Within the realm of 3D graphics, Microsoft’s Babylon.js shines for intricate applications, enhanced physics, and extensive user base. However, for animating React-based applications, Framer Motion triumphs with its simple, efficient design and gesture functionalities. Acknowledge your specific needs before deciding.

Babylon.js and Framer Motion compared

Key Differences Between Babylon.js and Framer Motion

  • Type: Babylon.js is a 3D engine; Framer Motion is an animation library specifically for React.
  • Application: Babylon.js is used for complex graphical applications like virtual worlds and product design; Framer Motion focuses on improving user engagement in web applications with enhanced animations and gesture functionalities.
  • Compatibility: Babylon.js renders on HTML5 canvas; Framer Motion requires React 18 or greater for installation.
  • Server-Side Rendering: Framer Motion supports server-side rendering; Babylon.js relies on HTML5 and WebGL-supported browsers.
  • Physics: Babylon.js employs Cannon.js and Oimo to simulate real-world physics; Framer Motion offers advanced animation features like pathLength and spring animations.
Comparison Babylon.js Framer Motion
Initial Release 2013 React 18+
Type 3D Engine Animation Library for React
Main Use Displaying 3D graphics via HTML5 in web browser Creating animations in React Applications
Written in TypeScript, JavaScript React 18+
Major Contributors Microsoft, other contributors React community
API Accessibility Yes Custom Hooks and Components in React
Special Features 3D modelling, Animation with limited use of Constructive Solid Geometry, physically-based rendering, post-processing methods for photo-realistic images Motion component, Animation prop, Gesture recognition, Variants for animating component sub-trees, Scroll-triggered animations,
Use Cases Virtual worlds, crime data visualization, education in medicine, fashion avatars, managing Kinect on the web, military training, modelling historic sites, product design, RDF graphs, urban underground infrastructure modelling Improving user engagement, Adding unique style and functionality to applications, Cleaner and flexible code orchestration, Exit animations

What Is Babylon.js and Who’s It For?

A gem from Microsoft, Babylon.js emerges as a real-time 3D engine executing stunning 3D graphics through HTML5 in your web browser. A side-project that evolved into a full-fledged engine, Babylon.js is the collective effort of microsoft and a band of skilled contributors including artist Michel Rousseau. Introduced to the world at the 2018 WebGL Conference in Paris, Babylon.js boasts over 190 contributors as of 2018.

Dedicated to all passionate developers, Babylon.js can be harnessed for a multitude of scenarios from virtual worlds to military training and product design. Its 3D modelling process entails polygon modelling with triangular faces and employs physically based rendering for instilling realism. It’s the key to unlocking a gamut of 3D digital wizardry.

Polygonal artistry rendered on HTML 5 canvas element using Babylon.js

Pros of Babylon.js

  • Highly flexible with wide range of use-cases including education and military training
  • Collaborative Github Source Code Available under Apache License 2.0
  • Intuitive 3D modelling process and physically based rendering for photo-realistic images

Cons of Babylon.js

  • Limited use of constructive solid geometry
  • Requires knowledge of TypeScript and JavaScript

What Is Framer Motion and Who’s It For?

Framer Motion, a dynamic animation library, elevates React applications with its compelling and readily achievable animations. Its unique motion component allows animating via animate prop while gesture recognition capabilities like hover, tap, pan, drag enhance interactions. This innovative approach offers potent animations via Variants and incorporates scroll-triggered motions.

The ingenious developers can leverage these creative civilities not only to escalate user engagement and proffer unparalleled functionality but also to create unique, visually appealing experiences. The motion library allows flexibility with CSS + JS animations and more. Its extensive offerings like server-side rendering, animate property and unique SVG animations, Framer Motion is an indispensable tool for developers with an eye for aesthetics and user interactions.

Fluid animations using the gesture recognition capabilities of Framer Motion

Pros of Framer Motion

  • Supports unique, user-friendly gesture functionalities
  • Allows server-side rendering for maximum performance
  • Supports complex animations via useTransform and useAnimation hooks

Cons of Framer Motion

  • Requires React 18 or greater for installation
  • Coding experience necessary to fully exploit features

Babylon.js vs Framer Motion: Pricing

While Babylon.js is open-source and free of charge, Framer Motion does not provide explicit information about its pricing.


Babylon.js, backed by Microsoft and other contributors, is an open-source project. Its source code is accessible on GitHub under an Apache License 2.0. Numerically, it’s rendered freely available to users, hence it has zero cost.

Framer Motion

As an animation library for React, Framer Motion does not provide specific information on its pricing structure. Its widespread adoption suggests accessibility, but for any monetary specifics, users might have to delve into the React platform or directly query its developers.

Code Examples for Babylon.js & Framer Motion


This code uses Babylon.js to create a 3D spinning donut in the scene. You will need a Babylon.js library to run it correctly.

let createScene = function () {var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 2, new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,0), scene);camera.attachControl(canvas, true);var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light", new BABYLON.Vector3(1,1,0), scene);var torus = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateTorus("torus", {diameter:0.7, thickness:0.4, tessellation :96}, scene);scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {torus.rotation.x += 0.01;torus.rotation.z += 0.01;});return scene;};

Framer Motion

This Framer Motion code snippet creates an animated box that changes colour when tapped. “react” and “framer-motion” packages are required.

import React from 'react';import { motion } from 'framer-motion';export default function MyComponent() {return (<motion.div animate="{{" scale:="" 1.5="" }}="" exit="{{" 0="" initial="{{" 0.5="" whilehover="{{" 2="" whiletap="{{" 0.9="">

Babylon.js or Framer Motion: Which Reigns Supreme?

In the fierce battlefield of web animations and 3D models, two warriors stand out: Babylon.js and Framer Motion. But which technology should you ally with? Let’s dissect the game field for different audience segments.

3D Game Developers

For those crafting real-time 3D worlds, tapping into the power of Babylon.js is a no-brainer. This robust engine, cultivated by key players at Microsoft, boasts an extensive history and a rich repository of tools. Whether you’re devising complex virtual worlds or creating educational, medical simulations, Babylon.js grants you the power of polygon modeling, physics simulation, and photo-realistic rendering right within your browser.

A group of game developers discussing a 3D model on a computer screen.

React Developers

If you’re riding the wave of React and seeking a fluid, yet powerful animation library, Framer Motion should be your weapon of choice. With React 18 as its platform, Framer Motion presents a clean, efficient way to animate. From simple hover effects and drag gestures to orchestrating complex sub-tree components animation, Framer Motion proves versatile in enhancing user interactions.

A React developer intently creating animations on a single rectangle computer screen.

Mobile UI Designers

For mobile UI Designers aiming to produce engaging, responsive UI with motion and interactivity, Framer Motion stands tall. With its ability to foster unique animation features like pathLength and “spring” animations, coupled with gesture functionalities, it offers an arsenal of features for a captivating mobile user experience.

A mobile UI designer meticulously crafting animated interfaces on a digital tablet.

In the thunderous clash of Babylon.js versus Framer Motion, the champion largely depends on your own battlefront. Engage with Babylon.js for 3D web-centric graphics and simulations. Select Framer Motion for superior React animations and interactive mobile UI. The choice of your ally depends entirely on your war – choose wisely!

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.