When choosing between Babylon.js and GSAP for realistic visual effects, Babylon.js excels in real-time 3D engine capabilities and is ideal for heavier 3D applications. However, GSAP stands out for high-performance animations, eases animation control, and is preferred for more robust, browser-independent animations.

Comparing Babylon.js and GSAP

Key Differences Between Babylon.js and GSAP

  • Coding: Babylon.js is an efficient real-time 3D engine written in TypeScript/JavaScript, while GSAP is a high-performance JavaScript animation toolset.
  • Applications: Babylon.js is used mostly for virtual worlds, military training, product design etc. GSAP is broadly used for CSS, SVG, Canvas, and React animations.
  • Performance: GSAP boasts superior speed, reportedly up to 20 times faster than jQuery, an advantage not observed with Babylon.js.
  • User-Interface: GSAP offers GSDevTools for visual control of animations, while Babylon.js involves more manual code control.
Comparison Babylon.js GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)
Original Developers David Catuhe, Microsoft, other contributors GreenSock Inc.
Initial Release 2013 Specific release data not available
Written in TypeScript, JavaScript JavaScript
Type 3D Engine Animation toolset
License Apache License 2.0 “No charge” standard license
Applications Virtual worlds, crime data visualization, education in medicine, etc. Animating CSS, SVG, Canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, etc.
Key Features 3D modeling, physically based rendering, post-processing methods High-speed property manipulator, advanced sequencing, ScrollTrigger plugin
Installable Yes, through NPM or CDN Yes, via NPM
Support GitHub source code is available Dedicated forum for customer support

What Is Babylon.js and Who’s It For?

Babylon.js is a real-time 3D engine that displays 3D graphics via HTML5 directly in the browser. Developed by Microsoft and other contributors, its journey began in 2013. Now at stable release 5.3.0, it was originally a side project of Microsoft employees that evolved greatly over time. Babylon.js is targeted towards developers and artists, with contributors including artist Michel Rousseau.

The technology finds extensive applications in virtual worlds, crime data visualization, medicine education, fashion avatars, military training and more. Despite its complex capabilities, Babylon.js is relatively easy to use, with an API accessible for diverse user projects.

Animated 3D graphic image using Babylon.js technology

Pros of Babylon.js

  • Real-time 3D graphics in web browser
  • Comprehensive API
  • Wide range of applications
  • Developed by Microsoft, ensured quality

Cons of Babylon.js

  • Limited use of constructive solid geometry
  • Requires understanding of JavaScript or TypeScript

What Is GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) and Who’s It For?

GSAP is a JavaScript toolset developed to create high-performance animations in various web browsers. Animating anything from CSS, SVG, Canvas, React, Vue and even generic objects, GSAP boasts a simple ScrollTrigger plugin for creating scroll-base animations. It’s designed for developers who demand precision and control over their animations.

GSAP bypasses browser inconsistencies and delivers advanced sequencing, reliability and control. Its high-speed property manipulator updates values over time with astonishing precision, making GSAP animations up to 20 times faster than jQuery. Previously, GSAP’s additional plugins and easing functions have paved the path for countless innovative animation outputs.

Web browser showcasing high-performance GSAP animation

Pros of GSAP

  • High-speed precision
  • Browser inconsistency handling
  • Multiple animation options
  • Extensive plugin support

Cons of GSAP

  • Requires JavaScript knowledge
  • Some advanced features part of ‘Club GreenSock’ membership only

Babylon.js vs GSAP: Pricing

While Babylon.js, an Apache License 2.0 project, is available at no cost, GSAP offers a dual-approach with its core functionality up for grabs free of charge and additional perks available for ‘Club GreenSock’ members.


Babylon.js, developed and maintained by Microsoft, is a supremely open-source project distributed under the Apache License 2.0. This essentially means that the users can leverage its 3D engine prowess to vouchsafe rich, immersive experiences at zero cost. Replete with its open community of over 190 contributors, Babylon.js brings to the platter a no-price model perfectly complemented by the continual enhancement of features and improvements.


GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) operates on a freemium business model. Its core functionality, which includes high-speed property manipulation, exceeds jQuery’s performance by up to 20 folds, and it’s available free of charge even for commercial use. However, for procuring a gamut of upgraded features like advanced plugins and GSDevTools, a ‘Club GreenSock’ membership is recommended. While GSAP core gears the animations into high performance, an investment in the Club Membership escalates the possibilities by offering access to premium GSAP animations, thus fostering an amplified development process.








In the tech face-off: Babylon.js vs GSAP – Who reigns supreme?

Examining Babylon.js and GSAP, each brings forth compelling strengths in their distinctive domains. We dissect the verdict based on distinct user types and needs.

Web-based 3D Programmers

For developers diving into real-time 3D web programming, Babylon.js is a robust choice. Apt for designing virtual worlds, crime data visualization, or education in medicine, its polygon modelling and physically based rendering deliver photo-realistic images. Its plug-in physics engines simulate real-world reactions, providing an edge in interactive design.

Focused 3D programmer working on 3D modelling using Babylon.js

Dynamic Web Developers

If your work involves creating high-performance animations for varying platforms, consider GSAP. It allows efficient animations for CSS, SVG, Canvas, and a host of generic objects thanks to its high-speed property manipulator. Its outstanding feature, the ScrollTrigger plugin, is an added boon for stunning scroll-based animations.

Web developer deploying dynamic animations using GSAP

Performance-focussed Developers

Aggressively performance-oriented? GSAP outpaces jQuery by even 20x. Its toolset quashes inconsistencies across browsers, ensuring reliable and controlled animations. Furthermore, the optional plugins and easing functions craft advanced effects to enrich your web designs.

Efficiency seeking developer optimizing animation performance using GSAP

Open-source Enthusiasts

Open-source zealots will find piquing interest in Babylon.js. Its Apache License 2.0 enriches community collaboration, offering GitHub source code. This nurtures innovation, stability, and feature augmentation, drawing over 190 contributors up until 2018.

Passionate open-source contributor coding on Babylon.js

For ambitious 3D web programmers, Babylon.js takes the cake with its powerful 3D engine and inclusive open-source platform. However, for dynamic and performance concerned animators, GSAP is the go-to toolset offering unwavering compatibility, high precision, and speed.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.