If you are an indie developer or enthusiast entering into game development, Bevy, with its data-driven features, fast compile times, and broad community support, is your go-to option. However, Unity, despite its new pricing policies, remains a robust choice for advanced 2D and 3D game development with cross-platform support.

Comparison of Bevy and Unity

Key Differences Between Bevy and Unity

  • Bevy runs on Rust and emphasizes data-oriented architecture using ECS, while Unity utilizes multiple coding languages, including Boo script, Javascript, and C#.
  • Bevy guarantees fast compile times (0.8-3.0 seconds) and produces compact binaries, around just 1MB for a ‘hello world’ game; Unity’s performance stats aren’t specified.
  • Unity has a contested pricing model with per-install fees, while Bevy is freely available under MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses.
  • Unity has a comprehensive and diversified asset store; Bevy is relatively newer with a growing asset collection available on its Discord server and GitHub Discussions.
  • Unity has extensive support for mobile and AR/VR application development, which Bevy plans to include in future updates.
Comparison Bevy Unity
Type Data-driven game engine Game development engine
Programming Language Rust BOO script, Javascript, C#
Supported Platforms Windows, MacOS, Linux, Web, iOS. Android expected in future Support for major platforms including Android and iOS
Features 2D and 3D rendering, UI functionality, sound loading, hot reloading Tool suite, rendering technology, multiple language support
Pricing Free, open-source, MIT or Apache 2.0 licenses Fee per game install, Free & Pro versions available, new pricing model from 2024
Community Discord, subreddit, GitHub, Bevy Assets Active developer community, integrated asset store
Future Plans High-level and low-level networking support, development of Bevy-powered editor Fraud detection practices, constant learning and application of new industry solutions
Customisation Offers a variety of cargo features for users Diverse pre-designed textures and features
Limitations Heavy reliance on Rust language and compiler improvements New pricing model, diminishing trust among developers

What Is Bevy and Who’s It For?

Bevy is a potent, data-oriented game engine, purpose-built in Rust. It caters to a full spectrum of 2D and 3D functionalities using an Entity Component System (ECS) model. Key features include 2D and 3D rendering, seamless user interface functionality, instant hot reloading, and cross-platform support. Bevy’s lean and flexible architecture appeals to independent creators and enthusiasts seeking a powerful, open-source tool with a low learning curve.

Colorful data visualization illustrating Bevys's impressive compile times

Pros of Bevy

  • Free and open-source with permissive MIT or Apache 2.0 licenses
  • Extensive cargo features for customization
  • Fast compile times
  • Active community support channels

Cons of Bevy

  • Lacks native Android support
  • May encounter API-breaking changes with Rust language updates
  • Future web standards integration uncertain

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity is a multifaceted game development engine famed for creating versatile 3D and 2D applications. Launched in 2005, Unity stands out for its cross-platform reach, comprehensive toolset, and superior rendering tech. Despite its recent pricing shakeup causing a rift in the indie developer community, Unity continues to attract a vast user base keen on utilizing its fruitful suite of features for high-end game creation.

Colorful illustration of developers brainstorming with Unity's asset store

Pros of Unity

  • End-to-end support for AR/VR game creation
  • Exemplary rendering technology and tools
  • Dynamic asset store
  • Robust developer community

Cons of Unity

  • Potential abuse and financial uncertainty due to per-install fees
  • Open mistrust caused by retrospective fees
  • Fear of hampering digital preservation efforts
  • Unequal fees across markets

Code Examples for Bevy & Unity


This example illustrates how to use Bevy to spawn a sprite, establishing a fundamental concept of ECS (Entity Component System). The code generates a single sprite in the user screen. Note, you’ll need to have compatible image files in your assets folder for the code to function optimally.

    fn main() {

    fn setup(
        commands: &mut Commands,
        asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
        mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
    ) {
        let texture_handle = asset_server.load("icon.png");
            .spawn(SpriteBundle {
                material: materials.add(texture_handle.into()),


This Unity code snippet describes how to control a Player move. Though the script is a foundation for most games, it positively outcomes in teaching Unity’s syntax and basic functions. This code snippets depends on setting up the character correctly in the Unity environment and the input axes in “Horizontal” and “Vertical”.

    using UnityEngine;

    public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
        public float speed = 10.0f;

        void Update()
            float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

            Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);

            GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = movement * speed;

The Final Showdown: Bevy vs Unity

In the thrilling contest between Bevy and Unity, let’s cut to the chase. Who should pick which?

Indie Developers and Enthusiasts

Bevy is your call. Its free nature, customizable functionality, and fast compile time meet the quick execution demands of indie developers. Not to mention, the Bevy community offers an extensive network for support and feedback.

Indie developer typing on a laptop

AR/VR Creators

Unity steals the show. It’s powerful, versatile, and comes with a wealth of AR/VR features. Though there’s a new pricing model, for AR/VR developers aiming at a big market, Unity’s robust features add value!

AR/VR creator using virtual reality headset

Multiplatform Developments

Unity wins. Its easy adaptability to several operating systems makes it a go-to for complex multi-platform projects, including Android and iOS. Price-downsides apply, but scalability and compatibility trump.

Multiplatform developer looking at various devices

Bevy is near-ideal for indie developers appreciating speed and flexibility. Unity, though pricier, hits the mark for those seeking all-inclusive tools for AR/VR or multi-platform projects. Both are game-changers, but choose wisely!

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.