ERP is an essential system key to integrating business functions, critical for successful operations. With a history spanning around 60 years, ERP has continuously evolved to meet diverse business needs.

Alternatives to ERP in 2024

For those exploring alternatives to ERP, options include MES, SCADA, DCS, PLC, ICS, IoT, BAS, DAS, RTU, MQTT, OPC, and more.


Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are computerized systems employed in manufacturing processes. Their primary function is tracking and documenting transformations from raw materials to finished goods. Catering to the rising demand for industrial automation and regulatory compliance, MES is driving the global market growth.

MES Top Features

  • Product lifecycle management: Documents comprehensive data covering the entire cycle of product production.
  • Resource scheduling: Automates planning and allocation of resources.
  • Order execution and dispatch: Ensures smooth and timely order fulfillment.
  • Production analysis and downtime management: Analyzes production performance and manages unproductive time by detecting potential issues.
  • Quality and materials tracking: Maintains a tight check on the quality of production and tracks the usage of materials.
Feature Benefit
Automated Workflows Streamlines work processes reducing manual intervention.
Real-time Information Offers instant data for informed decision-making and upscaling production.
“As-built” Record Captures extensive and essential data useful in regulated industries.

MES Limitations

  • High Implementation Cost: Ranging from $375,000 – $1.2 million, the price of implementing MES can be a barrier for smaller organizations.
  • Require Integration: MES solutions need to be integrated with systems like ERP, PLC, PLM, CMMS, WMS, HRMS for optimum production.
  • Complex Manufacturing Processes: Custom-built MES solutions are needed for complex manufacturing processes.

MES Pricing

The cost of implementing MES ranges from $375,000 to $1.2 million.

MES Use Cases

Use case 1: Regulated Industries

MES offers an “as-built” record which captures essential data, processes, and outcomes, suitable for regulated industries such as food, beverage, or pharmaceuticals.

Use case 2: Large Scale Manufacturing

Owing to its capacity to manage product genealogy, production performance, and material management, MES is ideally employed in large scale manufacturing industries.

Use case 3: Industries Requiring Regulatory Compliance

By providing improved quality control, inventory reduction, and paperless shop floor operations, MES proves beneficial to industries requiring strict compliance with regulations.


Introducing SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), an assertive computer application developed to centralize monitoring and controlling of the network in various industrial processes. It’s an ever-evolving powerhouse, primed for the future with plans to incorporate 5G networks and quantum computing.

SCADA Top Features

  • Complete Network Supervision: Automates complex industrial processes and precisely detects and corrects anomalies.
  • Rich Components: SCADA system includes sensors, control relays, master units, communication channels, and robust software capabilities.
  • Future-ready: Modern SCADA systems offer improved accessibility and interoperability, with plans to incorporate 5G networks, edge computing, and machine learning.
Component Description
RTUs and PLCs These devices enable efficient, secure field monitoring and site control, with PLCs often resulting in long-term cost benefits.
Human Machine Interface Serves as a conduit to process and communicate data to human operators.
Communication Energy-efficient communication over Ethernet or IP over SONET, supporting gradual migration to IP capable devices.

SCADA Downsides

  • Cybersecurity Concerns: The integration of numerous systems can lead to potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Legacy Limitations: Older SCADA systems may lack modern features, scalability, and adequate support options.

SCADA Use Cases

Use Case 1: Industrial Plants

SCADA’s automation abilities significantly enhance efficiency in complex processes, prominently benefiting sectors like manufacturing and energy.

Use Case 2: Water and Waste Control

SCADA’s monitoring and control capabilities make it an ideal choice for sectors requiring precise control over resource usage and waste production.

Use Case 3: Telecommunications

With its advanced communication protocols and IP integration, SCADA serves as an optimal solution in the rapidly progressing telecommunications sector.


Founded in 1996, Open Platform Communications (OPC) is renowned in the realm of industrial telecommunication standards. The brainchild of a meticulous industrial automation task force, OPC was master-planned to allow real-time data transmission between control devices, independent of the manufacturer.

OPC Top Features

  • Robust Interoperability: OPC empowers coherency between control devices of various brands, thereby enabling a smooth flow of information.
  • .NET Framework and XML Integration: Modern OPC versions have embraced Microsoft’s .NET Framework and XML, making them an integral part of their technology stack.
  • Scalability, Flexibility, and Security: OPC UA brings to the table scalability, flexibility, and unparalleled security measures, making it a key player in the space of automation control systems.
Feature Description
OPC UA Aids in platform independence and is compatible with a variety of technologies from Java and Microsoft .NET to C.
OPC DA Primarily used for real-time data management, allowing data writing and reading in real-time conditions.
OPC HDA Enables users to retrieve archived data and history for the extensive informational analysis.

OPC Limitations

  • OPC was primarily dependent on Microsoft’s OLE, COM, and DCOM technologies, which were restricted to Windows. It was only after launching OPC UA that it obtained cross-platform functionality.
  • Some OPC specifications and benefits are accessible only to OPC Foundation members, creating a barrier for others to make the most out of these features.

OPC Use Cases

Industrial Automation

OPC plays a critical role in facilitating efficient and real-time data communication between diverse control devices, thereby playing a pivotal role in industrial automation.

Discrete Manufacturing

Given its emphasis on inter-device communication, OPC has proven instrumental in discrete manufacturing, aiding the seamless functionality of multiple devices and systems for a unified production process.

Building Automation

OPC has made its mark in building automation, allowing interconnected devices to share data in real-time, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and control.

DCS: A Key Player in Process Automation

Introducing DCS, an established and automated Distributed Control System designed for greater operational currency with wide-ranging application across diverse industries.

DCS Top Features

  • Advanced process management facilitated by DCS network abilities.
  • Decentralized control principle enabling individual control, reporting, and monitoring functions.
  • Integrated configurator tools for control logic, security & system graphics.
  • Strong compatibility permitting seamless integration to existing industry architecture.
  • Lower installation costs due to its centralized operator supervisory management.
DCS Feature Details
Structural robustness DCS’s design mitigates effects of single processor failure
Information distribution Efficient and coherent command and information dissemination
Reputed brands Successful deployment by Siemens, Yokogawa, ABB and others

DCS Limitations

  • May not be suitable for real-time activities compared to PLC.
  • Not ideal for smaller scale facilities or processes with moderate I/O points.

DCS Use Cases

Power Generation

Boosts reliability and productivity in power units through advanced control mechanisms.

Oil and Gas Industry

Enhances efficiency and safety with decentralized control and optimal interaction among controllers.


Streamlines operations by facilitating ease of maintenance across plant life cycle.


As a cornerstone in automation solutions, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) have revolutionized manufacturing since their inception in the 1960s. Originally designed to replace hardwired relays and timers, PLCs have evolved into compact, powerful devices that are integral components in the world of digital manufacturing.

PLC Top Features

  1. PLCs offer advanced capabilities due to progress in processor and memory technology.
  2. PLC components include CPU with processor, memory, Input/Output modules, and power supply, offering robust functionality.
  3. PLCs now integrate with ERPs, MES systems, and SCADA, significantly enhancing manufacturing efficiency and performance.
  4. PLCs monitor and record crucial data like machine productivity and operating temperature, vital for start-stop processes and alarm triggering during machine malfunctions.
Feature Benefit
Integration with advanced tech Synchronizes support for multiple communication protocols and aids in the incorporation of tech in low-tier machines.
Interactive Terminals Human-Machine Interface (HMI), developed in the 90s, became essential in many industries.
IEC 61131-3 Standard Standardization aids understanding of programming language, offering a universal comparison benchmark.

PLC Limitations

  • PLC programming requires skill and expertise, leading to potential difficulty in troubleshooting.
  • The need for a skilled workforce to operate and maintain PLC systems could be a drawback.

PLC Use Cases

Use case 1: Automotive Industry

PLCs are instrumental in controlling robotic arms during car manufacturing processes, offering precision and efficiency.

Use case 2: Airports

In airport runway control, PLCs provide reliable management of lighting systems and traffic flow.

Use Case 3: Industrial Facilities

From controlling air compressors to managing smoke alarm systems, PLCs are integral in ensuring the seamless functioning of different industrial equipment.


An Industrial Control System (ICS) is a collection of devices, systems and controls used for the management and automation of industrial processes. It includes a mix of IT & Operational Technology (OT) variables, entities like PLC, RTU, Control Loop, Human Machine Interface (HMI), SCADA Server, and Intelligent Electronic Device (IED).

ICS Top Features

  • Operational flexbility using variables like a PLC, RTU, and Control Loop.
  • Invaluable tool for industries such as manufacturing, transportation, energy, and water treatment.
  • Multiple communication protocols including Process Field Bus (PROFIBUS), Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3), Modbus, Open Platform Communication (OPC).
  • Twin configurations, SCADA and DCS, providing both long distance process monitoring and centralized supervisory control.
Communication Protocols Usage
PROFIBUS Widely used for automation and network communication between devices
DNP3 Allows for resilient communication in utility and industrial environments
Modbus Established method for data communication between devices

ICS Limitations

  • Risk of targeted attacks due to convergence of IT and OT.
  • Increased vulnerability with the advent of cutting-edge technology like cloud computing, big data analytics, and IoT.
  • Cybersecurity risks emerging from greater integration and supply chain visibility.

ICS Use Cases

Use case 1 – Manufacturing

ICS excels in manufacturing setups, providing centralised control, increasing efficiency and reducing system failures. The DCS configuration is particularly effective in such scenarios.

Use case 2 – Energy

In the energy field, ICS facilitates superior control and monitoring of processes, ensuring optimal consumption and distribution. It helps mitigate the risks associated with energy production and distribution.

Use case 3 – Water Treatment

The water treatment industry can greatly benefit from ICS. Through its sophisticated monitoring and controls, optimal water treatment processes are ensured thereby maintaining high water quality standards.


A practical marvel in the digital realm, IoT or Internet of Things, is a sophisticated network bringing together devices with embedded sensors and software. Data is exchanged seamlessly over the internet, catering to a diverse roster of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and automotive. IoT thrives on the dynamic interplay of low-cost sensors, connectivity, cloud computing, machine learning, and AI.

IoT Top Features

  • Operational efficiency: The sophisticated design and intelligence of IoT amplify efficiency and yield productive outcomes.
  • Preventive maintenance: Connected devices monitor machine health and encourage proactive maintenance initiatives.
  • Business Model Creation: IoT opens up the doors to new business models enhancing revenue-generating possibilities.
  • Data-Driven Insights: With copious data points, IoT promotes empirical decision-making powered by factual information.
Feature Impact
Smart Manufacturing IoT injects a dose of intelligence into traditional manufacturing set ups.
Device-to-device communication IoT kindles communications between devices, particularly defining connected cars in the auto industry.
Machine Learning Algorithms IoT harnesses the power of machine learning to detect anomalies and trigger alerts.

IoT Limitations

  • Dependency on Connectivity: As a network of connected devices, IoT’s functionality is heavily reliant on consistent and robust internet connectivity.
  • Security Concerns: The inherent openness of the IoT network places it at a potential risk of data breaches and cyberattacks.
  • Complex Integration: IoT implementation involves sophisticated integration processes, which if not handled meticulously, may turn suboptimal.

IoT Pricing

While specifics pricing details for IoT implementations can vary due to bespoke nature of projects, be prepared for investments in hardware, connectivity, development, and maintenance.

IoT Use Cases


In the retail industry, IoT unfolds new possibilities of inventory management, customer experience enhancement and supply chain optimization.

Automotive Industry

IoT is proving to be a game changer for the automotive industry, fostering device-to-device communication and ensuring constant customer engagement with manufacturers.


Monitoring and early detection is the heart of healthcare, and with IoT, remote patient monitoring has become an established reality.


For centuries, Building Automation Systems (BAS) have been evolving. Their inception can be traced back to the 1600s, when a Dutchman named Cornelius Drebbel invented the first HVAC controls system. Modern-day BAS have come a long way from Drebbel’s innovation, encompassing access control, security systems, fire alarm systems, and even elevators.

BAS Top Features

  • High Interoperability: With the rise of protocols like BACnet and the Niagara controls framework, BAS can successfully integrate multiple protocols.
  • Energy and resource conservation: Most green buildings are designed with a BAS that conserves energy, air and water.
  • High Scalability: Future BAS are expected to be scalable, handling everything from heating and lighting to security and sterilizing systems.
Feature Details
Integration of multiple systems BAS can integrate HVAC, lighting, security and other systems for convenience and efficiency.
Avoidance of malfunction alarms BAS ensures that buildings maintain the climate within specified parameters, use light based on room occupancy and monitor device failures.
High Market Value BAS is expected to reach a market value of $100.6 billion by 2022, witnessing a growth rate of 10.65% CAGR.

BAS Downsides

  • Energy Misuse: Improperly configured Building Management Systems (BMS), part of the broader BAS ecosystem, can account for 20% of building energy use, or approximately 8% of total energy use in the United States.
  • Isolated operations: In many traditional buildings, heating, ventilation, AC, and lighting systems operate independently, which may limit the functional efficiency of a BAS.

BAS Use Cases

Use case 1

Green Buildings: With a BAS, green buildings can manage energy, air, and water conservation efficiently, thereby ensuring sustainable operations.

Use case 2

Large commercial buildings: A BAS, configured properly, can help large buildings maintain climate and lighting based on occupancy, effectively managing energy use.

Use case 3

Future buildings: High scalability will allow future BAS to manage a variety of systems from heating and lighting to security and ventilation, effectively becoming the central nervous system of the structure.


Embracing the future of seamless connectivity, Distributed Antenna System (DAS) introduces a revolutionary method to treat poor in-building coverage, fostering enhanced communication mediums in condensed indoor spaces. Its powerful network of small antennas, acting as repeaters, bridge the gap between disconnected entities.

DAS Top Features

  • Modular design enabling interfacing of any experiment to a computer for data recording and processing with up to 240 analog or digital outputs.
  • A sprawling 8 bits address bus with 16 addresses for internal use.
  • Enhanced baud rate that ranges from 150 to 38.4 kbaud.
  • Active or passive signal deployments facilitated by robust roof antennas.
Feature Advantages
AIMOS Management AIMOS, an automated DAS management platform, offers inventory management, alongside fault and configuration analysis.
CommScope Licensing Offers multiple licensing methods like perpetual license, subscription-based license, and cloud-hosted SaaS.
Dynamic Configuration Various tasks like alarm polling, RF frequency allocation and software updates can be administered at specific or regular intervals, enhancing productivity.

DAS Limitations

The high cost and labor-intensive process of DAS installation make it a commitment-heavy alternative. Sharing a DAS with multiple carriers emerges as a potential way to distribute the cost, but it remains a notable limitation.

DAS Pricing

Pricing factors for DAS consider travel distance, building characteristics, existing infrastructure, and specific technical demands. DAS integrators provide an initial cost range that is further refined after a comprehensive site survey and RF benchmarking tests.

DAS Use Cases

Use case 1

For densely populated indoor regions such as malls, medical centers, and high-rise buildings, DAS provides continuous connectivity, akin to any cellular network tower, ensuring smooth communication.

Use case 2

In facilities where seamless data recording and processing are crucial, DAS’ modular design is a major boon, handling up to 240 distinct analog or digital inputs.

Use case 3

For operations requiring meticulous network monitoring, DAS, adorned with the comprehensively automated AIMOS platform, provides invaluable support by granting visibility of devices for swift troubleshooting and performance analysis.


Introducing RTU, a microprocessor-controlled electronic device that works comprehensively to interface with real-world entities and control systems or SCADA systems. Known for its versatility, it’s utilized widely in various applications, from pipeline and grid guarding to projects in extreme environments like Biosphere 2.

RTU Top Features

  • Capability to send telemetry data to master system and receive control messages.
  • Specially designed to operate under extreme conditions.
  • Supports energy efficiency with the possibility of solar power and communicates via RS485 or wireless links.
  • Runs on IEC 61131-3 programming standard, which is compatible with programmable logic controllers.
  • Can drive high current capacity relays, maintaining operation during AC power failure in critical applications.
Component Purpose
CPU Central processing of commands and data
Communication Interface(s) Acts as a medium for communication between devices
Input/Output Cards Enables the interaction of AI, DI, AO, and DO/CO

RTU Limitations

  • Limited to two state real-world info acquisition through isolated voltage or current sources.
  • Availability and reliability of operational power supply dependent on external sources.
  • Higher functionality comes at an increased cost.

RTU Pricing

RTUs come at various price points, starting at an entry-level price of $500 and can blow up to $5,000 for premium models, offering advanced features.

RTU Use Cases

Use case 1: In Extreme Environments

Ideal for use in extreme environments like Biosphere 2, due to its design, RTUs can transmit necessary data reliably under harsh conditions.

Use case 2: Industrial Monitoring

Within the industrial sector, including oil and gas, electric, water utilities, refineries, food processing, and even automotive manufacturing, RTUs are highly valued for their remote monitoring capabilities.

Use case 3: AC Power Failure Solutions

For applications where constant operation is vital, RTUs can function reliably even during AC power failure, thereby maintaining critical operations.


Born out of the oil and gas industry, MQTT has since evolved as a trailblazer for efficient machine-to-machine communication in the realms of IoT and IIoT. Known for its low-bandwidth, high latency capabilities, MQTT smoothly facilitates the integration of various devices, ranging from remote instrumentation to flow controllers at network edges.

MQTT Top Features

  • Based on a publish-subscribe architecture that decouples data-producing devices from data-consuming applications.
  • Supported by numerous languages such as Python, easy to implement with minimal coding.
  • Security is enhanced through modern authentication protocols like OAuth, TLS1.3, and Customer Managed Certificates.
  • Can scale up to support millions of connections with low-power devices on low-bandwidth networks.
Feature Benefit
MQTT on TCP/IP Ensures scalable, reliable, and efficient machine-to-machine communication.
Sparkplug specification Upgrades MQTT for mission-critical applications by offering standard topic namespace and enhanced state management.
Structured Message Layers Incorporates three layers—Fixed header, Variable header, and Payload—for optimal organization and handling of data.

MQTT Downsides

  • Lack of direct support for some of the more intricate security measures like firewalls, VPNs, and IPsec, which are needed for comprehensive IoT system protection.
  • At times, wrapping in WSS envelope for receiving data directly into a web browser proves to be challenging.

MQTT Pricing

MQTT was initially released into the public domain in 1999 and subsequently became available under a royalty-free license. It continues to thrive as an open-source protocol, thus making it a cost-effective option.

MQTT Use Cases

Use case 1: Industrial Automation

With its ability to integrate various devices efficiently and securely, MQTT stands tall as a game changer in the realm of industrial automation. Its unique attributes facilitate remote accessibility, enhancing overall productivity and system integration.

Use case 2: Smart City Design

Their compatibility with cloud-based services like AWS IoT Core makes MQTT an invaluable ally in the design of smart city PoCs. The protocol is proficient in transporting messages, thereby providing scalability and reliability to smart city solutions.

Use case 3: Data Collection in Hydraulic Fracturing Operations

The ability of MQTT to operate efficiently in low-bandwidth, high latency environments makes it an essential tool for remote data collection in hydraulic fracturing operations.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.