For AR content creation and publishing, Blippar stands out. It is ideal for creators with goals to enhance AR experiences, particularly those aiming at complex projects. However, Augment is optimal for businesses seeking smart, accessible insights for real-world applications.

Comparing Augment and Blippar

Key Differences Between Augment and Blippar

  • Augment enhances the physical world with digital stimuli for various business applications, while Blippar focuses more on AR content creation.
  • Blippar is recognized by CNBC and Bloomberg for innovation; Augment seeks to make products and services safer and more accessible.
  • Blippar provides a free-to-use, no-code AR creation tool but Augment requires hardware components including a processor and sensors.
  • Blippar has partnerships with high-profile companies like Porsche and L’Oréal; Augment focuses on enhancing user experiences in diverse industries such as retail, healthcare and education.
Comparison Augmented Reality (AR) Blippar
Type of Technology AR technology enhances real-world experiences with digital visual, sound, or other sensory stimuli Blippar specializes in AR content creation and publishing
Applications AR is used in mobile computing, business applications, retail, healthcare, entertainment and more Blippar products include AR, content creation and design studio
Experience AR provides a real-world environment with computer-generated perceptual information overlaid on top Blippar enhances AR content and aims for complex, purposeful projects
Delivered Through AR can be delivered through smartphones, tablets, glasses and is in development for contact lenses Blippar’s initial product was smartphone-based AR tech for advertisers
Benefits AR offers design, decision-making, entertainment, navigation, architectural, industrial manufacturing, education applications Blippar raised $5 million in pre-Series A round in 2021 and is recognized for its innovative AR approach

What Is Augmented Reality (AR) and Who’s It For?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a thriving technology that complements the real world with digital enhancements such as visuals, sound, and other sensory stimuli. It aims to underscore specific features of the physical surroundings, elevate understanding, and generate accessible insights for practical applications. AR is beneficial for a broad array of sectors such as mobile computing, business, retail, healthcare, and entertainment, to name a few. Its purpose is to make products and equipment more accessible and safer to use, and to provide a more engaging, immersive user experience by overlaying digital information onto real-life environments.

Colorful array of AR elements floating in a tech-savvy office space

Pros of Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Enhances real-world environment with digital overlays.
  • Enables smart, accessible insights for practical applications.
  • Promotes distinctive features of the physical world.
  • Boosts brand awareness and increases sales due to interactive experience.
  • Useful across diverse industries.

Cons of Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Requires robust hardware components.
  • Marker-based and marker-less AR types may impose limitations on display of information.
  • Requires an understanding of focused user interaction.
  • High development cost for sophisticated implementations.
  • Issues regarding data privacy and security.

What Is Blippar and Who’s It For?

Blippar, the UK’s first tech unicorn, is a pioneer in AR content creation and publishing. Established in 2011 by Ambarish Mitra, Omar Tayeb, and Steve Spencer, the company has strategically forged partnerships with leading brands worldwide. Guided by CEO Faisal Galaria, Blippar has evolved from creating AR experiences to launching a SaaS platform for AR creation, with the objective to facilitate more intricate and purposeful projects. Businesses seeking innovative marketing strategies can leverage Blippar’s AR content creation services and its powerful tools like Blippbuilder, a no-code AR creation tool.

Colorful Blippar team brainstorming AR ideas in a modern workplace

Pros of Blippar

  • First mover in AR content creation and publishing.
  • Launched the world’s first AR product with OnePlus Nord.
  • Offers Blippbuilder, a user-friendly no-code AR creation tool.
  • Awarded as the Most Innovative AR Company by Fast Company in 2018.
  • Broad range of partnerships with global brands.

Cons of Blippar

  • Faced financial bottlenecks, leading to insolvency proceedings in 2018.
  • Shift from AR experiences to SaaS platform may require adaptation from users.
  • Service offerings lean more towards businesses, less targeted towards individual developers.
  • Company transition and reconstruction may affect user trust and service quality.
  • Dependent on AR technology trends and market acceptance.

Technology 1 vs Technology 2: Pricing

Unfortunately, explicit pricing details for both AR Technology and Blippar were not included in the provided capabilities and features.

AR Technology

Specific pricing information for AR Technology is not present in the provided data. Costs tend to vary significantly and depend on several factors including application, hardware requirements, software complexity, and whether it’s a custom-built solution or pre-built AR app. Additional expenses may arise from hardware equipment, maintenance, training, and software updates.


The provided data for Blippar does not offer explicit pricing details. Costs would be based on a multitude of aspects like AR content creation, extent of customization required, compatibility with other technological platforms, and more. Note that Blippar offers a free-to-use tool called Blippbuilder, a no-code AR creation tool. However, given the complexity, scale, and resources invested into the other services, they are very likely to incur costs.

Augment or Blippar? Chart Your AR Path

In the AR conundrum – Augment versus Blippar, choosing the appropriate tool boils down to your unique needs and applications. Let’s dissect it across our discerning audience segments.

AR Enthusiast

For AR enthusiasts, Augment brings a cornucopia of real-world applications. From healthcare to gaming, education to industrial manufacturing, it delves beyond the superficial for a richer, more immersive experience.

AR enthusiast with a head-mounted display exploring augmented reality

The Marketer

Marketers will find Blippar an indispensable ally. This tool transcends the conventional, incorporating AR into product launches, transforming packages into AR games and fostering partnerships with potent brands. It’s not just about fun, it’s about turning heads and boosting sales.

Focused marketer designing an augmented reality marketing campaign

The AR/VR Game Creator

Augment is promising for AR/VR Game Creators with its high degree of interactivity and potential to provide an enhanced user experience. Its capability of seamlessly layering visual elements onto the real world landscape churns out the riveting gaming environments.

Game developer engrossed in creating a captivating AR game

Tech Innovators

Blippar, with its formidable arsenal of noteworthy achievements, is the go-to for tech innovators. It’s offering a platform that isn’t about just creating AR experiences, but about crafting the future of AR itself.

Tech innovator passionately crafting the future of AR through Blippar

Verdict in a nutshell: For a variety in applications and immersive user experiences, Augment shines. If you’re an AR creator focusing on technological innovations and robust marketing tools, Blippar provides an exciting platform. The choice is dictated by your requisites – analytical and rational or creative and disruptive?

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.