Godot excels in lightweight, adaptable game development via an intuitive scene-node structure and a variety of language support, it’s best for both hobbyist and professional game developers focusing on 2D games. Conversely, Solar2D‘s strength lies in fast, robust multi-platform mobile/desktop app development with impeccable real-time testing facilities, making it ideal for developers prioritizing rapid development across various platforms.

Differences of Godot and Solar2D

Key Differences Between Godot and Solar2D

  • Design Philosophy: Godot uses scene-driven design with nodes organization, Solar2D focuses on mobile/desktop applications.
  • Language Support: Godot supports GDscript, C++, C#, with community support for Rust, Nim, Python; Solar2D runs primarily on Lua with direct calls to other native libraries.
  • Performance: Godot struggles with complex 3D games, Solar2D achieves a faster frame rate than most competitors.
  • Testing: Godot does not offer real-time testing, Solar2D has a unique instant-update Simulator.
  • Cost: Both are free and open-source under MIT license but Solar2D guarantees no data tracking or gathering.
Comparison Godot Solar2D
Type Open-source game engine Cross-platform mobile app development
Design Scale Scene-driven, node-based design Single code base for multi-platform
Scripting GDScript, C# Lua
Extensibility C++, Rust, Nim, Python through community C, C++, Obj-C, Java
3D Capabilities Supports high and low-end devices Primarily 2D
Licensing Free under MIT license Open source, MIT licensed
Release First appeared in 1953 First released in 2009
Platforms Windows, macOS, Linux, Android iOS, tvOS, Android, Android TV, macOS, Windows, Linux
Design Workflow Specialized 2D workflow for games and apps Instant-update Simulator
Support for developer Regular updates & improvements Vibrant developer community
Suitability Beginners & experienced game devs Beginners and experienced developers
Audio Audio Bus/Layout system with real-time effects Ad support for monetization
Editor Built-in visual editor Integrated Simulator for previewing functions

What Is Godot and Who’s It For?

Godot is an open-source, versatile game engine designed to support the creation of sophisticated games and apps. With intuitive scene-driven design, Godot allows both the hobbyist and the professional to build games from uncomplicated blocks, using nodes to form complex reusable scenes – all under the MIT free license. Tightly integrating a built-in scripting language, GDScript or C#, for a streamlined game logic, Godot proves to be the choice of global developers. Furthermore, the engine operates on multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux and is renowned for supporting regular updates and improvements.

Godot targets both beginners and experienced game developers seeking flexibility, customization, and an engine which packs in a visual editor. However, it might not be the first choice for complex 3D game development owing to its existing capability.

Colorful setting of a developer creating 3D game scene using Godot

Pros of Godot

  • Open-source and free under MIT license
  • Intuitive scene-driven design
  • Built-in scripting language
  • Supports multiple platforms
  • Good for beginners & experienced game devs

Cons of Godot

  • Not suitable for complex 3D game dev
  • .NET only available for desktop platforms

What Is Solar2D and Who’s It For?

Solar2D is a cross-platform mobile app development framework that allows developers to code and design for an array of devices from mobile, desktop, to TV devices with a unified code base. Evolved from the renowned Corona SDK, Solar2D offers scripting in Lua for a robust build, fostering real-time testing of code and asset modifications. The technology is celebrated for two key operational modes – Solar2D Simulator for direct app building and Solar2D Native for integrating Lua code and assets within an Xcode or Android Studio project.

Solar2D invites developers, beginners and experienced alike, in search of a powerful framework with cost and time efficiency, vibrant community support, and faster frame rate as compared to rivals. This privacy aware platform is free with no hidden fees, making it a prominent choice for developing 2D mobile and connected TV applications.

Colorful image of a developer coding mobile app using Solar2D

Pros of Solar2D

  • Single code base for various platforms
  • Open-source and 100% free, no hidden costs
  • Powerful APIs and faster frame rate
  • Develop with Lua, C++, Obj-C, C, Java
  • Strong community support

Cons of Solar2D

  • Primarily suited for 2D applications

Godot vs Solar2D: Pricing

Both Godot and Solar2D offer free, open-source platforms for game development under the MIT license, with no hidden fees or royalties.


Godot is free and offers an open-source gaming engine under the MIT license. It has a modifiable codebase and imposes no licensing fees, contracts, or hidden costs. This pricing structure allows developers to create user-owned games without any financial obligations.


Solar2D is also entirely free, providing an open-source mobile app development platform. It operates under the MIT license and guarantees no hidden costs or royalties. Moreover, it is designed for privacy with no tracking or data gathering.

Code Examples for Godot & Solar2D


This code snippet demonstrates a simple node movement in Godot where a ‘sprite’ node is moved up on pressing the space key. Ensure you have installed Godot 3.3.4 mono or higher.

    extends Node2D
    var Speed = 250 

    func _ready():

    func _process(delta):
        var move = Vector2()
        if Input.is_action_pressed('ui_space'): 
            move.y -= 1
        position += move.normalized()*Speed*delta


Here’s a Solar2D snippet to create a graphical button which triggers a print statement on being tapped. The platform must have Solar2D (Previously Corona SDK) installed.

    local widget = require('widget')
    local btn_options = 
        width = 150,
        height = 40,
        label = "Tap Here",
        onEvent = btnEvent
    local button = widget.newButton(btn_options)
    button.x = display.contentCenterX
    button.y = display.contentCenterY
    function btnEvent(ev)
        if ev.phase == "ended" then
            print('Button pressed!')

Time for Decision: Godot or Solar2D?

End the suspense. Let’s distill down to the compelling verdict – which gem to pick, Godot or Solar2D?

For Beginners

For novice game makers, Godot’s intuitive scene-driven design, its block-based game creation, and built-in GDScript language make a friendly initiation. Extensive tutorials and community support sweeten the deal.

A beginner, in his learning gear, engrossed with Godot's tutorials

2D Game Enthusiasts

Solar2D shines for 2D game development, powered by the Lua scripting language and offers a one-stop solution with its extensive plugins. Its design-focus and vibrant developer community enhance its appeal.

2D game enthusiasts, strategizing their game-plan using Solar2D

Multiplatform Developers

Both engines offer multi-platform support, but Solar2D provides a unique edge with its single codebase for iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, and Linux, accelerating the development process.

Multi-platform developer, busy deploying their game across diverse platforms

3D Game Developers

For 3D games and AR/VR apps, Godot’s 3D engine, direct Blender integration, and forthcoming C++ support in Godot 4.0 offer the best bet, despite not suitable for complex 3D game development.

Futuristic 3D game developer, deep-diving into Godot's 3D engine

The final shot: Newbie-friendly Godot wins for 3D games and AR/VR apps, while Solar2D excels in 2D game development with a leaner development process.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.