate data.
Character Studio A key component that simplifies complex character animation tasks.
Regular Updates Expect consistent performance improvement with regular updates.

3ds Max Limitations

  • The product has the highest compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11, limiting users operating on other platforms.
  • Being a powerful tool, it has a steep learning curve, especially for beginners.
  • Pricing per each additional plugin could increase production costs.

3ds Max Use Cases

Game Development

Utilized for crafting intricate game characters and immersive virtual environments. Its polygon modeling is a go-to among game developers.

Movie Production

Known for creating spectacular visual effects and animations for high-profile movies, thanks to its diverse animation toolkit.

Architectural Presentations

3ds Max has firmly planted its foot in the realm of architectural design, with professionals relying on it for rendering detailed and realistic 3D architectural models.


Enter the dynamic realm of Maya, a versatile 3D computer graphics software developed by Autodesk. Applied extensively in generating assets for interactive 3D applications, animated cinema, TV series, and striking visual effects, Maya was initially launched in 1998 and has since been recognized for its advanced capabilities and open architecture.

Maya Top Features

  • Highly customizable user interface developed from a Disney request
  • NURBS modeling system for creating complex, intricate shapes
  • Powerful animation capability for movement, deformations and effects
  • Advanced rendering features such as global illumination and subsurface scattering
  • Ability for detailed texturing, shading, lighting, and advanced rigging system
  • Compatibility with game engines such as Unreal Engine and Unity
Feature Benefit
2D drawing and 3D modeling Create visually appealing and dimensional designs
Data import/export Ease of data migration

Maya Downsides

  • Learning curve could be steep for beginners
  • May require high-performing hardware for smooth operation

Maya Pricing

Maya offers numerous pricing options catering to diverse needs. There are monthly, yearly subscription plans, along with a free trial, and educational license. Companies earning less than $100,000 can avail it for a reduced fee.

Maya Use Cases

Film Industry

Maya’s extensive capabilities has made it a staple in the film industry. Its advanced features and realistic animation tools have been employed in creating magnificent visual effects for films such as Dinosaur, The Lord of the Rings series, Spider-Man, and Star Wars series.

Business Entities

Businesses and organizations such as Accenture, Dell, EYGBS India, and Vavia Technologies leverage Maya’s broad functionality, high performance, and flexibility to create 3D visuals that captivate their audience.

Game Development

Maya’s compatibility with leading game engines like Unreal Engine and Unity makes it a highly sought-after tool in game development. From character design to backdrop creation, Maya can take games to new levels of realism and interactivity.


Built initially by Skymatter for King Kong’s production and later acquired by Autodesk, Mudbox is a powerful yet budget-friendly digital sculpting software, optimal for newcomers to 3D art and more. Utilizing Catmull-Clark subdivision algorithm, it excels in detail enhancement on low-polygon base meshes.

Mudbox Top|Best Features

  • Powerful sculpting tools: Bring your vision alive with a wide variety of brushes for fine details.
  • Mesh manipulation: Add or subtract details without affecting the initial mesh permanently.
  • Non-destructive workflow: Allows for seamless integration and data exchange with Autodesk’s other software suites.
  • Retopologizing tools: Optimize models for smooth animation rigging.
  • 3D painting and texturing: Create more realistic models with Mudbox’s versatile features for texture creation.
Mudbox Description
Software used Mudbox offers direct interoperability with popular 3D software like 3ds Max and Maya
Create or Edit Create models from scratch or refine existing structures with intricate details
Grayscale Images Take advantage of grayscale images for swift detailing

Mudbox Limitations|Disadvantages|Downsides

  • As of 2020, only new installers have been released with no updates, bug fixes, or new features.
  • The absence of an Application Programming Interface (API) might limit extensive customization.
  • Major features such as 3D painting were only introduced later, indicating slower feature rollout.

Mudbox Pricing

Mudbox stays competitive with pricing at $10/month for full access and an annual subscription at $90. An added bonus, students can avail of a free 3-year license.

Mudbox Use Cases

Use case 1 – Game Development

Used by notable brands like Epic Games, Mudbox is a reliable choice for game developers looking for high-fidelity visual details in their games.

Use case 2 – Film Production

Film production houses may find Mudbox’s sculpting and detailing capabilities, as demonstrated in King Kong, beneficial for creating lifelike visual effects.

Use case 3 – Animation Studios

Animation Studios can leverage the software’s retopologizing tools and detailed sculpting capabilities for optimized animations.


ZBrush is a digital sculpting software renowned in the gaming, film, and animation fields. Having introduced an array of popular tools for 3D modeling, texturing, and painting it boasts a powerful feature set enabling the creation of realistic art pieces and characters.

Best Features of ZBrush

  • Sculptris Pro: Revolutionary digital sculpting tool.
  • Dynamesh: Allows dynamic reshaping of models.
  • ZRemesher: Assists in topological manipulations of models.
  • PolyPaint: Offers painting on a model’s surface without first assigning a texture map.
  • PolyGroupIt: Enables easy group formation within a model.
  • Gizmo 3D: Manipulates multiple subtools simultaneously.
ZBrush Courses Udemy, Skillshare, Cineversity
Forums r/ZBrush
Support Tools Photoshop

Limitations of ZBrush

  • Lacks some traditional 3D modeling functionalities.
  • Quite complex to learn for beginners without proper guidance.
  • User interface looks dated.

ZBrush Use Cases

Use Case 1: Game Development

ZBrush, with its state-of-the-art tools, holds a strong position in the game development sector, used in creating high-realistic animal characters and intricate dinosaur figures, rendering a lifelike gaming experience.

Use Case 2: Film and Animation

In the realms of film and animation, ZBrush has critical applications. Its power slotting ability to create skin, hair, clothing, etc. delivers captivating and near-real objects, enhancing visual storytelling.

Use Case 3: Biomedical

With accurate hard surface sculpting, ZBrush has found applications in the biomedical field as well. Detailed anatomical sculpting and ring designs are few instances showcasing its extensive usage in this industry.



An open-source powerhouse, Blender is a 3D computer graphics software tool set. Originally developed by the Dutch animation studio, NeoGeo, it has since evolved into a community-driven project supported by the Blender Foundation.

Blender Top Features

  • 3D Modelling and Animation: Designed for creating 3D-printed models, visual effects, motion graphics, and animated films.
  • Raster Graphics Editing and Digital Drawing: Inclusive of texturing, UV mapping, and wide-scale customization.
  • Sculpting and Simulation: Be it fluid, smoke, particle, or soft body simulation, Blender’s capabilities are boundless.
  • Comprehensive Support: Imports/exports myriad of 3D file formats including Alembic, 3DS, FBX, DXF, and more.
Feature Description
Rendering Blender boasts match moving and rendering features, with a preference for the Eevee renderer since the 2.80 release.
Video Editing and Compositing Its multi-faceted nature allows for editing, motion graphics, and sophisticated compositing.
Community Support Largely developed by the community, Blender benefits from an enthusiastic support system.

Blender Limitations

  • Primarily, the Blender Game Engine has been depreciated since the 2.8 release.
  • Blender Internal, a core component, was removed in the 2.80 release, raising potential adaptation issues.

Blender Pricing

A priceless tool in more ways than one, Blender is completely free to use, reinforcing its commitment to open-source accessibility.

Blender Use Cases

Use case 1 – Independent Film Makers

Use case 2 – Designers

Designers operating in the realm of 3D graphics, Interior, exterior, or digital, would find an ally in Blender.

Use case 3 – Educational Institutions

Academics in design and animation disciplines can leverage Blender as a teaching tool, thanks to its cost-effectiveness and comprehensive offerings.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.