For developers prioritizing a broader reach and geospatial features, Google’s ARCore offers superior scalability and unique APIs leveraging Google Maps. However, Unity’s AR Foundation excels in cross-platform compatibility, making it suitable for those building diverse AR applications and games or needing comprehensive AR feature support.

ARCore vs AR Foundation

Key Differences Between Google’s ARCore and Unity’s AR Foundation

  • Platform Reach: ARCore potentially reaches 1.4 billion Android and selected iOS devices while AR Foundation is both Android and IOS compatible.
  • Feature Set: ARCore introduces distinctive geospatial APIs such as Streetscape Geometry, Geospatial Depth, and Scene Semantics, whereas AR Foundation holds comprehensive AR features from plane detection to occlusion.
  • Developer Requirements: ARCore accommodates developers looking to build or enhance existing apps, while AR Foundation suits game developers with beginner-level knowledge of Unity development and C# programming.
  • Device Support: ARCore runs without extra hardware but requires Android 7.0 (Nougat) or later, focusing on Google Play Services for AR. AR Foundation requires Unity 2019.4.3f1 or later, with device-specific Plugins for ARCore and ARKit.
Comparison ARCore Unity AR Foundation
Developer/Company Google Unity
Key Features Motion Tracking, Environmental Understanding, Light Estimation Plane detection, Raycasting Camera, Image tracking, Object tracking, Face tracking, Body tracking, Point clouds, Anchors, Meshing, Environment Probes, Occlusion
Compatibility Android 7.0 or later, select iOS devices, Google Play Services for AR Android and iOS, Unity 2019.4.3f1 or later, ARCore device for Android,Xcode 11.0 or later for iOS
Development Purpose Enhance existing apps or build new AR experiences Creation of AR applications, games with Unity features
Extra APIs ARCore Geospatial API, Streetscape Geometry API, Geospatial Depth API, Scene Semantics API Cloud Anchors, Camera configuration filters, Recording, Playback
Popular Use Cases Augmented reality experiences on Android devices, Google Maps AR games and applications creation, educational tracking apps, mobile applications development
Collaborations Samsung, Huawei, LG, ASUS Google’s ARCore Extensions, ARCore XR Plugin for Android, ARKit XR Plugin for iOS
Limitations Issues with Google Maps live view compatibility, Unauthorized installing of Google Apps Requires knowledge in Unity development, C# programming, 3D graphics, mobile applications development

What Is ARCore and Who’s It For?

ARCore is an innovative and robust platform developed by Google, designed to power augmented reality experiences by exploiting several APIs. Its purpose? To facilitate an immersive mobile device interaction with the environment. ARCore is built for practicality, capable of operating without additional hardware besides Android phones running on Android 7.0 (Nougat) and later. As of today, it brings the magic of AR to about 1.4 billion Android devices and select iOS devices.

Developers seeking to craft new AR experiences or enhance existing apps will find ARCore’s capabilities — motion tracking, environmental understanding, light estimation — invaluable. It’s also a cozy fit for manufacturers like Samsung, Huawei, LG, and ASUS who are eager to deliver exciting AR experiences to their users.

Colorful depiction of ARCore software logo in a tech workspace

Pros of ARCore

  • Compatible with a broad range of Android devices
  • No need for additional hardware
  • Varied APIs for a comprehensive AR experience
  • Seamless collaboration with renowned manufacturers

Cons of ARCore

  • Requires devices running Android Nougat and later
  • Issues with compatibility for Google Maps Live View
  • Unauthorized installation of Google Apps

What Is Unity’s AR Foundation and Who’s It For?

Unity’s AR Foundation is a cutting-edge, cross-platform solution for crafting augmented reality experiences. Designed to work seamlessly with Android and iOS, it’s built for developers at all levels — beginners included — to create engaging AR applications and games using Unity features and APIs.

AR Foundation offers a range of exciting features like Cloud Anchors, Camera configuration filters, and Recording, catering to game developers with knowledge of Unity development, C# programming, 3D graphics, and mobile app development. Its compatibility with ARCore and ARKit ensures its suitability for a broad range of devices.

Colorful picture of Unity AR developer working in a tech studio

Pros of Unity’s AR Foundation

  • Enables AR experiences creation without limiting user interface
  • Wide compatibility with Google’s ARCore and Apple’s ARKit
  • Offers advanced AR features: Plane detection, Raycasting Camera, Image tracking, and more
  • Ability to handle different AR projects – games, educational apps, etc.

Cons of Unity’s AR Foundation

  • Requires Unity 2019.4.3f1 or later to operate
  • Performance can vary with each updated release
  • Specific Android and iOS requirements for compatibility

ARCore vs AR Foundation: Pricing

Neither ARCore nor AR Foundation explicitly mentions pricing, denoting that they potentially come free of charge.


Developed by Google, ARCore is an augmented reality platform with a variety of APIs. It doesn’t explicitly mention any pricing, suggesting that usage could be free. It’s incorporated into Google Play Services, a framework that automatically updates on supported devices, hinting at no additional charge.

AR Foundation

Unity’s AR Foundation is a cross-platform framework for developing AR experiences. It requires compatible devices and certain versions of Unity and Xcode. No explicit pricing is mentioned, indicating potential freeware. Unity’s package manager, which can work alongside AR Foundation, doesn’t list any charges either.

ARCore or AR Foundation: Which One to Choose?

While both Google’s ARCore and Unity’s AR Foundation are ground-breaking, the decision comes down to your specific application needs. Let’s dive into which best suits different user segments.

Experienced Game Developers

For those with competent skills in Unity development, C# programming, 3D graphics, or mobile application development, opt for AR Foundation. The wide range of features like Cloud Anchors, Camera configuration filters, and particularly, support for various AR features (Plane detection, Image tracking, etc.) make it a powerful toolkit.

Experienced video game developer brainstorming ideas with a flowchart on a whiteboard, a computer monitor displaying code in the background.

Beginner Game Developers

AR Foundation has demonstrated user-friendly aspects by providing iOS-specific sample scenes, a Debug Menu, Configuration Chooser, and AR onboarding graphics. This makes it a favorable choice for beginners stepping into AR game development.

Young novice game developer engrossed in creating an AR game on his computer with a Unity interface.

Android and iOS AR Creators

If you’re aiming to build cross-platform AR experiences that scale across the diverse Android ecosystem and select iOS devices, ARCore should be your go-to. Its compatibility with different Android versions, and recent API introductions make it stand out.

Mobile application developer attentively reviewing AR code on two screens showcasing iOS and Android platforms.

Developers seeking influence over the augmented reality realm must select their tools wisely. ARCore embraces extensiveness with its new APIs and Android-bias, while AR Foundation monopolizes Unity-grounded developers with its myriad of interactive features and cross-compatibility. The verdict? It’s ARCore for Android-centric creators and AR Foundation for Unity devotees.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.