Darktable is a free and open-source RAW converter software that offers dual features: a virtual light table for image bulk viewing and a virtual darkroom for RAW file processing. With a 4.5/5 star rating, Darktable supports tethered shooting, allowing users to connect their cameras and review images right after shooting. The software deals with 400+ camera RAW files, negative processing, contrast adjustments, and more. While it offers full control over image adjustments, its overwhelming interface for beginners and lack of an undo system are notable cons. Darktable also supports importing/exporting styles and is compatible with software like GIMP and Photoshop for more extensive edits.

2024 top alternatives to Darktable

For those on the lookout for Darktable alternatives, options include “Lightroom,” “Luminar,” “Capture One,” “Snapseed,” and “Affinity Photo”.


Stepping into the spotlight is none other than Lightroom—Adobe’s image organization and editing maven, living it up quite luxuriously in the Creative Cloud subscription family. Famously fluent across Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and even tvOS (for the Apple TV connoisseurs out there), this tool makes post-capture photo editing a happy-hour affair.

Lightroom Top Features

  • Quick and efficient photo editing that lets you finesse your contrast, color balance, and brightness faster than the shutter speed of your DSLR.
  • Built-in and customizable presets allow on-the-fly photo editing, winning brownie points with on-the-move photographers.
  • Comprehensive editing functions—from white balance and color grading right down to red-eye correction and spot removal—make your photo editing game stronger.
  • The non-destructive software keeps original images untouched while your edits brew up a storm, saving those edits as new files.
Quick Edits Built-in Presets Wide Range of Tools
Alter contrast, color, brightness post capture Customizable for on-the-fly edits Color grading, spot removal & much more

Lightroom Limitations

  • You’ll have to stick to Adobe’s monthly subscription plan to keep Lightroom in your tools-of-the-trade roster—no one-off purchases for this software, sorry!
  • While Lightroom Classic stays loyal to the desktop, if you’re hoping to kite your workflow across multiple mobile devices or Apple TVs, you’d have to make nice with Adobe Lightroom.

Lightroom Pricing

Don’t pull out those pocket change just yet, Adobe is only taking IOUs in the form of monthly subscriptions. Lightroom can be your trusty sidekick for $9.99/month, or you can bundle it up with Photoshop and some online storage for $9.99 to $54.99/month.

Lightroom Use Cases

Use Case 1 – Photographers

For our lens-loving friends, Lightroom’s efficient editing and handy presets transform raw captures into artful expressions in a flurry. Not to mention, its image organization feature keeps those photo-walk snaps more orderly than a military parade.

Use Case 2 – Digital Marketers

Fumbling with social media image standards? Lightroom’s detailed manipulation and lens correction tools swipe away any imperfections, making your marketing visuals sharper than a salesman’s pitch.

Use Case 3 – Graphic Designers

With a wide array of editing features, Lightroom becomes a reliable co-worker for graphic designers, helping turn ordinary images into extraordinary visual narratives. And hey, that’s one more Adobe software under your design belt.



Award winning photo editing software, Skylum Luminar Neo was released in February 2022 and is available both for Windows and macOS. Endorsed by brands such as Adobe and Apple, it’s a standalone application that integrates impeccably with Adobe Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom Classic, and Photos for macOS.

Luminar Top Features

  • Modular Engine: Ensures faster image processing with automatic edits saving, optimizing user workflow.
  • AI-powered Features: Sky AI, Face AI, and more assist professional photographers for enhanced outputs.
  • File Format Support: Supports multiple file format including raw files for flexible photo imports.
  • Professional Editing Tools: Ranging from Enhance AI, Relight AI to Crop AI and Mask AI to cater to multiple editing needs.
Key Features Benefit
Presets Built-in presets and more available for purchase along with ability to combine effects using layers and masks.
Extensions Uplifts common software limitations and offers additional possibilities: Supersharp AI, Noiseless AI, Upscale AI, Background Removal AI, HDR Merge, Focus Stacking, Magic Light AI.
Updates Includes regular updates along with introduction of new features for perpetual user benefit.

Luminar Downsides

  • No keyword tagging or metadata management capabilities
  • Slow export processing

Luminar Pricing

Luminar is available for a one-time fee of $79 for a single user, providing value for money.

Luminar Use Cases

Use case 1 – Professional Photographers

With advanced AI-powered features and high-end editing tools, Luminar caters to the creative editing demands of professional photographers.

Use case 2 – Adobe Users

Luminar’s seamless integration with Adobe Photoshop, Elements and Lightroom Classic makes it a perfect alternative for Adobe users.

Use case 3 – MacOS Users

As a plug-in for Photos for macOS, Luminar is a go-to choices for macOS users.

Capture One

In the bustling realm of RAW converters and photo editing solutions, we hail Capture One, a stalwartly on-premise tool that assists photographers in their creative endeavors. Its expansive capabilities stretch from capturing to editing, and navigating its way to sharing, printing, and managing processes all through a centralized dashboard.

Capture One: The Epitome of Features

  • Streamlined Workflow: Promising smooth transitions from tethered capture to photo processing and result export.
  • Image Browser: Designed to effortlessly search, view, and locate images.
  • Enterprise Features: Capture One raises the bar with features like barcode scanner integration and comprehensive workflow support.
  • Advanced Editing Tools: Offers nuanced ways of editing colors, editing in layers, and mask tools for targeted editing.
  • Customization: A highly adaptable system meant to serve individual needs and editing workflows.
Interface Compatibility
Performance Unique offerings
Guarantees responsive and smooth tethered shooting, astutely rendering colors and skin tones. Rollover to its Smart Adjustments tool which adjusts exposure and white balance across a batch of images for consistent aesthetic coherence.

The Achilles’ Heel of Capture One

  • Complexity: Its many tabs and advanced functions might bring initial hurdles in the development module.
  • Export & Import Time: Longer than ideal, it may test your patience.
  • Lack of Presets: Capture One could benefit from a greater range.
  • Cost: The tool’s elevated pricing might pose limitations, especially for self-employed professionals.

Bite the Bullet: Capture One’s Pricing

Weighing the scales of functionality and the pocket, Capture One’s paid version commences at US$699.00/year, a consideration that could be high for some. Do note that styles need to be purchased separately.

The Stage is Set: Capture One’s Use Cases


For design enthusiasts, Capture One lends a new dimension with its advanced functions and smooth tethered shooting.

Media Production

Media production can leverage Capture One’s barcode scanner integration and superior workflow support, streamlining operations.

Self-Employed Professionals

While price can prove challenging for self-employed professionals, the diverse range of features makes Capture One a worthwhile investment in crafting masterpieces.


Developed by Nik Software and owned by Google, Snapseed is a powerful photo-editing app available for iOS and Android. Launched in June 2011, it boasts of a varied list of features facilitated by intuitive swiping gestures.

Snapseed Top Features

  • Unique Editing Tools: Snapseed possesses a vast array of tools such as Healing, Brush, Structure, HDR and Perspective, each offering distinct effects on the image.
  • RAW Develop Tool: This tool allows for precise adjustments to native camera files.
  • Save and Apply Personal Looks: Users can save their personalized looks and apply them to new pictures later, enhancing the photo-editing experience.
Feature Description
Automatic Adjustments Color and contrast adjustments are simplified with auto-adjust feature.
Special Effects and Filters Includes unique filters like Drama, Grunge, Vintage and effects such as Center-focus, Frames and Tilt-shift among others.
White Balance Tool Enables images to look more natural by adjusting the image color.

Snapseed Disadvantages

  • Overwhelming Features: The vast array of tools may seem overwhelming to a beginner.
  • Popularity Scarce among Casual Users: Snapseed is popular among serious photographers, the broad complex features might not appeal to casual users.

Snapseed Pricing

Surprisingly, Snapseed comes free of cost and is compatible with Google, iOS and Android platforms.

Snapseed Use Cases

Use case 1: Serious Photographers

Snapseed’s intricate tools, like RAW Develop and White Balance, with a selective filter brush prove immensely beneficial for experienced photographers desiring precise control over photo-editing.

Use case 2: Social Media Enthusiasts

For users who edit photos rigorously before social media posting, Snapseed, with its ability to save and later apply personal looks, ensures a picturesque social media presence.

Use Case 3: Designers

Designers can make use of Snapseed’s varied special effects and filters to create visually appealing graphics for multiple platforms.

Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo

Developed by Serif, Affinity Photo is a fully-featured, award-winning photo editing software available for Mac, Windows, and iPad. With three million users worldwide, Affinity possesses a robust range of capabilities and a reliable reputation amongst professionals.

Affinity Photo Top Features

  • Affinity Designer Persona: Offers vector graphics workspace.
  • Pixel Persona: Provides pixel workspace for detailed refinements.
  • Export Persona: Facilitates vector/pixel export options.
  • 60fps Pan and Zoom: Non-destructive editing, real-time views for effects and transformations.
  • End-to-end CMYK workflow: With ICC color management, supports a wide array of color models.
  • StudioLink Technology: Seamless access to toolsets of other Affinity apps within Publisher.
Platform Application
Mac, Windows, iPad Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo
All Platforms Affinity V2 Universal License

Affinity Photo Downsides

  • Version Updates: Criticized for not offering substantial new features in version 2.
  • Niche Focus: More targeted towards professional illustrators, designers, making it less versatile for layman users.

Affinity Photo Pricing

No subscription needed for Affinity Photo. Users get access to all apps, across all platforms for one price with their ‘Universal License’.

Affinity Photo Use Cases

Use case 1: Graphic Designers

With features like vector pen, shape-drawing tools, and support for custom brushes, Affinity Photo is ideal for graphic designers seeking precision and control.

Use case 2: Digital painters

Offering 16-bit per channel editing and end-to-end CMYK workflow, Affinity Photo serves as a powerful tool for digital painters.

Use case 3: Content Creators

With seamless cross-platform availability and the ability to combine images, graphics, and text, Affinity Photo is valuable for content creators needing flexibility and multi-faceted functionality.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.