Amethyst is a data-driven game engine with a focus on parallel architecture and the Entity Component System (ECS). Designed for rapid prototyping and beginner-friendly, it’s used for developing 2D and 3D games in Rust. However, its pre-release stage and critiques on general-purpose functionality limit commercial applicability.

Differences of  and

For those exploring alternatives to Amethyst, choices encompass Bevy, Unity, Unreal Engine, MonoGame, Boundless, Godot, Raylib, Macroquad, Piston, Fyrox, and Brilliant.



Drumroll for Bevy, the future of game development engines! Crafted with the sharp, rust-resistant coding language of Rust, it’s a data-driven wizard tuned to fascinate both 2D and 3D gaming aficionados.

Bevy Top Features

  • Data-Oriented Architecture: The Entity Component System (ECS) paradigm at heart fuels a linear, data-focused approach.
  • Inclusive and Comprehensive: From 2D and 3D rendering to user interface functionality, Bevy doesn’t leave a stone unturned.
  • Instant Feedback: Hot reloading for changes, so any code flip can be seen instantaneously!
  • Speedy Gonzales Compile Time: Compile times can touch 0.8 seconds if the wind is in the right direction.
  • Community Connect: Get involved with fellow Bevy users via Discord, subreddit or GitHub Discussions.
Community Extras Bevy Utilities
Bevy Assets collection MIT or Apache 2.0 license
Cargo features for Bevy’s customization All-rounder platform support (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Web, iOS)
Android support Possible extensions to wasm and webgpu

Bevy Disadvantages

  • Deals in bucket loads of Rust improvements, so brace for potential API-breaking changes.
  • Current focus is on independent developers and enthusiasts. Larger studios may have to wait in line!
  • No native Android support… yet!

Bevy Pricing

A frugal game developer’s dream, Bevy is entirely free, open-source, and licensed under the permissive MIT or Apache 2.0 licenses.

Bevy Use Cases

Use case 1

Are you an independent developer looking to dish out masterpieces on the fly? With its quick compile time and open-source features, Bevy might be your perfect sidekick.

Use case 2

Fun fact: Bevy produces binaries that are a smidge over 1MB for a “hello world” game. Best believe it’s a tempting choice for enthusiasts and hobbyists who value memory efficiency.

Use case 3

For the developer desiring to stay ahead in the game (pun intended): Bevy’s continuous development and community interaction offers an interesting proposition for future-proof and interactive game development.



For close to two decades, Unity has marked its spot in the world of game development. Launched in 2005, it is renowned for its potent engine used to develop fascinating 3D and 2D games. It accommodates a vast range of applications from Augmented Reality to 3D simulations.

Unity Top Features

  • Highly effective for creating cross-platform games, adaptable with several operating systems.
  • Equipped with a rich asset store integrated with pre-designed textures and features.
  • Caters to a variety of coding languages including BOO script, Javascript, and C#.
  • A vibrant developer community offering assistance and open communication for problem-solving.
Feature Benefit
Continuous Tech Evolution Improved user-friendliness, compatibility, and immersive visual experiences
Wide Application Range From simple mobile games to high-end AR/VR projects
Open Communication Critical problem-solving communication between developers

Unity Downsides

  • Fear of sudden pricing shifts compromises developers’ financial sustainability.
  • The recently-introduced per-install fee approach evoked backlash from developers.
  • Potential abuse of per-install fees, including repeated downloads by one user.

Unity Pricing

The new pricing model, active from January 1, 2024, mandates developers pay each time a Unity-based game is installed. Unity endeavors to safeguard developers, promising no charges will apply until the game hits $200,000 in revenue and 200,000 installations.

Unity Use Cases

Use Case 1: Indie Game Development

Unity’s platform adaptability, asset store, and free and paid versions make it ideal for ambitious indie developers.

Use Case 2: AR/VR Development

With a particular focus on AR/VR development, Unity’s rich set of features enables the creation of immersive experiences.

Use Case 3: Mobile Game Development

With its support for cross-platform development, Unity empowers mobile game developers to create and distribute their games effectively.



Founded in 2012, Brilliant is a top-tier educational platform with a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) topics. Its unique selling point is its gamified approach to learning, replacing traditional lectures with interactive puzzles and games. Designed to make STEM subjects accessible and engaging, it reaches its audience via online resources and employs a freemium business practice.

Brilliant Top Features

  • Over 100 award-winning courses across diverse topics, crafted by esteemed industry professionals and educators from organizations like MIT, Microsoft, Google, and more.
  • Interactive puzzles and games that replace traditional teaching methods, designed to simplify complex concepts.
  • A heavy emphasis on visual aids to solidify understanding of intricate concepts.
  • Customized learning experiences based on user’s interests and knowledge levels.
  • Daily challenges to keep users engaged and continuously learning.
  • Compatible across all devices, including tablets, smartphones, computers, and laptops.
  • Proactive customer support, including a dedicated help center and a vibrant, interactive learning community.
Registered User Base Over 4 million as of 2017
Company Valuation (2019) Approximately $50 Million
Contributions Regular contributions to publications like The New York Times, The Guardian, and FiveThirtyEight

Brilliant Limitations

  • No accreditation or certificate offered upon course completion.
  • Discontinued community submissions of new puzzles and solutions in 2021.
  • Freemium business model may limit access to certain resources for non-paying users.

Brilliant Pricing

Premium membership for Brilliant is priced at $24.99 on a monthly plan, or an economical $13.49 per month when subscribing on an annual basis. It also provides a free 7-day trial to preview the courses. Group subscriptions, ideal for families, offer discounts. An equally beneficial option for educators, free access can supplement classroom learning.

Brilliant Use Cases

Use case 1 – Students

Brilliant provides an engaging platform for students to dive deep into STEM subjects. Its gamified, interactive courses allow students to understand, apply and experience complex concepts first-hand. With an array of subjects ranging from linear algebra to quantum objects, the platform caters to a broad spectrum of learners.

Use case 2 – Professionals

The platform’s plethora of courses make it an excellent resource for professionals seeking to upskill. The ability to customize learning paths based on individual aptitude levels ensures a tailored learning experience.

Use case 3 – Educators

With its broad and engaging assortment of STEM courses, Brilliant serves as a supplement to classroom teachings for educators. Free access for educators helps integrate the platform’s resources into curricular activities for enhanced learning experiences.

Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine

Developed by Epic Games, Unreal Engine (UE) is a family of 3D computer graphics game engines. Launched in 1998, UE has evolved to serve diverse genres and industries including film and television, becoming a preferred choice for game developers worldwide.

Unreal Engine Top Features

  • Platform Agnostic: Written in C++, UE supports a range of platforms, from desktop and mobile to console and VR.
  • Unlimited Creativity: The incorporated level editor, UnrealEd, supports real-time constructive solid geometry operations.
  • Continual Upgrades: The Unreal Development Kit is updated to support iOS games and apps.
Unreal Engine 3 It was quite open for modders and received a free version of UE3’s SDK, the Unreal Development Kit (UDK), in 2009.
Unreal Engine 4 Released in 2004, it became the first free-for-all users engine in 2015, charging revenue shares only for products earning more than $3,000 quarterly.
Unreal Engine 5 The latest version of the engine, made public in April 2022.

Unreal Engine Downsides

  • 5% royalty on revenues above $1 million, discouraging for small companies.
  • The learning curve can be steep for beginners.
  • Distinct lack of detailed documentation for the less-popular features.

Unreal Engine Pricing

Unreal Engine is free for all users. Epic operates under a royalty model, charging 5% for products that earn over USD 1 million. This fee is, however, waived for games published on the Epic Games Store. Educational institutions have free access.

Unreal Engine Use Cases

Educational Institutions

Providing a powerful tool for free, Unreal Engine promotes digital learning, helping students grasp advanced concepts through interactive understanding.

Independent Game Developers

From a generous revenue-sharing model to a platform-agnostic setup, Unreal Engine offers indie developers room to experiment and grow without budgetary constraints.

Small to Mid-size Game Studios

Studio teams can leverage the vast and versatile feature-set of Unreal Engine to build compelling, engaging games across several genres.



A power-laden, open-source, C# game engine, MonoGame made its debut in 2009. Ushered into existence by the dedicated MonoGame Team, it has since grown to be a popular choice amongst game developers worldwide.

MonoGame: Top Features

  • Platform versatility: MonoGame lets you create games compatible with various platforms including iOS, Android, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and more.
  • .NET integration: MonoGame lets you extend projects across all platforms supported by .NET, including Windows, Linux, and Mac.
  • Comprehensive content management: MonoGame’s content management closely follows the XNA 4 ContentManager model, facilitating effortless game asset handling.
  • Community-maintained: Regular updates and improvements are driven by independent software developers and users deepening the pool of resources and tutorials.
Features Detail
Courses and Tutorials Offers opportunities to brush up on C# programming and understand MonoGame fundamentals.
Graphics capabilities OpenGL, OpenGL ES, or DirectX is used. Initially focusing on OpenGL 1.x, the engine later switched to OpenGL 2.
3D Support 2D game support was given from the beginning. 3D support was added mid-2013.

MonoGame: Limitations

  • Lack of WYSIWYG environment: As MonoGame is code-focused, developers seeking a visual game editing environment might be at a disadvantage.
  • Paid mobile support: iOS and Android support is not free, which may deter some developers.
  • High learning curve: Those new to programming might find MonoGame challenging due to its focus on lower-level programming.

MonoGame Pricing

MonoGame proudly stands as a free-to-use framework. However, for iOS and Android support, paid subscriptions come into play.

MonoGame Use Cases

Use case 1: Cross-platform game development

For developers aiming for a vast audience across multiple platforms, MonoGame’s interoperability makes it an excellent choice. Its integration capabilities with .NET help bring your games about on Linux, Windows, Mac, and more.

Use case 2: Indie Game Development

Indie game developers find a haven in MonoGame. Its battle-tested, code-focused, indie-friendly features have produced celebrated games such as Bastion, Celeste, and Fez.

Use case 3: Learning Game Development

Ideal for aspiring and learning developers, MonoGame not only offers robust game development capabilities but also courses and tutorials on the underlying principles of computer science and mathematics.



Immerse yourself in the world of Boundless, a pioneering enterprise focused on advancing Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Extended Reality (XR) technologies. Revolutionizing industries like architecture, real estate, healthcare, manufacturing, engineering, and education, Boundless is at the forefront of the digital transformation.

Boundless Top Features

  • Unparalleled Immersive Visualization: For architecture and real estate, AR/VR technologies provide a stellar platform for presenting designs and property tours.
  • Revolutionary Healthcare Applications: Surgeons can practice complex procedures virtually, reducing risks and offering medical students a realistic yet safe learning environment.
  • Manufacturing and Engineering Revolution: The adoption of AR/VR technologies streamlines operations and optimizes production processes.
  • Interactive Learning Experiences: Enhanced visualization of complex subjects is revolutionizing learning, making education more engaging and feasible remotely.
AR vs VR: While VR immerses users in a simulated environment, AR overlays digital elements onto the real world.
Apple Vision Pro: A cutting-edge AR development platform promising immersive AR experiences with advanced computer vision capabilities.
Immersive Learning: Create engaging interactive educational experiences with AR/VR, improving student engagement, and learning outcomes.

Boundless Limitations

  • Cost: High-end AR/VR technologies require considerable investment.
  • Accessibility: Not everyone has equal access to these high-tech devices and systems.
  • Need For Skilled Educators: The effective implementation of AR/VR in education requires skilled educators.

Boundless Use Cases

Use case 1: AR/VR in Education

From anatomy to geography classes, Boundless brings curriculum to life by providing immersive, engaging, and interactive learning experiences. Students can explore the human body in VR, experience geographies with interactive maps, and engage with language practice in new dimensions – ultimately leading to improved learning outcomes and retention.

Use case 2: AR/VR in Healthcare

Boundless helps the healthcare sector leap into the digital age. It allows medical practitioners to practice complex procedures in a controlled, virtual environment thus dramatically reducing risks. It also revolutionizes medical training, providing students with a realistic, safe, and interactive learning environment.

Use case 3: AR/VR in Real Estate

Experience the future of real estate through Boundless. The power of AR/VR is harnessed in this domain to provide vivid and immersive visualizations of properties, enabling virtual tours that can drastically improve informed decision-making for potential buyers.



Godot is an open-source game engine revered for its intuitive scene-driven and node-based design that sets the blueprint for creating top-tier games, from basic to complex. Used by a global network of developers, it provides a comprehensive toolset that encourages a uniquely modular approach to game development.

Godot Top Features

  • Intuitive, scene-driven design: Organizes game content into usable scenes, enabling the creation of reusable and full-featured assets.
  • Node system: Uses nodes, the smallest building blocks of a game, for sophisticated scene construction and powerful, streamlined game logic.
  • Direct Blender files import: Streamlines game design with a direct, fuss-free import of Blender files.
  • GDScript: Supports its built-in scripting language with optional static typing and tight engine integration for a streamlined approach to game logic.
  • Supports multiple programming languages: Thanks to an active community, it supports other language bindings like Rust, Nim, Python, etc.
  • Multi-platform compatibility: Delivers high performance on various platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, Web, etc.
Audio System Employs an Audio Bus/Layout system for applying real-time sound effects in games
Visual Editor Features a built-in editor within the engine for coding, boosting developer productivity
3D Engine Renders robust 3D capabilities, able to support both high and low-end devices

Godot Downsides

  • Not ideal for complex 3D game development
  • C# support for the .NET platform is limited, available only for desktop platforms in Godot 4
  • Updates may break compatibility due to the dynamic nature of open source projects

Godot Pricing

Godot is entirely free under an MIT license, inviting all, from beginners to veterans, to make games without fear of hidden costs, contracts, or licensing fees.

Godot Use Cases

Use case 1 – Indie Developers

A perfect choice for indie developers or small studios due to its free and open-source nature, facilitating low-budget game development.

Use case 2 – Beginners

An excellent start for beginners, thanks to the intuitive design, built-in scripting language, GDScript, and visual editor.

Use case 3 – Collaborative Game Devs

Favors team collaboration, offering a storage solution designed for easy sharing and editing of game scenes and assets.


Raylib is a versatile game development library released on November 18, 2013. It’s conceived by Ramon Santamaria and other contributors, offering platform-independent, accelerated graphics via an OpenGL abstraction layer.

Raylib Top Features

  • Numerous Platform Support: Raylib supports different platforms including Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Android, Raspberry Pi, and HTML5.
  • Hardware Acceleration: Harness the power of OpenGL for speedier and smoother graphics.
  • Comprehensive 3D Support: Packed with 3D support for shapes, models, billboards, and heightmaps.
  • Shaders Support: Enables loading of shaders, which can be attached to 3D models or fullscreen postprocessing effects.
  • Audio Capability: Audio loading and playing with streaming support for multiple formats.
Feature Advantage
Flexible Materials System It supports classic and PBR maps, enhancing the artistic expression of your games.
VR Stereo Rendering It contains configurable HMD device parameters, engaging players on a deeper level.
Boundaries for over 50 Programming Languages Allows developers from different programming backgrounds to feel at home.

Raylib Downsides

  • C99 Requirement: Being written in C99, Raylib might slightly limit developers used to more modern languages.

Raylib Pricing

Raylib is an open-source library, making it freely accessible to all.

Raylib Use Cases

Use case 1 – Prototyping

Because of its simplicity and flexibility, Raylib shines for prototyping purposes, allowing fast iterations.

Use case 2 – Education

With over 50 programming languages’ bindings, Raylib serves as a versatile learning tool for aspiring developers, globally.

Use case 3 – Embedded Systems

Raylib’s light footprint and broad platform support make it perfect for embedded systems’ game development.


Taking a plunge into the fascinating world of game development? Meet Macroquad, a lean game library for the powerful Rust programming language, designed to make your coding journey as smooth and effective as possible.

Best Features of Macroquad

  • Efficient 2D Rendering: Automatic geometry batching allows you to render 2D objects on the fly.
  • Quick Building: Building after cargo clean requires only 16 seconds. Time is money!
  • Multiple Platform Support: From Windows, Linux, macOS to Android and iOS, Macroquad has got you covered.
  • Powerful UI library: Based on immediate mode, design interactive and smooth UI with ease.
  • Community Support: Get help and mingle with fellow Macroquad users on their active Discord server and via Awesome Quads.
Macroquad Feature What it means for you
Smooth Cross-Compilation Easy transition from Linux to Windows.
Fast Image Loads optimisation ensures quicker loads, enhancing app performance.
Monthly Updates Stay in sync with the cutting-edge with regular updates.

Limitations of Macroquad

  • While it’s efficient and easy-to-use, Macroquad may be a bit basic for more complex and heavy-duty game development projects.
  • The reliance on Rust’s async/await for main loop organization could potentially lead to challenges with more advanced programming tasks.
  • For iOS applications, the requirement of assets for a proper run on the simulator and load might be a stumbling block for some.

Pricing & Funding

Here’s the best part: Macroquad is open-source. Yes, you heard it right. Dive into the world of game development without worrying about the price tag. The running costs are met by income from individual sponsors and Embark, allowing the team to fund project updates and hire fresh talent.

Macroquad Use Cases

Use Case 1: Basic Game Development

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned game developer looking for a library that’s easy on resources and marginal learning curve, Macroquad, with its efficient 2D rendering and UI library, is the perfect ally.

Use Case 2: Cross-Platform Creating

Need your game to run seamlessly on multiple platforms? Macroquad’s cross-compilation feature is a lifesaver, offering hassle-free support for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS.

Use Case 3: Community-Based Development

If community interaction and learning from peers excite you, Macroquad enables you to join an active Discord server and partake in Awesome Quads for a truly engaging development experience.



An open source project since 2014, Piston is a mutually collaborative game engine development platform, leveraging Rust. It’s known for optimal modularity, and its core and diverse modules co-existing independently.

Piston Top Features

  • Model-View-Controller framework: With GenericEvent for event handling and Window for event polling.
  • Modularity: Piston’s design allows using any library from Rust’s ecosystem.
  • Multiple Backends: Piston supports different window and 2D graphics backends.
ImageProc For image processing.
Dyon Dynamic scripting language friendly for non-programmers.
PistonCore-Input+ Handles user-input, Window for window abstraction & Event Loop for game events.

Piston Limitations

  • Learning Curve: Requires an understanding of Points vs Pixels for event handling and 2D graphics. Ideal for developers with experience in Rust.
  • Harsh memory management: While Rust’s concurrency features enhance data security, it could lead to a steep learning curve.

Piston Pricing

Being an open-source project, Piston is free to use.

Piston Use Cases

Use case 1

Piston has proven advantageous in projects involving 2D/3D graphics, AI programming, and sound/music/network programming.

Use case 2

For projects demanding robust memory management and concurrency, Piston uses Rust’s features to prevent data races.

Use case 3

Piston is useful for programmers and non-programmers alike, as it employs the Dyon scripting language aimed at simplifying game development.


Welcome to the world of Fyrox, a robust 2D/3D game engine originally known as rg3d. Built on Rust, it offers a native editor, bearing a striking similarity to Godot. Fully cross-platform, it supports Windows, macOS, Linux, WebAssembly, and even Android platforms.

Fyrox Top Features

  • Advanced asset manager supporting async asset loading
  • Various texture formats (PNG, JPG, TGA, DDS) and models loader (FBX)
  • Audio enhancements including audio buses, audio bus graph
  • Dynamic model instantiation and animation blending techniques
  • Support for compressed textures (DXT1, DXT3, DTX5)
  • Materials properties are animatable
  • Supports hashmap for animation system
Feature Description
Headless mode Enables server-side applications
Community support Discord, Patreon, and Boosty
Learning Materials Official Fyrox book, multiple examples and tutorials available online

Fyrox Limitations

  • Lacks documentation compared to some other engines
  • Still under development, missing some features
  • Quality of community support can fluctuate

Fyrox Pricing

Information regarding Fyrox’s pricing is not available

Fyrox Use Cases

Use case 1

Fyrox is suitable for game developers who need a high level of control and flexibility over their projects. The animation blending, dynamic model instantiation, and diverse texture support make it a strong choice.

Use case 2

For those developing server-side applications, the headless mode of Fyrox is a powerful tool, giving the ability to run applications without a graphical user interface.

Use case 3

Educators and aspiring game developers can leverage the available learning materials on Fyrox to teach and learn various aspects of game development.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.