AutoCAD shines exemplary for complex, high-accuracy projects across multiple industries, being steeped in history and trusted widely. It allows exceptional customization and 2D/3D design capabilities. Conversely, Fusion360, with competitive pricing and comprehensive features, is perfect for small-to-midsize enterprises seeking integrated, cloud-based solutions and advanced design options.

AutoCAD vs Fusion 360

Key Differences Between AutoCAD and Fusion 360

  • CAD options: AutoCAD excels in 2D/3D drafting, Fusion360 offers advanced 3D modelling and PCB layouts.
  • Pricing: AutoCAD adopts subscription pricing post-2016, Fusion360 is affordable at $545/year or $70/month.
  • Customization: AutoCAD supports API for extensive augmentation, whereas Fusion 360 unifies CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design.
  • Usability: AutoCAD maintains industry-wide usage, Fusion 360 touts user-friendly interface and cloud-based flexibility.
Comparison AutoCAD Fusion 360
Initial Release December 1982 September 24, 2013
Purpose CAD and drafting, 2D and 3D drawings Integrated design, engineering, electronics, manufacturing
Industry Use Architects, project engineers, animators, various industries Electronics, aesthetic design, architecture
Pricing Subscription pricing since August 1, 2016 $545/year or $70/month
Version History / Regular Updates Yes, 31 different versions Yes, regular feature updates
Supported Platforms PC Windows, macOS, web browser, Android, iOS
Characteristics Excellent for mass adoption, supports creation of vertical products, instrumental in construction Popular among SMEs, streamlined workflow due to cloud integration

What Is AutoCAD and Who’s It For?

AutoCAD, a leading software application from Autodesk, facilitates computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting. With the capability to generate 2D and 3D drawings, AutoCAD serves as the go-to platform for idea conceptualization and precise design production. With a reputable history dating back to its launch in 1982, it’s the first CAD system specifically designed for PCs.

Serving industries from construction to entertainment, AutoCAD is an essential tool for architects, project managers, animators, and engineers alike. Its sphere of influence extends to various industries including aerospace, aviation, and automotive, offering a wide range of file formats, APIs for customization and many more benefits.

Colorful blueprint of a complex building structure in an architectural firm

Pros of AutoCAD

  • First CAD system developed for PCs
  • Supports APIs for customization and feature addition
  • Wide range of file formats supported
  • Advances in construction, entertainment, and many other sectors

Cons of AutoCAD

  • Subscription-based pricing model since 2016
  • Learning curve may be steep for new users

What Is Fusion360 and Who’s It For?

Fusion360 is an innovative, cloud-based collaboration platform developed by Autodesk. Known for combining CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design, Fusion360 takes multipurpose software to the next level. Released in 2013, it is available on various operating systems including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.

With a strong emphasis on electronics, aesthetic design, and architecture, Fusion360 provides advanced 2D & 3D designing, PCB layouts and simulation capabilities. Its affordability alongside a comprehensive feature set has made it a favorite among SMEs across various sectors.

Colorful engineers collaborating on a robust CAD design in a tech lab

Pros of Fusion360

  • Extensive feature set including PCB layouts, simulations etc.
  • Affordability and flexible subscription model
  • Supports multiple operating systems
  • Large online community for support and learning resources

Cons of Fusion360

  • Potential malware risks due to cloud integration
  • No web-based standalone version
  • Lacks personalized keyboard controls

The Verdict: AutoCAD versus Fusion 360 – Making Your Choice

Having explored AutoCAD and Fusion 360, it’s time to offer a decisive judgment tailored to specific user profiles.


AutoCAD stands as the prime choice. Its robust feature set, wide industry adoption, 3D animation software integrated into workflows, and legacy of being the world’s first CAD program makes it suitable for these professionals.

Architect working on AutoCAD


For SMEs, Fusion 360, with its competitive pricing, comprehensive features, including CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design, and an easy-to-use interface may offer the optimal balance between capability and cost.

SME team collaborating on Fusion 360


Fusion 360‘s free version for home use, alongside its cloud-based nature and regular feature updates, offers a more accessible entry point for individual-users and hobbyists.

Hobbyist designing on Fusion 360 at home

In summary, for professional architects and engineers, AutoCAD offers a proven and robust solution, while Fusion 360, with its competitive pricing and comprehensive features, offers a balanced choice for SMEs. However, home users and hobbyists may find Fusion 360’s free/affordable tiers appealing.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.