For those prioritizing platform support and ease of use, Clickteam Fusion is a clear winner. However, if you value open-source, flexibility, and cross-platform capabilities, go for GDevelop. Both engines serve different needs and target different developer skill levels.

Detailed comparison: GDevelop vs Clickteam Fusion

Key Differences Between GDevelop and Clickteam Fusion

  • Interface: GDevelop offers a more complex, customizable experience, while Clickteam Fusion is designed for quick and simple operation.
  • Core Philosophy: GDevelop emphasizes code-free game development, Clickteam Fusion promotes easy game/software creation.
  • Target Audience: GDevelop caters to non-programmers to experienced coders; Clickteam Fusion appeals to anyone wanting easy operation.
  • Platform Support: GDevelop supports PC, web, and mobile platforms, whereas Clickteam Fusion includes additional platform support like Flash, XNA.
Comparison GDevelop Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Publishing Platforms PC, Web, Mobile Windows, iOS, Android, Flash, XNA
Additional Functionalities 3D graphics, animations, sound design, scripting Box2d physics engine, hardware acceleration
Education Use Used in games education, from schools to university courses Klik & Play, educational version available as freeware for schools
Development Accessibility Open-source, contributions possible DLCs for extended features

What Is GDevelop and Who’s It For?

GDevelop is an open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for the creation of PC, mobile, and HTML5 games. Developed by Google software engineer Florian Rival, GDevelop offers core libraries, game engines, IDE, and extensive extensions. It’s crafted for a wide range of users, from non-programmers to seasoned coders, offering an event-based visual programming interface that enables everyone to participate in game development.

Whether you’re a student desiring to gain insight into game design tools and techniques, or an advanced user aiming to exploit robust features such as 3D graphics and animation, GDevelop provides an open, code-free platform suited for your needs. Projects related to GDevelop can be found on its GitHub page for your further exploration.

Colorful scene of developers gathering at a tech convention

Pros of GDevelop

  • Open-source, versatile, and designed for a range of skill levels
  • Features include scripting, animation, sound design, and visual effects
  • Supports a variety of operating systems including Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Ability to modify almost anything in the program

Cons of GDevelop

  • Advanced users may face slower development, less stability
  • Lacks the ability to create complex 3D games

What Is Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and Who’s It For?

Clickteam Fusion 2.5, a creation of co-founders Francis Poulain, François Lionet, and Yves Lamoureux, is a game/software creation tool designed for quick and easy operation. With this tool, users without knowledge in complex programming languages can bring their gaming, and application visions to life. Renowned for powering the ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ series, Clickteam Fusion 2.5 supports various target platforms, including Windows, iOS, Android, Flash, and XNA.

If you’re seeking a tool offering a gamut of functionalities and the ability to publish across multiple platforms, Clickteam Fusion 2.5 fits the bill. For enthusiasts of games built with Clickteam tools, the company’s connection with Humble Bundle in 2016 made the Fusion 2.5 bundle available for your game design exploration.

Colorful snapshot of a game developer working at an animated workstation using Clickteam Fusion 2.5

Pros of Clickteam Fusion 2.5

  • Quick, easy operation without needing knowledge in complex programming languages
  • Supports a diverse array of target platforms
  • Full integration of Box2d physics engine
  • Allows for hardware acceleration

Cons of Clickteam Fusion 2.5

  • Not compatible with macOS 10.15 and later versions
  • Lacks advanced coding functionalities for complex game designs

Code Examples for GDevelop & Clickteam Fusion

GDevelop: Projectile Movement

This snippet of GDevelop code demonstrates how to introduce projectile movement in a game using physics engine. Note this engine needs to be enabled in the project settings for the game.

// Create your player object
const player = runtimeScene.createObject("Player");

// Assigning the bullet sprite
const bulletSprite = runtimeScene.createObject("Bullet");

bulletSprite.hide(); // hide initially

// Designing the bullet trigger
runtimeScene.on("begin", function() {
    bulletSprite.on("begin", function() {

        // Getting the player position
        let playerX = player.getX();
        let playerY = player.getY();
        // Bullet movement
        bulletSprite.direction = player.angle;
        // Setting bullet position to player
       ; // reveal the bullet

Clickteam Fusion: Random Object Generation

The following Clickteam Fusion code snippet outlines how to procedurally generate game objects at random locations. Keep in mind that ‘Active’ refers to the objects that can possess events.

// On start of the frame
On Start Of Frame
    // Loop 20 times to create 20 objects
    Loop "CreateObject" from 1 to 20
        // Generate a random position for the object
        Set RandomPos to (Random(400), Random(300));

    // Create an Active Object in the random position
    Create Object "Active", RandomPos;
End loop

// Check for collisions with objects
    // If collision happened
    If ("Active" collides with another "Active")
         // Destroy the object
        Destroy "Active";

Putting The Pieces Together: GDevelop or Clickteam Fusion?

Both GDevelop and Clickteam Fusion are revolutionizing game development. But, which should you choose?

Coders Just Getting Started

If you’re a novice game creator dipping your toes in the giant pool of programming, GDevelop might be your perfect companion. It is built specifically with non-programmers in mind. The event-based visual programming paves a smooth path for you to transition from rookie to pro. Moreover, it’s free and has a robust community for support and interaction.

A fresh-faced coder in front of a computer, pondering over the intricacies of game design.

Seasoned Game Developers

For the experienced coders habituated to the thrills of game development, Clickteam Fusion can provide a more thrilling ride. With its efficient game engine integration, multi-platform support, and additional modules, you can take your game concepts to dizzying heights. However, be ready for a steep learning curve and compatibility issues with the latest MacOS versions.

An experienced game developer with crow's feet and coffee-stained teeth, clocking coding hours late into the night.

Educational Institutions Teaching Game Design

Schools and universities teaching game design might lean towards GDevelop. It’s not just about the fact that it’s easier for students to grasp but also their possibility to contribute to GDevelop’s development. Meanwhile, Clickteam Fusion does have a freeware educational version but it might be harder for your students to get a grip on.

An animated classroom with students engrossed in a lively discussion on game development.

In the gaming software generation face-off between GDevelop and Clickteam Fusion, it narrows down to personal chops and target goals. GDevelop takes the cake for novices and educational scenarios with its user-friendly approach and extensive support. Clickteam Fusion, on the other hand, is a potent option for seasoned developers eyeing advanced game development.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.