Boundless focuses on Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Extended Reality (XR), transforming various industries like architecture, real estate, healthcare, manufacturing, engineering, and education. Their tech enables immersive visualization of designs, virtual property tours, medical training simulations, and interactive learning experiences. For those exploring options beyond Boundless, alternatives include Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, MonoGame, Raylib, Amethyst, Macroquad, Piston, and Fyrox.

Top Boundless alternatives for 2024



Welcome to the world of Unity. Launched in 2005, Unity is a powerhouse game development engine known for sprouting 2D and 3D games like mushrooms after a rainstorm. With its pan-operating system adaptability, it’s like the Swiss army knife of engines. Whether your cup of tea is Augmented Reality or 3D simulations, Unity’s just sitting there, waiting to make your developer dreams come true.

Unity Top Features

  • Independence Day: Launch cross-platform games across Android, iOS, and more.
  • Jack of All Trades: Compatible with multiple operating systems to cater to all your quirky little nerdy needs.
  • Rainbow Connection: Offers a rich asset store integrated with a variety of textures for all your digital design dreams.
  • Polyglot Engine: Works with several coding languages including BOO script, Javascript, and C#.
  • Close-Knit Community: Active developer community at your service for all your problem-solving, brainstorming, and ‘Please help, I broke everything!’ moments.

Unity Downsides

  • Price Wars: Unity’s up-and-coming pricing redesign drew enough backlash to turn it into the Game of Thrones of game development engines.
  • Retroactive Fees: Unity’s late fee aspect creates uncertainty among the developers… sort of like a surprise party nobody wanted.
  • Financial Sustainability: Developers are anxious about sudden pricing shifts. They didn’t sign up for this rollercoaster.
  • Fraud Detection: With pirated copies being a concern, developers find themselves facing an unexpected game: Fee or not fee?

Unity Pricing

Ah, the price is… confusing. From January 1, 2024, Unity will maintain a new model that involves fees per game-install. But don’t start hyperventilating just yet. Developers won’t be charged an install fee until the game has made $200,000 in revenue and has 200,000 installations. Also, the prices vary depending on the market, so get out your globe and divining rod.

Unity Use Cases

Use case 1: Spoonful of Sugar Edition

Unity is great for the independent developer looking to add a pinch of Augmented Reality spice to their games. With its strong support for AR/VR, this tool could be the missing ingredient in your developing recipe.

Use case 2: Trusty Toolbox

Beyond games, Unity is also useful for building 3D simulations. All the high-end features and tools are just there, like a trusty toolkit, ready to fulfill your geekiest fantasies.

Use case 3: Community Comfort

Do you feel lonely while coding? Join the Unity developer community. You can interact, troubleshoot, and even start trending hashtags together. It’s like a big coder family, without the awkward holiday dinners.

Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine

Developed by Epic Games, Unreal Engine (UE) is an exquisite collection of 3D computer graphics game engines. Debuting in 1998, this masterpiece has proliferated from powering PC first-person shooters to engrossing various game genres, film, and TV industries.

Unreal Engine Top Features

  • Wide cross-platform support – Accommodating desktop, mobile, console, and VR platforms.
  • UnrealEd – A level editor endorsing real-time constructive solid geometry operations.
  • Unreal Engine Marketplace – An ecosystem for developers to sell or buy creative products.
  • Basic project templates – Providing a firm foundation for first-person or third-person experiences.
  • Unreal Development Kit – Includes support for iOS game and app creation.
Feature Description
Language Written in C++, empowering developers with flexibility and performance.
Latest Release UE5, the latest edition, was launched in 2022, pushing the boundaries of realism.
Integration with Quixel Features from acquired companies, like Quixel, are branded into UE’s toolset.

Unreal Engine Limitations

  1. Limited to 5% royalties no longer waived for games not published on the Epic Games Store.
  2. UE’s complexity can be challenging for newcomers to grasp.

Unreal Engine Pricing

Unreal Engine operates under a revenue-sharing model, claiming 5% of the generated revenue exceeding USD 1 million. However, the engine is free for schools and universities, ensuring academic accessibility.

Unreal Engine Use Cases

Game Development

UE’s cross-platform compatibility and extensive tools empower developers to deliver cinematic, photo-realistic games.

Film and TV Production

Unreal Engine is impeccably suited for creating dazzling visual effects, hence attracting film and TV industries.

Educational Institutions

Schools and universities across the globe can harness Unreal Engine free of charge, engraving a vibrant pathway for the future generation of creators.



The Godot engine is an open-source gem in the game development world. Created by developers for developers, it’s known for its intuitive, scene-driven design with a focus on flexibility and customization.

Godot Top Features

  • Open-source: Freedom to modify the codebase as needed, increasing adaptability.
  • Scene-driven design: Create games from simple blocks and build complex scenes using nodes.
  • Multi-language support: Native GDScript, optional C# for .NET platform, and community supported language bindings for Rust, Nim, Python and more.
  • 3D engine support: Accommodates both high and low-end devices.
  • Direct Blender file import: Allows seamless workflow between software.
  • Specialized 2D workflow: Tailored for 2D game and app development.
  • Multi-platform: Operates on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Technical support: Regular updates, improvements, and active community support.
Feature Description
Free under MIT license No licensing fees, contracts or hidden costs
Built-in visual editor Everything coded right in the engine
Support for Android phones and tablets Reach your mobile audience with Godot 3.5

Godot Limitations

  • Limited capabilities for complex 3D game development.
  • .NET support only available for desktop platforms in Godot 4.
  • While community supported, certain language bindings like Rust, Nim, Python may have limited resources.

Godot Pricing

What’s the best part? Godot is entirely free under the MIT license. It’s open-source, void of any licensing fees, contracts or hidden costs. Open to you and your vision.

Godot Use Cases

Use case 1: Beginner Game Developers

With its free license and built-in visual editor, Godot proves to be an ideal starting point for novice devs.

Use case 2: 2D Game Development

The specialized 2D workflow is perfect for developers focusing on 2D games and apps, boosting efficiency.

Use case 3: Cross-Platform Games

Godot supports gameplay on a range of platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android phones/tablets. This makes it a preferred choice for developers aiming at multi-platform audience.



A free and open-source framework, MonoGame is a preferred choice among game developers. Known for its capability to create exceptional games for a multitude of platforms, it is a versatile tool born from the XNA Touch.

MonoGame Top Features

  1. Cross-Platform Capability: Allows developers to create games for iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Vita, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
  2. 3D Support: Initially developed for 2D sprite-based games, added 3D support from mid-2013.
  3. Graphics Capabilities: Uses OpenGL, OpenGL ES, or DirectX for advanced graphics handling.
Feature Benefit
XNA 4 ContentManager model Promotes effective content management
Community Maintenance Continuous updates and tweaks from developers all over the globe
Volunteer Collaboration Allows independent developers to make contributions via GitHub or community site

MonoGame Limitations

  • Not suitable for developers seeking a WYSIWYG environment.
  • Lack of high-level programming.
  • Paid support is required for iOS and Android platforms.

MonoGame Pricing

MonoGame is entirely free, allowing users to access and utilize all features without monetary constraints.

MonoGame Use Cases

Use case 1

MonoGame excels in games development for multiple platforms, providing a flexible solution for developers aiming to reach a broad audience. Games like Bastion, Celeste, Fez leveraged MonoGame’s capabilities.

Use case 2

For developers desiring in-depth control over their game’s functionality, MonoGame’s focus on lower-level programming offers a significant advantage. A capable and accessible development tool for experienced developers.

Use case 3

Independent developers and hobbyists with basic knowledge of C# find MonoGame’s community support and tutorials valuable. MonoGame allows for growth, learning, and development in a low-cost and community-driven environment.


Developed by Ramon Santamaria and various contributors and initially released on November 18, 2013, Raylib is a versatile and beginner-friendly library for videogame development, designed for a variety of platforms. Written in C language, it packs a punch with its proud features that cater to developers globally. Raylib is celebrated for its ease of use, powerful capabilities, and extensive language binding support, making it a tool of choice for videogame programming education worldwide.

Raylib Top Features

  1. Cross-platform support, including not only Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Android, Raspberry Pi, but also HTML5.
  2. Over 50 programming language bindings lending flexibility.
  3. Powerful OpenGL hardware acceleration and the unique rlgl abstraction layer.
  4. Entire 3D support with flexible materials system, shaders, and more.
  5. Wide-ranging texture format support, which includes compressed formats.
  6. Impressive audio capabilities with loading, playing, and streaming support.
  7. Easy-to-use shaders loading system that allow effects to be attached to 3D models.
  8. Excellent math module for Vector, Matrix, and Quaternion operations: raymath.
Features Descriptions
Fonts module Supports various formats including SpriteFonts, BMfonts, TTF, and SDF>.
Persistent data storage Offers simple functions for efficient data management.
VR stereo rendering Supports configurable HMD device parameters.

Raylib Limitations

  1. Raylib’s powerful features may seem overwhelming for absolute beginners.
  2. Limited resources available for learning due to it being open-source.

Raylib Pricing

The robust Raylib engine is an open-source project. That’s right; it’s absolutely free for you to use, contribute to, and learn from!

Raylib Use Cases

Use case 1: Educational Institutions

Raylib’s simplicity and extensive language binding make it an ideal tool for teaching videogame programming in academic environments around the globe.

Use case 2: Independent Game Developers

Raylib is perfect for indie game developers due to its easy-to-understand APIs, cross-platform flexibility, and the fact that it’s completely free.

Use case 3: Tools Development

Moreover, Raylib’s shift to tools development provides an excellent platform for developers looking to create embedded systems, graphical applications, and prototyping tools.


Welcome to the fantastic realm of Amethyst, a highly versatile, beginner-friendly game development engine designed for both 2D and 3D games.

Amethyst Top Features

  • Data-driven and data-oriented design where behavior is built by feeding data created by professional artists and game designers.
  • Massive parallel architecture and the innovative Entity Component System (ECS).
  • Engine designed for extreme multi-threading and is compatible with Rust version 1.47.
  • Compact yet robust sets of features understanding notable elements like animations, GLTF, and networking.
  • Supported by a community of developers available on Discord.
Key Features Description
Reusability and clean interfaces Engine focuses on having clean interfaces and reusability in design promoting efficiency in development.
Rapid Prototyping Amethyst enables quick development cycles with its focus on rapid prototyping.
Use of Rust language Capitalizes on Rust’s strengths in game development, such as concurrency.

Amethyst Downsides

  • Development of Amethyst has currently been halted.
  • May not be suitable for large, commercial projects due to its current developmental stage.
  • Approach of creating a general-purpose engine without a game has been met with criticism.

Amethyst Pricing

Leverage the features of Amethyst at no cost. It’s an open source platform and doesn’t put a dent in your pocket.

Amethyst Use Cases

Use Case 1: Rapid Prototyping

Amethyst’s design prioritizes quick development, making it an ideal engine for creators needing to rapidly prototype their game designs.

Use Case 2: Community Support

The Amethyst developer community available on Discord allows budding developers to seek advice and quickly resolve their issues.

Use Case 3: 2D and 3D Game Development

Whether you’re crafting a simple 2D game or diving into the complex world of 3D, Amethyst has the tools to bring your vision to life.


Macroquad is a highly efficient game library based on the Rust language, inspired by raylib, and capable of performing across multiple platforms ranging from Windows/Linux/macOS to Android and iOS. Its simplistic design, devoid of Rust-specific models like lifetimes/borrowing, has editing features like efficient drawing of lines, rectangles, circles, and text.

Macroquad Top Features

  • Efficiency: Macroquad is highly efficient with 2D rendering using automatic geometry batching. Building clean commands take around 16s making the entire experience seamless.
  • Multi-platform compatibility: You can deploy Macroquad across Windows/Linux/macOS, HTML5, Android, and iOS. Moreover, it even supports cross-compilation from Linux to Windows.
  • UI library & drawing capabilities: A UI library based on immediate mode is included. It allows efficient drawing of lines, rectangles, circles, and text.
  • Community Resources: Resources like the Macroquad Discord server and Awesome Quads form the backbone of Macroquad’s active user community.
  • Beginner-friendly & minimalistic: Its design avoids complex elements, making it easy to grasp and equally effective for new entrants in the field.
Features Benefits
2D Rendering Improved game speed and performance
UI library Elevated control over user interface
Async/Await support Promotes organised coding for complex processes package optimization Improves image load time and app performance

Macroquad Limitations

  • Limited to Rust programming language.
  • iOS applications require assets to run simulator and load properly.

Macroquad Pricing

As an open-source project, Macroquad is available for free usage. To support and contribute to the development, the platform relies on individual sponsors and larger organizations like Embark.

Macroquad Use Cases

Use case 1: Game Development

Macroquad is especially useful for independent game developers and studios that operate on a smaller scale. Its features offer flexibility and versatility to create a variety of games.

Use case 2: Learning Resource for Novices

Being a beginner-friendly library with simplistic design, Macroquad provides a superb stepping stone for anyone keen to dive into the realm of game programming.

Use case 3: Cross-Platform Projects

With its ability to deploy across an array of platforms, Macroquad will be a go-to for developers seeking to create cross-platform games.



An entry into the echelons of efficient and robust game development, Piston excels as an engine crafted with the finesse and flexibility of Rust, enabling developers to create modular, event-driven applications with optimal precision.

Piston Top Features

  • GenericEvent: Simplifies event handling, crucial for intuitive UI interactions.
  • Window: Streamlines event polling, pushing user engagement to new heights.
  • Relies on the Model-View-Controller pattern, shaping applications with an advanced level of modular organization.
Area Feature
Graphics Piston2d-gfx_graphics, Piston2d-glium_graphics, and Piston2d-opengl_graphics empowering stunning 2D visuals.
Image Processing ImageProc provides cutting-edge capabilities for manipulating graphics on a granular level.
Scripting Dyon scripting language estrablishes a dynamic typing system, making game programming more accessible to non-professionals.

Piston Disadvantages

  • Core stability updates are still projected for the future, indicating the engine might encounter unexpected limitations.
  • Lack of comprehensive documentation might pose hurdles to programmers new to Rust.

Piston Pricing

Exemplifying the principles of freedom in development, Piston is an open-source project, making it free for developers to explore, adopt, and contribute to.

Piston Use Cases

Use Case 1: Advanced Game Development

With a profound understanding of points vs. pixels and a collection of diversified libraries, Piston enables game developers to design robust, high-performance 2D and 3D games.

Use Case 2: Interactive Application Development

Piston’s commitment to interactive events and intuitive signaling makes it an excellent choice for developing interactive applications beyond the realm of games.

Use Case 3: Open Source Contribution

Being open-source and encapsulating an array of advanced concepts and extensive libraries, Piston serves as a potent platform for developers eager to contribute to game engine advancement.


Fyrox, a potent 2D/3D game engine, is an adept contender for your AR/VR needs. Built in Rust and equipped with a native editor, it sports cross-platform compatibility and a breadth of advanced features, qualifying it as a holistic choice.

The Best of Fyrox

  • Substantial versatility with 2D/3D game engine, compatible across Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebAssembly
  • Highly advanced asset manager featuring async asset loading
  • Supports broad set of textures and sound formats, including PNG, JPG, TGA, DDS, WAV, and OGG
  • Blends groundbreaking features such as animation blending, root motion, and blend space
Enhanced Audio Support Integrated with dynamic audio buses and audio bus graph, fostering immersive AR/VR experiences.
Dynamic 3D Mesh Changes Employs blend shapes for dynamic 3D mesh alterations, boosting visual versatility.
Community & Learning Resources Backed by an interactive community on Discord, Patreon, Boosty, and a comprehensive Fyrox book.

Fyrox Disadvantages

  • Potential learning curve due to the advanced features.
  • No explicit mention of iOS compatibility.

Fyrox Pricing

Specific financial details of Fyrox are currently undisclosed. It’s advisable to review the official Fyrox source for the latest pricing updates.

Fyrox Use Cases

Use case 1: Complex Game Development

With its ample suite of features and asset support, Fyrox is an ideal engine for developing intricate and immersive games.

Use case 2: Cross-platform AR/VR Content

Fyrox’s cross-platform compatibility makes it a go-to choice for creating AR/VR content intended for diverse operating systems.

Use case 3: Server-side Applications

Fyrox’s headless mode allows seamless integration into server-side applications, demonstrating its broad applicability.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.