EdApp is a cloud-based mobile learning management system specializing in AR/VR domains, widely used for corporate retail training. With an AI Create tool and 80+ templates, course-building is efficient and engaging. It supports multimedia elements and is praised for its user-friendly interface and adaptability across various industries.

Exploring EdApp alternatives 2024

For those exploring alternatives to EdApp, choices encompass Google Classroom, Moodle, Thinkific, Canvas, Blackboard, Articulate 360, and Schoology.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom, a cloud-based learning management system, forms part of the Google Apps for Education suite. Notably, it serves academic institutions via accessible platforms including computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Google Classroom Top Features

  • Integration with Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides allows seamless assignment creation and submission.
  • A hybrid classroom experience is achieved through online classroom creation and materials sharing.
  • The platform includes student progress tracking via online assignments.
  • Offline access to files, a built-in calendar, and a to-do list are included features.
  • Scale up your learning experience with compatibility across mobile and smartphone platforms.
Rating 4.6+, based on reviews
Accessibility Available on iPhone, Android, laptops
Cost Free for schools with a G Suite for Education subscription

Google Classroom Disadvantages

  • Not a full-fledged LMS – lacks grading system and student activity tracking.
  • Inconsistent feature set across different versions causes confusion.
  • No native Google Calendar integration or automated quizzes available.
  • Uploading files/documents can occasionally form technical issues.

Google Classroom Pricing

Google Classroom is provided free to schools included in their G Suite for Education subscriptions.

Google Classroom Use Cases

Use case 1

With its intuitive interface, Google Classroom enables efficient communication between tutors and participants, making it an excellent choice for remote teaching.

Use case 2

For educational organizations with a G Suite for Education subscription, Google Classroom provides a cost-effective LMS solution with robust Google integration.

Use case 3

Given its platform compatibility, Google Classroom is suitable for institutions seeking to offer accessible learning experiences across multiple devices.



An all-in-one learning platform, Moodle fosters an environment of education for learners, educators, and administrators alike. With an impressive pedigree of clients such as Microsoft and the London School of Economics, Moodle’s flexible and robust system caters to over 213 million active users worldwide.

Moodle Top Features

  • Offers customizable, integrated learning environments which imitate personalized style of teaching and learning.
  • Seamless integration with collaborative tools like forums, wikis, chats, and blogs.
  • Backed by Moodle HQ’s team of experts, providing end-to-end support, setup, hosting, customizations, and training.
  • Multi-language support for over 120 languages, promoting inclusive and accessible learning worldwide.
  • Offering a learner-centric approach with rich features like drag-and-drop, gamification, badge customization, and built-in authoring tool.
Highly Adaptable Scalable and Secure
Adapts efficiently to any web server and offers cross-browser compatibility. Reviewed and upgraded continually, ensuring robust security and privacy measures for users.
Support for diverse platforms including Linux, Mac, and Windows. Integrations with API, BigBlueButton, Dropbox, G Suite, Google Calendar, Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook Calendar, Paypal, Zapier, and Zoom.

Moodle Downsides

  • Moodle’s complex user interface may demand a steep learning curve for some users.
  • Although Moodle is feature-rich, it might be overloaded for those requiring a simplified platform.
  • The reliance on community for support can sometimes yield slower problem resolution.

Moodle Pricing

Incredible value is presented by Moodle as an open-source software under the GNU General Public License, offering its robust features and capabilities with no licensing fees.

Moodle Use Cases

Use case 1: Educational Institutions

For educational institutions like the Open University and London School of Economics, Moodle offers an efficient platform for blended learning, syllabus distribution, assignment submissions, and facilitating discussion forums. With its rich feature set, Moodle is the tool of choice for their learning management requirements.

Use case 2: Large Corporations

Moodle has been successfully leveraged by large corporations like Microsoft and Shell for employee training and knowledge management. The scalability and security of Moodle make it a perfect fit for enterprises.

Use case 3: Non-profit Organizations

Moodle’s cost-efficiency makes it an attractive option for non-profit organizations. The platform allows for easy creation and delivery of courses, monitoring of learner progress, and engagement with a large volunteering community.



Introducing Thinkific Plus, a comprehensive learning management system (LMS) engineered to equip companies with flexibility and efficiency, free from the burden of legacy LMS issues.

Thinkific Top Features

  • Customizable Learning Experiences: Build engaging educational experiences across various platforms using a dynamic drag-and-drop builder, extensive course templates, and comfortable bulk content imports.
  • Blended Learning Support: Augment your course with multimedia lessons, webinars, and active communities.
  • Easy Student Management: An integrated payment portal and streamlined management system make student administration a breeze.
  • High Scalability: From mid-level businesses to large enterprises, Thinkific Plus is designed to scale with your needs.
  • Extensive Integration: Capability to blend with third-party marketing tools such as Google Analytics, PayPal, Shopify, Stripe, MailChimp, and CovertKit.
Feature Description
E-Commerce Tools Complete e-commerce tools and several third-party integration options for seamless payment transactions.
Customization & Support Open API for customization, multilingual support, and H5P support for interactive content all ensure your global reach.
Hosting & Security Cloud-based LMS with secure hosting, SSL certificate, and ideal for unlimited training courses with multiple instructors.

Thinkific Limitations

  • Limited flexibility in testimonial layouts for sales and landing pages.
  • Adapting traditional training styles for online platforms could be challenging.
  • Setup process may require significant technical and time resources.

Thinkific Pricing

Pricing plans for Thinkific range from $39 to $499 per month depending on the chosen plan, offering flexibility for different budget tiers.

Thinkific Use Cases

Use case 1: Employee Training

Thinkific’s multimedia and interactive approach makes it ideal for employee onboarding and ongoing training.

Use case 2: Customer Education

Offer your customer base valuable additional knowledge with Thinkific’s easy-to-create courses and educational resources.

Use case 3: Revenue Generation

Monetize your knowledge by creating and selling engaging online courses via Thinkific’s robust e-commerce tools.



Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of Canvas, a potent HTML element enabling on-the-fly creation of interactive graphics, chiefly via JavaScript.

Top Canvas Features

  • Creation of Paths, Boxes, Circles, and Text: Canvas paves the way for drawing myriad shapes like paths, boxes, circles and customized text.
  • Graphical Presentations & Animations: It powerfully aids in creating overtly visual data presentations, vivid animations, and engaging gaming applications.
  • RenderingContext: Canvas starts off as a blank slate, requiring RenderingContext for displaying any object.
  • Compatibility: It is fully supported by all latest versions of popular browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.
  • Canvas API: The HTML Canvas API forms the backbone for crafting ‘raster’ graphics and manipulating objects at pixel level, paving the path to choicest customization.
Path Features Drawing Styles
A multitude of path features like beginPath(), closePath(), moveTo(x,y) and more for intricate graphics creation. Styles like lineWidth, lineCap, lineJoin, and font used to enhance graphic quality.
Gradients Images
CanvasGradient objects to create stunning linear and radial gradients. CanvasImageSource to draw images directly and the drawImage method to copy image textures.

Canvas Limitations

  • IE8 Compatibility: Canvas isn’t natively supported in IE8, requiring an ExplorerCanvas script.
  • Script Dependence: Canvas, being a housing for graphics, depends on scripts for actual drawing.
  • Complexity: Due to its high level of customization, Canvas can appear complex for beginners.

Canvas Use Cases

Educational Gaming Applications

Canvas, with its interactive elements and animations, is tailor-made for developing engaging educational games.

Data Visualization

The ability to draw and manipulate graphics on pixel level makes Canvas an optimal tool for precise data visualization.

Web Design and Development

With the power to craft intricate paths, animate objects, and apply styles, Canvas is a phenomenal tool for web design and development professionals.


Founded in 1993, Blackboard Learn is a dynamic Learning Management System (LMS) software, offering course management, customizable architecture, and scalable design. It can be installed locally, hosted by Blackboard ASP Solutions, or used as a SaaS on Amazon Web Services.

Blackboard Top Features

  • Efficient course management
  • Customizable architecture and scalable design
  • Integrates seamlessly with student information systems and secure authentication protocols
  • Features an update called “Ultra” providing further enhancements
  • Offers products like Collaborate Ultra, Blackboard Ally, and a chat-bot support service
Feature Description
Course Management The platform provides comprehensive course management, allowing educators to easily develop online courses.
Customizable Architecture & Scalable Design Customizable to specific education and user needs, with a design that grows with institutional demands.
Integration Capabilities Seamless integration with various student information systems and authentication protocols.

Blackboard Limitations

  • Learning curve may be steep for some users, as the software can appear intricate and non-intuitive
  • Users have reported issues with browser compatibility and frequent software freezes
  • The platform has faced criticisms on its reliability, leading to institutions switching to other LMS offerings like Canvas

Blackboard Use Cases

Use case 1

For educational institutions seeking to blend traditional study methodology with online learning elements, Blackboard presents the perfect solution. It can aid in the seamless shift from traditional to online classes, enhancing accessibility and convenience.

Use case 2

Institutions seeking a scalable and customizable learning platform can use Blackboard‘s flexible architecture to progressively adapt their LMS to growing needs and specific requirements.

Use case 3

For schools and universities dealing with language barriers among a diverse student population, Blackboard has significant potential for growth in content translation and chatbot technology.

Articulate 360

Meet Articulate 360, a comprehensive workplace learning platform that stands as a gold standard in e-learning authoring tools. With a vast library of 9+ million stock assets, live and on-demand training, and a multitude of plans to suit different user types, it emerges as an excellent EdApp alternative.

Articulate 360 Top Features

  • Pre-built courses, lessons, and templates: Provides a head start in course creation aiding quick update and new feature release.
  • On-demand training: Offers online training both live and on-demand, making learning flexible and convenient.
  • Project Review Tab: Allows for seamless client feedback, enhancing the course quality at every step.
  • Responsive Course Design: The courses created can adapt to varying screen sizes, be it phone, tablet, or computer.
Features Description
Customer Support Recognized for unmatched online support community, offering constant assistance.
Adaptability Customizable assets, 7 million+ course assets that can be adapted to any screen and a variety of industries.

Articulate 360 Disadvantages

  • Some users wish for more voiceover options.
  • Delays in content and variable addition can lead to slow access.
  • Lack of a free version may discourage budget-conscious users.

Articulate 360 Pricing

Articulate 360 offers three distinct plans. The Personal Plan designed for freelancers costs $999 annually. For companies, the Team Plan is priced at $1299 annually. For academia, they offer specialized plans at $499 (Personal) and $649 (Team) annually. The subscriptions are only payable annually and are in USD.

Articulate 360 Use Cases

Use case 1: Freelancers

Articulate 360 is an asset for freelancers who wish to create bespoke e-learning courses. The Personal Plan is tailored to their needs, offering a vast library of assets and templates enhancing their creations.

Use case 2: Corporations

For corporations aiming for employee training, Articulate 360 emerges as an advantageous tool. It offers a Team Plan that facilitates collaborative work and eases training distribution to their LMS.

Use case 3: Educational Institutions

The Academic Plans make Articulate 360 a practical choice for educational institutions. They allow for the creation of engaging and adaptive courses that cater to a wide student base across multiple devices.



An integral offering from PowerSchool, Schoology is a cloud-based learning management alternative that excels in student interaction, curriculum design, and task/assessment creation. This solution caters to diverse learning strategies, aiding administrators in K-12 schools, higher education, and corporate environments.

Schoology Top Features

  • Curriculum management and course instruction with system-wide resource sharing
  • Dynamic content creation tools accompanying a rich text editor for crafting intriguing lessons
  • Integration with edtech tools for assignments via LTI, enhancing learning experience
  • Granular role creation and full-featured course assembler
  • Robust App Center that adds extra functionality and flexibility
  • Integrated grading and assessment tools that streamline evaluation processes
  • Convenient drag-and-drop feature for rearranging course content
Schoology AMP Interoperability
Management of assessments through the LMS made possible by Schoology AMP Interoperability with existing LMS easing the transition for users
Offline and Online Learning Device Compatibility
Allows students and faculty to collaborate offline and online increasing accessibility Web-based and native apps for iOS, Android, Kindle devices, broadening the platform’s reach

Schoology Downsides

  • Interface issues reported, including malfunctioning notifications, page navigation, and feature glitches
  • Learning curve required due to robust interface and features
  • Idiosyncrasies in the UI and undisclosed fees for premium features

Schoology Pricing

Schoology’s pricing is based on the user count, required features, and institution size. However, the specifics of these rates are undisclosed.

Schoology Use Cases

Use case 1: K-12 Schools

Schoology’s user-friendly interface and collaboration tools makes it an efficient tool for K-12 schools. The platforms allow administrators to manage hundreds to thousands of users, monitor student attendance, and track academic progress.

Use case 2: Higher Education

With features like content creation and third-party integrations, Schoology enhances learning in higher education. It helps educators design curriculum, manage courses and leverage resources from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive.

Use case 3: Corporate Environments

Schoology’s robust features and extensive interoperability make it a viable LMS choice for corporate training. The platform’s seamless LTI integration enables businesses to embed edtech tools into assignment criteria enhancing the corporate learning experience.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.