For intuitive AR development with seamless integration to Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Aero proves to be a superior choice. However, for creators seeking advanced features and device versatility, Reality Composer’s WYSIWYG approach and optimized rendering performance gives it an edge.

Detailed comparison: Adobe Aero vs Reality Composer

Key Differences Between Adobe Aero and Reality Composer

  • Coding Requirements: Both Adobe Aero and Reality Composer do not require prior coding experience.
  • Integration: While Adobe Aero is integrated with Adobe Creative Cloud, Reality Composer is fully built into Xcode.
  • Device Support: Adobe Aero is currently only available on iOS. Reality Composer supports various devices with optimized rendering.
  • Advanced Features: Adobe Aero simplifies AR development, while Reality Composer offers more advanced features like real-time gadget maneuvering and shared AR experiences.
Comparison Adobe Aero Reality Composer
AR Creation Tool Yes, no coding/3D design needed Yes, no prior coding or 3D development needed
Integration Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, other Adobe Creative Cloud applications Fully integrated into Xcode
Use Uses intuitive gestures for asset placement, rotation, and scale Features a WYSIWYG design
Features Interactive experiences, behavioral content triggers, object motion paths Moves, scaling, added emphasis animations, supports sensor and camera recording
Preview Mode Edits visualization, interactions testing, accumulates progress records Real-time gadget maneuver and other digital intervention
Sharing power Supports App Clips, faster loading experiences Scenes are exportable as .usdz files for use in AR Quick Look, other projects, or integration into an Xcode project
Viewer Mode Interacts with creation, publishes changes to original shared link/QR code Uses AR Quick Look-compatible app, real-time viewing
Updates Stability & performance improvements, supports iOS 16+ Updates for performance improvements, more features introduced gradually
Benefits Simplifies AR development, intuitive, compatibility with Adobe Creative Cloud suite 3D object creation, engaging AR experiences, customizable 3D objects
Challenges Only available to iOS devices, lacks advanced features of other AR platforms, possibility of bugs User requires an understanding of logical triggers and scene design

What Is Adobe Aero and Who’s It For?

Adobe Aero empowers creatives with an AR tool that requires no coding or intricate 3D designing. This tool synergistically integrates with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Creative Cloud applications, expediting content creation for impressive real-world AR experiences. It’s streamlined for designers, educators, and brands who wish to step into the AR realm.

Through its highly intuitive interface, users can seamlessly manipulate assets—rotate, reposition, rescale—for the desired interactive experience. Armed with a suitably equipped iOS device, the creation and enjoyment of immersive AR experiences are at one’s fingertips.

Colorful graphic designer populating a virtual art gallery

Pros of Adobe Aero

  • Integrates with Adobe Creative Cloud applications for a smooth workflow.
  • Available with intuitive gestures for easy asset manipulation.
  • Offers a preview mode for effective visualization and interaction testing.
  • Incorporates a handy feature for video record and snapshot sharing.

Cons of Adobe Aero

  • Exclusively available on iOS devices.
  • Experiences occasional limitations and bugs.
  • Fails to incorporate advanced AR platform features.

What Is Reality Composer and Who’s It For?

Reality Composer is an innovative AR authoring solution crafted by Apple, enabling developers to design interactive AR experiences without prior coding or 3D experience. This tool is for individuals and enterprises striving to deliver AR-enhanced presentations, trainings, product demos, and more. It’s fully incorporated into Xcode, making it easy for developers to get started.

Leveraging the power of LiDAR sensors and a strong integrated AR content library, Reality Composer offers a unique plethora of features. Its user-friendly design methodology, What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG), fuels greater creativity and quicker scene building.

Colorful software engineer working on a Reality Composer project in an office setting

Pros of Reality Composer

  • Offers a WYSIWYG development process.
  • Integrates a broad AR content library.
  • Enables sensor and camera recording replay capabilities within app building.
  • Facilitates high-quality 3D models creation leveraging advanced LiDAR sensors.

Cons of Reality Composer

  • Time-consuming for complex AR scene development.
  • May lag during heavy file rendering.
  • Doesn’t recognize some file formats for import.

The Final Analysis: Adobe Aero or Reality Composer?

When comparing two AR-authoring powerhouses, picking a winner isn’t as black and white as one might think. Here’s the breakdown based on different user profiles.

Novice AR Creators

If you’re just dipping your toes into the AR creation universe, you’ll find the Adobe Aero tool more to your liking. The absence of mandatory coding or 3D design knowledge makes it the perfect platform to start your AR journey. Its integration with Adobe Creative Cloud and the intuitive nature of asset manipulation are noteworthy. However, its iOS exclusivity could limit the platform’s accessibility. Limitations and certain bugs may sometimes mar the user journey.

A novice AR creator planning his first project on Adobe Aero, surrounded by 3D designs and concepts

Professional Developers

Professional developers on the other hand might feel more at home with Reality Composer. Its integration with Xcode, the WYSIWYG style and the built-in AR content library bode well for expediting the development process. You will also appreciate the sensor, camera recording and the option for photogrammetry for 3D modelling. Be aware though, while it offers more versatility, it also requires a steeper learning curve.

A professional developer debugs his AR app created in Reality Composer in a dim-lit control room


If you are more artistically oriented, Adobe Aero is the clear choice. Leveraging Adobe Cloud Suite, you can directly use your Photoshop or Illustrator designs to create immersive AR experiences. The Ease of sharing and updates reflect the platform’s intention to facilitate and encourage frequent content iterations.

In conclusion, both Adobe Aero and Reality Composer serve different audience segments based on their background and skills. As a simplified introduction to AR development, Adobe Aero gains the upper hand, while for a more comprehensive development tool, Reality Composer outperforms Adobe Aero. Choose the one that fits your needs the best.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.