For developers seeking robust, cross-platform AR capabilities, EasyAR emerges as the superior tool, despite its steeper pricing. Especially effective for city-scale AR solutions with its SenseMARS and EasyAR Mega offerings, it is recommended for those developing for larger spaces and commercial applications. Wikitude, while boasting strong image recognition features and compatibility with native AR frameworks, falls short in web support and large-scale AR.

EasyAR vs Wikitude comparison

Key Differences Between EasyAR and Wikitude

  • Establishment: EasyAR was founded in 2012 in China. Wikitude, established in 2008, is based in Austria.
  • SDK offerings: EasyAR’s SDK allows for AR apps on iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, while Wikitude favours smart eyewear device optimisation with Android, iOS, and Windows OS compatibility.
  • Spatial Awareness: EasyAR excels in larger, city-scale solutions with SenseMARS Reconstructions. Wikitude relies on GPS/Wi-fi, compass, and accelerometers for location-based AR, sparking debates about its AR qualification.
  • AR Experience: Wikitude offers cylinder tracking and simultaneous tracking of identical or different objects. EasyAR focuses on no-coding-needed, automatic dynamic lighting, and reflections for AR app development.
  • Pricing: EasyAR charges $39/month with a free trial. Wikitude’s pricing is undisclosed.
Comparison EasyAR Wikitude
Foundation Year 2012 2008
Country Origin China Austria
Pricing $39/month Varies with edition
AR Tech Type Augmented Reality Location-based AR, Image Recognition
Special Features AR Cloud Image Recognition, Avatar for Metaverse Geolocation, SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)
Multiple Object Tracking Yes Yes
Primary Use Development of AR Apps High-quality AR Experiences
Integration API access External Native AR Frameworks
SDK Support Yes (EasyAR SDK) Yes (Wikitude SDK)
Notable Pros Cross-platform support, no coding needed for AR app development Can be used standalone or with ARKit, ARCore
Notable Cons Limited web support, high cost Accuracy of GPS, compass, and motion sensor in debate
Awards/Recognition Best Developer Tool at Augmented World Expo, 2017

What Is EasyAR and Who’s It For?

EasyAR, born in 2012 in China, provides an array of AR services for application developers. It’s a potent tech platform for creating interactive digital animations. EasyAR, with features like AR Cloud Image Recognition and target management, is mainly intended for app developers. Noteworthy tools like EasyAR Sense 4.0 and EasyAR SDK, and platforms like SenseMARS, greatly aid in AR development and MR content generation.

Thanks to its perception and decision intelligence features, EasyAR also finds application among practitioners in retail, education, repair and maintenance, and medical industry. With the expanding AR software market, projected to hit USD 137.14 Billion by 2028, adopting EasyAR is a valuable investment.

Colorful depiction of an AR developer working on an application using EasyAR in a tech-intense office space

Pros of EasyAR

  • Cross-platform support
  • Easy integration with APIs
  • High accuracy AR features
  • No coding required for AR app development
  • City-scale AR cloud solution with user-friendly toolchains

Cons of EasyAR

  • Unfeasible pricing for some users
  • Optimization issues
  • Limited web support

What Is Wikitude and Who’s It For?

Emerging from Salzburg, Austria in 2008, Wikitude initially offered location-based AR experiences before introducing its SDK in 2012. Acquired by Qualcomm in Sep 2021, Wikitude is now renowned for its robust SDK that powers AR essentials like image recognition & tracking, 3D model rendering, video overlay, and more.

Wikitude is designed with AR enthusiasts focusing on image recognition and tracking plus geolocation. The versatile AR platform is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, and smart eyewear devices. For developers who wish to create high-performing AR solutions and engage with the augmentation of real-world objects, Wikitude is the ideal platform.

Colorful scene capturing an AR developer using Wikitude SDK for application development in a modern workspace

Pros of Wikitude

  • Expert-geared SDK with advanced AR features
  • High compatibility range across devices
  • Standalone functionality and synergies with ARKit, ARCore
  • Multi-object/image tracking in challenging environments
  • Consistent updates and feature addition

Cons of Wikitude

  • Location-based AR capabilities debated due to GPS, compass, motion sensor accuracy
  • High-end offerings may be too complex for beginner developers

EasyAR vs Wikitude: Pricing Overview

EasyAR offers a structured subscription model at $39/month while Wikitude’s pricing information is not stated explicitly.


Subscribing to EasyAR costs $39 per month, granting access to its entire suite of AR functionalities, algorithm components, and platform support, among other features. While the cost seems to dissuade some potential users (referred to as ‘unfeasible pricing’), the service does provide a free trial for introductory use.”


Wikitude’s pricing seems to be constantly changing. Check their website for more info.

EasyAR vs Wikitude: Definitive Verdict

As decisive forks in the AR/VR journey surface, the choice between EasyAR vs Wikitude boils down to specific user needs and niche applications. Let’s dissect this further.

Game Developers

For game developers, Wikitude excels with its advanced features like multiple trackers, cylinder tracking, and object visualization, making it conducive for complex, immersive gaming experiences. Its compatibility with Unity for high-performing AR solutions is another bonus.a game developer working hard, developing a 3D game using Wikitude's advanced features.

AR/VR Creators

EasyAR shines in AR/VR creation. Offering city-scale mapping, localization ability, and a user-friendly interface, it’s ideal for creating engaging AR content in large areas. Additionally, with capabilities like auto-spawning of objects and AR Occlusion, creators can explore innovative AR AR/VR creator using EasyAR to design a location-based AR experience.

Education Industry

In the education sector, where AR is revolutionizing learning, Wikitude, with its location-based AR, can stimulate interactive educational experiences. However, EasyAR’s accessible and intuitive nature makes it a prime choice for education-focused educator using AR platform to create interactive learning experiences.

Industrial Sphere

In the industrial operability realm, EasyAR serves as a function-rich AR platform. From perception and decision intelligence to AR-enabled content generation, it aligns well with industry-specific AR industrial worker using an AR application powered by EasyAR for maintenance work.

If you seek advanced features and game-centric functionalities, Wikitude is a powerhouse. However, for city-scale mapping and a user-friendly interface, EasyAR emerges as the versatile contender. Choose wisely based on your niche requirements.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.