For quick creation of engaging AR filters, Spark AR shines, especially suiting brand campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. However, Lens Studio rules the roost for broader platform compatibility, offering advanced features and strong user engagement on Snapchat.

Lens Studio and Spark AR compared

Key Differences Between Lens Studio and Spark AR

  • Coding: Lens Studio features Script Graph Editor, Behavior Scripting, and scripting API, while Spark AR leans towards no-code development.
  • Distribution: Lens Studio allows cross-platform distribution on Android, iOS, while Spark AR primarily supports Instagram and Facebook.
  • User Engagement: Lens studio boasts 250 million AR users daily, with lenses used 6 billion times; Spark AR’s unique reach metrics are nebulous.
  • Support: Spark AR aids creators with step-by-step guides, tutorials, and community support; Lens Studio offers templates, guides and an official Creator Program.
  • Technology: Lens Studio pioneers in machine learning augmentations with SnapML, while Spark AR embedded Plane Tracker connects virtual objects to physical places.
Comparison Lens Studio Spark AR
Application AR application for artists, developers Used for launching AR campaigns, connecting developers, securing freelancing projects
Platform Base Snapchat Facebook, Instagram
Features Custom shaders, advanced tracking, segmentation, Landmarker tracking, SnapML Creative tool, face and movement tracking tools, ability to add sound and 3D objects easily
User Engagement Over 75% users engage AR daily on Snapchat Increases user engagement on social platforms
Distribution Cross-platform on iOS, Android Predominantly on Facebook, Instagram
Templates and Guides Provides templates and guides to starters Offers step-by-step guides and video tutorials with community support
Asset Support Compatible with Spectacles content, 3D/2D software Support from Sketchfab and Facebook’s free library
AR Creation Opportunities Templates for automatic Lens creation, user-created AR lenses AR experiences from basic to sophisticated 3D models
Product Promotion Lens Ads for business promotion Boosts ROI, enhances product reach on social platforms
Analytics Project analytics available including demographics, interests, Lens insights Robust analytics available to measure product performance

What Is Lens Studio and Who’s It For?

Lens Studio by Snap Inc. is a comprehensive platform for artists and developers to build augmented reality experiences. Aimed at harnessing the power of creativity and technology, it targets anyone with an idea for an AR experience, programmers to graphic designers, from professionals to amateurs.

Its dominance is bolstered by Snapchat’s robust user base of 347 million daily active users, with a staggering 75% engaging with AR daily. This powerful AR tool is designed to integrate seamlessly across iOS and Android platforms, enabling its reach and influence to be truly international.

Colorful depiction of an artist in a tech studio using Lens Studio

Pros of Lens Studio

  • Dedicated platform for AR creation
  • Wide array of built-in features for customization
  • Extensive user base
  • Partnership opportunities
  • Access to analytics
  • Lenses can be used worldwide

Cons of Lens Studio

  • Demands technical expertise for certain features
  • Limited to Snapchat platform

What Is Spark AR and Who’s It For?

Spark AR by Facebook is an immersive AR platform leveraged for branding and marketing on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. It’s designed particularly for developers, freelancers, or anyone looking to maximize their brand presence in the social media space.

An open-source platform, Spark AR bridges the gap between the product and the user, providing a responsive, engaging user experience. Despite being highly computational, Spark AR has successfully carved a niche for itself, particularly with Instagram and Facebook products.

Colorful rendering of a developer in a modern workspace creating Spark AR effects

Pros of Spark AR

  • User-friendly tool for creating AR experiences
  • Compatible with major social platforms
  • Boosts Return of Investment (ROI)
  • Rich library of assets
  • No coding knowledge needed, promotes creativity

Cons of Spark AR

  • High computational requirements
  • Limited primarily to Instagram and Facebook
  • Strict community guidelines

Code Examples for Lens Studio & Spark AR

Lens Studio – Interactive 3D Emoji Animation

Create a simple, interactive 3D emoji animation. Users tap on screen to trigger an emoji animation. Make sure Lens Studio 3.1 or later is installed for the code to function optimally.

    // Create a reference to the Emoji object
    var emoji = global.scene.createSceneObject("Emoji");

    // Define tap gesture
    global.touchSystem.touchBlocking = true;
    global.touchSystem.enableTouchBlockingException("TouchTypeDoubleTap", true);
    global.touchSystem.enableTouchBlockingException("TouchTypeSwipe", true);

    // Trigger animation on tap
        // Trigger animation

Spark AR – Dynamic Temperature Filter

Create a dynamic temperature filter in Spark AR that changes color tones based on device temperature. Ensure Spark AR v85 or later is installed for the code to run seamlessly. This code includes sample RGB values for “cold”, “normal”, and “hot” states.

    // Get reference to device module
    const Device = require('Device');
    // Get reference to Reactive module
    const Reactive = require('Reactive');

    // Define color tones
    var coldTone = [150, 210, 255];
    var normalTone = [255, 255, 255];
    var hotTone = [255, 94, 99];

    // Get device temperature
    var deviceTemp = Device.ambientThermometer;

    // Apply temperature filter
        onNext: (temp) => {
            var colorTone;
            if(temp < 0) colorTone = coldTone;
            else if(temp >= 0 && temp <= 30) colorTone = normalTone;
            else colorTone = hotTone;
            Reactive.mul(colorTone, temp);

The Verdict: Lens Studio or Spark AR – Which Reigns Supreme?

An important battle, Lens Studio vs Spark AR is an intense one.

For Developers Seeking Flexibility and Versatility

Lens Studio clearly dances circles around Spark AR with its cross-platform distribution, compatibility with Spectacles content, and powerful features like SnapML for machine learning augmentation. Its adaptability with 2D/3D design software is an advantage for creative developers.

Developer working on his laptop, experimenting with Lens Studio

For Developers Prioritizing AR Engagement and User Traffic

If you’re a developer with a strong focus on user engagement, Lens Studio takes the trophy. With more than 70 million users interacting daily, it’s a platform that promises massive user traffic.

Developer reviewing engagement metrics on Lens Studio interface

For Emerging AR Creators and Brand Campaigners

For beginners in AR and marketers launching brand campaigns, Spark AR is the magic wand. Its seamless ability to create filters rapidly and easy effect transmission to social media sites like Facebook and Instagram gives it an edge.

A young marketer using Spark AR for launching a promotional brand campaign

For AR Enthusiasts with Minimal Scripting Expertise

Spark AR Studio caters to those with minimal scripting knowledge, offering ambient user engagement, efficiency, product branding and marketing on social platforms, proving itself an unsurpassed platform.

AR enthusiast with little scripting knowledge using Spark AR Studio

While Lens Studio outplays with its versatility and user engagement, Spark AR sweetens the deal for those dabbling in AR creation and marketing. Beginners savour Spark’s user-friendly attributes, but for seasoned players seeking flexibility, Lens Studio bewilders.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.