For beginners and those working on 2D projects, Pygame with its easier learning curve and focus on Python modules is ideal. However, for more complex applications requiring 3D capabilities, Godot eases the development process with intuitive scene-driven design and robust customization.

Godot and Pygame compared

Key Differences Between Godot and Pygame

  • Coding: Godot uses a built-in scripting language GDscript with a nodal scene system. Python, C#, and other language bindings support comes via community or official channels, like C++ in 4.0.
  • Design: Godot relies on scenes and nodes for game creation, while Pygame uses a set of Python modules.
  • Device Support: Godot provides extensive multi-platform support, including Android and desktop platforms. Pygame excels in portability, running on nearly every OS and handheld devices.
  • Community & Support: Both offer community-driven dev and regular updates. Godot’s open-source, modifiable codebase is its strength, while Pygame shines in accessibility for beginners.
Comparison Godot Pygame
License MIT License GNU Lesser General Public License
Language Support GDScript, C++, C#, community support for various languages Python, C, Cython, Assembly
Scripting Language GDScript Python
Platform Support Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, Web Multiple platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, AmigaOS, Dreamcast, Atari, OS/2 etc.
Game Creation Node-based, scene-driven design Direct coding, uses Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)
Audio Features Includes audio bus/layout system with real-time effects Provides sound support, vibration on Android
Codebase Access Open-source, modifiable Open source
Engine Integration Tight integration for streamlined game logic SDL used for simplified real-time game development
Mobile Support Supports Android phones, tablets Supports Android devices
Community Wide global userbase with community supporting languages like Rust, Nim, Python etc. Community driven, offers tutorials for new users

What Is Godot and Who’s It For?

Godot is an open-source game engine that stands apart with its intuitive scene-driven design. It allows developers to create games and applications from simple nodes arranged into complex, reusable scenes. With its proprietary GDScript and comprehensive integration options, Godot supports desktop and mobile platforms. Free under MIT license, it is a choice of many developers globally as it operationalizes flexibility, customization and is built for team collaboration. The engine is suitable for both beginners and experienced game developers.

This game-creation champion might not be the best fit for complex 3D game development, but it certainly excels in offering a specialized 2D workflow. With its visual editing capabilities and support for many languages, Godot continues to improve with regular updates.

Colorful image of a game developer in a modern workspace, working on a complex game scene using Godot

Pros of Godot

  • Open-source, free and no hidden costs.
  • Intuitive and flexible scene-driven design.
  • Multitude language support, including GDScript, C++, C#, Rust, and Python.
  • Supports both high and low-end devices.

Cons of Godot

  • Not suitable for complex 3D game development.
  • .NET only available for desktop platforms in Godot 4.

What Is Pygame and Who’s It For?

Pygame is a creative arsenal of Python modules designed for video games. Born on October 28, 2000, today’s Pygame stands as an epitome of cross-platform accessibility. The modules utilize the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library, making game development simple and real-time. From vector math to 2D sprite scene management, its capabilities cater to various niches. Pygame offers a user-friendly learning curve, perfect for young coders, college students, and first-time programmers.

This lightweight tool is astonishingly versatile too, offering portability across varied operating systems and control over game speed. Pygame, hailed for its community-driven development, is commonly used for creating open-source, freeware, shareware, and even commercial games.

Colorful illustration of a young programmer designing a game with Pygame modules, set in a comfortable and cozy bedroom

Pros of Pygame

  • Highly user-friendly, perfect for beginners.
  • Cross-platform compatibility.
  • Community-driven development approach.
  • Generates faster code than python and Assembly Language.

Cons of Pygame

  • Less suited for creating highly complex games.

Godot vs Pygame: Pricing

Both Godot and Pygame stand as open-source game development tools, offering their vast capabilities free of charge.


An open-source game engine, Godot is available absolutely free under an MIT license. No licensing fees or hidden costs are associated with using it. This makes it an economical choice for both beginners and experienced game developers alike. The modifiable codebase, with no contractual binds, allows developers to create user-owned games.


Similar to Godot, Pygame is also a free tool, operated under the GNU Lesser General Public License. It’s a set of Python modules specifically designed for creating video games. The licensing allows developers to create a range of games, from open-source to commercial ones, without any financial hurdle or hidden cost.

Code Examples for Godot & Pygame


In this Godot example, we design a basic 2D node movement setup. You’ll need to create a 2D Scene with a KinematicBody2D node added to it, using Godot 3.x or higher.

        extends KinematicBody2D

    var speed = 200
    var motion = Vector2()

    func _process(delta):
        motion = Vector2()

        if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
            motion.x += 1
        if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
            motion.x -= 1
        if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"):
            motion.y += 1
        if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
            motion.y -= 1

        motion = move_and_slide(motion.normalized() * speed)


This Pygame snippert demonstrates how to animate a simple sprite using Pygame library. Make sure you have Pygame installed in your system and a sprite.png in your working directory.

        import pygame, sys
    from pygame.locals import *

    fps = pygame.time.Clock()

    WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
    WIDTH = 600
    HEIGHT = 400
    BALL_SIZE = 20

    ball_x = WIDTH // 2
    ball_y = HEIGHT // 2

    ball = pygame.image.load("sprite.png")

    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:

        window = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))

        window.blit(ball, (ball_x, ball_y))
        ball_x += 1
        if ball_x == WIDTH:
            ball_x = 0


Decisive Winner: Godot or Pygame?

In this game dev tech duel, we pitch Godot against Pygame. But which reigns supreme?

Newbie Game Developers

Godot wins, hands down. Its innovative node system simplifies designs, permitting creative freedom from simple building blocks. With Godot’s intuitive, scene-driven architecture and inbuilt scripting language GDScript, rookies can easily navigate the game development landscape. However, Pygame’s simpler syntax and learning curve could make it appealing for absolute beginners.

Young developer exploring Godot game engine on their computer

Experienced Game Makers

Contemporary game makers should gravitate towards Godot. It’s fortified with comprehensive 3D support, a range of language bindings, and optional static typing in GDScript. This combination enables efficient creation of feature-rich games. Pygame’s lesser 2.5D capabilities limit its appeal for this segment.

Experienced game developer engrossed in building game using Godot

AR/VR Content Creators

Godot, with its multifaceted 3D support, poses a stronger offer for AR/VR content creators. However, its suitability for complex 3D game creation is debatable, potentially leaving room for Pygame to shine in smaller-scale AR/VR projects.

AR/VR content creator maneuvering through the Godot's 3D engine

Python Enthusiasts

For the Python cohort, Pygame is the obvious, but not the only choice. You get to create games using familiar syntax, plus it’s boosted on Android through Pygame Subset for Android (pgs4a). In contrast, Godot offers Python binding via the community, providing an alternative for Pythonistas to script their game logic.

Python enthusiast coding with Pygame on their computer

Open Source Advocates

Both solutions radiate appeal. However, the MIT-licensed Godot pips Pygame with its versatility and expandability. The open source engine’s modular design using nodes lets you delve into the almost Atomic level, offering an exhilarating experience to code gurus who admire source-free tinkering.

Open source advocate modifying Godot's source code

Ultimately, choose Godot for a powerful, flexible engine with global developer adoption. Conversely, lean on Pygame for simpler, more accessible game development in Python. Select your tech arsenal diligently.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.