For developers seeking straightforward 2D game development, Construct 3’s event sheet mechanics and non-coding language support prove advantageous. However, for those venturing into complex 3D gaming or desiring open-source, rich customization, Godot’s comprehensive engine capabilities and expansive language support hold the upper hand.

Comparing Godot and Construct 3

Key Differences Between Godot and Construct 3

  • While Godot is an open-source game engine with extensive language support, Construct 3 is an HTML5-based 2D video game engine with an easier learning curve
  • Construct 3 excels in non-coding language operations with event sheets, Godot offers a flexible scripting language – GDScript and other language bindings
  • Where Godot supports both 2D and 3D game development, Construct 3 focuses predominantly on 2D game creation
  • While Godot is free under MIT license with no hidden fees, Construct 3 offers a free version with additional benefits in the paid plan
Comparison Godot Engine Construct 3
Structural Design Scene-driven with nodes for complex, reusable scenes Event sheet-driven with logic-based actions
Scripting Languages GDScript, C++, C#, community support for Rust, Nim, Haskell, Clojure, Swift & D JavaScript, event sheets
Multimedia Support 2D, 3D support; Blender files import; Audio Bus/Layout system 2D support; in-built pixel editor;
License & Cost Free under MIT license; No licensing fees Free version available; Paid subscription from $99/year
Target Users Ideal for both beginners & experienced game developers; Wide choice globally Favored among indie developers, educators, students; Used in schools
Operability & Compatibility Windows, macOS, Linux, Android phones & tablets Any browser, offline use supported; Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS
Data Privacy Compliance No specification COPPA, CCPA, and GDPR compliant
Built-in Tools Visual editor, scripting, profilers and debugging tools Built-in pixel editor, JavaScript integration, teachers’ resources

What Is Godot and Who’s It For?

Godot is a sophisticated, open-source game engine built for developers seeking an intuitive and efficient framework for game creation. It’s fitted with unique features including a scene-driven design, its own scripting language GDScript, and engine integration for streamlined game logic. Godot’s architecture allows game creation from simple blocks (nodes) and fosters the development of complex, reusable scenes. With a particular focus on both 2D and 3D gaming, it also allows a smooth import of Blender files and is even viable on low-end devices. Godot, under the MIT license, is free to use with no hidden charges. It speaks to both beginners and experienced game developers aiming to unleash their creativity on multiple platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Colorful scene depicting a game developer, immersed in his computer, working in a modern tech workspace

Pros of Godot

  • Open-source and free, with no hidden fees
  • Offers intuitive, scene-driven design
  • Highly flexible and customizable
  • Supports a multitude of programming languages
  • Streamlined engine integration for efficient game logic

Cons of Godot

  • .NET only available for desktop platforms in Godot 4
  • Not ideal for complex 3D game development

What Is Construct 3 and Who’s It For?

Construct 3 is an innovative, HTML5-based 2D video game engine crafted by Scirra Ltd. It primarily caters to both beginners and professional developers. Its uniqueness lies in its “event sheet” system that enables fast development of games via logic-based triggers and actions. Accessible on any device, it provides offline support and features an in-built pixel editor for game graphics. Construct 3 is a stepping stone for non-coders, significantly minimizing the time spent on game development. Despite these robust features, it struggles with large-sized games and is purely 2D focused. However, it’s highly favored among indie developers and educators, employed in over 400 schools across 48 states in the US.

Colorful illustration of a lively classroom, where students are learning game development using Construct 3 on their computers

Pros of Construct 3

  • Simple and fast game development through event sheets
  • Optimized for non-coders
  • Supports offline use and cross-platform accessibility
  • Compliant with data privacy regulations – COPPA, CCPA, GDPR

Cons of Construct 3

  • Limited support for creating large-sized games
  • Strictly 2D, lacks 3D game development capabilities
  • No native exporters

Godot vs Construct 3: Pricing

The Godot Engine offers free open-source usage, while Construct 3 proposes free and annual subscription-based plans.


As an open-source game engine, Godot operates under the MIT license. The entirety of its functionalities, from engine integration and platform support to scripting languages and workflows is accessible for free, having no licensing fees or hidden costs.

Construct 3

Construct 3 offers a free license version with basic functionalities. It also provides a personal plan subscription costing $99 per year, which unlocks enhanced features and capabilities for users. The licensing model allows users to choose according to their developmental needs and financial feasibility.

Code Examples for Godot & Construct 3


Here’s a fun example of a simple Godot code snippet for creating a dynamic character that can bounce, designed for beginner to intermediate levels. The prerequisites for this code are the Godot Engine and a familiarity with Godot’s GDScript language.

# Node setup: Node > Sprite > CollisionShape2D
extends KinematicBody2D

# Variables
var speed = 200
var jump = -300

# Physics process
func _physics_process(delta):
    var move = Vector2(0, 1) * speed * delta
    if Input.is_action_pressed('ui_left'):
        move.x -= speed
    elif Input.is_action_pressed('ui_right'):
        move.x += speed
    if is_on_floor() and Input.is_action_pressed('ui_up'):
        move.y += jump
    move_and_slide(move, Vector2(0, -1))

Construct 3

The following Construct 3 code snippet demonstrates an exciting functionalities like object cloning and controlling movements. Ensure you import relevant plugins before attempting to run the code snippet.

// Pick a clone; if none exist, create one.
Sprite Construct3.PickOrCreateClone("Sprite");

// Record the clone's initial position.
var initialX = Sprite.X;
var initialY = Sprite.Y;

// Detect key press for left, move sprite left.
Construct3.On("keydown", function(e) {
  if(e.key === 'ArrowLeft') {
    Sprite.SetX(initialX - 10);

// Detect key press for right, move sprite right.
Construct3.On("keydown", function(e) {
  if (e.key === 'ArrowRight') {
    Sprite.SetX(initialX + 10);

Remember to replace ‘Sprite’ with the actual name of your object in Construct 3.

Picking your Game Engine: Godot or Construct 3?

After dissecting these two prominent technologies, it’s time to reach the verdict. Here’s our breakdown for different audience segments.

The Indie Developers

If you’re a fervent indie developer who craves flexibility and full control, Godot truly shines. Godot’s open-source nature, ability to import Blender files, and the flexible nodes system, makes it an optimal choice for you. On the other hand, Construct 3’s ease in creating logic-based actions could seem limiting to your creative vision.

An indie game developer working intensively with Godot on their computer at a dimly-lit desk

The Educators and Student Game Makers

For educators and students, Construct 3 emerges as the clear winner. Its visual programming, simplicity, strong web support, and compliance with COPPA, CCPA, & GDPR, makes it an ace learning tool in computer science curriculums worldwide.

The 3D game Enthusiasts

3D game enthusiasts, Construct 3’s stark 2D focus could prove too restrictive. However, the Godot engine exhibits an impressive 3D capability, complying equally with low and high-end devices, thereby trumping Construct 3 in this segment.

A 3D game enthusiast meticulously crafting a detailed 3D model in Godot

With Godot’s comprehensive customization and strong 3D support, it operators a clear winner for developers seeking monstrous control and complex game constructs. However, Construct 3’s simplicity and seamless HTML5 support make it an ideal choice for educators and beginners. Both have their unique strongholds and can catalyze brilliant creations when employed aptly.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.