Docebo outperforms 360Learning catering to enterprise-level, multi-lingual Learning & Development (L&D) needs with 400+ integrations, mobile learning, and gamified elements. 360Learning, although AI-powered with collaborative features, is better for SMEs needing cost-effective upskilling and training solutions.

Differences of Docebo and 360Learning

Key Differences Between Docebo and 360Learning

  • Focus:Docebo’s robust solution with 3,500+ global customers for complex, large-scale L&D projects versus 360Learning’s collaborative upskilling approach for in-house employee development serving 1,700+ customers.
  • Customization & Integration:Docebo’s 400+ integrations with options for custom domains, logos, login pages, laid against 360Learning’s customizable platform with limited integrations.
  • Pricing:Docebo’s pricing based on Monthly Active Users starting from $1,600/month against 360Learning’s user-based pricing starting from $8 per month/user.
  • Mobile & Offline Learning:Docebo’s mobile learning compatibility supports offline learning while 360Learning does not expressly provide this feature.
Comparison Docebo 360Learning
Customer Base 3500+ 1700+
Platform Type e-Learning for Enterprise/Corporate AI Powered skills-based platform
Special focus Tailoring Training needs Collaborative and in-house upskilling
Active users 300+ for L&D projects Depends on the scale of enterprise
Languages Supported 40 Varies on usage
Integrations Offered 400+ including HRIS, SSO platforms, CRM, Content Authoring tools Depends on the requirements of users
Supports Offline Sync Yes N/A Specifics
Pricing Starting $1600/month $8 per month/user
Major Formats Supported SCORM 1.2 and 2004, AICC with PENS support, Tin Can, Google Drive, YouTube, Vimeo Caters to market standards
Learning Methods Customizable based on user needs Reflects on-course creation and learner feedback
Course Creation and Management Customizable Empowerment via collaboration

What Is Docebo and Who’s It For?

Docebo is a robust e-Learning platform, tailored specifically for corporate training initiatives and serves over 3,500 global customers, such as Zoom, PowerDMS, and CHART Healthcare Academy. It excels in constructing learning centers focused on propelling customer-driven success, reportedly saving $150K+ for PowerDMS and multiplying online course revenues. Docebo is geared towards businesses looking to expand their Learning and Development (L&D) programs across multiple units, needing to translate training content into multiple languages, and enterprises outgrowing their current LMS in need of a more sophisticated, flexible solution.

Colorful business executive studying at his modern office, immersed learning experience powered by Docebo

Pros of Docebo

  • Wide-ranging integrations with 400+ tools
  • Customizable training programs and learning paths
  • Offline compatible mobile learning
  • Support for major e-learning formats

Cons of Docebo

  • Pricing can be steep starting at $1,600/month
  • Additional costs for customization
  • Requires annual commitment

What Is 360Learning and Who’s It For?

360Learning is an AI-powerhouse for skills-based learning with a unique focus on collaborative learning. Intriguing over 1,700 customers, it aims at championing in-house upskilling through collaborations. The platform stands out for its eLearning and Course Creation tools which significantly slash course creation time and cost, and boost course completion rates. 360Learning is instrumental for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and sizeable businesses seeking to enhance onboarding, upskill staff, and train customer-facing units.

Colorful team collaboratively working at a spacious tech hub, refining their skills with 360Learning

Pros of 360Learning

  • AI-powered, collaborative learning
  • Cutback on course creation time and cost
  • Daily self-directed learning
  • Free version and free trial available

Cons of 360Learning

  • Not highly customizable compared to rivals
  • May be expensive for smaller organizations

Docebo vs 360Learning: The Verdict

After a comprehensive evaluation, we present our carefully considered verdict on Docebo and 360Learning, taking into account each platform’s unique benefits tailored to specific audience groups.

Large Enterprises Scaling L&D Projects

For mammoth organizations with the aim of expanding their L&D programs across multiple units and translating content into various languages, Docebo is the clear front-runner. Its bespoke training programs and a vast array of integrations offer flexibility and sophistication required by large scaled projects. Moreover, its comprehensive mobile learning compatibility ensures employees can engage offline, syncing their progress when online.

Large enterprise expanding their L&D programs

Businesses Focused on Internal Upskilling

Should the main interest be internal upskilling and promoting a culture of collaboration, 360Learning stands above its competitor. Its foundation on collaborative learning coupled with AI-powered tools enables businesses to construct courses swiftly, reducing creation time, boosting completion rates while maintaining relevance through learner feedback.

Business focused on internal upskilling

Startups and SMEs Seeking Affordable Solution

For startups and SMEs operating on lean budgets, 360Learning offers better value for money, starting at a price point of just $8 per month/user. While its free trial and version both streamline eLearning, structuring course management, and monitoring employee progress, it lacks the heavy artillery of Docebo such as extensive integrations and its high-end learning center construction.

Startups and SMEs looking for an affordable LMS

Docebo, a savant in tailoring high-end enterprise training solutions, packs a punch with customizable programs and expansive integrations. On the other hand, 360Learning is a champion of collaborative learning, offering an affordable SaaS-based LMS best suited to internal upskilling and L&D collaborations.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.