Embedding 3d Scenes

Embed 3d content with <air-viewer/>

Bring your 2D content to life


Simply copy and paste the script tags into your site's HTML, and you're all set.

<air-viewer smart-id="oLwz0o4rw"></air-viewer>
<script type="module" src="https://viewer.aircada.com/embedder.js"></script>

<air-viewer/> Attributes

urlThe URL of the 3D scene to load. This is required.<air-viewer url="https://viewer.aircada.com/d5fff905b" />
smartidUnique identifier for the scene, alternative to `url`.<air-viewer smartid="d5fff905b" />
viewkeySecure key for accessing private scenes.<air-viewer viewkey="your-secret-key" />
background-colorSets the background color of the viewer (HEX or color name).<air-viewer background-color="#ffffff" />
styleApply custom CSS styles to the viewer.<air-viewer style="width: 100%; height: 500px;" />
lazyDelays loading of the viewer until it enters the viewport.<air-viewer lazy />
unloadAutomatically unloads the viewer when it exits the viewport.<air-viewer unload />
transitionEnables transition animations on load/unload. Defaults to fade.<air-viewer transition />
transition-typeSets animation type ('fade' or 'grow'). Default is 'fade'.<air-viewer transition-type="grow" />
transition-durationAnimation duration in ms. Default is 300.<air-viewer transition-duration="500" />
transition-easingAnimation easing function. Default is 'ease'.<air-viewer transition-easing="ease-in-out" />

Example Walkthrough

Embed any scene

Create and publish a scene, grab the embed code, and paste it into your site. Works with standard html, wordpress, shopify, react, angular, vue, and more.