Key Differences Between Babylon.js and Phaser

  • Coding: Babylon.js is a 3D engine, uses TypeScript and JavaScript. Phaser is a 2D game framework based on JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • End product: Babylon.js is used for 3D modelling with applications ranging from education to crime data visualization. Phaser is for gaming, facilitating creation of HTML5 games in both 2D and 3D.
  • Support: Babylon.js features a host of contributors led by Microsoft. Phaser has comprehensive learning resources and a robust community backing.
  • Rendering: Babylon.js adopts a physically based rendering approach. Phaser leverages Canvas and WebGL renderer based on browser support.

For 2D game development, Phaser’s comprehensive resources and community support makes it the better choice. However, Babylon.js’s cutting-edge 3D capabilities and wide-ranging applications position it as the preferred option for complex 3D modelling.

Babylon.js vs Phaser

Comparison Babylon.js Phaser
Initial Release 2013 April 2013
Browser Rendering HTML5 and WebGL Canvas, WebGL
Written in TypeScript, JavaScript JavaScript, TypeScript
Modelling Type 3D modellling 2D game framework
Physics Engines Cannon.js and Oimo Arcade Physics, Ninja Physics, P2.JS
Animation Key frame animation objects Game creation process
Usage Virtual worlds, crime data visualization etc. Game development
Github Repository Phaser ongoing development on GitHub

What Is Babylon.js and Who’s it For?

Babylon.js, a real-time 3D engine unveiled in 2013, showcases the brilliance of innovations from Microsoft’s tech minds. Scripted in TypeScript and JavaScript, it turns your web browser into a visualization canvas, creating 3D graphics in HTML5. Who’s it for? Babylon.js, with its wide gamut of applications, caters to diverse industries. Whether you’re animating virtual worlds, crafting fashion avatars, modelling historical sites or visualizing crime data, Babylon.js serves to fulfill your needs.

Microsoft's Babylon.js showcasing 3D engine models

Pros of Babylon.js

  • Powerful real-time 3D engine
  • Optimized for HTML5 and WebGL
  • Robust API accessibility
  • Offers plugin physics engines like Cannon.js, and Oimo.js for real-world simulations
  • Supports keyframe animation objects

Cons of Babylon.js

  • Constructive solid geometry usage is limited
  • Dependent on browser support for WebGL and HTML5

What Is Phaser and Who’s it For?

Initiated by Richard Davey in 2013, Phaser is a 2D game framework arming developers to craft engaging HTML5 games for both desktop and mobile. Its foundation rests on JavaScript and TypeScript. Whose playground is it? Phaser is a trusted tool for game developers, notably for deploying games to iOS, Android, and native desktop apps using tools like Apache Cordova and PhoneGap. It’s a stepping stone for those diving into game development thanks to its comprehensively-supported learning resources.

Game development in progress, using Phaser's 2D framework

Pros of Phaser

  • Supports both Canvas and WebGL renderers
  • Multi-physics systems availability
  • Adaptable to ES6+Webpack, CDN, and TypeScript
  • Enriched with over 1800 examples and strong community support

Cons of Phaser

  • Dependent on browser support for canvas element
  • Adaptability could be challenging for beginners

Babylon.js vs Phaser: Pricing

Babylon.js and Phaser do not entail direct pricing, offering their code open-source under Apache License 2.0 and MIT License respectively.


Babylon.js offers its source code open-source on GitHub under the Apache License 2.0, with no direct cost for usage. Developed as a side-project by Microsoft employees, the technology is free-to-use for creating 3D graphics via HTML5 and WebGL supporting browsers. However, costs can potentially arise in development, debugging and server hosting.


Like Babylon.js, Phaser relies on open-source development ethos. The framework’s source code, available on GitHub, is released under the MIT License, allowing free usage. Phaser’s revenue model isn’t geared towards licensing, but it may encourage costs stemming from asset development, performance optimization or platform deployment.

The Babylon.js vs Phaser Verdict: Picking Your Perfect Match

The battle of Babylon.js and Phaser is a titanic clash of Giants. Let’s dissect who takes the crown for different developers pursuing various ends.

3D Modelling Enthusiasts

If you are into the magnificence of 3D modelling, Babylon.js is a no-brainer. It offers a grand assembly of model processing antics from polygon modeling to constructive solid geometry, complemented by superb physics engines. Babylon.js truly shines in infusing ultra-realistic impressions.

3D modeling enthusiast at a workstation, crafting intricate designs with a dual-screen setup in a spacious, well-lit room.

HTML and WebGL Wizards

Babylon.js again rises to the occasion for coders mastering HTML and WebGL. With Babylon.js, you are playing in your own yard with a JavaScript version available to users via NPM or CDN. Its API accessibility proves to be a powerful weapon for user projects building fanciful designs.

Fervent programmer typing WebGL codes at a desk, surrounded by multiple monitors each displaying complex HTML elements.

Upcoming Game Developers

In the realm of game development, Phaser rules supreme. With a bevy of versions available and an active GitHub community, Phaser makes game development a breeze. Its flexible usage policy and compatibility with mobile and desktop platforms put it miles ahead for budding game creators.

Young game developer crafting a new game scenario on an iMac computer, with a tablet on the side and headphones hanging on a mug full of coffee.

2D Game Aficionados

If you are determined to make your mark in the world of 2D games, go no further than Phaser. With its focus on 2D game creation and a whopping list of successful Phaser-based games, it’s your straight shot to the top.

Designer engaged in creating a 2D game environment, surrounded by concept sketches and a tablet displaying the game character.

Put simply: for 3D models and HTML/WebGL projects, Babylon.js takes the win. But when it comes to game development, especially on the 2D frontier, Phaser reigns superior. Both have their distinct strengths – think about your needs, and choose wisely.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.