For immersive gaming and sharper visuals, the HTC Vive Pro leads. Though pricier, its high pixel density and robust audio delivers an elevated experience for AR/VR enthusiasts. However, if you lean towards console gaming with the PlayStation 5, choose PSVR 2. Despite its high cost, its improved specs and comfortable, personalized design make it the better option.

HTC Vive Pro vs PSVR 2

Key Differences Between HTC Vive Pro and PSVR 2

  • Vive Pro connects to a PC, PSVR 2 requires PlayStation 5.
  • PSVR 2 offers an immersive VR experience with a passthrough button, Vive Pro doesn’t.
  • Vive Pro has higher pixel density, while PSVR 2 includes robust Sense Controllers.
  • PSVR 2 is not backward compatible with PSVR 1 titles, but Vive Pro is compatible with original Vive hardware.
  • Vive Pro costs $1,100 with base stations; PSVR 2 comes at $550, requires the purchase of a PlayStation 5.
  • Vive Pro offers room-scale tracking capabilities; PSVR 2 provides eye-tracking.
Comparison HTC Vive Pro PSVR 2
Price $799 (base unit), $1100 (with base stations) $549.99/£529.99
Hardware prerequisites Two base stations, motion controllers, and PC PlayStation 5
Display AMOLED screens – dual 3.5 inch 1440×1600, 90Hz refresh rate, 110-degree view 2000 x 2040 per eye, HDR support
Audio High-quality built-in headphones Earbuds included
Controllers Compatible with original Vive motion controllers PSVR 2 Sense Controllers with finger tracking and adaptive triggers
Comfort Comfortable, secure design Adjustable, bulky but lightweight, sturdy headband
Connection Link box with micro USB port and mini DisplayPort Single USB-C input
Tracking Dual cameras for 3-D tracking Inside-out tracking, eye-tracking
Software Compatibility Compatible with original Vive games and software Not backward compatible with PSVR1 titles

What Is HTC Vive Pro and Who’s It For?

The HTC Vive Pro is a virtual reality headset, an advanced version of the original HTC Vive, known for its sharper screens, upgraded features, and superior sound capabilities. It is the perfect choice for VR enthusiasts, professionals, or individuals with the willingness to spend more for an elevated Virtual Reality experience. However, its market reach may be limited due to the steep price tag attached to it.

Colorful image of a tech enthusiast enjoying virtual reality through the navy blue HTC Vive Pro in a modern gaming room

Pros of HTC Vive Pro

  • High-resolution AMOLED screens for a sharper image
  • Built-in high-definition headphones
  • Improved gaming controls
  • Dual on-board cameras for 3D tracking
  • Comfortable and secure design

Cons of HTC Vive Pro

  • Steep cost with additional costs for base stations and controllers
  • VR capabilities not substantially better than predecessor
  • Lack of bundled hardware necessary for function
  • Remains tethered to a computer for use

What Is PSVR 2 and Who’s It For?

PSVR 2, Sony’s latest VR headset, offers an improved experience compared to its predecessor, PSVR 1, providing gamers with eye tracking technology, better resolution, and high comfort. The PSVR 2 requires a PlayStation 5 console, making it ideal for dedicated PlayStation fans and VR gamers seeking an upgrade. Despite a high price tag, PSVR 2 offers a robust VR experience with promising future exclusives.

Colorful depiction of a gamer immersed in high-definition VR gaming in a living room using the PSVR 2

Pros of PSVR 2

  • No need for external camera and processor boxes
  • Improved specifications over previous version
  • Eye-tracking technology
  • Enhanced comfort with an adjustable, lightweight design
  • Supports HDR, ensuring a vivid display

Cons of PSVR 2

  • High cost
  • Hardware prerequisite of PlayStation 5
  • Not backward compatible with previous PSVR titles
  • Batteries deplete quickly
  • Game pool limited compared to other platforms

HTC Vive Pro vs PSVR 2: Pricing

Despite their respective evolutions, HTC Vive Pro and PSVR 2 are priced fairly steeply at $1,100 and $550 respectively, making them a premium choice mostly for enthusiasts and professionals.

HTC Vive Pro

Priced at $799, the HTC Vive Pro comes without necessary hardware like base stations and controllers, which are available as part of a core bundle for an extra $300. This takes the effective cost to $1,100. The device competes with its predecessor, the HTC Vive, that retails at $499 including the full hardware set. The high cost and requirement for additional hardware purchases limit its market to those with a high disposable income or professional VR needs.


PSVR 2 costs $550, but also needs a PlayStation 5 for operation, adding to the overall expense. In addition to the individual VR headset’s price, PSVR 2’s Sense controllers, headset feedback, and adaptive triggers might lead to additional expenses. Despite its high-end features like 4K visuals and engaging haptic feedback, the pricing of PSVR 2 is prohibitive, especially when compared with the PlayStation 5 console it needs for operation.

Final Showdown: HTC Vive Pro vs PSVR 2

When it’s HTC Vive Pro vs PSVR 2, the match is a tight one. Let’s dissect for whom each is the ideal pick.

Hardcore Tech Enthusiasts

The HTC Vive Pro is a perfect fit for tech veterans with a penchant for VR and the disposable income to invest. Its superior resolution, powerful audio system, and impeccable stereoscopic vision deliver a VR experience that edges past the PSVR 2. Convert your living room into a high-end VR arcade with the Vive Pro.

Tech enthusiast immersed in virtual reality gaming with HTC Vive Pro

Console Gamers

If you already own a PS5, adding PSVR 2 to your arsenal makes sense. With its seamless integration, no need for extra hardware, and a sturdy, adjustable design, you’re immersed into an unparalleled VR console gaming experience.

PS5 gamer, engaged in an exciting VR game using PSVR 2

Audio Connoisseurs

For those who covet top-quality sounds in their VR experience, HTC Vive Pro, with its upgraded, in-built faux-leather earpads, offers a stellar audio immersion that the PSVR 2’s earbuds simply can’t match.

VR user with a keen ear for quality audio, immersed in the rich soundscape of HTC Vive Pro

Visual Vanguards

If high-definition visuals are your utmost priority, PSVR 2 pulls ahead with finer resolution, HDR support, and a more vivid display. Its 4K visuals breathe new life into your virtual environments.

Visual enthusiast awestruck by PSVR 2's stunning visuals

Undeniably, the HTC Vive Pro and PSVR 2 offer premium VR experiences. The choice boils down to your specific needs. Choose HTC Vive Pro for a high-resolution, auditory masterpiece tethered to your PC, or pick PSVR 2 for a seamless, console-based VR journey with spectacular visuals.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.