For developers desiring to enrich their applications with robust hand tracking, Leap Motion is your pick due to its years of specialization in this field. Conversely, if you’re aiming for generalized machine learning solutions across different platforms, opt for MediaPipe‘s versatility and Google integration.

Leap Motion and MediaPipe compared

Key Differences Between Leap Motion and MediaPipe

  • Leap Motion is a pioneer in hand and finger tracking technology while MediaPipe is a cross-platform framework built for custom machine learning solutions.
  • Leap Motion has various industry applications in VR training, 3D manipulation and digital content navigation, MediaPipe is primarily used for rapid prototyping of perception pipelines for AI model inferencing.
  • Leap Motion is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Android XR2 while MediaPipe allows broad deployment: Android, iOS, desktop, edge, cloud, web, IoT.
  • Leap Motion was founded in 2010 and is now a part of Ultrahaptics, operating under the name Ultraleap. MediaPipe, initiated by Google in 2012, is presently in the Alpha stage, showcasing prebuilt ML solutions.
Comparison Leap Motion MediaPipe
Founded 2010 2012
Company co-founders Michael Buckwald and David Holz Google Inc
Technology Hardware sensor for hands and fingers motion Cross-platform pipeline framework for custom machine learning
First product launched May 21, 2012 2019
First shipped July 2013 2019
Compatible platform Windows, macOS, Android XR2, Pico, HTC, Varjo Android, iOS, web, desktop, edge, cloud, IoT
Technology use Enhancing VR experiences, complex task mastering, controlling LEDs, 3D MIDI control, 3D audio mixing Video processing, machine learning, and AI model inference
Operating System Compatibility Windows, macOS, Android XR2 Android, iOS, Desktop, Edge
Other products Leap Motion Controller 1 and 2 Viso Suite, pre-built ML solutions
Main use Gesture-based interaction, VR training, content navigation, 3D manipulation Creation of CV pipelines, prototyping perception pipelines for AI model inferencing
Partnerships ASUS, Hewlett Packard, Best Buy, Newegg, Integrated into Google products like Lens, NestCam, Augmented reality ads, Google Home, Google Photos, Gmail, Cloud Vision API

What Is Leap Motion and Who’s It For?

Leap Motion, a maestro in the realm of AR/VR, started its technological journey in 2010 under the name OcuSpec Inc. This brainchild of Michael Buckwald and David Holz primarily focuses on creating computer hardware sensors for tracking hand and finger motions as input mechanisms. Launched under the new moniker, Leap Motion in May 2012, the company has been influencing the AR/VR space through its novel offerings such as Leap Motion Controller and the software Orion, designed explicitly for hand-tracking in VR.

Leap Motion products cater to a versatile demographic. Designers, Engineers, Educators, and Gamers all find value in this tech. But it particularly resonates with VR enthusiasts, to whom it offers sophisticated gesture-based interaction and enhanced VR experiences.

Colorful snapshot of an engineer using the Leap Motion Controller in a VR simulation lab

Pros of Leap Motion

  • Highly accurate hand motion tracking – a precision of up to 0.7 millimeters.
  • Compatibility with various VR headsets and operating systems
  • Innovative software like Orion catering specifically to VR use.

Cons of Leap Motion

  • Mixed customer reception towards the Leap Motion Controller.
  • Initial delays in full-scale product shipping.

What Is MediaPipe and Who’s It For?

MediaPipe, Google’s response to custom machine learning solutions, stands as an open-source, cross-platform pipeline framework, perfect for handling live and streaming media. Launching publicly in 2019, it found its first uses within Google for YouTube, and has since dramatically expanded its footprint, integrating into platforms like Google Lens, NestCam, and Augmented reality ads.

The primary focus of MediaPipe is to enable rapid prototype development for AI model sensing and deployment, making it highly useful for developers employing machine learning models and computer vision pipelines in their applications.

Colorful depiction of a software developer working with MediaPipe on several screens in a high-tech lab

Pros of MediaPipe

  • Availability across various platforms, from Android and iOS to cloud, web, and IoT.
  • Offers pre-built ML solutions, simplifying the development process.
  • Open source and customizable, licensed under Apache 2.0.

Cons of MediaPipe

  • Currently still in the alpha stage.

Leap Motion vs MediaPipe: Pricing

Leap Motion, a commercial product, contrasts with MediaPipe’s free, open-source model.

Leap Motion

Leap Motion was acquired for an estimated $30 million in 2019, and its premium hand tracking technology has been embedded into hardware such as laptops and keyboards, hinting at its cost-based business model. However, specific product pricing is not disclosed.


Developed by Google, MediaPipe is a freely accessible open-source framework. It is licensed under Apache 2.0, allowing for extensive customization at no charge to the users.

Leap Motion Code Snippet

Leap Motion – Hand Motion Tracking

This code snippet leverages the Leap Motion JavaScript API to track the positions of your hand. It requires the Leap.js library from the official Leap Motion SDK.

    let controller = new Leap.Controller()
    controller.on('frame', function(frame) {
        frame.hands.forEach(function(hand) {
            let [x, y, z] = hand.palmPosition
            console.log('Hand position:', x.toFixed(1), y.toFixed(1), z.toFixed(1))

MediaPipe Code Snippet

MediaPipe – Hand Gesture Detection

This code snippet utilizes MediaPipe’s hand gesture recognition technology. The HTML page should have a <video> and <canvas> element for capturing and displaying the video stream.

    const video = document.getElementById('inputVideo')
    const canvas = document.getElementById('outputCanvas')
    const hands = new Hands({locateFile: (file) => file})
    hands.setOptions({maxNumHands: 2, minDetectionConfidence: 0.7})
    new Camera(video, {onFrame: async() => await hands.send({image: video})}).start()
    function onResults(results) {
        const ctx = outputCanvas.getContext('2d')
        drawConnectors(ctx, results.multiHandLandmarks, HAND_CONNECTIONS)

The Final Word: Leap Motion vs MediaPipe

As both Leap Motion and MediaPipe showcase unique capabilities, final verdict sways with the specific user needs and context.

VR Enthusiasts and Game Makers

Leap Motion with its Orion software offers immersive VR compatibility and gesture-based interaction. It’s beneficial for developing VR games and applications by giving more freedom to create complex tasks. Also, the hardware compatibility with Pico, HTC, and Varjo VR headset is significant.

VR enthusiast engaged with high-tech gaming setup

Developers and Data Engineers

MediaPipe with its cross-platform pipeline excels for machine learning prototypes and intricate applications. Its ability to integrate with Viso Suite, harnessing the power of GPU, CPU, TPU, and performance optimization give it the edge for developers and data engineers. Furthermore, it’s applicable for diverse platforms from Android, iOS, desktop, to edge, cloud, web, and IoT.

Focused developer working on complex data pipelines

Product Designers and Artists

Leap Motion benefits product designers and artists with its precise 3D manipulation capabilities. It permits refined control over digital designs and illustrations, enhanced with its ultra accuracy of 0.7 millimeters.

Artist interacting with AR graphic interface using Leap Motion

AI Model Developers

MediaPipe’s ability to perform computer vision inference over arbitrary sensory data and provision of pre-built ML solutions give it legroom for AI model developers to simplify model inferencing involved deployment and reusable components deployment.

AI specialist assessing computer model accuracy in MediaPipe

In a nutshell, Leap Motion proves to be the optimal choice for VR, gaming, and design; MediaPipe excels in machine learning applications, computer vision pipeline creation, and for developers requiring custom platform compatibility. Hence choose wisely as per your unique needs.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.