For high-performance, large-scale data visualizations, pick without hesitation. Opt for Babylon.js if immersion into real-time 3D models and projects, with intricate physics simulations, is your objective.

Comparing Babylon.js and

Key Differences Between Babylon.js and

  • Babylon.js provides a real-time 3D engine for immersive, complex projects involving graphics rendering, animation, and physics simulations whereas is a data visualization tool specifically designed for rendering large-scale data.
  • Babylon.js offers an API-friendly environment and requires coding in TypeScript or JavaScript., on the other hand, leverages JSON data to compose visual layers and offers a wider compatibility: Script Tag, NPM Module, Pure JS, React, Python.
  • boasts interactive event handling, including picking, highlighting, and filtering, while Babylon.js relies on plugin physics engines for simulating collisions and physical reactions.
  • While both are open-source and encourage contributions, Babylon.js was developed by Microsoft and is a part of the under the OpenJS Foundation.
Comparison Babylon.js
Type Real Time 3D Engine Large-Scale Data Visualization Tool
Initial Release 2013 Data Not Available
Recent Stable Release 5.3.0 Data Not Available
Written In TypeScript, JavaScript Data Not Available
License Apache License 2.0 Data Not Available
3D Modeling Process Polygon Modeling With Triangular Faces Data Not Available
Physical Rendering Yes, Uses Physically Based Rendering And Post-Processing Methods Data Not Available
Physics Engines Cannon.js And Oimo Data Not Available
Use Cases Virtual Worlds, Crime Data Visualization, Education In Medicine, Kinect On Web Large Data Visualization
API Accessibility Yes Data Not Available
High-Performance Data Not Available Yes, WebGL2-Powered
Integration With Map Providers Data Not Available Yes, With Major Basemap Providers
Customizability Data Not Available Yes, Flexible APIs And Extendable Core Classes
Usage Modes Data Not Available Pure JS, NPM Module, Script Tag, React, Python

What Is Babylon.js and Who’s It For?

Babylon.js is a powerful, open-source, real-time 3D engine built for the modern web. Originally developed by David Catuhe and now maintained by Microsoft and various contributors, it utilizes HTML5 for breathtaking 3D experiences right within your browser window. Babylon.js is intended for developers, educators, and artists alike, with its user-friendly API and extensive build applications spanning from virtual worlds and military training to medical education and fashion avatars.

An engaging digital rendering by Babylon.js

Pros of Babylon.js

  • API accessible for user projects
  • Comprehensive use-case versatility
  • Open-source under Apache License 2.0

Cons of Babylon.js

  • Limited use of constructive solid geometry
  • Dependency on WebGL supporting browsers
  • Requires understanding of TypeScript or JavaScript

What Is and Who’s It For? is an innovative data visualization tool designed to handle large-scale information with ease and efficiency. Thanks to its high-performance, WebGL2-powered framework, offers the means to create beautiful, interactive, and sizeable data visualizations. It’s meant for data scientists, GIS professionals, and programmers, providing an esoteric array of visual layer choices, viewing options, and cartographic projections. Moreover, its high customizability and integration with other platforms make it a versatile tool.

A comprehensive data map built with

Pros of

  • Effective handling of large-scale data
  • Highly customizable with flexible APIs
  • Can be integrated with many basemap providers

Cons of

  • Requires certain degree of programming expertise
  • Performance may lag on older machines
  • Limited in utility without third-party integrations

Babylon.js vs Pricing

Both Babylon.js and are open-source projects and free to use, driven by contributions and well-supported user communities.


As an open-source 3D engine developed by Microsoft employees and other contributors, Babylon.js is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Its use, including access to its entire source code on Github, comes free of charge. This encourages community contributions and gives users the flexibility to use and modify the code as required, within the terms of the Apache license., a large-scale data visualization tool, is also an open-source project, part of the umbrella under the OpenJS Foundation. Like Babylon.js, it promotes community contributions and user independence. Again, there are no costs associated with using, allowing interested parties to freely access and utilize its robust visualization capabilities.

Code Examples for Babylon.js &


This code snippet generates an imaginative animation displaying a planet with a rotating satellite using Babylon.js. Background requirement: Import Babylon.js library.

let createScene = function(){
  var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
  var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 2, BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), scene);
  camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
  var light1 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1", new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 1, 0), scene);
  var sphere = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere('sphere', {segments:16, diameter:2}, scene);
  var moon = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere('moon', {segments:6, diameter:0.5}, scene);
  moon.position.x = 1.5;
  sphere.rotation.y = Math.PI;
  scene.registerBeforeRender(function () { moon.rotate(BABYLON.Axis.Y, 0.01, BABYLON.Space.LOCAL); });
  return scene;

The following code represents an advanced scatterplot layer on Dependency: Ensure is properly installed and its corresponding libraries imported.

import {ScatterplotLayer} from '';
import {DataFilterExtension} from '';
new ScatterplotLayer({
  id: 'scatter-plot',
  data: '',
  pickable: true,
  opacity: 0.8,
  radiusScale: 6,
  radiusMinPixels: 1,
  radiusMaxPixels: 100,
  getPosition: d => d.position,
  getRadius: d => d.radius,
  extensions: [new DataFilterExtension({filterSize: 1})],
  getFilterValue: d => d.time,
  filterRange: [100, 200]

The Final Verdict | Babylon.js or

If you’re wondering between Babylon.js and, here’s the insider’s take.

3D Graphics Designers

Babylon.js is your best bet if you are a 3D graphics designer. Its real-time engine, originally devised by Microsoft wizards, offers you an intricate 3D modeling process, a slew of plugins for physics simulations, and the ability to create stunning, photo-realistic images.

3D graphics designer clad in sleek black glasses, engrossed in rendering unique art on a high-res screen

Data Visualization Specialists

Without a shred of doubt, reigns supreme if large-scale data visualization is your game. Heralded for its robust WebGL2-powered performance and flexibility in handling vast data sets, it simplifies making a visual feast out of your heaps of JSON data.

Data Visualization Specialist scrutinizing voluminous data sets at an impressive dual-display workstation

App and Game Developers

If you’re a dev in the animation-laden, immersive applications world, then Babylon.js is likely your winning ticket. Decked out with frame animation objects and character skeletons for smooth movement, it’s a solid choice for crafting vibrant, engaging digital universes.

App and Game developer caught designing an elaborate video game environment with intense focus

In the Babylon.js versus duel, your choice boils down to the nature of your mission: Babylon.js for its riveting 3D graphic prowess, and if you’re on a data visualization crusade. App and game developers with a flair for animation will meet their match in Babylon.js.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.