For game development neophytes seeking an avenue to learn tools and techniques, GDevelop emerges as a superior choice, thanks to its user-friendly, event-based system and wide-ranging extension options. Conversely, experienced developers may find the layered features and rich resource support of Phaser suitably geared to facilitate complex game creation.

Detailed comparison: GDevelop vs Phaser

Key Differences Between GDevelop and Phaser

  • Coding knowledge: GDevelop is designed to be used from non-programmers to experienced coders, whereas Phaser is based on JavaScript and TypeScript, requiring substantial coding skills.
  • Game publishing: Both platforms allow games to be published on multiple platforms including web, PC, and mobile. However, GDevelop also includes Facebook Gaming and Steam.
  • Community support: Phaser has a robust community support with 1800+ game examples, while GDevelop encourages developers to contribute to the software’s development.
  • 3D graphics: GDevelop offers advanced features for creating 3D graphics and animations, a feature not highlighted in Phaser’s capacities.
Comparison GDevelop Phaser
Open Source Yes Yes
Developed By Google software engineer Florian Rival Richard Davey
Focus Intuitive game development from non-coders to experienced coders 2D game framework, HTML5 games for desktop, mobile
Operating System Compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux; operates in-web browser Compatible with any browser supporting canvas element
Programming Language Uses Objects, Event-based Programming Based in JavaScript, TypeScript
Compatible platforms PC, Web, Mobile platforms iOS, Android, native desktop apps via tools like Apache Cordova, PhoneGap
Advanced Graphics and Animation Yes Custom WebGL renderer in Phaser 3 & 4
Features Scripting, Animation, Visual Effects, Sound Design Multiple physics systems, Web & HTML5 audio for sound playback
Ease of Use Event-based visual programming Game development made easy with 1800+ examples, active community support

What Is GDevelop and Who’s It For?

GDevelop, an open-source, cross-platform game engine, caters to both non-programmers and experienced coders, allowing them to create games for PC, mobile, and HTML5 platforms. With a core library, game engines, IDE, and handy extensions, this robust engine developed by Florian Rival captivates with its tech prowess. It’s widely used in game education and serious game creation, thanks to its appealing features like animation, visual effects, and sound design.

Simplified game creation using intuitive objects, coding pieces, and event-based systems, GDevelop acts as a launchpad for students to explore game design tools, techniques, and terminology. It’s primarily designed to create games without code, ensuring ease of usage.

Colorful illustration of a programmer working on GDevelop in a tech-oriented workspace

Pros of GDevelop

  • Free software with cross-platform compatibility
  • Non-coders can create games
  • Potent features like animation, sound design, and effects
  • Perfect platform for learning game design

Cons of GDevelop

  • Advanced users may experience slower development, less stability
  • Requires time investment to understand and command various features

What Is Phaser and Who’s It For?

Introducing Phaser, a 2D game framework aimed to create HTML5 games for both desktop and mobile platforms. Concocted by Richard Davey, Phaser’s initial release in 2013 revolutionized the gaming world. Known for its swift rendering due to Canvas and WebGL renderer, Phaser vacillates between the two based on browser support. It’s compatible with browsers supporting the canvas element, fortifying its user-friendly stature.

Phaser fosters development with its trove of versions and comprehensive support. It’s widely regarded as the perfect introduction for game development with its robust and comprehensively-supported learning resources. Approachable for es6+webpack, CDN, TypeScript, Phaser accommodates Android games and Facebook Instant games offering scalability.

Colorful image of a developer creating a game using Phaser in a digital lab

Pros of Phaser

  • Potent rendering with Canvas, WebGL
  • Aids in easy game development with ample examples, support
  • Offers flexibility with usage
  • Supports rapid game prototyping

Cons of Phaser

  • Requires JavaScript understanding
  • Dependent on browser support for some features

Certainly, here is a custom, yet simple gameplay snippet for GDevelop and another snippet for creating a small interactive game scenario for Phaser. Remember, this is designed for individuals with an understanding of basics in both platforms. “`html

Code Examples for GDevelop & Phaser


Create a vibrant game scene where a spaceship tries to avoid asteroids. Requirements: GDevelop 5 IDE, basic understanding of GDevelop project structure.

//Sprites: Spaceship and Asteroid
//Create a new group as asteroids on stage

//Event: If the spaceship collides with an asteroid, end the game
runtimeScene.getOnceTriggers().push(this.getConditions().push(new gdjs.Condition({
    type: "Collision",
    targets: ["spaceship", "asteroids"],
    callback: function() {


Create an interactive sequence where a player sprite responds to keyboard input. Requirements: Phaser.js library, a working understanding of the Phaser World.

//Shorthand Phaser
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
var player;

function preload() {
    game.load.spritesheet('player', 'assets/player.png', 32, 48);

function create() {
    player = game.add.sprite(32, - 150, 'player');

function update() {
    //Player movement on right key press
    if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT)) {
        player.x += 5;

    //Player movement on left key press
    if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT)) {
        player.x -= 5;

“` Make sure to substitute ‘assets/player.png’ in the Phaser snippet with your actual sprite path. The logic used in both snippets adheres to javascript principles, bringing in their vast ecosystem and toolset.

Picking the Right Path: GDevelop vs Phaser

In the deciding battle between GDevelop and Phaser, the scales tip respective to technical proficiency, platform preferences and game complexity. Let’s cut through the fog and clinch the ideal game engine for you.

Novice Game Builders

If you’re a rookie stepping into the canvas of game-making, GDevelop is your tool. Its intuitive, visual programming design keeps the underline coding complexity at bay. Here’s why:

  • Game logic based on a robust, event system
  • Designed for non-programmers
  • Features include physics-based movement, pathfinding functionality

Newbie game builder scratching head while grasping game coding logic

Career Coder in Gaming

If you are a programmer with an aspiration to build intricate game universes, I categorically vouch for Phaser. Boasting a flexible structure, it’s built to cater to the likes and skills of a seasoned developer. Its remarkable features include:

  1. Multiple physics systems for a realistic gameplay
  2. Fully customizable WebGL renderer
  3. Multiple versions for different skill levels

Confident professional coder creating game architecture

Educators in Gaming

From a pedagogical perspective, GDevelop comes out on top, thanks to its focus on teaching game design techniques. Students gain hands-on experience with fundamental concepts like coordinate planes, project planning, and publishing to platforms like Android, iOS, and Steam.

Educator explaining game design techniques to students

Web Game Aficionados

If you’re intending to create captivating web games, I advocate for Phaser. Es6, Webpack, TypeScript support make Phaser the ideal tool for creating fast, responsive HTML5 games for both desktop and mobile.

Web game enthusiast building engaging games for browsers

Google Snippet: If you’re venturing into game design, GDevelop’s intuitive, learner-friendly environment is your safe bet. For adept coders seeking deeper command and complex game creation, Phaser provides comprehensive resources and a customizable framework.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.