GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program, an open-source image editor preferred by illustrators, graphic designers, and photographers worldwide. Offering various features like photo enhancement, customizable interface, and crop tools, it saves costs with no subscription charges. Some users find its interface complex, and partial compatibility with Adobe files. Developed in 1995 by Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis as part of the GNU software collection, GIMP supports multiple file formats and is available on various platforms.

Best GIMP alternatives in 2024

Seeking options beyond GIMP? Look into Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Lightroom, Illustrator, Procreate, Canva, Affinity, Elements, Clip Studio Paint, Inkscape, and more for your editing needs.



Enter the world of Photoshop, an iconic software developed by Adobe dedicated to image creation, graphic design, and photo editing. With its roots tracing back to 1988, Photoshop, developed by Thomas and John Knoll, has become an irreplaceable tool, not just for Macintosh, but for Windows and macOS users as well.

Photoshop Top Features

  • Layer-based editing system supporting various overlays, multiple layers, masks, alpha compositing and several color models.
  • Diverse selection of both basic and advanced tools such as Layers, Adjustment Layers, Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, Dodge and Burn tools.
  • Exclusive PSD and PSB file formats to support widespread features.
  • Additional functionalities like image creation, 3D graphics, video editing, and text rendering.
Feature Description
Advanced plug-ins Enhances software by offering new or improved features
Latest version: Photoshop 2022(23.3.1) Includes innovations like the object selection tool, an updated properties panel, shortcuts for paint and brush, enhanced transform warp, background image removal option

Photoshop Limitations

  • Lack of a free version.
  • Can be complex for beginners to learn due to a wide range of features.
  • File sizes can become large affecting system performance.

Photoshop Use Cases

Use case 1: Graphic Designers

Photoshop is an indispensable asset for graphic designers. Courtesy of its array of tools and large color palette, designers can create and manipulate stunning images and graphics.

Use case 2: Web Developers

Web developers use Photoshop to churn out attractive yet functional website designs that captivate audiences and streamline their online experience.

Use case 3: Photographers & Illustrators

For photographers and illustrators, Photoshop is the go-to software for editing and enhancing their artwork. Its layer-based system and precise editing tools aid in producing perfect images.


The CorelDRAW is a multi-faceted professional design suite with game-changing capabilities for vector illustration, layout design, photo editing, and typography.

CorelDRAW Top Features

  • Democratizing design with its revolutionary Focus Mode that enables object editing in isolation
  • The ability to apply color to fills and outlines easily, reigniting the creative energy in your designs
  • Non-destructive editing of bitmaps and vectors, for preserving the raw essence of your creative work
  • AI-assisted PowerTRACE, raising the bar for bitmap-to-vector trace results
  • A flexible design space, multi-page view, and multi-asset export, enhancing your design workflow
  • Ensuring color consistency across different media for the utmost perfection in print and web design output
Exclusive Features Usability
New advanced Print Merge workflow User reviews indicate high ease of use
Cloud-based features, apps, and content exclusive to subscribers Flexible design capabilities suiting various design needs for handy mobile editing Robust feature set tackling complex design scenarios

CorelDRAW Downsides

  • Primarily compatible only with Windows and Mac
  • The subscription model may not be a preferred choice for some users

CorelDRAW Pricing

CorelDRAW offers both subscription and one-time purchase options, striving to meet different users’ needs and align with industry standards.

CorelDRAW Use Cases

Use case 1

CorelDRAW is elemental for graphic professionals in large corporations, driving brand identity creation, and sales tools design.

Use case 2

It empowers creatives in small businesses, enabling large-format printing, apparel and textile design, and digital advertising.

Use case 3

With its smart capabilities, CorelDRAW enhances web design, making it a popular choice across different sectors, including e-commerce, retail, and engineering.


Meet Lightroom, a versatile image organization and processing software by Adobe. As a vital part of the Creative Cloud subscription family, Lightroom provides quick, efficient photo editing capabilities for photographers, graphic designers, to digital marketers and social media managers alike.

Lightroom Top Features

  • Quick photo editing features enhancing contrast, balancing color, and adjusting brightness.
  • Built-in and customizable presets for on-the-go photography editing.
  • Sophisticated editing functions including white balance, presence, tone, tone curve, detail manipulation, lens corrections, and much more.
  • Non-destructive software maintaining original images separate from in-program edits.
Function Description
Organization Enables users to save, import, and export images, edit keywords, flag, rate, tag, and color code images immediately post-capture.
Compatibility Supports Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and tvOS (Apple TV). Adobe Lightroom is for mobile devices, and Apple TVs, while Lightroom Classic is designed for desktop use.

Lightroom Disadvantages

  • Subscription-based access may not appeal to all, as Adobe requires a monthly fee to access Adobe Creative Cloud.

Lightroom Pricing

Lightroom is available either individually for $9.99/month or as part of a bundle with Photoshop and online storage that ranges from $9.99 to $54.99/month.

Lightroom Use Cases

Use case 1: Photographers

For photographers, Lightroom offers a comprehensive, all-in-one workspace to manage, edit, and share visuals. The built-in presets and on-the-go editing capabilities expedite their workflow.

Use case 2: Digital marketers

Digital marketers can leverage Lightroom’s quick editing features and organization tools to enhance visuals for campaigns and brand promotion.

Use case 3: Social Media Managers

Social Media Managers can optimize visuals for different platforms, maintaining brand consistency and quickly responding to changing trends with Lightroom’s wide range of editing functions.


Unleash your artistic fervor with Adobe Illustrator– a robust vector graphics and animation software. Ideal for creating mobile graphics, product packagings, unique letterforms, and bespoke fonts, Illustrator wields the brush of surreality to fabricate your creative vision.

Illustrator Top Features

  • Complex editing capabilities such as mirror imaging and spacing adjustments.
  • Artboards for exporting banners in JPG, PNG formats.
  • Free-form gradients, versatile shapes, and typography tools for immersive designs.
  • Features point precision, vectorize for raster image conversion, and radial, grid, mirror repeat for sophisticated patterns.
  • A comprehensive type toolkit with a whopping 18,000+ fonts.
  • Seamless movement across Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Fresco with Adobe Creative Cloud integration.
  • Cloud synchronization for access from desktop or iPad.
Tool Utility
Blend Tool Enable magical blending of shapes
Polygons Transform geometric figures into thrilling visuals
Regularly updated templates Ready-to-use templates for social media, presentations, resumes

Illustrator Downsides

  • High learning curve, presents complexities for beginners.
  • Resource-intensive software.
  • No free version available, potentially a financial deterrent.

Illustrator Pricing

For individual users, Adobe Illustrator comes at a price of $19.99/month while businesses must shell out $29.99/month. Although there’s no free version, a 7-day trial period beckons potential users for a tantalizing taste of this software’s prowess.

Illustrator Use Cases

Use case 1: Professional Illustrators

The seamless integration and comprehensive toolkit make Illustrator a go-to choice for professional illustrators.

Use case 2: Web Design

With its robust vector graphics, Illustrator helps web designers curate distinctive graphics suitable for every pixel.

Use case 3: Graphic Design

Designing product packaging, business cards, or newsletters, Illustrator is seen as the industry standard.



Crafting grandeur from the virtual, behold Procreate, a potent tool equipped for realizing your digital artistic visions. A cloud-based solution embroidering iOS platforms, Procreate assembles a suite tailored for sketching and illustrating that has earned acclaim, resonating with a whopping 4.8 rating culled from 101 reviews. Note, its design ingenuity is Apple-restricted, pairing perfectly with Apple’s Pencil for efficient imagery.

Procreate Top Features

  • Animation Assist Tool: Master time, bending it to your creative will with Procreate’s Animation Assist for time-lapse recording.
  • Customizable Brushes and Effects: Add personality to your strokes with a diverse range of brushes and striking effects.
  • Text Style Modification and Typography: Embed a narrative in your creation, stylizing fonts and typographies to suit your visual story.
  • Shape Drawing and Color Correction: Manifest accurate geometry seamlessly with Procreate’s Quick Shape, and tweak colors to perfection.
Feature Value
Motion Filtering Stabilization aids for smooth, refined strokes
VoiceOver, Dynamic Type, AssistiveTouch Variety in access modes enhances inclusivity
Photoshop Brushes Support Enables importing and using Photoshop brushes

Procreate Limitations

  • Limited layering based on canvas size and quality restricts depth of design.
  • Procreate’s exclusive domain is iPhone and iPad platforms, which may exclude non-iOS users.
  • Optimal functionality requires specific device parameters like high RAM, fast processors, large screen size, and Apple Pencil compatibility.

Procreate Pricing

Embrace the entire Procreate constellation at a fair bargain – a one-time license fee of $9.99. Sadly, no free trial version exists presently, although the quality vouched by the Procreate community might tempt you to leap in.

Procreate Use Cases

Use Case 1: Design and Aesthetics

Fashioning an immersive blend of arts and tech, Procreate serves designers – amateurs and professionals alike – by weaving a lush artistic palette with an array of brushes and effects. Sprinkle typographic magic or adjust color tones to your narrative’s heartbeat and see your visual symphony unfurl.

Use Case 2: Note-taking

Channel the efficiency of note-taking in Procreate with easy sketching avenues and accessible features that accommodate even the most complex ideas.

Use Case 3: Animation

Storytellers, educators, or anyone infatuated with motion will relish the Animation Assist, which empowers you to breathe life into static sketches. It is a potent platform to explore the captivating world of animation at your fingertips.



Founded in 2013, Canva is an online design powerhouse hailing from Sydney, Australia. It’s launched products such as Canva, Canva Pro, and Canva for Enterprise, garnering over 100 million users across the globe. With an overall rating of 4.7, Canva is a preferred choice for millions of individuals and companies aiming to design impressive visuals.

Canva Top Features

  • Drag-and-drop design: Enables users of all skill levels to create stunning visual content.
  • Photo editing: Effortlessly amend images to match your brand or message.
  • Magic Write: An AI-powered copywriting assistant launched in 2023 enhances your content with optimal communication.
  • Custom chart creation: Enables the visualisation of internal data in an efficient and effective way.
Feature Description
Pre-built templates Includes an extensive selection for logos, posters, social media posts, and more.
Custom fonts, frames, shapes, grids, icons Allows users to customize designs to their specific needs and style.
Mobile apps availability Offers two mobile apps for effortless designing on-the-go.

Canva Limitations

  • In May 2019, they suffered a data breach impacting approximately 139 million users.

Canva Pricing

The Canva Free, Canva for Education, and Canva for Not-for-Profit plans are available for free. Canva Pro charges $12.99 USD/month for the first user, and $6.99/month for each additional user. Enterprises can opt for Canva Enterprise at $30/month.

Canva Use Cases

Use case 1 – Content Creators

Canva empowers content creators to build visually appealing social media posts, newsletters, and more with its wide variety of pre-built templates, fonts, and shapes.

Use case 2 – Educators

Teachers and students leverage Canva’s user-friendly interface to create engaging educational content, with a dedicated Canva for Education available at no cost.

Use case 3 – Non-profits

Non-profit organizations can effectively convey their mission and gather support using Canva’s visual content tools, courtesy of the free Canva for Not-for-Profit.



Behold Affinity, a standout vector graphics software tool by Serif Europe. Released in 2014, it anchors the Affinity trinity alongside Affinity Photo and Publisher. Originally marketed as an Adobe Illustrator alternative, it’s compatible with numerous file formats and caters to the needs of designing professionals.

Affinity Top Features

  • Scoped collection of vector pen and shape-drawing tools, and custom brushes support.
  • Offers dynamic symbols, stroke stabilization, and text style management.
  • Employs non-destructive editing with real-time effects and transformations.
  • Supports diverse color models and offers one sky PANTONE color swatches and end-to-end CMYK workflow with ICC color management.
  • Exudes flexibility by allowing seamless switching between vector and pixel workspaces.
Undo Action Preserved up to 8000 times, keeps design history intact even post-closure.
Workspace Flexibility Designer, Pixel, and Export Personas.
Fills & Strokes Permits multiple fills or strokes on single objects.

Affinity Downsides

  • Caters exclusively to macOS at the onset, raised compatibility later.
  • No subscription model, necessitates full upfront payment.
  • iPad version needs a separate purchase, despite having analogous toolset.

Affinity Pricing

Affinity bears a one-time cost of USD$69.99 on Windows or macOS, and USD$18.49 for the iPad version. For a suite spanning all platforms, the price is USD$164.99. On a silver lining, there’s no recurring subscription.

Affinity Use Cases

Use case 1: Professional Illustrators

With a gamut of specialist tools and features, Affinity serves as an ideal companion for professional illustrators.

Use case 2: Web Designers

Its comprehensive toolset and file compatibility make it a web designer’s ally.

Use case 3: Game Developers

Affinity’s vector and pixel-uri capabilities are invaluable to game developers for creating intricate designs.



A product endowed with the prowess of the University of Colorado Boulder, Elements is a potent combo of a graphic design course and a 3D structural analysis design software. It provides foundational graphic design skills and facilitates the design and analysis of complex structures.

Elements Top Features

  • A comprehensive module covering graphic design’s history, design principles, project expectations, and essential software.
  • Focus on color theory, online design, textual elements, graphic design, and print design.
  • Powerful 3D finite element analysis for steel, concrete, cold-formed steel, masonry projects, and more.
  • Offerings dedicated to trusses, beams, frames, different types of walls, and footings design.
Requirement Value
Processor 1.3 GHz or faster
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 or higher
RAM 2 GB minimum, 4 GB recommended

Elements Downsides

  • The “Basic Elements of Design” course is limited to the English language, with subtitles available for other languages. This could limit comprehension for non-English speakers.
  • No company-specific software design details are available, potentially causing confusion or misinterpretation.

Elements Pricing

Licensing, subscription options include 12-month subscription, one-time purchase, & support. The Perpetual License bundle with SELECT features 24/7/365 technical support, with annual renewal quotes sent via email.

Elements Use Cases

Use case 1

For graphic designers seeking to understand the foundational skills and principles, Elements provides a detailed guide. Its comprehensive training breaks down complex concepts, making it an excellent choice for beginners.

Use case 2

For structural engineers dealing with steel, concrete, timber, or masonry projects, Elements serves as a reliable tool for design and analysis to optimize materials and resource efficiency.

Use case 3

For firms like WSP and VYOM that are tackling adventurous projects necessitating robust design and analysis capabilities, Elements‘ 3D finite element analysis proves invaluable.

Clip Studio Paint

Allow us to introduce Clip Studio Paint, a leading graphic design software, revered for its exceptional capabilities in the realm of digital art creation. Developed by Celsys, this software has been positioned as a preferred choice for professional designers, concept artists, illustrators, and animators since 2001.

Clip Studio Paint Top Features

  • Vector drawing coupled with pen pressure reflection for an elevated drawing experience.
  • Extensive brush customization, supporting diverse styles from pen, pencil, watercolor to oil paint.
  • Capability to import Photoshop brushes, providing even greater variety in expressions.
  • Over 55,000 brush materials accessible on Clip Studio Paint’s material site.
  • 3D support for precision drawings.
  • Elevated layer management with searchable layers and layer folders.
  • Shortcut keys that can be customized based on individual workflow preferences.
  • Versatile file type support including PNG, JPEG, PSD, SVG.
  • File backing on Cloud with history tracking.
Distinct from Other Design Software Designed for Comic Creation
Imports files from other design software like Adobe Photoshop, bringing added functionality and familiarity. Equips users with tools for sketching, inking, coloring, creating panel layouts, word balloons and captions, manifesting as a comprehensive tool for comic creation.
Maintain with Ease Efficient Backup

Clip Studio Paint Limitations

  • Version 2 update requires either a license, an annual purchase of an “upgrade pass”, or a shift to subscription licensing— potentially adding to costs.
  • While it offers file imports from other software, native interaction with said software may be limited.
  • The sheer volume of features may come across as overwhelming for new users.

Clip Studio Paint Pricing

On the pricing frontier, Clip Studio Paint establishes itself as a cost-effective player with the PRO version priced at $3.51/month, and the EX version at $71.99/year. Payment options include perpetual license or an ongoing subscription.

Clip Studio Paint Use Cases

Use Case 1: Professional Illustrators

With its range of brushes, ink tools, textures and coloring features, Clip Studio Paint serves as a comprehensive suite for illustrators, enabling them to bring their creative visions to life with the striking precision this tool provides.

Use Case 2: Concept Artists

By merging superior design and illustration capabilities, Clip Studio Paint comes as a boon to concept artists, helping them devise and convey their unique concepts effortlessly and conveniently.

Use Case 3: Comic Creators

With tools for sketching, inking, coloring, and creating panel layouts, word balloons, and captions, Clip Studio Paint is equipped to aid comic creators in manifesting their narratives in a compelling visual format.



Unfurling its grandeur in the realm of vector graphics editing is Inkscape, a powerful open-source software, compatibly harmonizing with GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOS. An artistic canvas where the technical intermingles with the aesthetic, Inkscape expertly crafts diagrams, logos, typography, and more with infinite resolution precision.

Key Features of Inkspace

  • An extensive file format compatibility ensconcing SVG, AI, EPS, PDF, PS, PNG, and more.
  • A robust suite of innovative tools arrayed for crafting, shaping, and coloring artworks, diagrams, illustrations, and charts.
  • Advanced layer support underpinning precise object grouping and asset manipulation with unwavering precision.
  • Provision of path-offsets (inset, outset, linked or dynamic) granting supreme flexibility in work.
  • The distinct introduction of a cloning feature, generating child objects derived from an original parent object.
Tools Function
Pen, Pencil, Calligraphy tool, Text tool Provides high levels of freedom for versatile editing.
Z-order Manages sequence of drawn objects for ordered design.
SVG 1.1 compliance Supports the rendering of primitive vector shapes

Limitations of Inkscape

  • The software might intimidate beginners due to its wide array of features.
  • Processing of complex projects can be slow, hindering productivity.
  • Potential lack of more advanced features present in commercial alternatives.

Inkscape Pricing

Proclaiming the open-source spirit of liberty, Inkscape bestows its feature-rich software freely upon its users, unrestricted by economic constraints.

Inkscape Use Cases

Use case 1 Small and Medium Businesses

Inkscape, with its web-based device proficiency, provides a suitable platform for small and medium businesses, delivering a gamut of graphics editing tools under a zero-cost model.

Use case 2 Typographers and Logotype Designers

Its top-grade text tool permits typographers to dexterously tweak font, spacing, kerning, and rotation, thus rendering expressive typefaces and elegant logotypes.

Use Case 3 Flowchart Creators and Diagram Designers

Empowered with dynamic path-offsets and a clone creation feature, Inkscape allows creators to craft intricate diagrams and flowcharts with precision and flexibility.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.