Inkscape is a free, open-source vector graphics editor suitable for creating artistic and technical illustrations like cartoons, logos, and diagrams. It supports SVG as the standard file format, facilitating compatibility with various applications. Inkscape offers a range of drawing tools and features for precise editing and design work.

Best Inkscape alternatives in 2024

Seeking alternatives to Inkscape? Look into GIMP, Illustrator, Photoshop, and CorelDRAW as potential alternatives to explore for your vector graphic editing needs.


Meet GIMP, or the GNU Image Manipulation Program, an open-source image editor extolled by illustrators, graphic designers, and photographers alike. Whether you’re editing photos, creating artworks, or fine-tuning ad designs, GIMP is a wellspring of creative empowerment. Born under the creativity of Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis in 1995, this raster graphics editor glistens globally with an impressive user rating of 4.4.

GIMP Top Features

  • Photo enhancement: Breathe art into raw pixels, with nuanced features to embellish your photos.
  • Digital retouching: Correct imperfections and play with possibilities.
  • Customizable interface: Adapt GIMP to your workflow, not the other way ‘round.
  • Support for multiple file formats: Say goodbye to compatibility issues with diverse format support.
  • Channel mixer: Correct lens tilt effects and distortions, ensuring precision in imagery.
Tools Capabilities
Crop tool Active layer editing, for real-time revisions.
Bucket Fill tool Fills your selection with color or pattern, effortlessly.
Smart Tools Consists of tools such as Clone, Healing brush, Perspective clone, blurred and sharpened, to expand your editing repertoire.

GIMP Downsides

  • Although feature-rich, the interface can appear cluttered and complex for beginners.
  • Users have expressed mixed reviews about its partial compatibility with Adobe file formats.
  • Recent versions do not include the praised Lanczos image scaling algorithm, causing some users to hold on to version 2.8.

GIMP Pricing

Relish the twin advantages of comprehensive features and zero subscription charges. GIMP is entirely free and open source software, buttressed by thorough and supportive documentation.

GIMP Use Cases

Use case 1: Ad creation

With its extensive toolset and customizable features, GIMP enables creative freedom, making it perfect for ad creation.

Use case 2: Flyer Design

Whether it’s the vibrance of color or the subtlety of texture you’re pursuing, GIMP is a powerhouse for designing captivating flyers.

Use case 3: Photography

GIMP offers a gamut of photo editing and enhancement tools that help photographers breathe life into their shots.


Step into the world of Adobe Illustrator, a leading name in the realm of vector graphics and animation software. Known as an industry standard, it astounds users with its ability to create everything from mobile graphics to typographies.

Illustrator Top Features

  • Collaborative Editing: Work on files collectively, track versions and conduct numerous editing processes.
  • Artboards: Graphic designers can craft and export banners in JPG, PNG formats with ease.
  • Advanced Design Capabilities: Enjoy free-form gradients, shape manipulation, special effects, and insert shadows.
  • Extensive Type Toolkit: Offers 18,000+ fonts, variable fonts, and color fonts.
  • Comprehensive Cloud Integration: Ensures seamless movement across Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Fresco and more through Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Compatibility: Works efficiently with Apple Pencil and is compatible with SVG files, PNG, OpenDocument, PDF, and PSD file formats.
Pro Con
Robust capabilities High learning curve
Vast font repository Consumes resources heavily
Integration with Creative Cloud Complex for beginners

Illustrator Limitations

  • Advanced complexity level may make navigation difficult for new users.
  • Requires substantial resources, potentially slowing other processes on your device.

Illustrator Pricing

Adobe Illustrator offers a flexible pricing model that caters to different user categories. Enjoy a 7-day free trial followed by a monthly subscription of $19.99 for individuals and $29.99 for businesses.

Illustrator Use Cases

Use case 1

Illustrator is an indispensable tool for professional graphic designers creating mobile graphics and product packagings.

Use case 2

It empowers web designers with its extensive type toolkit along with capability to mirror and modify images for unique visual impact.

Use case 3

For illustrators, Illustrator simplifies the process of developing detailed illustrations with its free-form gradients, blend tool and its ability to color fonts.



Meet Photoshop, Adobe’s powerful prodigy born in 1988 for image creation, graphic design, and photo editing. So influential, it turned into a verb, because if you’re not ‘photoshopping’, are you really editing?

Photoshop Top Features

  • Layers, Adjustment Layers, and History Panel: Helps manage complex edits like juggling torches, only less hazardous.
  • Brush Variety, Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, and History Brush: Like an artist’s toolkit, without the messy cleanup.
  • Blending Modes & Transparency: Makes image creation as smooth and integrated as a tech bro at a coding convention.
  • Support for Text, Vector Graphics, 3D Graphics, Video: It’s like the Swiss Army Knife of design tools!
  • Plug-ins: Think of these as the superhero power-ups for your Photoshop toolkit!
Latest Feature Description
Object Selection Tool An eye for detail, this tool selects elements precisely for intricate edits.
Enhanced Transform Warp It’s like digital yoga for your images, molding them into perfection.
Background Image Removal Option Want to get rid of your ex from an otherwise lovely photo? Say no more.

Photoshop Limitations

  • Lacks a built-in library for asset management.
  • With great power, comes a steep learning curve. Beginners may find it overwhelming at first.
  • Pricing can be a downside if you’re just getting your feet wet in photo editing.

Photoshop Pricing

Pricing for Photoshop is as elusive as Shrodinger’s cat, being part of the Adobe Creative Cloud package. But trust us, it won’t drain your bank account like buying guac at every meal.

Photoshop Use Cases

Use case 1: Graphic Designers

Photoshop is that magic wand that brings graphic designers’ visions to life. With features like layers, adjustment layers, and a variety of brushes, designing is as breezy as a walk in the park.

Use case 2: Web Developers

For creating snazzy layouts and vibrant designs that make websites sing, Photoshop is the tune web developers dance to. It’s like composing your own web symphony!

Use case 3: Photographers

Photoshop is the secret sauce for photographers to make their photos pop. From editing raster images to utilizing advanced tools like dodge and burn, it’s like having a digital darkroom in your back pocket!


Behold the power and precision of CorelDRAW, a professional design suite that marries vector illustration, layout, photo editing, and typography under one digital roof. Its unrivaled versatility encompasses sectors from retail to art, e-commerce to engineering.

CorelDRAW Top Features

  • Anointed by Focus Mode, transform your canvas into an isolate stage for editing objects.
  • Effortless application of color to fills and outlines lights up your designs.
  • Witness the bitmap-to-vector metamorphosis with the AI-powered PowerTRACE.
  • Your design space stretches with flexibility, cradling a multi-page view and multi-asset export.
  • The Cloud whispers secrets of features, apps, and content exclusive to subscribers.
Key Value Propositions Mechanisms
Non-destructive Editing Bitmap and vectors cavort, free from revision-related harm.
Color Consistency Ensures harmonious color across print and digital media.
Mobile Collaboration The CorelDRAW app facilitates a dance of thoughts and edits on-the-go.

CorelDRAW Disadvantages

  • Its embrace reaches only as far as Windows and Mac, leaving other systems in the cold.
  • Despite its bountiful feature set, a steep learning curve may daunt the uninitiated.

CorelDRAW Pricing

CorelDRAW offers both subscription and one-time purchase options, inclining its pricing scales to the rhythm of user needs and industry norms.

CorelDRAW Use Cases

Use case 1

For graphic professionals in large corporations, CorelDRAW‘s comprehensive suite furnishes the tools required to bring visions to life.

Use case 2

Small business creatives find a humble abode in CorelDRAW, as the software showers comprehensive support for brand identity creation, large-format printing, and digital advertising.

Use case 3

The realm of web design unveils its complexity before CorelDRAW, which harnesses its powers to defeat challenges in this arena.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.