Babylon.js and Blender operate in distinctive realms of 3D visualization. Babylon.js, a 3D engine powered by Microsoft, excels in real-time high-performance 3D graphics within web browsers leveraging HTML5 and WebGL. Conversely, Blender, an open-source 3D computer graphics software, offers a comprehensive toolset, versatile for modeling, animation, rendering, and VR applications.

Comparing Babylon.js and Blender

Key Differences Between Babylon.js and Blender

  • Type: Babylon.js is a 3D engine, while Blender is a comprehensive 3D computer graphics software toolset.
  • Usage: Babylon.js focuses on rendering 3D graphics in web browsers, while Blender is geared towards creating animated films, visual effects, and VR applications.
  • Authorship: Babylon.js is largely a Microsoft project, though open-source, while Blender is community-developed, led by the non-profit Blender Foundation.
  • Language: Babylon.js is written in TypeScript and JavaScript, Blender in C, C++, and Python.
Comparison Babylon.js Blender
Initial Release 2013, stable release 5.3.0 Released January 2, 1994
Developers Microsoft, other contributors Developed by Dutch animation studio NeoGeo
License Apache License 2.0 GPL-2.0 or later
Code Language TypeScript, JavaScript C, C++, and Python
Type 3D engine 3D computer graphics software toolset
Uses virtual worlds, crime data visualization, education in medicine, fashion avatars, managing Kinect on the web, military training, modelling historic sites, product design, RDF graphs, urban underground infrastructure modelling animated films, visual effects, art, 3D-printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, virtual reality

What Is Babylon.js and and Who’s It For?

Babylon.js is a top-tier, real-time 3D engine, designed to display complex 3D graphics via HTML5 in web browsers. Initially released in 2013 by author David Catuhe, it consumes the efforts of developers from Microsoft and other contributors. It’s written in TypeScript and JavaScript and licensed under Apache License 2.0. With its GitHub source code distributed, Babylon.js stands as an open model of collaborative tech development.

This engine targets a wide audience range, from developers creating interactive virtual worlds, to professionals visualising data and modelling products. It has been used in diverse fields such as medicine, fashion, military, and urban infrastructure planning.

graphical representation of the Babylon.js interface2

Pros of Babylon.js

  • Free and open-source, ensuring a lively community support
  • Provides API for user projects
  • Browser-centric, supporting any HTML5 and WebGL facilitating browser
  • Allows rendering for photo-realistic images with PBR and post-processing

Cons of Babylon.js

  • Requires high level of coding skill
  • Currently limited use of constructive solid geometry

What Is Blender and and Who’s It For?

Blender is a comprehensive 3D computer graphics software tool set, initially designed by Dutch animation studio NeoGeo in 1994. Today, Blender is free and open-source, and used globally for a variety of applications including animated films, visual effects, 3D printed models, motion graphics and VR. Its toolsets extend to digital drawing, raster graphics editing, rigging and skinning, and particle simulation.

Blender is meant for both beginners and advanced users in 3D modelling, designers creating 3D-printed models, filmmakers creating special effects, and developers producing VR environments. It is also a great learning platform for anyone aiming to hone their skills in 3D graphics.

depicting the complex user interface of Blender

Pros of Blender

  • Free, open-source, and provides sheer depth of features
  • Supports a large number of 3D file formats for import/export
  • Keeps a lively community, offering tutorials and plugins
  • Offers support to Linux, MacOS, Windows, BSD, Haiku

Cons of Blender

  • Steep learning curve due to complex functionalities
  • Blender Game Engine and Blender Internal have been deprecated

Babylon.js vs Blender: Pricing

While Babylon.js operates under the Apache License 2.0 offering free use, Blender on the other hand thrives as a free, open-source software.


Babylon.js is designated as a free solution for 3D modeling, integrated under the Apache License 2.0. This license empowers users to freely use, modify, and distribute this software, thereby discarding any cost barriers.


In comparison, Blender echoes the free software paradigm, branded as an open-source tool for 3D modelling and more. Originally released as SGI freeware, crowdfunded action led to open-sourcing, endorsing unbounded use and development by the community.

Absolutely. Here’s an enhanced Babylon.js code snippet demonstrating a spinning 3D torus, and a Python code snippet for Blender, creating a mesh with custom geometry. “`html

Code Examples for Babylon.js & Blender

Babylon.js: Spinning 3D Torus

This Babylon.js code creates an exciting and visually striking 3D torus that continuously spins. As prerequisites, ensure that you have the latest Babylon.js version installed and use a modern, WebGL-enabled browser.

// Create basic Babylon.js scene
var canvas = document.getElementById('renderCanvas');
var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);

// Create torus
var torus = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateTorus('torus', 5, 2, 32, scene);
torus.position.y = 1;

// Add spin animation
var animation = new BABYLON.Animation('torusAnimation', 'rotation.y', 60, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE);
var keyFrames = []; keyFrames.push({ frame: 0, value: 0 }, { frame: 120, value: Math.PI }, { frame: 240, value: Math.PI * 2 });

// Run animation
scene.beginAnimation(torus, 0, 240, true);
engine.runRenderLoop(function () { scene.render(); });

Blender: Custom Geometry Mesh

This Python code for Blender generates a unique mesh with custom geometry. Ensure that you have a Blender version 2.80 or above, with Python 3.7 installed alongside the bpy module.

# Import necessary module
import bpy

# Set up vertices and faces
vertices = [(0, 0, 0), (5, 0, 0), (5, 5, 0), (0, 5, 0), (2.5, 2.5, 5)]
faces = [(0, 1, 2, 3), (0, 1, 4), (1, 2, 4), (2, 3, 4), (3, 0, 4)]

# Create new mesh and object
mesh ="CustomMesh")
obj ="CustomObject", mesh)

# Set object location
obj.location = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location

# Link to scene

# Create mesh from given vertices, faces
mesh.from_pydata(vertices, [], faces)

Final Verdict: Babylon.js or Blender, Which Should You Choose?

The following dissection intends to provide clarity when it comes to choosing between Babylon.js and Blender. Each technology with its own strengths offers distinctive benefits to various audiences. Let’s comprehend who should opt for which technology.

For Web-Developers

If you’re a web developer, the Babylon.js would deliver the right set of strengths for you. Given its real-time 3D engine that operates seamlessly with HTML5 in web browsers, you can create immersive experiences right on the browser without the need for any intermediary software. Moreover, Babylon.js provides an API that can be easily incorporated into user projects.

A web developer intensely engrossed in coding, surrounded by multiple monitors displaying lines of code

For Film Producers & Artists

For those engaged in animated films, visual effects, and art-related activities, it would be more fruitful to put your stakes on Blender. Its ability to provide a broad array of functions from 3D modeling to animation and rigging makes it an attractive package for creative practitioners. The inclusion of capabilities such as fluid and smoke simulation, soft body simulation, and sculpting are also beneficial for artists and filmmakers.

A film producer examining animation graphics on a digital tablet

For Game Makers

Game makers might find themselves swaying between Babylon.js and Blender. However, given Babylon.js’s direct connection to HTML5, it presents as a more streamlined option to develop virtual worlds and animate characters.

Game makers brainstorming around a screen showing a virtual game world

To surmise, the choice between Babylon.js and Blender should be governed by your requirements and the nature of the work. Ensure to alleviate your strengths and goals before deciding the right platform to commit to.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.