For sophisticated vector graphics and advanced illustrators, Adobe Illustrator‘s precise tools and integration with Creative Cloud offer unmatched power. However, if real-time collaboration, OS compatibility, and modern UI/UX design are essential, Figma should be your definitive choice.

Figma vs Illustrator comparison

Key Differences Between Figma and Adobe Illustrator

  • Environment: Figma is a browser-based tool, while Illustrator is a standalone software.
  • Collaboration: Figma supports real-time collaboration, while Illustrator does not offer real-time updates.
  • Pricing: Figma offers free and tiered pricing, while Illustrator charges a monthly fee.
  • Emphasis: Figma shines in UI/UX design, while Illustrator excels at creating complex vector graphics.
  • Integration: Figma offers APIs for integration, while Illustrator syncs with the Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Compatibility: Figma operates on any OS via a browser, while Illustrator is available on MacOS and Windows.
  • Learning Curve: Figma is more beginner-friendly, while Illustrator has a steeper learning curve.
Comparison Figma Adobe Illustrator
Primary Features UI/UX design, real-time collaboration,joint editing Vector graphics, animation software, mobile graphics, object editing
Offline Capabilities Available via desktop applications Dependent on subscription
Collaboration Emphasis on real-time collaborations, Google docs-like collaboration Track versions, collaboration on files
Mobile Apps Available for Android and iOS Available, compatible with Apple Pencil
Operating System Compatible with any OS that supports a web browser Accessible from desktop or iPad
Integration Slack, other third-party tools, APIs for integration with any browser-based apps Seamlessly works across Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Fresco, Adobe Creative Cloud integration
Business Model Concerns Adobe acquisition raised potential integrational issues and business model concerns None, seen as industry standard
Learning Curve Figma perceived as more user-friendly, enables teamwork High learning curve, seen as complex for beginners
Version Management Versioning system both automatic and on-demand Tracks versions
Pricing Free, Professional, Organization, Enterprise pricing plans US$19.99/month for individuals, US$29.99/month for businesses, Free trial for 7-days
Alternatives Competes with Adobe Creative Cloud Inkscape, GIMP, Pixlr, DesignEvo, Vectornator

What Is Figma and Who’s It For?

Figma is a user-friendly interface design application, founded in 2012. Engineered for real-time collaboration, it allows designers to create and share projects seamlessly. Application use ranges from mobile apps on Android and iOS to browser-based tools. Figma serves anyone seeking an efficient, cooperative, digital design environment.

A hallmark of Figma is its commitment to creativity and simplicity. With an ambition to make design-work accessible to everyone, it features Google Docs-like collaboration and third-party integration. Whether a seasoned designer or an amateur, Figma’s robust versatility has something to offer.

Colorful collaboration at the Figma workspace

Pros of Figma

  • Real-time collaboration feature
  • Compatibility across operating systems
  • Versioning system
  • Team Libraries for design systems
  • Integration with third-party tools
  • Varying pricing plans to suit needs

Cons of Figma

  • Acquisition by Adobe sparked concerns about integration issues
  • Perceived overpriced worth

What Is Adobe Illustrator and Who’s It For?

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics and animation software, perfect for graphic designers wanting to explore flexible designing options. Be it mobile graphics, custom letterforms, unique fonts, or special effects, Adobe Illustrator provides a robust toolset. The software interacts seamlessly with Adobe’s ecosystem enabling smooth transitions and operations.

Illustrator is a graphics giant serving spectrum-wide users. Professionals, semi-pro, and web designers alike find the software valuable. Tutorials are available, although a high learning curve marks the initial stages, it provides a rewarding experience for advanced users.

Colorful creativity fostered at a designer's Adobe Illustrator workstation

Pros of Adobe Illustrator

  • Sophisticated design capabilities
  • Wide library of fonts
  • Cloud synchronization
  • Adobe Creative Cloud integration
  • Monthly pricing options

Cons of Adobe Illustrator

  • High resource consumption
  • No free version
  • Complex for beginners, steep learning curve
  • Alternative open-source options may offer better customization potential

Decision Point: Figma Vs. Illustrator

Let’s now distill who should opt for which tool based on key audience criteria:

Collaborative Design Teams

A hands-down victory for Figma. Its real-time collaboration and integrations with Slack make it a dream for teams, making design more transparent and cohesive. Figma’s browser-based characteristic achieves a Google Docs-like interaction, eliminating room for misinterpretations.

A team of developers brainstorming and working on a project collaboratively using Figma

Independent Graphic Designers

For solo journeys, Illustrator wins. An industry standard for graphic design, it provides an unbeatable toolset for sophisticated designs with its extensive type toolkit, brilliant colors, and gradients, notwithstanding the Adobe Creative Cloud integration.

A professional independent graphic designer focused on crafting a design using Adobe Illustrator

Developers in need of Extensive API Integration

It’s Figma again. With its compatibility with any browser-based app and developer API, Figma takes it to another level. Uber’s live design file displays and Atlassian’s JIRA software are testaments to its prowess.

A software developer working on integrating Figma with a browser-based application

The simple verdict? If collaboration and extensive API integration are crucial, Figma is your choice. Independent graphic designers favor Illustrator for its rich features and industry-standard status. Choose wisely.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.