For an elevated 3D digital twin experience with in-depth exploration of job sites, choose Cupix, ideally suited for the AEC sector. However, prioritize Kuula for creating seamless, high-quality 360 virtual tours across various sectors, accompanied by easier sharing and customization options.

Detailed comparison: Cupix vs Kuula

Key Differences Between Cupix and Kuula

  • Cupix is an enterprise-grade 3D digital twin platform targeting the AEC industry, while Kuula specializes in 360 virtual tour creation for broad industries.
  • Cupix offers a detailed insight into construction sites, Kuula provides a high-quality, seamless virtual tour experience.
  • Both tools differ in pricing, Cupix is more expensive yet offers robust features, while Kuula has a relatively lower-cost, starting at $20/month.
  • The user ratings also distinguish them, Cupix scores 3.9, while Kuula earns high marks for user-friendly interface and quality.
Comparison Cupix Kuula
Target Industry AEC, Real estate and Construction Real estate, Digital marketing, Hospitality
Key Functionality 3D digital twin platform for job lifecycle Virtual Tour creation with 3D 360 tours
Unique Selling Proposition 3D job site captures and digital twin collaboration tool High-quality, detailed and fluid VR experience
Compatibility 360-degree camera + mobile app (Expected) Wide camera compatibility including 360 camera models, DSLR, 3D software
Cost Features Two and a half times more expensive than competitors; Subscription based Starting from $20/month with free trial available
Business Model Cloud-based subscription, varying from free to $200/month plans Subscription based with free trial available
Product Example Beneficiary DailyHotel – Boosted user satisfaction and booking conversion rate by 25% 10 million+ Panoramic Images Uploaded Worldwide
Software Functions 360 Image/Drone capture, 3D Modelling, VR Tour Creation, Comparison of Actual Construction with BIM Data Customizable 3D 360 Tours, VR Integration, Unlimited hotspots, Social Media Integation, Custom Branding
Customer Support Slow and Confusing feature limitation explanation Quick response with positive user reviews
User Reviews Rating 3.9 Positive feedback on user-friendly interface, rich features, speed and quality

What Is Cupix and Who’s It For?

Cupix is an enterprise-grade 3D digital twin platform designed for the AEC industry. It integrates 360-degree photos, captured via cameras or mobile applications, to create immersive 3D models of construction sites. The technology aids builders at every stage of the job lifecycle, playing a substantial role in design collaboration, risk identification and cost reduction. Catering primarily to the real estate and construction sectors, Cupix utilizes sophisticated photogrammetry algorithms that distinguish it from typical Building Information Modeling.

Colorful scene of construction engineers surveying a 3D model of a job site on Cupix

Pros of Cupix

  • Superior to non-BIM construction management.
  • Enables remote site access and construction progress documentation.
  • Combines drone and 360 image capture for immersive models.
  • Q1 revenue up 300% YoY.

Cons of Cupix

  • Demands significant effort to capture 360 photos.
  • Two and a half times more expensive than competitors.
  • Slow customer service and confusing trial feature limitations.

What Is Kuula and Who’s It For?

Established in 2016, Kuula is a virtual tour creation service providing detailed and fluid 3D 360 tours. From photographers to large corporations, Kuula’s services are sought by diverse clients for its ease of sharing and customization offerings. Its feature-rich platform supports VR integration, unlimited hotspots, custom branding and wide-camera compatibility, making it an ideal choice for sectors like real estate, digital marketing, and hospitality. Over 10 million panoramic images have been uploaded to Kuula, attracting over 1 billion views to date.

Colorful depiction of a user creating a virtual 3D tour using Kuula

Pros of Kuula

  • User-friendly interface with high-quality, detailed and fluid tours.
  • Multiple sectors benefit from the service.
  • Seamless integration of exterior and interior views.
  • Offers customer support with a quick response rate.

Cons of Kuula

  • Limited customization of user profiles.
  • Restrictions for non-members to “love” image.

Cupix vs Kuula: Pricing

Comparing the pricing structures, Cupix operates on a cloud-based subscription model with plans ranging from free to $200 per month, while Kuula extends a starting service charge of $20 a month with a free trial hookup.


The Cupix subscription model offers extensive 3D Visual Tour creation. The pricing encompasses a wide range, from a free beta period to a top-level plan of $200 per month. Although perceived as more costly against its competitors, Cupix emphasizes on the high-value advanced 3D visuals and model creation, that aids in significant construction cost reductions.


In contrast, Kuula embarks on a straightforward pricing module, commencing at $20 per month.Free trial opportunity avails for potential clients to acquaint with custom branding, superior user experience, and fluid tour visualization. Factoring in the user-friendly interface and quality of service, customers embrace Kuula’s pricing structure with impressive satisfaction and affirmation.

Deciding the Best: Cupix vs Kuula

Here’s a concise verdict based on varied user groups in the arduous task of choosing between Cupix and Kuula.

Construction Professionals and Industrial Technocrats

For construction experts and industrial tech enthusiasts seeking extensive 3D modelling, Cupix stands unrivalled. The 3D digital twin platform shines in applicable efficacy with pertinent strengths: cost-cutting in construction, remote site access, comprehensive 3D model creation, and more. While it requires substantial effort in 360 photo capture and poses a pricey tag, the benefits greatly outshine these nuances.

team of construction professionals working on a 3D digital model in a tech-loaded site office

Photographers and Visual Content Creators

Photographers and visual creators will find Kuula’s detailed and fluid VR experience, easy sharing and extensive customization lucrative. The platform is user-friendly and rich in features, compatible with numerous camera models, and houses unlimited hotspots, whilst also offering quick support. This user group might find Kuula’s limitations for non-members restricting, yet the overall offerings maintain an edge.

photographer engaging with Kuula's 3D VR tours on a powerful, state-of-the-art workstation

Real Estate Industry

Real estate professionals dealing in digital marketing or hospitality benefit from both technologies. Choose Cupix for their advanced 3D vision and construction specifics while Kuula’s virtual tour services offer integration for interior and exterior views, making it ideal for showcasing property to potential clients. Trade-offs between user profile customization in Kuula and the lack of a mobile app in Cupix are inconsequential against respective merits.

eal estate agent immersing a potential client in VR tour with Kuula, against a backdrop of 3D construction blueprint with Cupix

In deploying 3D technologies, industry specificity is key. Cupix reigns in construction and industrial applications while Kuula is unrivalled for photographers and visual content creators. Although both hold benefits for real estate, industry specifics guide the best pick.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.