Docker is a technology company focused on container technology, offering a reliable way to run software across various computing environments. Docker’s innovation separates application dependencies from infrastructure, enhancing software delivery speed and management flexibility.

Top Docker alternatives for 2024

Apart from Docker, those exploring alternative technologies can consider Containers, WASM, Java Virtual Machine, and Ethereum Virtual Machine as viable options.



When it comes to tech gadgets or toys, an average geek would start thinking about Tupperware in the kitchen. Not this time, folks. We’re talking about Containers in the world of web development – the Docker equivalent that’s meant to create isolated, secure environments for useful apps and their dependencies, allowing many containers to run simultaneously on a host for efficient deployment. Yup, just like a big load of differently-sized Tupperware pieces!

Containers Top Features

  • As smooth as pen on paper, Containers aim for software portability and rush past any hardware variations, operating systems, or hosting environments in the way.
  • Although it may not be a superhero movie, Containers are super secure, providing isolation for various apps, making your data as safe as your grandma’s secret pie recipe.
  • Gone are the days of slow deployments. With Containers, it’s all swift, just like your first love in high school!
Feature Description
Lightweight Faster than Superman and definitely speedier than hypervisor-based virtual machines. Easy on your resources (and on your patience).
Highly Portable Packed with high portability just like your favorite travel mug. You can run your workload anywhere without a hiccup.
Tools Come loaded with tools like Ceph, REX-Ray, Flannel, Jenkins, easier to manage your Container than a shopping spree on Black Friday.

Containers Downsides

  • Though Containers’ ecosystem is impressively large, they apparently didn’t think to create an automatic system for gathering and publishing source code. Yup, I’m afraid this tech-savvy world still has room for old-school stuff.
  • In this ‘all-your-ducks-in-a-row’ world, Docker’s functionality is reliant on namespaces, which can be a bit tricky to handle for novices (‘scuse me mate, what’s a namespace again?).

Containers Pricing

If you are thinking about spending that extra cash in your pockets, well, Containers have got your back. Unfortunately not in the way you might hope. We have no specifics on their pricing, so you might have to snooze that shopping trip buddy!

Containers Use Cases

Enterprise Container Projects

If your business involves managing container projects, Containers are your new best pals. It’s like carrying a coven of witches in your pocket, ready to unleash their spells (read: containers) when needed. Kubernetes integration makes workload management seem like a walk in the park.

Large Scale Software Infrastructure

Watching Docker grow since 2013, Containers have also become an integral part of large scale software infrastructure. It’s akin to using a huge basket for laundry instead of multiple small ones, streamlined and efficient.

Open Source Licensing

If you’re nerdy about open-source licensing for software stored in Docker images, the Containers, along with the Linux Foundation whitepaper, have your back like a library book returned just in time. However, remember to read all the license conditions for all software in every layer. It’s no ‘License to Kill’ but it could save you from some headaches down the line.


WebAssembly, or WASM, is a binary instruction format established in 2017 and became a W3C standard in 2019. Conceived to enhance website performance and capabilities, it is supported by all major browsers and runs multiple languages at near-native speed.

WASM Top Features

  • Low level binary format: WASM employs a low level binary format allowing it to run in modern web browsers with new features and significant performance gains.
  • Efficiency and Speed: Designed to run code at near-native speed, making it highly efficient.
  • Readability and Security: WASM’s goals include high readability, debuggability, and security, reducing vulnerability attack surfaces and providing better memory safety.
  • Works alongside JavaScript: WASM complements JavaScript, allowing developers to generate high-functionality web applications.
Unique Features Outcome
Compatibility with multiple languages Enables running of code written in languages like C, C++, Rust, Python, Go on the web at near-native speed.
Portability WASM can run on different containers, multicloud environments, Kubernetes clusters, and devices such as IoT and edge.
Memory safety Strongly typed variables are harder to exploit compared to JavaScript’s dynamically typed ones, hence enhancing application security.

WASM Limitations

  • Being a low-level language, it requires a higher technical understanding compared to other languages.
  • Limited number of instructions can make coding more intricate.

WASM Use Cases

Use case 1: Web Applications

WASM plays a crucial role in creating web apps with capabilities previously unachievable with JavaScript alone. It mitigates the need for developers to cater to specific app runtimes, enhancing productivity.

Use case 2: Serverless Environments

WASM can be applied in serverless environments, resolving various serverless adoption issues, enhancing efficiency, and providing low-risk execution.

Use case 3: Front-end Development

WASM allows frontend developers to create complete applications, simplifying library sharing across diverse programming languages.

Java Virtual Machine

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a critical performer in the computing world. Not just a program but a program executor, it provides an optimized, stable, and consistent execution environment for Java-based apps, while retaining access to Java libraries.

Java Virtual Machine Top Features

  • Portable execution environment: Enables Java apps to run on any OS or device thanks to its mantra, “write once, run anywhere”.
  • Performance enhancer: Improves program memory, maximizing your app performance.
  • Garbage Collection: Manages memory, eliminating unused memory within Java programs.
  • Language support: Not limited to Java, supports other programming languages.
  • Component tiers: Comprises JVM specification and instance, and JVM implementation, offering flexibility and creativity.
JVM Specification Software specification containing guidelines for creating a JVM; leaves room for creativity.
JVM Implementation Actual software that results from the JVM specification; can be either open-source or proprietary.
JVM Instance A downloadable program representing resource usage for Java apps.

Java Virtual Machine Limitations

  • Required for Java programs: JVM is necessary for effective operation of Java programs.
  • Launcher error: Can occur when the required components are missing at launch.
  • Dependency on non-daemon threads: A JVM instance can stop running if no non-daemon threads are operating.

Java Virtual Machine Use Cases

Use case 1

Java Virtual Machine shines in a containerized development environment, where technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes are employed. Its a catalyst for improved configuration, monitoring, and management abilities in a microservices architecture.

Use case 2

In the realm of cross-platform application development, JVM’s “write once, run anywhere” principle enables one to develop Java apps that run flawlessly on any device or OS.

Use case 3

As a core component of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK), JVM is an invaluable tool for developers when creating, compiling, debugging, and running Java programs.

Ethereum Virtual Machine

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) serves as the crucial runtime environment for smart contracts within Ethereum. Comprehensively empowering the immersive world of blockchain, EVM upholds the continuous, uninterrupted, and immutable operation of the state machine. Poised at the intersection of the digital and cultural world, it encapsulates a montage of smart contract functionalities adhering to predefined rules.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Top Features

  • Maintains a transient memory during execution, protecting data integrity across transactions.
  • Endorses Turing-complete runtime, supporting the execution of programs coded in various languages.
  • Facilitates robust state management for Ethereum operations, aiding in the creation of transactions and blocks.
  • Features state-of-the-art cryptographic practices like Keccak-256 hashes and secp256k1 signatures, providing enhanced security measures.
  • Powers foundational capabilities for blockchain and smart contracts, vital for Ethereum’s adoption and decentralization.
Feature Beneficial Impact
Adoption of EVM by Ethereum execution clients EVM’s versatility is acknowledged by several Ethereum execution clients, bolstering its standing in the Ethereum ecosystem.
Evolution with major revisions The constant evolution of EVM over Ethereum’s nine-year history underscores its commitment to staying abreast of cutting-edge tech advancements.
In-built management of native ETH token and state of blockchain EVM’s integrated measures foster an optimized and resilient blockchain environment.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Downsides

  • Requires a significant level of technical expertise to draft smart contracts effectively.
  • Higher cost of storing data and relative high gas cost for transactions might pose a challenge.

Ethereum Virtual Machine Use Cases

Use case 1

EVM’s ability to run untrusted codes fearlessly makes it an invaluable tool for businesses seeking a secure, risk-free platform to execute complex smart contracts. The determinism within its processing provides reliability in equal proportions.

Use case 2

For developers, EVM serves as a versatile platform for drafting smart contracts and generating DApps. Its consistent commitment to uphold transaction and smart contract execution as per prescribed codes safeguards developers’ interests.

Use case 3

With its in-built systems to handle the native ETH token and blockchain state, EVM proves beneficial for firms banking on Ethereum for their cryptocurrency and blockchain needs. Its ability to participate in block creation further strengthens its value.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.