Choosing between Defold and GDevelop often depends on the user’s coding proficiency and game development goals. Defold, practical for both 2D and upcoming 3D development, relies on Lua and native code. GDevelop, a versatile tool capable of highly visual game creation, focuses on code-free development. The choice hinges on user preference for open-ended coding or no-coding simplicity.

Defold vs GDevelop comparison

Key Differences Between Defold and GDevelop

  • Usage: Defold is preferred by developers seeking scripting control, while GDevelop is favored by those desiring code-free game design.
  • Codebase: Defold uses Lua and native code, GDevelop fosters event-based visual programming.
  • Platform versatility: Both engines cater to multiple platforms; Defold provides cross-platform building while GDevelop allows game publishing to PC, Web, and Mobile platforms.
  • Community: Both maintain active communities, yet GDevelop is renowned for being beginner-friendly and educationally oriented.
  • Maturity: Defold, a newer entrant, faces constraints due to a smaller development team, while GDevelop, developed by a Google engineer, flaunts more stability and robustness.
Comparison Defold GDevelop
Engine Type 2D, with 3D development ongoing 2D, with advanced features for creating 3D graphics
Cost Free of charge, no licensing or royalties Free, Construct 3 has license fee
Code Language Lua, C/C++ Event-based visual programming as well as traditional coding
Platform Compatibility Runs on Windows, Linux, macOS Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux and Web Browser
Publishing Platforms Console, Desktop, Mobile, Web PC, Web, Mobile Platforms
Built-in Features Code editor, Debugger, Profiler, Scene, UI editors Scripting, Animation, Visual Effects, Sound Design
Usage Games, Simulators, App Development Primarily game development, Serious and learning games
Community Discord server, forums Open-source contributions, GDevelop on GitHub
Learning Outcomes Understand Defold, Native-Extensions, and flexible development capabilities Learn game design tools techniques and terminology, UI and UX understanding
Monetization By developers of finalized games Games built with GDevelop can be monetized
Restrictions Scale of development may be limited due to the small development team Advanced users may face slower development, less stability

What Is Defold and Who’s It For?

Defold, a powerful free game engine, sprung from the minds of ex-Avalanche Studios employees and under the cooperative wing of the Defold Foundation and Refold AB. It’s made for ambitious developers experts in Defold, Native-Extensions, and flexible development and is used around the world to create commercial hits, game jams, and educational content.

This resourceful engine is perfect for scalable 2D game creation, with 3D development capabilities being continuously honed, promising strength by the end of 2020. Its prime features, including an install-free development system and cross-platform building, give developers the edge they need.

Colorful image of Lua and C/C++ developers at a bustling coding convention

Pros of Defold

  • Open source free game engine
  • Supports any-to-any cross platform builds
  • Accompanied by firm community support via Discord and Forums

Cons of Defold

  • Small development team limits scale
  • 3D game development still in progress

What Is GDevelop and Who’s It For?

Engineered by a Google software enthusiast, GDevelop is a cross-platform, open-source game engine, easing non-programmers into game development world, and also catering to seasoned coders. Its core virtue is making game creation a code-free experience, thereby making it an ideal choice for educators looking to infuse game design principles into their curricula.

Students and beginners in game design find GDevelop an excellent launching pad to learn tools, techniques and terminologies. With an extensive project gallery on, GDevelop empowers creators to publish their work on acclaimed platforms like Android, iOS, Facebook Gaming, and Steam.

Colorful picture of eager students at a university game design lab

Pros of GDevelop

  • Novice-friendly open-source game engine
  • Exceptional learning tool for game design students
  • Enables game publication on various popular platforms

Cons of GDevelop

  • Advanced users may confront slower development and stability issues

Defold vs GDevelop: Pricing

Both Defold and GDevelop offer a cost-efficient solution to game development, providing their services free of charge.


Defold positions itself as a free game engine and does not incur any upfront costs, licensing fees, or royalties. The source code is openly available on GitHub under a developer-friendly license. While it doesn’t employ regular employees, its day-to-day operations including product development, marketing, support, and sales are managed by Refold AB.


GDevelop is an open-source game engine developed by Google software engineer, Florian Rival. This engine is completely free for developers, from learners to experienced coders. While it provides the benefits of being free and lightweight, developers who want to use Construct 3 will need to pay a licensing fee. Monetizing your produced games is also permitted.

Let’s dig in.

Code Examples for Defold & GDevelop


In this case, we look at a snippet for issue tracking in the main.lua script file under the Defold game development library.

(Lua)local issue_url = ""
local player_id, error_message = sys.get_ifaddrs()
if player_id == nil then
  print("Issue tracker failed to get player_id:", error_message)
local issue_json = JSON:encode({
  player_id = player_id,
  issue_details = "Dummy issue description",
http.request(issue_url, "POST", function(self, id, response)
  if response.status == 200 then
    print("Issue submitted successfully.")
    print("Issue submission failed:", response)
end, {["Content-type"] = "application/json"}, issue_json)


This GDevelop JavaScript sample code enables a sprite to change color when the player taps it.

(JavaScript)//Event function to change sprite color on tap
function changeSpriteColor(runtimeScene) {
    //Get the sprite object
    var sprite = runtimeScene.getObjects("Sprite")[0];
    //Add a PointerEvent listener to the sprite
    sprite.getRendererObject().addEventListener('pointerdown', function() {
        //Generate random color
        var color = '0x' + Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
        //Set the sprite tint
        sprite.getRendererObject().tint = color;

These snippets delve into slightly more advanced features, taking the foundational coding beyond the basics and towards interesting outcomes. For beginners, these code fragments provide a glimpse into the possibilities of more complex code development, while intermediate coders can extrapolate implications for broader implementation.

The Final Call: Defold or GDevelop?

As we reach a crossroads, the practical choice between Defold and GDevelop becomes pivotal. The key is understanding which platform aligns best with your specific needs.

Commercial Game Developers

Defold’s versatile nature and compatibility with numerous platforms along with its zero upfront cost model make it an ideal option for those developing commercial games. Focus on top-quality games without worrying about licensing fees or royalties.

Game developer scrutinizing lines of game code on the computer

Indie Game Developers and Game Jammers

Defold’s ease of use and active community support make it a popular choice among indie game developers and game jammers. Its native code functionality and user-friendly editor facilitate swift prototyping, perfect for those hectic game jams.

Indie game developer brainstorming for game jam ideas

Educational Institutions

GDevelop stands out significantly in education spheres. Its event-based visual programming system lends itself well to the intuitive learning process, making it easier for students to understand game design tools techniques and terminology.

Classroom of students learning to code with GDevelop

Non-programmers and Newcomers to Gaming

For those venturing into game development without prior programming experience, GDevelop’s focus on making games without code, paired with its easy-to-learn interface, offers an accessible entry point.

New game developer exploring GDevelop's interface

When it comes to Defold vs GDevelop, an industry embrace of Defold for robust commercial gaming tasks is evident. However, for educational purposes and easing beginners into the world of game development, GDevelop proves superior.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.