If your goal is a customizable, beginner-friendly, 2D HTML5 game development journey with a robust, supportive community and comprehensive learning resources, then Phaser is your go-to. For those seeking an all-inclusive, ease-of-use game engine that allows cross-platform building without SDK dependencies, the choice would be Defold. each tool depends crucially on your distinct project requirements.

Defold and Phaser compared

Key Differences Between Defold and Phaser

  • Defold offers a whole game engine including a code editor, debugger, profiler, scene, UI editors, while Phaser is a 2D game framework for HTML5 games.
  • Phaser games are based in JavaScript or TypeScript, whereas game logic in Defold is written in Lua with the option to use native code for extra functionality.
  • Defold allows cross platform building with no SDK dependencies, while Phaser games deploy to iOS, Android, native desktop apps via tools like Apache Cordova and PhoneGap.
  • Phaser is mostly renowned for the abundance of learning resources and its active community support, while Defold is known for ease of use, technical documentation and a friendly community.
Comparison Defold Phaser
Free Usage Yes Yes
Source Code Availability Available on GitHub Available on GitHub
Supporting Platforms Console, Desktop, Mobile, Web Desktop, Mobile
Languages Used Lua, C/C++ JavaScript, TypeScript
Editor Availability Yes, runs on Windows, Linux, macOS Browser-based
Community Support Active community on Discord, Forums Active community, 1800+ examples available
Learning Resources Known for technical documentation Phaser Mini-Degree from Zenva Academy
Main Use Cases Games, Simulators, Apps development 2D Games, HTML5 Games for Desktop, Mobile

What Is Defold and Who’s It For?

Defold, a free game engine, has carved a niche in game, app, and simulator development. It’s engine and editor are celebrated for their ease of use and robust technical documentation. Created by former Avalanche Studios employees and acquired by King in 2014, it has witnessed constant upgrades, with bi-weekly releases of its engine and editor.

Used extensively by game developers for commercial success stories, game jams and in educational contexts, Defold is for those who value flexibility, and have understanding of Native-Extensions. Open-source, featuring cross platform building, and using Lua and C/C++, it is designed for knowledgeable developers with an eye on economy and efficiency.

Colorful image representing developers programming a game using Defold

Pros of Defold

  • Open-source and free
  • Cross platform building capability
  • Active community support on Discord, Forums
  • Consistent bi-weekly updates

Cons of Defold

  • Primarily designed for 2D games, with limited 3D development
  • Requires familiarity with Defold and Native-Extensions
  • Development scale limited by small team size

What Is Phaser and Who’s It For?

Originating in 2013, Phaser is a vibrant 2D game framework utilized for creating HTML5 games. Created by Richard Davey, it forms the bedrock for games deployable to iOS, Android, and native desktop apps. It is under continuous development with distinct versions supporting differing features.

With Phaser, game projects typically include scripts, source files, graphic & sound assets, and an initiating HTML file. Abundantly flexible and supported by robust learning resources, Phaser is a valuable platform for game developers starting out, or those looking to achieve significant results quickly.

Colorful depiction of game developers working on a Phaser-based project

Pros of Phaser

  • Flexible usage, supports es6+webpack, CDN, TypeScript
  • Comprehensive learning resources
  • Maintains active community support
  • About 1800+ examples available for beginners

Cons of Phaser

  • Requires understanding of JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Considered complex for complete beginners
  • Lack of advanced 3D capabilities

Defold vs Phaser: Pricing

Defold and Phaser both boast the attractive pricing model of free, open-source software.


Defold is an entirely free game engine. Hosting its source code on GitHub under a developer-friendly license, there are no upfront costs, no licensing fees,and no royalties involved. The Defold Foundation, which holds ownership of the brand, partners with the industry to provide free, open software and services to global game developers.


Like Defold, Phaser operates as a free, open-source 2D game framework. Originated in 2013 and frequently updated with newer versions, all supported by an active community, Phaser continues to support game development at no cost, underscored by its extensive multidimensional resources and examples available for free access.

Code Examples for Defold & Phaser


This code covers an intriguing mechanism: a simple, yet effective way of implementing a 2D scrolling background. The prerequisites would be a basic understanding of Defold and Lua language, as well as having sprite assets for backgrounds ready.

-- Define variables
local speed_1 = 200
local speed_2 = 100
local bg_1
local bg_2

-- Load the context
function init(self)
    bg_1 = factory.create("#background_factory")
    bg_2 = factory.create("#background_factory", vmath.vector3(1920, 0, 0))

-- Update the scroll
function update(self, dt)
    local pos_1 = go.get_position(bg_1)
    local pos_2 = go.get_position(bg_2)
    pos_1.x = pos_1.x - speed_1 * dt
    pos_2.x = pos_2.x - speed_2 * dt
    if pos_1.x < -1920 then pos_1.x = pos_1.x + 1920 * 2 end
    if pos_2.x < -1920 then pos_2.x = pos_2.x + 1920 * 2 end
    go.set_position(pos_1, bg_1)
    go.set_position(pos_2, bg_2)


This code features a procedurally generated terrain in Phaser, suitable for endless runner games. Basic understanding of Phaser framework and JavaScript is expected. Terrain generation uses a dynamic group of ‘ground’ sprites spawning continuously.

var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });

function preload () {
    game.load.image('ground', 'assets/ground.png');

var ground;
var terrain;

function create () {
    ground = [];
    terrain = game.add.group();

    for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        ground[i] = terrain.create(i * 70, game.world.height - Math.random() * 100, 'ground');

function update () {
    for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        ground[i].x -= 1;
        if (ground[i].x < -70) {
            ground[i] = terrain.create(800, game.world.height - Math.random() * 100, 'ground');

This code is perpetually moving the ‘ground’ sprites to accomplish the scrolling and creating a new one at the end, resulting in an endless random terrain.

Defold vs Phaser: Your Best Bet?

While boh Defold and Phaser have their highlights, let’s break it down by audience.

Big-ambition Indie Developers

If your project vision extends beyond the current year, and needs an accessible, capable tool, Defold is your go-to. It offers ease of use, active community engagement, and open source potential. However, it’s recommended only for devs with a solid grasp on Defold native-extensions.

Indie videogame developer in a focused state, working on a game in a cozy office

Novice Game Developers

For game development beginners, Phaser wins. Its low entry barrier, comprehensive learning resources, and active examples make it ideal for developing HTML5 games. Phaser’s Zenva Academy mini-degree presents a beginner-friendly pathway.

Novice game developer learning Phaser framework, enthusiastically coding at his work desk

2D Game Contractors

A freelance developer focused on creating exclusively 2D games, would fare best with Defold. With its pre-built 2D-focused development environment, along with Lua and C/C++ support, Defold empowers you with a robust yet efficient tech stack.

Freelance developer focused on 2D game creation, working with Defold on a dual-monitor setup

HTML5 Web Game Developers

For developers targeting web-based games, Phaser with its HTML5 emphasis, CDN Support and compatibility with browsers supporting canvas element is a better choice. It’s especially handy if you plan to develop a Facebook Instant game.

Web game developer focused on HTML5 games, testing his newly developed game on a browser

In conclusion, Defold promises a comprehensive, install-free game development system ideal for indie-game aspirants with lofty ambitions, and 2D-focused developers, while Phaser stands out for novice game developers and web-game creators, courtesy of its expansive resource library and HTML5 focus. It all boils down to your specific requirement and familiarity with JavaScript vs Lua.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.