When comparing EasyAR and Blippar, EasyAR provides an edge for application developers with robust algorithm components and cross-platform support. However, Blippar is ideal for content creators and publishers, due to its free-to-use AR creation tool and wide-reaching partnerships. Select based on your role and project requirements.

Comparing EasyAR and Blippar

Key Differences Between EasyAR and Blippar

  • Focus: EasyAR emphasizes its AR application development, while Blippar specializes in AR content creation.
  • Pricing: EasyAR costs $39/month with a free trial, whereas Blippar pivots towards a SaaS platform for free AR creation.
  • Integration: EasyAR integrates with an API, whilst Blippar leverages wide-reaching commercial partnerships.
  • Accessibility: EasyAR offers cross-platform support and comprehensive motion-tracking features. Blippar enables a no-code AR creation tool, aiming for more complex projects.
Comparison EasyAR Blippar
Product Focus AR platform for application development, digital animations, object spawning and AR app templating AR content creation and publishing, AR gaming, AR tools for marketers
Key Features EasyAR Sense 4.0, motion tracking, AR Cloud Image Recognition AR visual search engine, Facial recognition API, Location-based AR technology
Platform Support iOS, Android, Windows, macOS Smartphone-based, Google Glass, VR platforms
Major Releases EasyAR Sense 4.0, EasyAR Mega AR-based OnePlus Nord product launch, Blippbuilder tool for no-code AR creation
Advantages Cross-platform support, easy integrations, accurate AR features Wide array of AR applications, pivoting to a SaaS model, free-to-use AR creation tool
Disadvantages Unfeasible pricing for some users, limited web support Past financial troubles, predilection towards more complex and purposeful projects, could be seen as ambitious for some users

What Is EasyAR and Who’s It For?

EasyAR is a China-based AR platform intended for application development and digital animations. Founded in 2012, it employs AR Cloud Image Recognition, target management and offers EasyAR Sense 4.0 with algorithm components for developers to build AR apps across platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. It’s designed for a wide range of users, from app developers to digital animation creators, with a pricing model set at $39/month and a free trial for newcomers.

Colorful image of digital artists working on AR animations in a creative hub

Pros of EasyAR

  • Offers cross-platform support
  • Simple integration process
  • Methodical and accurate AR features

Cons of EasyAR

  • Unfeasible pricing for some users
  • Lack of optimization features
  • Limited support for web-based applications

What Is Blippar and Who’s It For?

Blippar, recognized as UK’s first tech unicorn, is a multifaceted AR content creation and publishing powerhouse. Founded in 2011, it predominantly targets businesses looking to incorporate AR into their marketing strategies. Over the years, Blippar has focused on diversifying its platform, launching visual search engine and a location-based AR technology. They have prestigious partners like GSK, Porsche, and L’Oréal in their portfolio.

Colorful image of a creative team brainstorming for AR content at a state-of-the-art tech hub

Pros of Blippar

  • First of its kind AR content creation and publishing platform
  • Strong array of partnerships with premium brands
  • Diversified offerings across AR, VR, and AI

Cons of Blippar

  • Faced financial troubles in the past
  • Investments skewed more towards research and less towards profitability
  • Limited appeal for non-business users

EasyAR vs Blippar: Pricing

EasyAR presents a well-defined price tag, charging $39 per month, while Blippar’s pricing remains elusive in its shift to a SaaS approach.


This Chinese AR development platform is available at a rate of $39 per month, with an option for a free trial. However, critique points at its unfeasible pricing. Primarily aiming for developers, EasyAR ensures its API access integration is seamless, supporting a broad array of applications across iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.


UK’s AR pioneer, Blippar, steered its business model towards a SaaS platform for AR creation, though the document doesn’t mention specific pricing. This pivot implies an ongoing commitment to enhancing AR content and experiences, with future ambitions geared towards complexity and purpose. A standout feature is the free-to-use Blippbuilder, a user-friendly no-code AR creation tool.

The Final Evaluate: EasyAR or Blippar?

In the final stage of comparing EasyAR and Blippar, we dissect them based on audience segments. Let’s dive deeper.

Developers : Game Makers

EasyAR shines with its EasyAR SDK tool known for facilitating AR app development across several platforms. It’s friendly to the developer’s regimens with features like AR Configurator and AR Occlusion. However, it fumbles in pricing and optimization.

A developer deep in code with multiple screens displaying AR constructs

AR/VR Content Creators

Blippar’s robust AR creation tool, Blippbuilder, stands out- it’s free and requires no coding. With a poised shift to complex, purposeful projects, not just fun or whimsical ones, Blippar offers an innovative canvas for AR/VR content creators.

A content creator immersed in creating AR/VR content

Tech Enthusiasts

EasyAR with its avant-garde releases like EasyAR Sense 4.0 and EasyAR Mega provides a promising platform for enthusiasts to explore promising AR tech. Blippar, from the legacy of being UK’s first tech unicorn, furnishes a myriad of AR features, making it a must-try for tech buffs.

A tech enthusiast exploring AR/VR technologies through a cutting-edge wearable device

When choosing between EasyAR and Blippar, developers and tech enthusiasts might lean towards EasyAR for its robust SDK and innovative features, while content creators may find the free and no-coding-required Blippar more appealing. However, EasyAR’s pricing might deter some, and Blippar’s past financial troubles could cause hesitation.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.