Between Bevy and Brilliant, your pick will largely depend on your objectives. For developers focused on game development, Bevy’s powerful engine and open-source nature stand out. Those seeking knowledge in STEM fields will find Brilliant’s interactive, gamified courses beneficial.

Bevy vs Brilliant comparison

Key Differences Between Bevy and Brilliant

  • Focus: Bevy is a game engine while Brilliant is an educational platform.
  • Usage: Bevy supports game development with advanced features, Brilliant aids in learning STEM topics interactively.
  • Price: Bevy is free and open source, Brilliant operates on a freemium model with premium access to entire course range.
  • Community: Bevy encourages community contribution, Brilliant discontinued community submissions in 2021.
  • Platform Support: Bevy supports major OS and Web, Brilliant is accessible across all devices.
Comparison Bevy
Domain Game Engine Creation Educational Platform
Features 2D & 3D rendering, Hot reloading, customizable cargo features Interactive courses, Gamified learning, daily challenges
Supporting Platforms Windows, MacOS, Linux, Web, iOS All Devices
Monetization Free Freemium (Subscription basis)
Community Support Discord, GitHub Discussion Dedicated Help Center, Learning community
Content Contributors/ Creators Community driven Professionals, researchers, and educators from reputable institutions
User Base Indies and Enthusiasts Students, teachers, professionals, hobbyists.
Learning Process Entity Component System (ECS) Paradigm Interactive Puzzles and Games
Business Model Open-Source Freemium

What Is Bevy and Who’s It For?

Bevy is a cutting-edge, data-driven game engine developed in Rust. Tailored predominantly for indies, enthusiasts, and increasingly, larger studios, the Bevy engine offers 2D and 3D rendering capabilities, UI functionality, and supports major platforms. Its lightning-fast compile times and efficient binary production breathe life into the gaming ideas of developers worldwide.

Free and open-source, Bevy is for those who seek an accessible API that offers customization, a robust palette of features, and values an engaging community. Its ongoing development coupled with API-breaking changes with Rust’s evolution renders it best for those who embrace dynamism and remain at technology’s frontlines.

Colorful diagram of Bevy's architecture in a developer's workspace

Pros of Bevy

  • Supports 2D and 3D rendering
  • Fast compile times
  • Free, open-source, and under permissive licenses
  • Offers varied customizability
  • Supports major platforms, with more in the pipeline

Cons of Bevy

  • Upgrade to Rust versions causes API-breaking changes
  • Android support yet to be added
  • No built-in high-level and low-level networking support

What Is and Who’s It For?

Since 2012, has been a leader in online STEM education. Dispensing with the mundane, it injects fun into learning through interactive puzzles, games, and visual aids to unravel complex concepts. Crafted by luminaries from MIT, Microsoft, Google, and more, Brilliant’s lessons extend a transformative learning experience.

Students, teachers, professionals, and hobbyists worldwide constitute’s four million+ audience. With its freemium model offering trials, flexible subscription plans, and group discounts, the platform is a perfect fit for individuals and families seeking an enriched understanding in STEM and an edge in career progression.

Colorful puzzle timer representing the gamified learning experience on a tablet

Pros of

  • Interactive, gamified learning experience
  • High-quality courses developed by award-winning professionals
  • Multi-device support
  • Flexible subscription plans with group discount options
  • Regularly updated with daily challenges

Cons of

  • Freemium model restricts full access to only subscribers
  • Discontinued community submissions of new puzzles and solutions in 2021
  • No accreditation or certification offered upon course completion

Bevy vs Brilliant: Pricing

While Bevy stands as a free, open-source engine, Brilliant opts for a freemium model with detailed subscription options.


Bevy is free and open-source, licensed under either MIT or Apache 2.0, providing cost-free access to its 2D and 3D game engine.


Brilliant, a STEM-centric educational platform, follows a freemium model. Registered users can access few lessons for free, while extensive access demands subscription. Subscriptions manifest in monthly ($24.99), annual (around $13.49 per month), and group plans, with opporuntities for discount. Free, seven-day trials preview their premium content.

Bevy or Brilliant: The Final Verdict

In this final imperative section, we lay out a clear verdict cornering which technology, Bevy or Brilliant, is the more suitable pick for different user segments. Our judgment remains unbiased, backed by facts and data, while wearing our opinions proudly.

Developers and Game Makers

Bevy reserves an evident upper hand for those dabbling in the spheres of game development or AR/VR creation. Its data-driven entity component system (ECS) approach, fast compile time, powerful API, and the capacity to extend customization through cargo explains this superiority. These features, along with diverse community options, make Bevy a promising player amidst developers and game creators.

Developers intently coding with Bevy displayed on multiple screens

Educational Institutions and STEM Enthusiasts

Audiences invested interests in STEM education (covering students, teachers, professionals, and hobbyists) might find themselves closer towards the Brilliant side. The platform excels at simplifying complex concepts, offers a plethora of well-crafted courses by experts and takes a gamified approach to learning. It proves itself as a valuable asset to educational institutions or individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of STEM subjects.

Students and educators engaging interactively with Brilliant STEM courses

Independent Learners

Our final distinction settles on independent learners, whose interests diverge towards self-learning, especially across multiple areas. While the high-quality, variety expansive courses on Brilliant cater excellently to this segment, one can avail the same through an affordable subscription package. The platform’s capacity to customize user experiences also enhances its appeal to independent learners.

Independent learner exploring a range of subjects on Brilliant

To round off our comparison, our succinct Google Snippet would state: “For game developers wanting flexibility and performance, Bevy trumps with its ECS and rapid compile times. However, Brilliant shines through for those seeking to expand knowledge in STEM through interactive, expert-designed courses.”

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.