Elementor is a company that utilizes cookies for data collection and user experience enhancement on its website. Third-party services and targeted advertising are also present, along with necessary and performance cookies crucial for site functionality and traffic tracking.

2024 Elementor alternatives

Exploring options beyond Elementor, alternatives encompass WordPress, Webflow, Wix, Squarespace, Framer, Bubble, Editor X, Shopify, and more.



With over 40% of global websites powered by it, WordPress is a CMS behemoth that continues to dominate the market share. Although not primarily an eCommerce CMS, it offers exceptional flexibility and customization to meet diverse web design needs.

WordPress Top Features

  • Global Market Leadership: WordPress powers an impressive 70% of websites worldwide, making it the CMS of choice for large and small businesses alike.
  • WooCommerce Plugin: Designed specifically for eCommerce on WordPress, WooCommerce is a free, open-source, and customizable tool used in over 30% of online stores globally.
  • Rich Customization Options: With over 1,200 eCommerce-focused themes and multiple plugins, WordPress offers unparalleled design and functionality options.
  • SEO Friendly: The Yoast SEO plugin makes it easy to create a search-engine-optimized site, helping enhance visibility and reach.
Feature Benefit
Convenient Automated Updates Ensures that all features and functionalities are always up to date
Automated Restoration & Uptime Monitoring Aids in maintaining a healthy and operational website
High-performance DNS with SSL Provides secure and optimal browsing experience

WordPress Limitations

  • Occasional Plugin Compatibility Issues: Despite the robust plugin choices, users may sometimes encounter compatibility problems that could impact site functionality.
  • Not Primarily an eCommerce CMS: While it can be outfitted for eCommerce, WordPress is not primarily designed as an eCommerce CMS.

WordPress Pricing

Apart from domain registration, SSL, and other essentials that could cost between $15 to $50 monthly, custom design or development could impose additional costs with prices ranging from $1,000 to $100,000+. Remarkably, numerous essential plugins including WooCommerce come free of cost, although premium options may require spending. Expect to pay for hosting with costs averaging at $20 monthly, while transaction fees from WooCommerce and PayPal apply at 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction. WordPress also offers established plans starting from $25,000 annually through WordPress VIP.

WordPress Use Cases

Use Case 1 – Small Business Websites

WordPress’s affordability and flexibility make it ideal for small business websites, offering a user-friendly CMS with a wide variety of themes and plugins for customization.

Use Case 2 – eCommerce Stores

Through the WooCommerce plugin, WordPress caters to small to mid-sized online stores, offering a range of eCommerce capabilities from storefront creation to easy tax calculation.

Use Case 3 – Blogs

With its origin as a blogging platform, WordPress provides an intuitive, user-friendly platform for bloggers, offering a range of blog-specific features and customization options.


Developed by founder Jameel Mohammed with the aspiration of design-led brand representation, Webflow is a renowned eCommerce platform that facilitates effortless website creation without the necessity of coding.

Webflow Top Features

  • Extensive Customizability: Offers design control and the ability to customize end-to-end customer experiences, product fields, cart experiences, checkout experiences, and website landing pages.
  • Diverse Utility: Suitable for selling a vast array of products and services including physical goods and digital goods.
  • Payment Processing: Allows payments via multiple mechanisms such as Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
  • Data Insights: Comes integrated with Google Analytics for deriving data-driven insights.
  • Blogging Enabled: Bolster your SEO efforts and customer conversion with a blog feature.
Feature Advantage
Order Management Dashboard Ensures better overview and control of your online store.
Automatic Tax Calculation Simplifies the task of applying sales tax and VAT for each order.
Secure Hosting SSL domain hosting ensures security for your online presence.

Webflow Disadvantages

  • At times, the depth of customization options available may be daunting for first-time users.
  • All transactional fees are processed through Stripe, which may limit options for some users.
  • Although the learning curve is not steep, beginners may need a bit to get accustomed to it.

Webflow Pricing

Webflow is reasonably priced, starting at $29 per month when billed annually. The flexibility in terms of plans allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to find a plan that fits their budget and requirements.

Webflow Use Cases

Use case 1: Web Design Agencies & Content Creators

With its robust design capabilities, Webflow surfaces as a top choice for web designers, web agencies, and content creators. The platform is currently used in building over 368,000 websites

Use case 2: eCommerce Store Owners

Its various eCommerce-focused features like customizable product fields, integration with payment options, and secure hosting makes it ideal for eCommerce store owners.

Use case 3: Bloggers and Marketers

Webflow enables bloggers and marketers to set up SEO-friendly blogs and custom marketing pages. The platform’s flexibility helps attract traffic and convert visitors into customers.



An intuitive, flexible, and robust eCommerce platform, Wix equips businesses of all sizes and stages with the tools they need to scale. With its capability to manage high-volume sales and its diverse range of global eCommerce tools, Wix has become a preferred choice for businesses pivoting online.

Wix Top Features

  • Flexible eCommerce platform: Capable of handling up to 750 transactions per second.
  • Vast template variety: Over 500 designer-made templates to choose from.
  • Global tools: Incorporates SEO, site analytics, and marketing.
  • Enhanced selling features: Supports multichannel sales and features like ‘Buy Now’ button, currency converter.
  • App management: Manage orders, shipping, and marketing via the Wix Owner app.
SEO-friendly tools Enhances your site visibility in SERPs.
Renowned customer support Reliable support to manage any issue promptly.
Regular updates, enhancements Your site always benefits from the latest features and updates.

Wix Limitations

Details about specific limitations were not provided in the company summary.

Wix Pricing

The company summary doesn’t mention specific pricing details about Wix. For accurate pricing, consider visiting the Wix website.

Wix Use Cases

Use case 1: Startups

With its scalability and rapid web app deployment, startups find Wix an ideal choice for starting their online presence quickly and efficiently.

Use case 2: Brick-and-mortar businesses going online

Wix’s cross-border selling and multichannel sales support on major platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Facebook make it a potential game-changer for traditional businesses going digital.

Use case 3: Developing Countries

Wix’s multilingual capabilities and affordability make it highly appealing for businesses in emerging markets looking to tap into the potential of eCommerce.


A renowned website builder platform, Squarespace is known for its highly visual and customizable templates, and e-commerce creation capabilities.

Squarespace Top Features

  • Expertly curated website templates with Squarespace Blueprint for customization
  • A multi-faceted platform, for managing unlimited physical, digital products, and services
  • Effective and integrated email campaigns, social media marketing, and analytic tools
  • Special functionalities to schedule appointments, sell classes, and create community gates
  • Customizable customer email notifications and a marketplace for hiring Squarespace experts for website building
Feature Details
Squarespace Commerce A built-for-purpose platform for online stores with no transaction limit. Includes automatic transactional emails and localized tax setup
Squarespace Extensions An app store with limited apps, designed to extend functionality
Customer Support Available via email, Twitter, live chat
Sales Tracking Powerful analytic tools for visitor behaviour, sales tracking

Squarespace Limitations

  • Limited number of apps in Squarespace Extensions
  • Shipping service reliant on third-party carriers

Squarespace Pricing

(The specific pricing of Squarespace was not provided in the given company summary)

Squarespace Use Cases

Use case 1: E-commerce

Squarespace is especially useful for e-commerce businesses. With Squarespace Commerce, users can effortlessly manage unlimited products, integrate multiple payment gateways, and track sales.

Use case 2: Marketing and Social Media

Those seeking a strong online presence can utilize Squarespace for its comprehensive marketing tools. From expertly designed email campaigns to social media meta tag control, it amplifies digital visibility.

Use case 3: Blogging and Engagement

For bloggers and influencers, Squarespace offers a user-friendly blogging platform, engineered to drive customer engagement.

Framer: The Catalyst of Creative Freedom

Framer is not just another web design platform. This AI-supported tool empowers everyone, from non-coders to the tech-savvy, to create responsive websites, elegantly and effortlessy. With its drag-and-drop interface and a range of plans to suit every budget, Framer makes design accessible to diverse audience groups from startups and freelancers, right up to large organizations.

Key Features of Framer

  • Figma plugin integration facilitating seamless design transition
  • An expansive library of interactions and animations to enhance user experience on websites
  • Ambitious AI-generated base version to initiate the design process
  • Collaborative space and custom code integration for a truly personalized design experience
  • SEO optimization ensuring visibility and reach
  • A unique Design Components Marketplace, facilitated by Framer’s user community
  • Real-time collaborations and streamlined design handoff processes, catalyzing efficient team work
Platform Ease of Use Personalization
Framer More user-friendly than Wix Offers more customization compared to Wix eCommerce
Integration with design tools Well-integrated with Sketch, Figma, etc. Keeps the connection between file and prototype intact

Considerations for Framer Users

  • Limited features in the free plan
  • Potential learning curve for new users
  • No native e-commerce features, though future plans indicate integration with various checkout solutions
  • Custom domains can add to the overall cost

Framer Plans and Pricing

Framer offers a range of pricing plans: Mini at $5/month, Basic at $15/month and Pro at $25/month. They also offer Team Pricing and a customizable Business plan. To help you evaluate, a free version with limited features is also available.

Extraordinary Use Cases of Framer


Framer enables startups to design stunning and interactive websites, regardless of coding know-how. The platform’s functionalities from SEO optimization to Figma plugin integration make it an excellent choice for planting the seeds of an entrepreneurial dream.


For freelancers, Framer serves as a breakthrough tool that sustains their need for a professional, responsive web presence that leaves a lasting impression, without the need for in-depth technical knowledge.

Large Corporations

Framer is equally attuned to the demands of large corporations, offering a collaborative space with enhanced security for the business plan users, alongside its suite of design features. Given the tool’s versatility and scalability, it stands tall as a competitive choice for expansive entities.



Bubble.io is a dynamic, cloud-based platform that facilitates building web applications, minus the complexity of coding. It hands the reins of web application control to every user, irrespective of their coding experience.

Top Features of Bubble

  • Visual drag-and-drop builder for crafting websites, landing pages, and e-commerce stores.
  • Seamless customization capabilities through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Basic computer skills suffice for creating web applications.
  • Effective sales scenario management abilities.
  • Comprehensive integrations with popular platforms like Airtable, Integromat, Weglot, Tidio, and Stripe.
Webflow Comparison While Bubble surpasses in compatibility with APIs and backends, Webflow excels in SEO-friendliness.
Best Use Considered apt for advanced web applications requiring custom integrations or workflows.
Collaborative Aspect Bubble advocates a collaborative approach to problem-solving, offering an active community forum and excellent customer support.

Bubble Limitations

  • Design Freedom: Webflow, albeit similar, provides more design freedom compared to Bubble.
  • Bubble tends to underperform in terms of SEO-friendly features compared to Webflow.

Bubble Pricing

Bubble is a subscription-based platform, boasting four diverse pricing plans to cater to different user needs.

Bubble Use Cases

Use case 1: E-commerce

For online sales and e-commerce ventures, Bubble provides robust capabilities such as order and sales management.

Use case 2: Web Application Development

Bubble is highly recommended when complex integrations or workflows are needed in your web applications.

Use case 3: CMS Without Coding

If hosting, server management, and CMS functionalities are sought – sans technical knowledge – Bubble is your go-to platform.

Editor X

Editor X

Conceived by the minds behind Wix, Editor X is a stellar, advanced creation platform crafted for designers and web professionals. Since its debut in 2020, it has been appealing entrepreneurs looking for a robust tool to build their online presence.

Editor X Best Features

  • Customisable Website and Responsive Design: Tailor-make your website to fit your vision, ensuring that it looks great on any device.
  • Drag-and-Drop Tool and Design Templates: Simplicity meets sophistication with a user-friendly interface and professional-grade templates.
  • Unique Collaboration Feature: Teams can work simultaneously on projects, perfect for fostering productivity and creativity in a holistic manner.
  • Powerful Coding and Debugging Options: A supportive platform for both beginners and adept coders.
  • Ecommerce Solutions: Everything you need to start selling online, from integrated payment processing to online store creation.
Added Features Benefits
Secure Web Hosting Safe, reliable hosting to keep your site running smoothly
Analytics Reports Insights into your traffic and audience behavior to help you optimize your online strategy
Restaurant’s Advanced Functionality Fosters online ordering and reservations, sell subscriptions, memberships, and packages

Editor X Limitations

  • While Editor X boasts a myriad of features, the platform might feel overwhelming for beginners.
  • Advanced features like analytics and ecommerce toolset could be overcomplicated for individual users or small businesses.

Editor X Use Cases

Use case 1: Designers and Web Professionals

Editor X is an ideal tool for designers and web professionals who need advanced customisation and full control over their websites. Its coding and collaboration features foster creativity while maintaining functionality.

Use case 2: Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs will find value in Editor X’s extensive business solutions, from invoicing to lead generation. Furthermore, it allows seamless creation of an online store for eCommerce businesses.

Use case 3: Restaurants

For restaurants, Editor X provides advanced functionalities like a reservational tool, subscription and package selling. A great tool to cater the digitisation needs in the F&B domain.



At the heart of ecommerce creativity and functionality, Shopify stands as a robust platform offering a plethora of pre-made templates for powerful ecommerce design.

Shopify Top Features

  • Choice of Templates: A plethora of pre-made templates, allowing for broad design options.
  • Native & Headless: Builds can be native or headless, catering to diverse website operation demands.
  • Key User Engagement Features: Offers numerous features that retain and engage users like search functionality, promotion tools, carousel slides, mega menus, wishlist creation, and product reviews.
  • SEO Integration: With nearly 43% of ecommerce sales resulting from search engines, Shopify’s focus on SEO is crucial.
Web Design Agency Design Service Offering
Metizsoft Solutions Shopify Website Design and Development
Eastside Co Quick-launch solutions and extensive Shopify eCommerce design expertise

Shopify Limitations

  • Templates may lack unique or brand-focused aesthetics, impacting branding efforts.
  • The platform lacks an in-house custom website design service.
  • Customised themes often require significant investment.
  • Additional costs associated with individual page designs, custom functionality and integration with custom ERP or CRM systems.

Shopify Pricing

Users can expect monthly Shopify subscriptions ranging from $29.99 to $299.99. Additional costs include theme/template costs, custom website design costs, and functionality development expenses. Full Shopify store design projects may range widely, from $500 to $100,000+ for extensive projects.

Shopify Use Cases

Use case 1

For established stores seeking a customized ecommerce experience, Shopify’s industry-specific templates offer an exceptional starting point. With additional enhancements by third-party web design agencies, these stores can achieve a unique aesthetic resonating with their brand’s voice.

Use case 2

Businesses seeking a quick ecommerce launch can take advantage of Shopify templates, enabling a speedy entry into the online sales scene. The Accelerator Programme by Eastside Co can particularly expedite this with their rapid-launch solutions.

Use case 3

SEO-driven businesses aiming to optimize online traffic can leverage Shopify’s inherent SEO features, ensuring their ecommerce presence is strategically visible to their target market.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.