For beginners and story-focused RPG developers, RPG Maker’s user-friendly interface and story-driven specificity triumph. However, if you require versatility, powerful scripting language, and open source benefits, opt for Godot. Its robustness and customization capability offer advantages for both 2D and 3D game development.

Differences of Godot and RPG Maker

Key Differences Between Godot and RPG Maker

  • Design Specificity: RPG Maker is designed specifically for story-driven RPG development. Godot offers more flexibility, catering to various genres and types.
  • Scripting Languages: Godot employs a built-in scripting language GDScript and supports C# and C++. RPG Maker uses JavaScript and HTML5.
  • Open Source: Godot is free under the MIT License, allowing maximum customization. RPG Maker, although having an engaged community for sharing modifications, does not provide open source facilities.
  • 3D Support: Godot supports both 2D and 3D game development, RPG Maker principally supports 2D.
Comparison Godot Engine RPG Maker
Open Source Yes No
Game Type 2D and 3D games Primarily 2D RPG
Language Support GDScript, C++, C#, Rust, Nim, Python JavaScript, HTML5
Platform Support Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, Web Windows, Mac, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, Linux, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Gameboy
Programming Knowledge Required Requires coding No coding knowledge required for basic tasks
Extensions/Plugins Through GDExtension API and community support Over 200 DLCs for MV iteration
Ease of Use Beginners to experienced developers Beginner friendly

What Is Godot and Who’s It For?

Godot is a nimble, open-source game engine that’s recognized for its intuitive, scene-driven design. Built around objects called nodes, it allows game creation ranging from simple blocks to complex, reusable scenes. It’s free under an MIT license, thus substantially lowering entry barriers for developers. The engine boasts a C++ support in 4.0 with GDExtension API, and a built-in scripting language, GDScript. It further offers specialized 2D workflow for games and apps, indeed a choice of many developers globally.

Targeting a wide demographic, Godot is designed for both beginner and experienced game developers. The engine excels on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It delivers regular updates and improvements while promoting flexibility and customization. For advanced functionality, it supports other language bindings such as Rust, Nim, and Python via the community.

Colorful scene depicting a developer creating a virtual gaming world in his tech-savvy workstation

Pros of Godot

  • Free and open-source with MIT license
  • User-friendly, intuitive design
  • Regular updates and improvements
  • Supports many languages: GDScript, C++, C#
  • Wide-range platform compatibility
  • High and low-end device support in 3D engine

Cons of Godot

  • Lackof .NET availability for non-desktop platforms in Godot 4
  • Not suitable for complex 3D game development

What Is RPG Maker and Who’s It For?

RPG Maker is an iconic game development software first launched on December 17, 1992. Championed by ASCII, Enterbrain, Agetec, and Degica, this tool is crafted primarily for the development of RPGs, emphasizing on story-driven elements. Its latest edition, RPG Maker MV, provides a simple interface that doesn’t require coding knowledge and features a robust character creation option.

This software is aimed at novices and experts alike — from eager game enthusiasts to professional developers. Offering a flexible and intuitive platform, RPG Maker hosts an array of titles on Steam, showcases sprite-based 2D graphics emulating early Final Fantasy games. With over 200 DLCs available for RPG Maker MV, the platform thrives with extensive support and modifications from its community.

Colorful illustration of a game designer working diligently on RPG Maker in a vibrant coworking space

Pros of RPG Maker

  • Easy-to-use, beginner-friendly
  • Robust character creation options
  • Supports cross-platform compatibility
  • Radiant history and community support
  • Affordable DLCs, enhancing experience

Cons of RPG Maker

  • Engine limitations affect game design
  • Success hinges on a skilled developer
  • Controversies due to improper use

Code Examples for Godot & RPG Maker

Node Movement in Godot

This Godot code snippet creates a unique, fun player movement script. It will allow beginners to understand input methods and integrate them into their character movement within the Godot engine. This script requires a KinematicBody2D node to function correctly.

                extends KinematicBody2D
        const SPEED = 400
        func _physics_process(delta):
            var velocity = Vector2()
            if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
                velocity.x += 1
            if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
                velocity.x -= 1
            if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"):
                velocity.y += 1
            if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
                velocity.y -= 1

            velocity = velocity.normalized() * SPEED

Creating a Dialogue System in RPG Maker

This code snippet for RPG Maker allows the creation of a GUI-based dialogue system. It helps intermediate users explore the text features of RPG Maker. This script requires the Graphics module and must run in the game working environment.

                class Window_Dialog < Window_Base
            def initialize
                super(0, 0, 640, 480)
                self.contents = - 32, height - 32)

            def text=(message)
                self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 60, 32, message)

        class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
            alias start_old start
            def start
                @dialog_window =

            alias terminate_old terminate
            def terminate

Godot Vs RPG Maker: The Final Verdict

In a world where game development tech battles for supremacy, the duel between Godot and RPG Maker isn’t a match easily decided. Both contenders have their strengths, and the ultimate call depends on the unique needs and experience level of the developer.


For beginners dipping their toes into the game design waters, RPG Maker could be their best bet. With its simplicity of use, no required coding knowledge, and a focused approach on storytelling, the platform feels less overwhelming.

  • No need for hefty initial experience.
  • Over 200 DLCs available, offering variety and customizability.

A beginner developer looking satisfied after completing his first game project on RPG Maker


Godot lends itself to experienced developers targeting multiple platforms including desktop and mobile. With its open-source license, GDScript, and C# for .NET platform, the engine is supportive of more sophisticated game logic.

  • Godot offers an intuitive, scene-driven design.
  • Permits the creation of games from simple blocks.

An experienced developer working on Godot, appreciating its versatile features and freedom for game creation


Developers targeting mobile platforms might find Godot fitting their bill better. Godot 3.5 supports Android phones & tablets besides other mobile & Web platforms.

  • Easy import of Blender files.
  • Has visual editor built into the engine for coding.

Mobile game developer focussed on creating game with Godot, appreciating mobile compatibility

Either an open canvas for advanced developers like Godot, or a beginner-friendly, story-driven tool like RPG Maker, the choice ultimately roots down to your specific requirement. Consider the degree of complexity you require and your proficiency in game design before choosing.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.