When comparing EasyAR and Worldcast, EasyAR reigns for deep AR developers due to its robust and advanced features. However, for creators, artists, and businesses seeking a rapid and intuitive no-code AR solution, Worldcast shines for its ease and accessibility.

Comparing EasyAR and Worldcast

Key Differences Between EasyAR and Worldcast

  • Coding requirement: While EasyAR offers advanced AR tools for developers, Worldcast is a no-code platform.
  • Platform support: EasyAR boasts cross-platform support including iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. Worldcast is mostly limited to iOS and Android.
  • Pricing: EasyAR starts from $39/month whereas Worldcast operates under a straightforward $10/cast/month policy.
  • Usability: EasyAR provides comprehensive AR tools for extensive applications, unlike Worldcast which caters to quick and easy immersive/interactive experiences.
  • Integration: While EasyAR supports APIs, Worldcast integrates with Sketchfab and Canva for extended functionalities.
Comparison EasyAR WorldCAST
Content Creation Requires basic coding knowledge for AR app development No coding required
Application Development AR app development with EasyAR SDK AR web content creation with Spatial editor
Pricing $39/month with Free Trial $10/cast/month for business use with Zero sign up
3D Models Capability Generates high-precision 3D physical world models Can import 3D models via Sketchfab integration
AR Placement Object vertical, horizontal auto spawning and controls Marker-based, markerless, geospatial
Reality Blocking Offers a better Mixed Reality blocking Geospatial blocking via GeoCAST feature
File Compatibility Primarily platform-based AR app development Supports export of Images (.PNG, .JPG), Audio/Video (.MP3, .MP4), and 3D (.GLTF/GLB) files
Platform Compatibility iOS, Android, Windows, Mac iOS, Android and most smart device/desktop compatibility
Audience Analytics Not Indicated Offered by WorldCAST
Integrated Experiences Avatar, AR Measurement, AR Floor Tiling, AR Configurator Social Sharing, Brand Awareness, Training, Historical/Wine Tours, Scavenger Hunts
Integration Support API Access Canva integration, Sketchfab integration

What Is EasyAR and Who’s It For?

EasyAR, a sophisticated AR platform hailing from China (founded in 2012), paves the path for developing augmented reality applications and digital animations. It leverages AR Cloud Image Recognition and target management, providing AR content that’s persistent and readily accessible. Equipped with EasyAR Sense 4.0, it offers elements like algorithm components and motion tracking capabilities across different platforms. This promising tool, featuring an attractive $39/month price tag with a free trial, caters to developers and businesses engaged in retail, education, repair and maintenance, and the medical sector looking for AR integration.

SenseMARS, the software platform under EasyAR, provides functionalities such as perception intelligence, AI-enabled AR content generation and cloud engine support. Innovations like Avatar and SenseMARS Reconstruction bring forward avatar creation from photos and formation of high-precision 3D models of the physical world, respectively. The cherry on top is EasyAR SDK, a tool allowing developers to build cross-platform AR apps.

Colorful depiction of a developer immersed in AR development with EasyAR in an ultra-modern tech lab

Pros of EasyAR

  • Offers cross-platform support
  • Easy integration
  • Accurate AR features
  • Comprehensive functionalities like EasyAR Sense 4.0 and SenseMARS
  • User-friendly toolchains

Cons of EasyAR

  • Unfeasible pricing for some users
  • Lack of optimization
  • Limited web support

What Is WorldCAST and Who’s It For?

WorldCAST is a groundbreaking AR web platform that allows users to create immersive and interactive experiences without the need for coding. Providing a spatial editor feature, it’s an ideal choice for creators, artists, and businesses engaged in sectors like education, retail, tourism, and real estate. The platform effortlessly imports 3D models, animations, and 2D images, offering far-reaching applications from online retail and brand awareness to educational and training purposes.

The platform integrates with Sketchfab and Canva, offering access to a wealth of 3D models and design templates, respectively. Furthermore, with features including GeoCAST for location-based experiences and interactive print experience creation, WorldCAST is an intuitive choice for a wide array of applications. The ease of access (no sign up, no contract, and at just $10/cast/month for business use) further adds to its appeal.

Colorful illustration of a creative artist working on a location-based AR experience in a bustling city center

Pros of WorldCAST

  • Easy and user-friendly platform
  • Spatial editor feature for interactive experience creation
  • Wide application across numerous sectors
  • Allows import of various media types
  • No sign up required, no contract, affordable pricing

Cons of WorldCAST

  • Support for FBX/OBJ/DAE is still anticipated
  • Requires a stronger platform support
  • Analytics features may need improvement

EasyAR vs Worldcast: Pricing

While EasyAR has a monthly subscription of $39 with a free trial, Worldcast operates on a pay-per-use system charging $10 per cast every month.


With EasyAR, users are required to sign up for a monthly subscription at a rate of $39/month. This payment plan also includes the benefit of a free trial for first-time users wanting to explore the functionalities before committing fully to the service.


Worldcast employs a different pricing strategy, one that charges $10 per cast per month for business use. This barrier-free approach empowers businesses to only pay for what they use without entering into a contract or making regular monthly subscriptions.

The Verdict: EasyAR vs. Worldcast

The battle of EasyAR against Worldcast pivots on intricate, tech-focused pros and cons.

AR/VR Creators & Developers

For developers craving absolute control, precise customization, and a wider platform support, EasyAR emerges as the victor for its advanced AR features and cross-platform compatibility. Its sophisticated EasyAR SDK provides the muscle you need.

A focused developer engrossed in an array of screens displaying AR development code

Non-tech AR/VR Enthusiasts

For the tech-shy but imagination-rich, Worldcast shines through with its no-code-required setup and versatile spatial editor. A gateway into the AR/VR world without the baggage of coding, a welcomed relief, wouldn’t you agree?

AR enthusiast joyfully exploring an AR landscape created with WorldCAST, without touch of code

Businesses & Industries

Calling all businesses and industrial entities, the swing between EasyAR and Worldcast tilts on negotiation of advanced features and cost. Worldcast is effortlessly affordable; EasyAR, while costlier, boasts high-precision 3D models and city-scale AR capabilities.

Corporate executives discussing AR integration into their business model

If you’re a developer or a tech-focused entity, the comprehensive features of EasyAR and its robust SDK make it a promising choice. Non-technical entities and AR/VR enthusiasts, find your nirvana in Worldcast’s easy to use, no-code-required setup. Remember, technology is the ship; your vision is the navigator.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.