For developers seeking a user-friendly, comprehensive 3D engine, Babylon.js takes the cake. Offering robust capabilities like polygon modeling, vibrant animation, and a model rendering HTML 5 canvas, it’s perfect for a range of applications, from VR to product design. On the flip side, developers who master C++ and complex mathematical concepts will find the raw, low-level power of OpenGL exhilarating for 3D graphics and VR.

Detailed comparison: Babylon.js vs OpenGL

Key Differences Between Babylon.js and OpenGL

  • Coding: Babylon.js uses TypeScript and JavaScript, while OpenGL requires C++ coding skills.
  • Development: Babylon.js is a side project by Microsoft, with a host of contributors. OpenGL was created by Silicon Graphics and is managed by Khronos Group of 150+ leading hardware & software companies.
  • Learning curve: Babylon.js provides an accessible API for user projects. OpenGL demands proficiency in linear algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.
  • Release: Babylon.js was initially released in 2013, while OpenGL’s inception dates back to 1992.
Comparison Babylon.js OpenGL
Initial Release 2013 1992
Developed by Microsoft, other contributors Silicon Graphics, Khronos Group
Written in TypeScript, JavaScript C++
Type 3D engine 3D graphics, Augmented & Virtual Reality
Primarily used in Various digital sectors including gaming, education, military training Video games, CAD, scientific applications
Prerequisite knowledge TypeScript, JavaScript C++, Mathematics (linear algebra, geometry, trigonometry)
Physically based Rendering Yes Yes
Notable Additions Plug-in physics engines: Cannon.js and Oimo Direct creation of a binary blob for program objects, binding programs individually to programmable stages, Compute Shaders, image copying

What Is Babylon.js and Who’s It For?

Babylon.js is a high-performance, feature-rich, real-time 3D engine. Originating from the tech giant Microsoft, this groundbreaking software converts HTML5 into astonishing 3D graphics right within your web browser. Primarily, Babylon.js is designed for developers and innovators who are eager to immerse in the world of 3D modelling, such as for virtual worlds, crime data visualization, education in healthcare, military training, and much more.

An illustrative graphic of Babylon.js at work, displaying 3D graphics via HTML5 in a web browser environment

Pros of Babylon.js

  • Built by Microsoft, ensuring credibility and support
  • Easy accessibility of API for user projects
  • Versatile range of uses, from education to military training
  • Free source code available on GitHub

Cons of Babylon.js

  • Complex for beginners to learn and master
  • Requires understanding of TypeScript and JavaScript
  • Limited solid geometric functionality

What Is OpenGL and Who’s It For?

Initiated by Silicon Graphics in 1992, OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a robust, low-level rendering and modelling software library. This powerful tool provides hardware-accelerated 3D graphics that have been extensively utilized in video games, CAD, and scientific applications. Primarily, OpenGL is tailored to developers and designers familiar with C++ programming and seeking to venture into the realms of 3D graphics and Augmented & Virtual Reality.

A visual depiction of the operations in OpenGL providing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics

Pros of OpenGL

  • Continual development and improvements since 1992
  • Supported by industry leaders in hardware and software
  • Widely used in various fields from gaming to science

Cons of OpenGL

  • Requires advanced C++ programming skills
  • Understanding of complex mathematics necessary
  • Lower-level API can be more difficult to work with than higher-level alternatives

Babylon.js vs OpenGL: Pricing

Essentially, both Babylon.js and OpenGL are open-source technologies, making them free for users, although the cost may vary depending on how users choose to utilize them in their projects.


Being an open-source technology, Babylon.js is freely available to users. Its repository is hosted on GitHub under the Apache License 2.0, which means you can use, modify, distribute, and even sell your software using Babylon.js without the need to pay any fees. The cost comes in the form of the development and maintenance of the projects you create with the engine.


Like Babylon.js, OpenGL is also open-source, hence free of charge. Developed and managed by the Khronos Group, this library is a standard in the industry for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics. The cost of using OpenGL comes into play based on how you utilize its advanced rendering properties and the potential prerequisite knowledge of C++ programming that may be required to use it effectively.

Code Examples for Babylon.js & OpenGL


This code demonstrates an interactive Babylon.js scene creating a spiral of spheres. Prerequisites: Familiarity with Babylon.js and latest version of Babylon.js library installed.

var createScene = function () {
    var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
    var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -10), scene);
    for (var index = 0; index < 50; index++) {
        var sphere = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere("sphere", 10, 1.0, scene);
        sphere.position.x = index;
        sphere.position.y = Math.sin(index / 3) * 10;
        sphere.position.z = Math.cos(index / 3) * 10;
    return scene;
var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
var scene = createScene();
engine.runRenderLoop(function () {


The OpenGL code example provided generates a rotating 3D pyramid. Prerequisites: A foundational understanding of OpenGL, and installation of GLFW and GLEW libraries.

#include <glew.h>
#include <glfw3.h>
GLFWwindow* window;
int main(void)
    // Initialize the library
    if (!glfwInit())
        return -1;
    // Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context
    window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Hello World", NULL, NULL);
    if (!window)
        return -1;
    // Make the window's context current
    // Loop until the user closes the window
    while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window))
        // Render OpenGL here
        glRotatef(0.01f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f);
        glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
        // Swap front and back buffers
        // Poll for and process events
    return 0;

The Final Word: Babylon.js or OpenGL?

In the seemingly endless tech battleground of Babylon.js vs OpenGL, which titan should sway your devotion? Here’s our expert analysis:

Game Developers

If your world revolves around game development, OpenGL, with its powerful, low-level rendering aptitude honed by generations—from Quake to CAD—may just be your weapon of choice.

Game developer immersed in complex coding with a look of intense focus under dimmed lights

AR/VR Innovators

The AR/VR space, bristling with potential, could tilt the balance in favor of Babylon.js. Reason? It’s HTML5-based 3D rendering, ensuring cross-platform compatibility and real-time results. A game-changer, yes.

AR/VR tech innovator adjusting VR headset under cool neon light

Academic Researchers

Should your pursuits lie in academic research—be it crime data visualization or slicing through scientific applications—OpenGL’s robust foundation and math-intensive disposition might serve as your ideal vessel.

Academic researcher engrossed in data on multi-screen setup graduate with accolade on wall


For those on the bleeding edge seeking the latest, like conformance with OpenGL ES 2.0 and hardware-accelerated 3D graphics—OpenGL 4.1, with its myriad progression, should light the path.

technology pioneer, modern office with glass scaffolding, coding with laser-focus

Deciding Babylon.js vs OpenGL ultimately hails down to your unique needs. For game development and contemporary progressions, OpenGL strides ahead. In AR/VR realms and HTML5-grounded 3D rendering, Babylon.js earns its crown pieces.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.