For forward-thinking developers seeking comprehensive, user-friendly AR, 8th Wall is the ideal choice. Innovative features like WebAR, hand tracking, and sky effects offer powerful tools for AR creation. However, those seeking a less-code-focused approach and financial returns should consider investing in Gravity Jack.

Gravity Jack vs 8th Wall

Key Differences Between Gravity Jack and 8th Wall

  • Gravity Jack’s long-standing experience in AR and diversified portfolio versus 8th Wall’s laser-focus on WebAR development
  • Gravity Jack’s agency service model as opposed to 8th Wall’s developer-centric model
  • 8th Wall’s WebAR accessible on all smartphones, while Gravity Jack explores AR glasses
  • 8th Wall’s extensive focus on hand, face and environment augmentation; Gravity Jack pivots towards AI and game development
  • Pricing: 8th Wall’s commercial license exceeding 2000 USD per month, Gravity Jack offers shares at $3.92
Comparison Gravity Jack 8th Wall
Nature of Operations AR Tech Company with Agency Service Model AR Developer Platform and Computer Vision Technology Stack
Introduced AR/VR Game or Application Yes (Skydive 360, War Tribe of Binyamin) No Details Provided
Patents Owned Yes (7) No Details Provided
Major Clients Mitsubishi, Toyota, NASA, Intel, Ford, Dell, Samsung, Lockheed Martin, Department of Defense etc. Top-tier brands across various sectors
Utilizes AI and Machine Learning Yes No Details Provided
Dividends to Shareholders Yes (Equal to 10% of the game’s revenue after App Store fees) No
AR Industry Valuation $74 billion by 2030 No Details Provided
Company Valuation $22.78M No Details Provided
Company’s Vision Global connection through gameplay, empowering underserved communities, merging digital and physical world Making AR accessible to everyone
Investment Range $348.88 – $1,234,999.92 No Details Provided
Offering type Equity No Details Provided
Asset type Common stock No Details Provided
Web Technology Used No Details Provided WebAR, JavaScript, WebGL, HTML5
Creator’s Experience No Details Provided Founder Erik Murphy-Chutorian holds a PhD in Computer Vision and has expertise in computer vision, imaging infrastructure, data analysis, full-stack/mobile product development
WebAR Features No Details Provided 6-DoF Tracking, Lighting and Surface Estimation, Image Target Tracking (Flat and Curved), Lightship VPS, Face Effects
Commercial License Cost No Details Provided Exceeds 2000 USD per month
Platforms compatibile No Details Provided Apple Vision Pro Headset via AR Code

What Is Gravity Jack and Who’s It For?

Based out of US, Gravity Jack is a digital leader in the world of augmented reality technology since 2009. The AR innovator is co-created by Luke Richey, Jennifer Richey, and Terry Hoy. The company’s success spans across industries with services delivered to over 300 clients. Gravity Jack operates on an agency service model where it has designed and developed varied AR applications including ‘Skydive 360’ and ‘War Tribe of Binyamin’.

It caters to a vast array of clientele such as government authorities, automotive companies including Mitsubishi, Ford and Toyota, among others. The firm is not only instrumental in AR but also in creating AI-integrated applications and multilingual machine learning datasets. Gravity Jack is a perfect fit for organizations and industries seeking to meld the digital and physical realms through AR and VR technology.

Colorful image of technocrats in a vibrant workspace

Pros of Gravity Jack

  • Pioneered object detection using machine learning
  • Created by a highly skilled team
  • Wide range of clients across industries
  • Holds seven AR and computer vision patents

Cons of Gravity Jack

  • Initial tech hurdles due to lack of AR glasses and smartphones
  • Returned investment from a global tech giant considering the timing being inappropriate

What Is 8th Wall and Who’s It For?

8th Wall, headquartered in Palo Alto, California, is an award-winning AR developer platform by Niantic Inc. It is driven to making augmented reality accessible via interactive web-based AR (WebAR), right at your fingertips. 8th Wall has powered over 2000 commercial experiences for several top-tier brands in its first year of operation.

The company’s AR Engine and Cloud Editor assist developers from the initiation to the distribution and discovery of unrivaled WebAR content. With further tools such as SLAM system, hand tracking and sky effects, 8th Wall is set to revolutionize the AR and VR space. This platform is intended for developers who have an understanding of web technologies like JavaScript, WebGL, and HTML5.

Colorful depiction of developers in a state-of-the-art lab

Pros of 8th Wall

  • Accessible on any smartphone—no app required
  • AR Engine built using standards-compliant JavaScript, WebGL
  • Powered 2,000 commercial experiences in its first year
  • New features like hand tracking, sky effects, and SLAM engine

Cons of 8th Wall

  • Requires understanding of web technologies like JavaScript, WebGL, HTML5
  • Costlier commercial license
  • Relies only on WebAR technology, not compatible with Apple Vision Pro Headset

Gravity Jack or 8th Wall – The Final Word

For those seeking quantitative answers in the sea of possibilities, let down your anchors. Here’s a decisive guide to help you weigh the Gravity Jack and 8th Wall technologies.

For Established Enterprises

Gravity Jack wins. With its established presence, it exudes reliable performance. Entities like Mitsubishi, Toyota, NASA, Intel, etc have leveraged their technology. Special emphasise on their agency service model brings tailored solutions, which a large organization can benefit from.

Well established enterprise seeking robust augmented reality solutions.

For AR Game Developers

If breathless innovation is your game, lunge for 8th Wall. Their WebAR technology alone can usher you into the next realm of AR game development. Plus, their slew of development tools empowers you with the necessary arsenal to create epic gaming experiences.

An AR game developer ideating on the next big thing in augmented reality games.

For AI Enthusiasts

Face Gravity Jack‘s offering with a grin. Their focus on integrating AI algorithms into their AR tech, yields immense potential for tinkering AI mavens. Further, their forthcoming global language translation engine promises exciting explorations.

AI enthusiast gleefully working on integrating artificial intelligence with augmented reality.

For Web Developers Delving Into AR

8th Wall is the undeniable choice. Their tools like SLAM and AR Engine are built using JavaScript & WebGL. Their dev-focused infrastructure nurtures the crossover from web to AR development.

Web developer engrossed in coding, transiting to augmented reality development.

While Gravity Jack’s legacy and versatility pack a compelling punch, 8th Wall’s focus on accessible and immersive WebAR gives it a compelling edge. If you’re a developer easing into AR, 8th Wall is your calling. But, for AI enthusiasts and established organizations seeking proven solutions, bet on Gravity Jack.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.